The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1921, Image 10

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1VILSOX TOUT, Editor ami Publisher.
Entered tit the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Clans Mattor.
Oim Year, In ndrnnco $2.00
Last weak the Wilcox Department
Store advertised a gift of a ono dol
lar coupon to oach of the first twen
ty womon and tho same to oach of
tho first twonty men to ontor tho Wil
cox Store after tho doors woro oponcd
at nine o'clock on Wodnosdny morn
ing when lis Pro-Inventory Salo bo
gnn. The crowd began to gather be
fore eight-thirty and at nine O'clock
tho number was oatlmatort at ovor
ono hundred 'persons. Interesting
stories wore told of the oxporlonces
of Boino of tho shoppers: One woman
was said to linvo lost a diamond In
tho crush and another stood so long
thnt slio was carried away In n faint,
but wo wore Informed that thoso wore
exaggerated reports of tho yellow
journal typo. Wo saw tho crowd Just
boforo nlno and It was happy nnd
good natured nnd oach seemod to be
playing a game to seo If ho or sho
could win ono of tho coupons Just for
tho nko of winning.
Ono of tho things which wc cannot
understand Is why somo of tho
churehos will attompt to cconomlzo at
Christmas tlmo by giving tho children
a treat of cheap candy. Wo heard ono
woman brag that her church got tho
Chrislmao candy for loss -than twonty
cents a pound. Wo know of parents
who would not lot their chlldron pur
chaso nor. eat this cheap candy but
who will contributo to tho fund and
sometimes net on the Conimlttco that
purchases tho cheap candy for tho
Christmas troat for tho othor children.
Wo appreciate tho spirit of tho mer
chant who sacrifices most of his profit
that ho may supply the committees
with candy at a low figure. Wo do not
blnmo him, at all. But wo do know
and M "do 'r-oif of our readers know
that 'there nro grades of cheap candy
on tho piarkot that aro not fit to cat
andSv'o do not think that theso cnndles
made"-from choap Ingredients should
bo glvon to tho chlldron as a Christ
mas troat. Cheap lngrodlonts aro very
often Impure nnd sometimes actually
polsonoun whon oaton In quantities.
J. B. Sobastlan leaves today for St.
Paul, Minn., to nttond a mooting of
tliQ District Mnnagors of the Minne
sota Mutual. IIo will bo gone' several
days. At this mooting tho "Romanco
of flio Platto Valley" will bo shown.
This Is tho moving picture film which
was recently producod In North Platto
by North PInlto people Tjio picture
will later bo shown at Joplln, Mo., to
the meeting ot i.ho Insurance men ot
'th southern district.
(Letters of XongciTsc)
Hon.' 0. 8. Davis,
House, of Rbpr-osontaUvo,
Lincoln, Nobr.
t..... .. IM. '
The other day as wa wore golngr ovor
to Van' Oreonhouso to buy some
flowers for our wife bccauio'we woro
going to bo out lato that night, a
friend stopped us nnd nttor talking
to us a fow mlnutos ho ofTorod us n
cigar. Ed! wo think you should pass
a law, against offorlng clgnrs to edi
tors. In tho first place we don't
smoke cigars. Tho reason Is that wc
made a vow once and so saved our life.
You see it was llko this, Ed. Onco
whon we woro a boy wo tried It nnd at
that time wo promjsod our lucky stars
that If wo ovor racdvorod we would
not try It again. Wo rocovorcd-. Poo-
plo should not tempt their friends
wlin havo made a Vr1f nnd If tbev do
they should havo To answer to the
Then again, Ed, somo people might
try to brlbo somo ot. us editors with
cigars nnd If thoy did wo could point
with prldo to the law and thoy would
, bo ashamed of themselves nnd not mad
at us as thoy would bojiow If thoy or
forcd us a cigar and wo refused. Wo
.cannot afford to 'Havo pcoplo got mad
at tho roprosontatlyo of tho press ovor
' n. clear. Onlv when' wo don't toll
.about their going" to .dmaha or "Mux-
woll or somo place should they get
mad at us.
Thou again, Ed, tho cigar might not
bo a good ono ana In that case wo
would get mad at them and nothing
smaller than politics should cause
friends to fall out
Thou again, Ed, cigars are not just
tho thing now. If thoy would offor
us a cigarette It would bo different for
tho host people smoke clgnrpttos bo-
causo thoy aro not harmful now llko
they woro beforo the groat war.
Wo aro afraid somo of tho othor per
sons in thin great stato of ours might
got mad whon they seo this lotter nnd
thoy might not havo made a vow and
so thoy can accept cigars, so wo will
not sign our xoal nnmo but Just sign
another nnmo and you will know
Who It Is that vants you to pass this
law. Yours, etc.,
, A Constituent.
Judging a Poet.
There are two ways of measuring a
poet, cither by an absolute aesthetic
standard, or relatively to his position
In the literary history of his country
nnd the conditions of his generation.
Both should be borne In mind as co
efficients In a perfectly fnlr Judgment.
If his positive merit Is to bo settled
Irrevocably by tho former, y6t an In
telligent criticism 'will find Its advan
tage not only In considering what he
was, but wlint, under the given cir
cumstances, It wns" possible for him to
be. James Russell Lowell.
Friday-Saturday KFITH
January 7 and 8th
55c, 35c Be 15c
rims Includes the
Tax t
Si. P;;'1
Lis "
Jepn L Lasky
Jennie Macpnerson
' t
Tho top of llfe-aud
(he bottom i And
tlio sariio" fair woman
reache'd thorn both
Why?, Uow? And
hlcll Was the end?
A romance aglow with tho met-
"ropolltnn boauty nnd richness
..always linked with tho minio
'Qt built from tho hourth of n
vlllngo blacksmith and made or
the stuff that fills the almplost
Hearts. With
Gloria Swansea. Ellott Dexter,
Theodore Roberts. Monte Rluo
.r ( 111 1 KlCi, XI
SV f UUUn-U nriH
il i
Wo rdaelvod sovernl letters tho
othor day In tho samo mall. Ono of
tlfom was in a neat envelope with
tho name of the farmhouse from
which it cttmo, printod neatly in tho
comer. Tho It. P. D. route wns thoro
and the postofflco. Wo oponed It
and read tho letter. It was on a lot-
tor lioail which, in ndlttion to tho in
formation on the onevlope. gave tho
name of tho farmer and said "Breed
er of Shorthorn Cattle, Orowor of
Platte Valley Alfalfa." We certainly
take off our hat to the f irmer who
advertises his buslnoss. Wo aro prc
parod to holp him and can print, his
letter hoads and envelope and do a
good Job at a rcasonabe price.
We clip the following fiom an ox
oliaiiKO as giving one of tho good
fousons why a merchant -should nd
vortlse In deciding vhat store aro likely
to give the host service1, the purchaser
of homo and porsonal sin plios might
well ask wlint motlvos kvd stores to
advertise, and how the advertised
store differs from tho store that Is
not advortlsed.
The motlvos that load n erchants to
ndvertlso aro confidence In tho nblllty
to win out In tho compctltlvo strug
gle, and a desire to build up their
business thru Inducing pcoplo to come
to tfiolr storo who, might hot other
wise do so.
Somo .merchants go into business
hoping merely to got the share of
trndo that falls to them naturally
thru thalr wide acquaintance with
the people of the town nnd commun
ity and nn established reputation for
lionost doallngs, Having a good loca
tion thoy expect that a certain num
ber of pooplo will bo attracted by
their show windows and will rr.nic
In and buy.
Any store will get tv cortatn amount
of business In that way. But it is
having to butt up all the tlmo against
morchunts who aro not satisfied to
take simply what comos thoir way by
chnnco and habit, and who nro reach
ing out evory day in determined ef
forts by positive nnd actlvo methods
to win new friends and now cus
tomers. '
Tho advertised storo comes to be
known nil over tho section wherein
It is located. Tho non-advert.lsod one
is known only to a fow who chance
to pass that way. It follows then
that now customers will naturally be
attracted by tho efforts of tho i pro
gressive merchant to win his friend
ship nnd patronage.
What May Be Dencrlbed as Mental
Photonraphy Is Especially Valu
able to Theatrical People.
Tito photographic memory Is found
most frequently In actors and ac
tresses, who have to study n variety
of parts In a very short time, After
n time, these people form a habit .of
getting n mental photograph of the
words. They look,,nt the page, read
the lines, and then, shutting their
eyes, endeavor to "see" the words.
It Is a habit which, once formed, Is
quickly developed. Tho present writer
once "cnimmcd" a part of forty-five
pages In n single day by the nld of
this natural photography.
It may bo said at once that not
everybody cim acquire this species of
memory. Only those possessed of
great powers of concentration can
achieve the results described. Hut,
providing, thnt
Pof this Klft, he enn build upon It until
u win serve Mini to nn almost unlim
ited degree.
The photogrnphlc memory usunlly
finds Its best development umong peo
ple with what are called "bumpy"
foreheads. They 'have unusual pow
ers of visual concentration. Ex.
Two Atomic Theories.
An atom Is a part small as not
to be divisible. It Is an ultimate par
tide' of mutter. Two opinions, direct
ly opposite to each other, hnvo long
had currency with regard to the con
stituent particles of materia! things;
the one, thnt matter i composed of
nn assemblage of minute particles, or
atoms. Incapable of further division;
the other, that there Is no limit to
Its divisibility, the smallest conceiv
able particle still consisting of an
Infinity of-purts. The first of these
theories, which Is commonly distin
guished by the nume of atomic phll
osopliy, was originated in Greece by
Leuclppus;'lt was supported by Hem
ocritus and subsequently Unproved by
Epicurus and his disciples. Tho Epi
cureans professed to account for tho
origin and formation of all things by
supposing thnt these atoms were en
dued with gravity and motion, and
thus came together Into tho different
organized bodies.
Amount CPidh
Whence Electric Lamps Come.
A little consideration of the ma
terials thnt enter Into the making of
lamps would bo a revelation to the
largo mnjority of electric lamp users.
California, Colorado, Nevada and
South Dakota lead in the production
of tungsten ore, tho lmportnnt materi
al of which the fllnment of tho mod
ern electric lump is made.
First, thero Is tho filament of tung
sten, then tho glass bulb Into which
enter silica, sodn, nitre from Chile,
potash, manganese from Russia, ar
senic, borax, feldspar, lend, aluminum,
cryolite from Greenland, cobalt from
Cnnndnr The bnso of the lamp Is
nindo of copper and zinc from Utali
nnd Missouri, while the bnslng cement
Is. n mixture of marble dust from
Vermont, whiting from Ohio, shellac
from India nnd pine resin from
Tuesday &
( inslH b
R l iB v ft H H
fl-H ll Hh b & H b
R H JbR7 iHbi -Hi h
t --HH---l flk H
HB l cHl A H
L flH
Hv H b
Hi -H l Kf!;"
' hHk. jLH
WV'nmnmmmt .--lill.--!.,ggiai
Special Tire Sale
30 per cent Discount.
Buy Now-Buy Right Buy Standard Guaranteed Tires.
Thirty Per Cent Discount from list includes our entire line of Tires.
Tomkins wns of a nervous disposi
tion ; ho was somewhat slow and hesi
tating in time of emergency.
When ho entered an ofllco ouo day
and found n stranger there, Instead ot
tho mnn he wanted, he somewhat lost
"Oh, I beg your pardon 1" he began
"but but nro you Mr. Brown, the
head of this firm?"
"No; I regret to say I'm not."
"I'm sorry, very sorry Indeed," went
on Tomkins. "I nnd something 1 rath
er wanted to tell him. Do you think
he'll be In soon?"
"I'm afraid not. Is there anything
I can do for you?"
"Er - yes, perhaps cr perhaps
you'll do as well as Mr. Brown. May
I nsk your name?"
"CcrtttlnTyV' And tho stranger gave
"Delighted to meet you," said Tom
kins. "And now, what can I do for you,
sir?" asked the new-found friend.
"Oh, it's a very small matter not
of tho slightest consequence er, that
Is, I enmo to tell the head of tho firm
that tho building Is on fire I" Los
Angeles Times.
j The Methodist Ladles Aid Society
will meet in tho church parlors on
j Thursday afternoon of this week. The
hostesses are Mosdaraes Portor, Con
rad, Mornn and Roscncrantz.
Tho War Mothers will meet Friday
ovoning of this week with Mri. r. W.
jRInckor. She will bo ns s d by
Mrs. Lannln and Mrs Frank l . wors.
' All members nro oxpectcd to be pres
. ent
Want Ads
For Rent - Doslrablo furnished
rooniB for light houskeoplug. Phone
j Logt Ono Reed chain for roar
wheel on Ford truck. Reward for re
turn to N. P. Wator Dope.
' Wanted To ront a small houso in
tho wost'ond, on tho south sldo of tho
track. Inqulro Trlbunoj
Lost On Sunday morning, a foun
tain pen without cap. Finder please
return to this office nnd receive reward.
tor Rent Six room modem dwell
ing, furnished at 529 West Second St
For particulars see Bratt, Goodman
& Buckley.
For Rent Eight room house, mod
orn except heat; close In. Inquire of
B. M. Reynolds, Reynolds Terrace,
phono 1105W.
For Kent Six room modern dwell
ing, partly furnished, nt 402 W. Eighth
St. For particulars seo Bratt, Goodman
& Buckley.
1'ound A sack of bolts In front ot
Post Offlco. Owner may havo same by
calling at this offlco and paying for
For Sale An all year top for Ford
roadsters and tourlug cars. Will be
sold at a bargain. Inqulro J. E. Was
ley, Davis Auto Co.
Lost East of North Platte, Monday
Doc 20, a Leatherotto Suitcase, con
taining pictures, ,sttlt of clotlies, and
othor wcarlnir nnnnrol VI till! 1 " n -v
ship to William Gngo, Paxton, Nebr.
CI. In "I f T"
OlllJ, v. U. 11.
Wnntd to Trade A Rock Island 10
20 tractor with threo bottom plows,
both stubble and breakor bottoms, and
a 10 ft. Suporlor press drill. Machin
ery used ono season only, in good
working order. As first payment on
cottage in city. Must be neat' and in
good location. Inquire E. M. care of