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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE to f S14.3SC.0S JJ7.77' 0,000.00 S.392.81 I- . 113,392.31 64,269,C Iteport of the Condition of tlio FIRST NATIONAL B AKK Charter No. 340G. Kesorvo Dlst. No. 10. at Nortli Platto, In tho Stato of Nebras ka, at the close of business on Decem ber 2'J. 1020. IlESOUKCES i.oaiiB And dis counts OTorUrafts unao- , secured IT. B. Government securities nncdi Deposited to se cure circula tion, (U. S. bonds par val ue) $100,000.00 Pledged to bo curo postal savings depos its (par value) Owned nnd un pledged ...... Total U. S. Gov ernment secur ities Other IlondH, securities etci Honda, and socur curltlcs (oth er than U. S. securities) pledged us col lateral fo; State or other deposltst (pos tal excluded) or bills nay- able ....... Total bonds, bc ' securities, etc.. other than U. S. Stock of Feder al HesorVo Hank (50 per cent of sub scription).... Valuo of bank ing house.own- ' V cd unincumber ed :. 58,000.00 Equity In bank- . 1 lng houso ... Furniture nnd fixtures ..... Heal estate ' owned other than banking house lawful , reserve ' with Federal - , ltoscrvo llank. C5.635.98 Cash In vault nnd net amount due from na- . I tlonal Banks. 214,450.63 Net amounts due from banks and bankers, and trust compan ies In tho U. S. (other than In cluded In items 11, 12 or 13.. Checks on other banks In tho same city or town as report ing bank (oth er than Item 15) ... . Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and duo from U. S. Treasurer .... Wo are prepared to ropalr scored and cracked cylinder blocks, with high Rrndo metal nlloy. electrically applied without heating, warping or enlarging tho bore. AVo solicit your work. North Platto Bulck Co. 4,259.65 5,100.00 53,000.00 5,775.07 900.00 1,665.24 2,848.57 5,000.00 279.C00.47 Total SI ,338,821.82 INABILITIES stock 53.953.00 .32,923.46 $100,000.00 70,000.0.0 21,030,.14 100,000,00 DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Ofllce over the McDonald Stat Bunk. notice. Water rent Is now duo and becomes delinquent January 20. All consumors will kindly pay by that dato. Horshoy Welsh. Water Commissioner. W. J. O'CONNOR 5c, 10c NOTICE OF TAKING Ul' ESTHAY. Taken up by tho undersigned on his premises nlno mtlcs southwest of North Platte, Lincoln Co., Nebraska, on tho first day of July 1920, ono iron gray maro weighing 1000 lbs. nnd one yearling weighing about 700 lbs. Dated this 18th day of Nov. 1020. Signed: A. E. MOORE. ANNUAL 5MlCli OF TAKING UP ESTltAY Taken up by tho undorslgned 9 miles southwest of North Plntto, Coun ty of Lincoln, State of Nebraska J on tho 22d day of Docembor, 1920: ono grey horso weight about 900 ; ono gray maro weight about 1050. Dated this 3d day of January, 1921. Signed M. II. Mngnuson. CLEARING SALE ONE WEEK ONLY. . Sale Starts Tuesday, January 11th. READ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AND NOTE THE PRE-WAR PRICES. FOR Ends Tuesday, January 18th. HAND PAINTED CALENDARS FOR 1921,' lc EACH NOTICE OP FINAL KEL'OKT. EstJato No. 1763 of Hazel Ireno Flebbo, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said Estate take notice that tho Administrator hafi filed a final account and report of hlH ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hearing be fore said court on January, -29th, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M when ou may ap pear nnd contest tho same. Dated December 30, 1920. Wm. II. C. WOODIIURST, D31-J3wks County Judge. 5SS.756.04 40,939,35 Capital paid in Surplus fund . . Undivided prints Less current ex penses, Inter est, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding" Net amounts due to banks, bank ers, and trust companies In tho United .States and for eign ' countries (othor than In cluded In Items 28 or 29) 65,962.82 Cnshler's checks on own bank standing 0,327.70 Demand deposits (other thnn lifmlc deposits) sub ject to Itcservc ' (dopos slts payable withfh 30 days) : Individual de posits subject .to check .... Certificates of deposit duo In less than 30 days (othor thnn for mon ey borrowed). Time deposits' subject to re servo fpayablo after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or moro notice, and postal savings: Certificate." or deposit (otliur than for mon ey borrowed) . Postal savings deposit , Other time de posits . 51,304.87 United States Depoxltn (other than, postal sav ings) : War loan deposit account 4.23 Letters of Credit , and Travelers' Chocks sold for cash and out standing 1,434.54 Total l,.'.t3S2I.S2 State of Nobrnskn. County of Lincoln as. I, F. L. Mooney, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd belief. F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before- me this TtU'dav of January. 1021. o k. elder. Notary1 Public. Correot Attest: K. F. SEEBERQER, RAY C. LANOFORD. JOHN J. HALLTGAN. Directors. TOWELING 7y2c YD. MEN'S PIPES 1 10c " ODD CROQUET THREAD lc COMMON PINS 2c WHITE AND COLORED STATIONERY CLEARANCE 25c BOX 2so,ooe.oo 402.13 .. 1,41, 791.CS HOG SALE. Monday Evening, January 17th, in the heated Salo Pavilion at tho Fair Grounds at Loxington wo will hold our annual Brootl ,sow Salo at 7:30. Tho offerings consist of 10 good tried sows, 20 fall yearlings and 20 spring gilts. They aro tho most practical, typy, brood-sows we havo ovor been ablo to offer you. Not tho largest in tho world but n medium typo that will finish and top tho market at from 8 to 10 months old, and thoy aro mated to thrco as classy hoad boars as thoro aro in tho stato. Tho spring gilts will weigh from 250 to 300 lbs. Tho fall gilts from 350 to 400 and tho tried sows from 400 to 700. If interested drop' us a card for catalogue giving fullor descrip tion." J. O. ANDERSON & SON, Loxington, N'obr. , OIUMNANCH 3VO. 181. Au Ordinance Authorizing; the Issuance nnd Delivery of 810.04)0.00 "City of North l'ln44p Fire House- Extension IlondH," the Sinning of Snld IlondN )iy Hie Mayor and City Clerk, nnd.Alllx XtiK of Their I'ncSlmlle SlKntureN to the Coupon Attached to Snld IlondH, Snld IlondH to lie Issued nnd Deliv ered by Snld JInyor nnd Clerk Under nnd in Accordance With the Propo sition iih Submitted to the Kiel-torn of Snld City of North lMntte. Under Date of October 1. 1020, nnd to Pro vide for the I.cvylnir' nnd Cnlleollntr by the Proper OulclnlN of Hiild City or n tax nimiinlly Sufllclent to Vuy the Interest nnd l'rlnelpnl of Snld IloiicI" iih Twiy Mntiir". BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte. Lincoln County, State of Ne braska: SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Nortjh Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, are hereby authorized , to Issue under their signa ture and the seal of said Cltv Ten Thousand 00.100 ($10,000.00) Dollnrs in "City of North Platte Fire House Ex tension Bonds:' In 'donomlnatloits of Ono Thousand 00.100 $1,000.00) Dol lars each, bearing Interest at tho rate off! per cent nor annum pnynhlo semi annually. Interest nnd principal payable-at the oirjoo of the Couijty Treas urer of Lincoln , County, Stato of Ne braska. Snld hands to bear dale of October i, 1920, and the interest on said bonds to be payable on the 1st. day of April, nil. and on tho 1st' dav of Oc tober. 1921, and on the 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of each and every year thereafter until said bonds shall mature;, and to be evidenced by Interest coupons thereto nttached. Said bonds to be- numbered from one to 10 inclusive and to become duo and pay able ns follows: ' Bonds No. 1 nnd 2 to become duo and payable on tho 1st day of October 1925: Bonus no. ana to ueooino una ami payable on the 1st day of O,ctohor, 1920: Bonds No fi nnd 0 to become duo and payable on tho 1st day of October. 1927; Bonds No 7 and S to become due nnd i payable on the 1st day-of October. 11I2S; Bonds No. 9 nnd 10 to become due nnd t lmvablo on the 1st day of October. 1929. SECTION 2. That said bonds as Is sued by the Mayor and City Clerk shall be ppynhle at the option of said City at any time wltnin live (&) years trom and ufior their date of October t. 1920, and shall be Issued in the following form: "NUMBER DOLLARS $1,000.00 STATU OK NEBRASKA, COUNTY OK LINCOLN CITY OKtNORTH PL ATTIC KIRK , HOUSE EXTENSION BOND. Duo October 1. 19 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS. Thnt the City of North Platto. In the County of Lincoln, in the Stale of Nebraska, acknowledges Itsolf Indebted and for vnluo received hereby promises to pay to tho bearer or bolder hereof the sum of ' ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in lawful Inoney of the United States of America, on the first dav of October. A. D. 19 , with Interest thereon from the dato licroor at lite rate or six pet cent (fi per cent) per annum, payable semi-annually on tho first day of April and tho first dav of October of each year that said bond is to run. upon tho presentation and surrender of tho in terest coupons hereto attached, to ovi donee said Interest: both principal and interest payable at the office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State of Nebraska; and for tho prompt payment of said principal and Interest, tho full faith, credits, resources and an taxable property of the said City of North Platto. In tho County of Lincoln Stato of Nebraska, aro hereby Irre vocably pledpcd. Tho City of North Platto hereby re reserves tho rlcbt. at Its option, to re deem this bond at anv time after five fi) yearn from October 1, 1920 and irlnr to the maturity thereof THIS BOND Is ono of tho series of ' kc tenor nnd date. Issued for tho pur- 'o of raisins funds for tho building "' .m extension to the flro houso In the 'ity of Nortli Platte, and for tho equip ping or tno same in. nccorcianco witu Hi Hi BFi CHILDREN'S SHOE' LACES lc PAIR LADIES' BLACK HOSE 15c PAIR MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 7i.c LADIES' SILK LISLE HOSE COLORED ONLY, 25c' PAIR BRASSIERES AND CORSET COVERS 49c MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS" 3c EACH , , , . i .1, j i LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS 4c Sc 15c "MEN'S HEAVY GAUNTLET GLOVES 15c PAIR CORSET COVERS 19c EACH TOWEL SPECIAL LARGE BATH TOWELS AND EMBROIDERED HUCK TOWELS : 3Bc LACE lc 2c and 9c PER YARD TALCUM POWDER 5c MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS $1.25 GRASS RUGS 35c HANDKERCHIEFS VL PRICE CHILDRENS HANDKERCHIEFS ' lc, 2c and 5c MEN'S COLORED WORK GLOVES 5c PAIR STICKER BRAIDS ALL COLORS 4c REGULAR PRICE 10c ' RED SEAL GINGHAMS 20c YARD HELMET PEAS 10c CAN CURTAIN SCRIM 10c .YARD RAG RUGS SDc TOMATOES 10c CAN CHILDRENS AND MISSES' HOSE 15c PAIR Bi m Hfi ENVELOPES .5c PACKAGE ONE ODD LOT 75c SWEATERS INFANTS' WOOL HOSE 25c - PAIR WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS . 9S'c PLAIN WHITE CUP AND SAUCER FOR - 19c CHILD'S HOSE SUPPORTERS 10c CRETONNES 25c YARD PERCALES 12Jo YARD CHAMPION X SPARK PLUGS 50c CORN 10c CAN OUTING FLANNELS 15c YARD LADIES' SILK HOSE 50c PAIR VALUE UP TO .$1.50 CHILDREN'S OUTING FLANNEL' GOWNS. 75c FEW SIZES ONLY IMPORTED TAPE 5c REGULAR PRICE 15c BATH MITTS - 5c .it IN. WHITE ELASTIC" lc uYARD BABY BLANKETS 25c SILKOLINE, BEST QUALITY, 19c YARD TIN KETTLES AND SAUCE PANS 10c ALL METAL PARING KNIVES 5c A EACH MEN AND BOYS' SWEATERS $1.00 REGULAR PRICE UP TO $3 DECORATED CUPS AND SAUCERS FOR 19c LARGE TIN KETTLES AND SAUCE PANS 1 -15c MEN'S SOCKS 10c PAIR BUTTONS lc CARD .MEN'S 8 OZ. WORK GLOVES 10c I PATR MEN'S AND BOYS' SUSPENDERS 1 1.0c BUTTONS 8c CARD PILLOW TUBINO ALL WIDTHS 35c YARD WOOL AND COTTON DRESS GOODS 35c YARD LADIES' GINGHAM AND PERCALE DRESSES. BIG VALUES - H98 BEST QUALITY BLEACHED MUSLIN 121oC YARD IVORY SOAP FLAKES .10c BLEACHED DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, PLAIN AND SCAL LOPED, 58xG9 IN. $1.75 BUTTONS 4c CARD MILLINERY RIBBON 5c YARD STAMPED PILLOW GASES 50c EACH STANDARD SHEETING 8-1 AND 9-4 45c YARD CHILDREN'S OUTING FLAN- NEL SKIRTS- 25c COTTON TAPE, ALL SIZES' 25c MEN'S NECKWEAR CLEARANCE AT li .15c MEN'S FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 76c RIBBON SALE .10c YARD TOILET SOAP 5c STAMPED GOODS AT PRICE HAIR NETS lc EACH MISSES' BLACK SATEEN -BLOOMERS 39c MEN'S SHOE LACES lc PAIR PRINTED VOILES, DARK COLORS' -i. 25c YARD LONG CLOTH ..--u-20e YARD 3(5 INCH SILK 98c YARD TABLE DAMASK 75c YARD WE CARRY PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. We Arc Receiving Merchandise Daily at Prices That Will Command Your Attention WE CANNOT ENUMERATE THEM ALL. . To whom nro your going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington MerT cantllo Co. wM offor the hlghost nrlcoa. " ,64tf IT IS lIRnRUY CKItTfKIKD AND RECITED that all acts and thliiKS re quired to bo done nnd conditions and thlnKS required to exist precedent to and in tho lssuanco of this bond. In or der to render tho samo lepral and valid, Jiavo been duly nnd properly dono and .u.i .iDt in inn time, form and manner ns required by lav, and that the total Indebtedness of tho said City of North Platte, including tunc ot tins ismuu u tho purposes for which tho same has been Issued, exceeds nolther the consti tutional nor statutory limitations of tho Stato of Nebraska, and that pro vision has ben made for tho levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all tho taxable property within snld plans and specifications and estimates , v ay, '." "Tinni nf tuu bond llliwiwni. ....... ..... as the snmn shall boconio clue. Vt itos of America, at the olllco of the t'"unty Treasurer in tno county or 1. ncolii. Stato of Nebraska, bolliK six ini.iitlis lnterost on Its "City of Nortli l'l.itto Flro House Extension Uond," No. , dated the firm day of Octobor, a n. 1920. A V STUE1TZ, ,A i test : Mayor. O. K. ELDEU. City Clerk." AUCTION 3. That the Mayor and Ci'v Clerk of snid Cltv uro hereby au tl orlzed. to execute the coupons at- . . 11 1. .1.. ... 4 1. l.K'lieU lO HUH! IHUIUM If.V lllll UIUAIIIK tli-roto of their fuc-slmllo tdKlintureH, Attest: said bonds Innccordanco with the vote of the electors of said City as recorded In tin- special election held In said City on said propostlon under dato of Oc tober la, 1920, mnklnir delivery of said bonds In accordance with tho provi sions of tho bid as submitted by tho purchasers thereof. .SECTION 7. This ordinance shall tako effect and bo In fdrco from and after Its passage, and npproval as ro (tujrml by law. Passed and approved this Ith day of January, 1921. A. I'. KTIIMITK, on fllo with tno t:ity i-ierK unuor nnu by virtue of and In full and strict con formity with tho provisions of tho No braslia Constitution nnd with the Re vised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, belnsr paragraph 4971. Section 120 thereof ns amended by the 1919 LokIsI.i- turo of tho State of Nebraska, and any and nil other laws and authority there unto supplemental, amendatory or en abling and In pursuance of the neces sary petition, ordinance -and all re riiiiHitn local action bv I he . May or the i-ity oi .-Norm i IN TESTIMONY WIIEUEOF, the City, of North Plattp, In tho County or Lin- coin. State of Nebraska, by Its r oun cll has caused tills bond to bo finned by Its Mayor, attested by the City Clerk nnd sealed with the corporate Heal thereof: and has caused the attached , coupons to be oxecutod with the far- l simile siffiinturoH of said Mayor and Clerk this first day of October. A. D. 1920. , sunn tfi lie ainxed in priniinn: ot sam bonds. -SECTION I. Tho proper office of tini said City ot North Platto. Lincoln O. E. ELDEK. City Clerk. .Mayor. (SEAL) 1 rs) Is tj I.IOf. L NOTICE C'- unty. Nobrnska, aro heroby author-1 To Ella Maud Cantlln, floorKo A.Mnrch 10. 1871. bair I. d and Instructed to lovy a tax nimu- Cantlln, Mary Cantlln, his wlfo, CiinrlcM Layton .to John It iWl ally upon nil tho taxable property of E. Cantlln. Inn Cantlln. his wlfo. Hob- od In Hook A at pnKcvl II - said City of Nortli Platto, In th" ert H. Cnntlln, Mayme Cantlln, his of Lincoln County, X ( .unty of Lincoln. Statu of Nebraska, wife, (leorwo McWIlllams, and tho heirs, tnln mortpiflke of au menced an ai-llbti In the District Co of Llncol.ii County, on January 1,JtA utiuiiiBi fun uinpientieu with i no opject ami prayer of w niiet and confirm title In thfr pint as auainst you nnd tho other defjtid aiiis, to nu or Lot Four (4) of 1 uno iiunurcu Thirteen (1 uriKinni uuy or North r or Lincoln, stato of over oar and enjoin e feudnnts from ever cl nifT nny riRht, claim, torost in and to said, thereof, and havo aside the follow ID' clouds upon tho trtuXo to said real estat assignment of a ciinso or said ro? 3i r nn.l l-nnn-tl Platte, duly passed and publlshod, and ..Attest any nnd all other olilcinls lonrauy or ; -.i-i,.. othorwlse connected with the issuance i ,T i?.;2L pnutioim as attached of this bond; and under nuthorlty of a and said "'"r2Sif iV u tirm tW. favorable vote by moro thnn a throe- I to said bonds shall bo In form hb fol- HfthH (3-5) majority of the electors of lows: sAld Cltv of Nortli Platte, duly nuaii- . "rp fled, as required by law or votlnic upon mioli quo 0110(1 NYirtli tober. Mnyor. $30.00 On the find dav ot April. A. D. 19 Sons Sf ynW iSctlon tl,e -CU v of Korth Ut to In tm County nnd held within sa d city ,of of L ncoln. State of iMtbnuika. will pay Platte, on th lPthJ ay "l Of M the holder or beartfr-lioroof. th rty A. D. 1880. '- OolUrs In lawful monesvof th" Unltud indent to pay said bonds iih they ma ture niwl the lnterost theit-on as tue k mi. lid'onidH due SECTION r,. Tlit- Mayor and city ( i.-rk of tho Cltv of North Platte arc i. roby iiuthorlzed to deliver said bonds in on their due execution and .renistra-tl-.n as required by law to noswortli, Cl anute & Compnny of Denver. Iir tin s' it of Colorado, upon their payniont ti i-rgfor In compliance with their bid, Of par and accrued Interest upon date of delivery. ami iity . devisees icKnteos nun personal reprc- made, exec Hentntivos and al( other porspns in-1 l, 18S2, hv leresten in tno estate or tno said Kato S ;eorKe .Mowiuiaini, .losepn cioy bourne, mid tlio heirs, devisees, lefta teoM nnd personal reiiresentntlves nnd all other persons interested in tho es tate, of tlio said Joseph Cleybourno, Joseph Clebourne, and the heirs, de visees, lonrntooH and personal rf pre sentation and all othor persons In terested in tho estate of tho snld Jos iHph Clobourno, nil of Lot Four (-1) of Hlock One Hundred Thirteen (113) of ta orlKlnal city of North Platte, Lin .-.,-.....-. n rm. r ...... rii.rlf nf the Cltv of North Platte. Lin- te orlUlllR coin County. Nobrnnka. nro hereby au- coin County. Nabrnakn, nnd all person tiiorlzed to do and perforin all other . cUIuiIiik any Intorost of any kind In S' tH uucUtmvy to no none pmi jmr- nnip rupi aumiu, or nny pun me foniiad on bahairiot Hani city in um you nnu eaen or you aro nen ny matr of tho IsNiianee nnd delivery ot flwl that TWwmd It. rtoodmnn ml. recorded pa ire Dl ty, a c- tato. Marc to whl D II. a rpo o e 'CPJV' ras v roa" aim diiV-Veil xhi es vi Snc.Ni ntf pn i'ievy)urn orus or vid t o or pti and n-Ai irf or jid cd dellVAf-fl