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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
- Uta.t THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.. JANUARY 11, 1921. No. 1 ', 1, CORN SHOW THIS WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT JUST RECEIVER OF INTEREST TO ALL FARMERS. Th Lincoln County Corn Show will 1)0 hold In tho room formerly occup ied by tho Huffman Cigar Store and later by tho Equity Storo on Dowoy Street, beginning today and extending through tho week. Exhibits aro bolng received eacli day now with nine o'clock Friday morning a tho limit. Judging will begin at that tlmo. E. A. Olson Is responsible for tho. idea and ho presented it at tho moetlng of the Lincoln County Agricultural Society Saturday Tho project was approved and Mr. Olson started work. A committees is now securing funds to bo used us premium monoy and tho list of premiums will bo announced as soon as possible. Mr. Olson Is also Interested in so curing an exhibit for tho Stato Fair to bo held in Lincoln noxt fall and be proposes that each exhibitor at the tho Lincoln County Corn Show bring twolvo ears o tho kinds ho wishes to enter for a prize. Ten of theso ears will bo take to the Stato Fair at Lin coln ir they are Judged worthy of be ing exhibited. The commltteo securing funds for the premiums Is not ready to an nounco tho amounts becnuso it has not had time to canvass the people in terested but with Elmer Coates head-' ing tho list, the rest will come on In railed for Thursday at three o'clock good shape and suitablo awards will atthe K. C. Hall. The regular meet bo made. ing comes at 7:30. - UOfr Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co. i Pho-c ?0. Now Open TALK OF U.S Government Surplus Stock at the Publics Disposal Everything in Men's Winter Wear. Why Pay More when you cn Buy the Best for Less? Opening Now Open -:-ARMY AND NAVY STORE CO. -:- Now Open 501 Dewey Street, MEETING PROTESTS DANCING IN THE CITY SCHOOLS. A meeting was hold In tho Christian Church, Sunday afternoon to discuss tho best way of stopping dancing in tho schools. J. H. VnhCleavo wns made chairman and Orvlllo Johnson was secrotury. A number of speakers nxnlnlncil tho matter from tho various RinglOB from which thoy saw It and according to reports some pretty plain language was used. A resolution in accord ylth the purposo of the moi ' Ing was passed by nn overwhelming vote and a commltteo consisting of II. A. Brooks, J. T. Murphy and Harry Portor was appointed to in stitute legal proceedings to secure tho deslrod result). Adequate financial backing was promised tho committee. LOCAL STOKE IS PUTTING OX A SILK WITH THE TKIMMINGS.. i John Nelson Is not content to do things by hulves. He Is ono of our JOlSOOq UlUJSUOD U SJ OUAV B1UUIIOJOIU and occasionally ho takes tlmo to boost his own business. Last week he started a salo at tho Lcador and when It opened thoro was a crowd a-j bout tho door that blocked tho side walk? Ho had advertised that ho was going to break tho buyer's strike against high prices and in his ad vertisements ho said that prices wore almost at pro-war lovols. 'When he said that calico would sell for seven cents and muslin for ton cents It sounded nlmost llko twenty pounds of sugar for a dollar used to sound. Ho put nn orchestra at work inside tho 'tore and served light refreshments to the customers who cared for them and tho storo was crowded. Wo mon tlon this because John Nelson Is one of the merchants who this week Is bringing buyers to North Platte. o Bnecml meeting of the Yeomen Is . Army PUBLIC SALS LOCATED AT Next to Crystal Theatre, North Platte, Nebraska OPEN EVENINGS GOOD WORK BY THE RED CROSS LINCOLN COUNTY CHAPTER HAS CHEMTARLE KECOKH IN HOME SKRVICE. Miss Sarah Kolly, Exooutlvo Sccrql tary of tho Hbmo Service 'Section' of tho Lincoln County Chapter of tha Ainpricnn lied Cross has handed in her report to tho Chairman of tfio Homo Servlco Section, Miss Anna Kraniph, and It shows a largo amount of work has been accomplished to duto. This section was organised Juno 11, 1919 and will bo discontinu ed after today Following Is tho' re port of activities which could bo o numerated, leaving out many Hcm3 of detail which It would be hard to classify. Questionnaire mailed to 895 men. Total of casc3 handled CCG. Theso cases woro handled by intorvlow, visit or written letter a total of 2515 times, GIG cases woro handled from flvo to ten tlmos, 32 woro handled from ton to twonty-flvo times, 8 woro handled over twenty-five times. 522 of thosq cases woro from Lincoln County, 81 cases woro In Nobraska outsldd jjl Lincoln County nnd 47 were In other states. , Following in a classification of tho Work done. Cases whoro compensa tion Was received 51, whoro tho case Is Btlll ponding 17. Adjusting allof ment and allowance 23. Information about reinsurance, ndjustlng claims, preparing papers for conversion and reinstatement 42. Proparlng affidavits for. Liberty bonds 19. Preparing nfj& fldavlts for back pay 4. Preparing, affidavits for travel pay GG. Proparlng application for bonus 7. Preparing affidavits for relssuo of uniform G. (Registering dlschargo In County coiirt 12. Adjusting claims or relatives of deceased soldiers 5. 'Information re garding land 75. Securing Victory buttons 5G. Assistance given transient cases GG. Employment obtained for 25. Assisting in obtaining discharge because of dependents 3. Securing , nnturallzntion naners 1. Investicatious ifor War Risk Bureau and other vgp1 m2n,S.e5&SSi medtcalnalKSBroparing if mv ior uiijmcauon xor ueniai sorvicos is, I imouuwuiittuuB hui vites liiuiuuing lo cating toldlcds for families', Investi gating army and navy desertloii' cases, visiting French brides of soldiers, ob taining copies of marrlago certificates fir other chapters, locating soldier's vivos, Investigation of soldier's char acter for other chapter, etc. Soldier's fa nillos given relief 14. Stranded I transient and local service men given relief 46. Obtaining certificates of 'discharge in lieu of lost dlschargo A W ..1 1 ( i. ... 'laDers 11. In addllton to tho work for service and ex-service men and their families which Is part of tho war work pledge when Lincoln County Chapter was oi gnnlzcd, we have extended homo ser vlco to 17 civilian families, making 51 visits to homes in investigating homo coinKiionr. and having 91 offlco interviews. Tn doing tho above work the office of Heme Servlco expended $935.02 in uiving icllef to ox-orvico men, $1,- 023.0G !t giving relief to tho families of ex-service men and received $377 back from loans and advance's made for relief ;o': L. C. Mead, tho north side barber has sold a half Interest in his shon t" Jay Wax. Mr. Wax has Just returned officers of tho American Legion at from Montana whsro ho has resided its regular noonday luncheon Mon Blnco leaving hero, , day. THE TOWN Good XKHKASKA GOING STRONG IX THE MtEEMXG OF HIGH GRADE CATTLE. Tho Nebraska Collogo of Agricul ture has dovolopcd a now chumir.on cow both In milk and butler produc tion. In ono year she produced 20. H&4 pounds of milk, 1,0 18.IG pounds of butterfnt. This would equal ,V, 430 gallons of milk and 1,310.5 pounds of butter, Hor yuar's mill; in duction, rotlllng nt 14 Conta a crurt, tho prtco tho College received, would be worth ?1,924.44, This cow Js now champion milk nnd butter producer of the stato and exceeded by only six toon cows of hor breed In tho world. She Is a Ilolstelu and sovon years old. At tho ond of hor year's work she weighed 1.750 pounds, and she Is n cow with tho ability to eat largo quan tities of such rough feed ns alfalfa jind corn sllago. Whllo ut her best she jsavo moro than thlrtton gallons of milk In ono day. In hor lnwt week she produced nearly 35 pounds of butter. She wub milked four Ini day, every bIx hours Tho now cham pion Is a daughter of a cow that was I once chanplon of tha stato, altlio sho produced ia& pounds loss butter than hor offspring. Hor slro was a famous bull ownod by tho collogo. YEOMEN TO HAVE BIG MEETING WITH NATIONAL OFFICER HERE. Tho Yeomen officers have announced a big meeting for January 13th at which tlmo about sovonty-flvo candi dates aro to bo initiated into tho lodge. W. E. Davy, Chief Correspon dent of tho National Organization will be liorc to assist in tha Initiation and I . A .1.- VaXmai. nn.Mr,., s alcli Is being put on here. After tho business meeting thoro will lio a so.c lal and light refreshments will bo served. The mooting will ho held In the K. O. Hall at 7:30 ::o:: LINCOLN COUNTY LEGISLATORS DKA1Y IMPORTANT COMMIT TEE PLACES. In tho" organization of tho Stato Sonata last wck Senator Iloagland was made Chairman of tho Judiciary Committee of tho Senate and was ap pointed on each of tho following com mittees: Constitutional Amendments, Irrigation, Modlcal Societies and Ap portlonment. E. S. DavlB was mado Chairman of tho House Commltteo on and watf also, appointed to ::o::- FOUR. GAMES OF RASKETHALL THIS WEEK FOR LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL. Ttu' Maxwell girls will play tho Senior High School glrlB at tho Frank lln Auditorium on Friday evening and following this gamo tho Mnxwoll boys will play tho Junior High School boys on the snme floor. Ono ticket admits to both gamcH. Tho extra ticket In tho season ticket can bo used. On tho sann nght the Senior High boys will pin' nt Sutherland and on Saturday night tlicy will play at Ogalalla. Thomas Simms tho two year old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. SimmR, died Saturday evening of dlpthoria. Death was very suddon and camo whllo Mrs. Simms was with hor sister In tho south wl;oro sho had boon sent for tho bonoflt of hor health. Tho host of caro was given tho child by relatives and trained specialists but tho disease was In n malignant form and nothing could be doilo A prlvato funeral will bo hold at tho houso nt 2 o'clock Wednesday and Interment will bo made In 'NQrthPlntto cemetery i The Rotary Club entertained tho Now Open Sale DEBATING IN ' HIGH SCHOOL vv iil'I' UTIIKVI' m TV KING V " AJU JlhXl A KING A 1M10MINEXT PLACE THIS WEEK. DobntiitK Is tho now school iulorcst which lm been taken on this year by the North Platto High School And It promises to muko a 'showing fSr tho llrst year that will attract much at tention. It has been Bovoral years since any work has been dono in tho local high school along tho linos of Intor-sehool debating! Various classo In Junior and Senior High have had work In donating but no lntor-school contests have jieen hold for some time. Last fall, E. E. Carr was secured to coach a class in publlo speaking and ho is developing a dobatlng team that Is making things hum. Mr. Carr Is ono of tho best dobators in this stato having boon Captain of tho team at tho Univorsity of Nobraska for two yoara. Tho North Platto High School ia now a mombor of tho Nobraska High School Debating Lcaguo and has boon asslgnod to tho "West-Central District. This Loaguo comprises sovcral hun dred of tho best high schools la tho stato and is constantly growing In Btrongth and popularity. Tho first dobato will bo with Kcarnoy High School at tho Franklin Auditorium on February lSth. Tho preliminary tryouta woro hold this week and tho team to dobato with Kcarnoy Is composed of Frances Ed wards, Royor Hastings aiyl George Dent with Clnronco Wright as altor nnto Tho other members of tho class aro Will Adamson, Louis Brotornltz, Louis Chance, Graco Collins, Junior HInmau, Emmott Moody, Holon Schwalgor, Esther Schwcrdt nnd Ed ward Walts'. It will bo necOssary for tho toom thnt Is to debate with Kenrnov to tea- nnrn nil Min ttifnr.nn ttnn niul ImW. If can get and to. that ond Mr. Carr asks that anyono who has anr nowsnancr. magazluo or book articles on tho sub Ject of "Tho Repeal of tho Literacy Tost for Immigrants" to hand thorn1 to him or to ono of tho,,; mombcra of thojitennik Tho jnembors will, tnako Headquarters at tho TublhIhntry; wnoro inoy win do iounu prncticauy every ovonlng nt work on tho question to bo dobatod In tho District Tho winners In tho District Debute I are sont to tho Stato Dobato which is, nold in Lincoln in May, Assisting Mr. Carr In tills work 'is Miss Foy Smith who was on tho debating team ut Wesloyan Univorsity. ::o::- Tho Silver Leaf Camo NO; 301 of Royal Neighbors of America will moot tomorrow afternoon nt throo o'clock. Tomorrow ovonlntr at olcht o'clock thoro will bo a publlo Install ation or onicors. AH Royal Neighbors and friends nro Invited. (' You Need A Car Noiv and Fail to Bay, You Pay for it Every Day You ivail, If you need anything and put o(V the purchase, "iCs. a rule of nature that you either pay in money, conven ience, health or time, all of which in the .end, - mcana cash loss. ' c -1 ' If you need a new car, and have none, you lose all, of these things when you fail to huy now. 11 you have an old car, and have need of a new car, you pay the difference in the lesser economy of the old car, in repair expense and. replacement of tires, and also in the loss of time. and inconvenience due to the gradual wearing out of the old car. The price of Dodge Brothers cars will remain the same, six months, one year or live years from now, and when costs come down, all the gain will he added to the car. The price will always remain the same, and the car will always give an excess of value for the price asked. If you need one of DAY J. V. Romigh9 Phone 844. Dealer. 6th Locust. New and longer rear springs on all Dodge models. THE JllEN ARE INVITED TO THE SENIOR HIGH PA R ENT-TEACH-ER MEETING. Tho ParouUTcnchor Association of tho Senior High School will bo hold Wednesday ovcnllig of this week in tho Franklin Auditorium. Tho moot ing will begin at eight o'clock. Tho program will open with a reading by Adolo LoDloyt and this will bo follow ed by a clarinet solo by Norman Moulton and a trombono solo by Fay Ycarsloy. Dr. Fottor, City Physician of North Platto will Bpeak on tho no tation of Modlcal Inspection in tho Schools to Contagious Diseases. Dr. Yost will discuss ono phnso of tho subject of tooth and Mrs. Cramer will tctl of tho Status of Dancing in tho North Platto High School. Refresh ments will bo served This meeting Is held so that tho fathors can nttond and Mrs. C. W. Edwards, tho Presi dent, Is anxious that a largo numbor of fathors and mothers of Senior High pupils nttond. ELECTION oTT)IRECT01tS OF THE COITNTY FAIR WAS HELD SATURDAY. i Tho Directors of tho Lincoln Coun ty Agricultural Society met in tho Firotnan'a Hall Saturday afternoon and accepted tho resignation of J. J. Crawford, plccUug E. A, Olson In his placo. Tho torms of flvo of tho di rectors expired and Einior Coatos and T. S. McCrono woro ro-olcctcd. Scott Roynolds, Fred McCIaymont and D. E. Martin woro oloctod to fill tho other places. Tho DIrctors then procodod to tho oljcction of officers for tho coming year will! Uio following rosult J. C. Wilson, Prosldont; J. V. Romtgh, Vico-Prosldcnt; S. M. Sou dor, Socrctnry; M. E. Scott, Treasur er. Tho dates for holding tho Fair woro decided for Sept, 20, 21, 22 and 23. CHICAGO AGGREGATION RETURN ING FROM THE COAST HAS ENGAGEMENT HERE. Tlmso who Indulge In dancing and lovo tho ovorlastlng rngtlmo will bo glad to loam of tho return engage ment of Shubort's Original Jazz Or- chostra of Chicago at tho K. C. Hall, Saturday. Jan. 16. SlnCO their Oil ' gagomont horo , thoy have travelled i tho oxtrcmo coast cltIos playing thru Drltlsh Columbia and thoy arc now returning through their former ter ritory "to greet their formor frlonda with, tho kind of music thoy llko for dancing. '. , RIRECTORSY OF ' STOCiC "PAVILION TO HOLD MEETING NEXT ' SATURDAY. A meeting of tho officers nnd directors- of tho Stock Sales Pavilion Association will bo hold at tho Court Houso a't two o'clock Satnrdny. T. D. Wodd, Agricultural Englnoor at tho Stato Farm at Lincoln will bo prosont and Bpeak oh tho roqutro lvonts' for a good sales pavilion. Plans nnd specifications .for tho Loxlngton pa-vIllon havo boon' recolved hero and will bo Been at tho meeting Saturday. All Btockmon lntoresto'd should attend this meeting whethor on tho board or not. these good cars, huy it TO ROTH I TOR, lAt KM