lute UUtotW rilmite. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 1, 1921. No. 103 Jlorth 5v 1. 1 1 3 MA r MOKB 1MUTIIS THAN DEATHS L LINCOLN COUNTY IlUJtlXU LAST YE Alt. I 0. IS. Bltlor, Itocordor of Vltul Stn usticB for Lincoln County hns JusW given out tho figures for the past year. He snya thero wcro 1G8 deaths reported to him and 260 births. This shows 102 more births than deaths or n gain of about G5 over tho deaths. V copy of his record Is sent to tho Office of tho State Board of Health at Lincoln. TILE riKEMEX HELD THELK AN NUAL HALL NEW YEARS EVE Tho annual ball of tho Drothorhood of Locomotlvo firemen and Engineers was held Friday evening at tho IC. .C. Hall. Tho room was so packed that it was difficult for thoso who wanted fo danco to find spaco on tho floor. The orchestra, which was a largo ono and composed of North Platto musi cians, rendered somo of tho best danco music heard hero this season. Punch as served and dancing was continued until about three o'clock with an hour off for refreshments. Thoso present are enthusiastic In their praise of tho good time they enjoyed. s:o:: ELKS USHEH IN THE NEW YEAH WITH DANCING AND MEK-RIMENT MUSIUIANS TO (JIVE FIRST AN NUA L HALL IN TWO WEEKS. Tho North Platto MuBloluns' As sociation, Local No. 009 of tho Amor ican Fedoratlon of Musicians, Will glvo a grand ball at tho K. C. Hall on Monday, January 17th. Thoro are nbout oighty-fivo mombora of the North Platto Union and thirty-five of thorn will bo organizod into an orchestra to furnish tho music for this' occasion. Tho c6mtnlttcoB have boet appointed and plans are bolus LOCAL AM) PERSONAL jiaiuuaoi. iiEcoJtus von last S YKAJl IN LINCOLN COUNTY Mrs. Ituliga has Rccoptel a portion ' 1U' VT 1KC011, at the A. T. Johnson store. ' T totl llumbor flf BrfaRp JJ. Dixon Optical Co. grind thoir own eeusja tosuod last year by Judge lenses. IWoollliUret was 26S. Of this number I.UjCAU AM) I'KRSONAL Mit. J. it. Curry returned on mnn ber Sovuitteeu last owning from. ft L00AL HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE A i DIG SCHEDULE AND A WIN ! NINO TEAM Mrs. Mmirloe. FowlOr, of Grand In land, is visiting In tho city. Mrs. William Stevons loft yosloriiay for Sutherland to visit for a short time. Dixon Optical Co., Ryo Sight Spec- laid now for tho blccest event of the."1181 ! airs. Jack Pierce of this city loft yostorday for Maxwell whore sho will FAlUt DUItEAU WILL UK OltUAN-j vislt- season. IZED DY THE FAltJIEHS OF LINCOLN COUNTY. ,Mrs. H. M. DIckouBon, of Maxwell, transacted business in this city yos torday. Gporgo Scott Is ore duty as janitor at tho Franklin Sohool this week. Ho 1 3 in Omaha. Miss Hormanson has 'accepted a position at tho Uarkalow Ilrothors News Stand. Porry Sitton returned to his homo In Rawlins Sunday after visiting The Elks' Homo was n scene of gay ty last Friday night when the mem bers and their, ladles gathered to see the old year out and to welcomo new year in. Each dancer was presented with a horn, a cap and a quantity of lonfettl and so earnestly were thoy used that at times the dancers could Ijardly hear music of tho orchestra. At midnight an hour was taken oil for refreshments who'll dancing yas ro sanled until about threo oclock. This jarty Is said to have been the best ever given by the Elks. CHRONOLOGY fOK 1920 PRINTED IN TKIHUNE WINS FAVORABLE COMMENT. Tomorrow at threo o'clock the far mers of Lincoln County will meet at tho Court Hduso to organize tho Lin coln County Farm Dureau. This is ono of the biggest things nvor at tempted by the farmers of this sec tion and is right In lino with the best Counties In tho state. Mr. Drow knh. Director nf Acrlanltural Exten sion of. the State Farm at Lincoln, is , frionds In this city. to bo in attendance. Tho call for . La Vera Layton left yeaterdav for meeting Is signed by S. J. Koch, Jas. hor homo In Maxwell after transact Shoup. Fred McClymont, John Grlf- ing business in this city, nth, Frank Strollberg and Aaron S , Mrg Qeorg0 Fry left for hor homo orcEg- , In Omaha after visiting relatives in " " this city for some time. SCOITTMASTERS I Alt 1 NKKOKO BY, Anna DJorklun.l left Thursday for ROY SCOUI COUNCIL. Gothenburg aftor visiting relatives In this city for somo time. Tho local Boy Scout Council met as Mr, aml Mrs c, ;k LeDloyt loft usual yesterday noon and took up the Thumlny for Mllllolli N b ' , matter of securing more Scoutmas- tl t Now Y ters. Tho reports show a largo num- .. . . , ber of boys who would like to outer a , Ruth Hubbard loft Monday morning troop if more troops could bo organiz- for Sutherland whoro she was called ed. Tho Council postponed definite 0,1 Professional business, action for ono week until additional You buy nn Elgin wrist watch and Information could bo secured. Scout, you never will bo sorry. Dixon, the masters must bo located and trained Jowoler. In the near future or the work will ino '.judge permrmod tho cerumouy tar JhOl. Thirty-four ware married outside of North Platto while five liav, not been hoard from since fie iicenee was issued. Of tho le al preachers, Rev. Stovens loads with 23 SveftUug. Hov. Hess-22. Rev. Koch 7. Rev. Curry 11, Rev. Shonk (and1 'JIullJ 18. Rov. Moore (and Maek n-j loslt) 11, Fathor Meron (nud MoDaldi 11 and othors a lessor number. Judge urimos is credited witu ono core Uriif visit with her pRronts t St ,ot I3llI, tonm ,m8 boou pracUcine for sovornl wooks now and played tho Mine r:u8eU, of Chicago, who bus. first gnino of tho soason on Now been vlsmng t tho homo of her (Is- Yours day when it defeated tho Cul- mona.v, Justlco Sulllvnn Justice Paul Meyers one. iTlYJOIt HIGH SCHOOL ; TEACHER MEETING MORROW- one and PA KENT-TO- Mrs. C. F. Sponccr. President of tho Junior High School Parent Teacher Association announces tho following program for tho mooting to be hold in tho Franklin Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon at throe o'clock Chorus Music by Junior High pupils! under tho direction of Miss Fritz, I Sunervisor of Music In tho City I i2liools: Gymnasium demonstration by pupils under tho direction of Miss Story, Gymnasium Director for tho drls: "What Vocational Training Might Includo," Superintendent C. L. Llttol; Round Tablo: "Mathema tics in tho Sixth and Sovonth Grades" lgad by. Miss Autonidos, Principal of Junior High School and Miss Walters, Principal of the Jefferson Grado School. t ' LINCOLN COUNTY' EDUCATOR ON PROGRAM AT STATE MEETING On tho insldo page or "patent in side" as tho freight bill calls It, of the last issue of the Tribune was a holo page of facts arranged in the f "ironologlcal order, giving tho chief t ents of the year In this country and stiroad with names of tho most lm yromlnent people who have died and othor Items of interest. Tho Tribune lias been commended for securing the -WHjfWs ,ajsw rWM. - - ' NOTICE. Water rent is now due'and becomes delinquent January 20. All consumers will kindly pay by that date. Hcrshey Welsh, Water Commissioner. Mrs. Arthur Harris, of Ontario, Cal., who has been visiting at the W. H.I Maize home left-restcrday for Lexlng-1 ton to make her futuro home. suffer. STATISTICS REGARDING LINCOLN COUfiTV PRODUCTION OF WILD HAY. County Superintendent Alleon G. Cochran of this city Is on tho pro gram of tho Counyt Superintendent's Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Boyd left Monday .r,..,"n,1,nwhe,,e tlcy W,U trausact, Meeting called rit Lincoln for Janu uuail.uH 4o. n iBH uuya. j fy i3.x4.n5, Govonior McKelvlo Harold Peterson came Saturday , speaics on the same program, Mrs. from Lincoln and is tho guest of his Cochran is to dismiss tho subject brother Hbmor Peterson. i "The Teacher Training Courso." Oth- The Lincoln Trade Review for Jan. 1 Mrs. Clara Nowton urrived homo er western Superintendents on this 1. 1921 elves Lincoln Countv as Monday evening from Oshkosh. whoro program are Aiia m. iiaiuerman, standing fourth in Nebraska in tho ' she visited for a short time. production of wild hay. Only Cherry, Holt and Custer Counties stand higher. Tho production In 1920 in Lincoln CoUnty was estimated 'at 79,937 tons, : :o: : .LINCOLN COUNTY STANDS (THIRD All the new record hits of the sens- 011 on the Columbia and Edison. Visit our now store. Dixon's Music Shop". Mrs. Grace Hcckor and son return ed yotordny from Lexington where they ment tho Christmas holidays. Mr., and Mrs. Hoyt Smlthcrs left Scotts Bluff Co., Opal Russell, Box Uutto Co.; Anna McFaddon, Choyenlio Co.; -Kntheryn Laughlln, Buffalo Co.; W. C. .Bloom, Dawson Co. LINCOLN COUNT Y STAND S FIFTH TNtNERRASKA IN PRODUCTION f- OF POTATOES. tN 'TlIK NWrBER (HniORSES ItSWet Jan. IN 1920. 1 relatives In tho city ovor Sundav. ' Trade Review' gives the c It Is estimated by the Lincoln 1 Mrs J. E. Smith loft Saturday for Trade Review In its Issue of January 1, that thero arc 18,442 horses In Lincoln County. This is based on the numbor of horses assessed. Only Custer and Cherry Counties havo a her home in Brighton after visiting her mother Mrs. Clara A. Newton., Mrs. E. P. Stovens, of Fairfield, who has been visitiitK at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. James Hostler and "Mr and larger number of horses than Lincoln Mrs. James Dorran loft yesterday for Con n 'v does. her homo. the Lincoln estimnted po tato crop of Lincoln County ns 319.712 busltols and ranks the county as fifth in tho state in tho production of potatoes. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Piper, of Belgrade,) who havo beon visiting In this city, for somo time loft yosterday for their homo. I ter for nme Uino, left Monday for hor nome. Mrs. L tjlmU loft yeetorday for her home in Brady aftor visiting for sera uiiK- et the homo of Mrs. Mlko ColiHgen. Miee J. Cox, of Chicago, who has Uecu vlmtlm? at ho home of hor glstor, Mrs J. w. I loldornoss, loft Monday for hor home. Mrs. Harry E. Mitchell and children returned from Omaha this morning whoro thoy havo been visiting rola tlvoa for a wook. Mrs. Albert Prolltiuer and chlldron roturnod Sunday evening from Ster ling, Colorado, whoro thoy hud beon visiting for somo time. Samuel Bergman, of Salt Lako City who has beon a guest nt tho Julius Plzor homo for two weeks, loft yes terday for Detroit, Mich. MIbh LtllaliL Hopple returned to hor homo in Lexington yostorday after visiting for a wook nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frod Wnltomath. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. IlnlllBan cnter tulned yesterday evening nt thoir homo nt a dlnnor In honor of Miss Maymo Plzor and Samuel Borman. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. D. Christiansen, of Ogalalla, who havo' beon visiting In this city for somo tlmo loft tho laltor part of tho week for thoir homo. Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Davis, of Cha nute, Kansas, left Monday for thoir homo after visiting for somo tlmo at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E, , Davis. Miss Minerva McWlllinms is help ing Miss Biankonburg got through with tho rush of Work In tho offlco of County Judgo Woodhurst this wcolt,. Koop Dixon's Diamonds in mind for somo day you wijl llkoly want to try 0110 'and then you will know wllero to go for Quality combined with reas onable prices. Mrs. Georgo Moyors has boon elect ed to teach fifth grado in tho Wash ington School and started work es terday morning. Mrs. Goble has acted as supply teacher in this room for some time. Miss Ruth Cone, Latin teacher in tho Junior High School did not return .f&om .her Christmas vacation in tlmo to begVn Mvo'rir yesterday. SliClsMH nt hor homo nnd will not bo nblo to be on hand for nt least a wook. Tho Episcopal Guild will moot 011 Thursday afternoon in tho church lmscment at 13 oclock. Important business is to be transacted, a larcc attondauco is desired. Commlteo serv Sale. All of our flno shoos (tlapp lng, Mesdnmes Allison Wilcox, Ar- Shoes oxcepted) now go nt onn-thlrd bertson High School toam with scoro of 45 to 22. Tho toam Is u strong ono and prospects aro bright for a good season. A strong sohedulo has boon arrang ed by Supt. Llttol and tho team will bo kopt busy from now until tho first of March. Following is tho schedule: Date Toam Whoro Played Jan. 1 Culbortson North Platto Jan. aAUInnco .North Platto Jan. 11 Suthorland Sutherland Jan. IB Ogallala Ogalfula Jan, 1 Brady North Platto Jan. 28 University Place-North Platto Jan. 29 Bayard North Platto Fob. 1 CurtlB North Platto Fob. 4 Kearney North Plntto Fob.5 Sliolton North Platto Feb. 9Scottsbluff North Platto Fob. 10 dothonburg Gothenburg Fob. 11 Kenrnoy Kcnrnoy Fob. 18 Lexington . North Platto Fob. 24 Bayard Bayard Fob. 25 Sldnoy .Sidnoy Fob. 2G Curtis -North Plntto March 4 Gothenburg North Platto Season tickets nro being put on salo this wook. Each ticlcot is good for twolvo games. Tho adult soason ticket sella for $2.50 and tho ticket for school peoplo Is ono dollar. All aro urgod to buy season tickets if thoy Avlsh to at tend tho games at tho least cost. 1 :;o:: AVIATOR MEYERS TAKES PLACE IN LOCAL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Georgo Moyors, for somo months as sociated with tho North Platto Air craft Co. us instructor, has boon olect ed to tho vacancy in tho Mathematics Department of tho Senior High School which was caused by tho resignation of Miss Carter. Mr. Meyers is a grad uate of Washburn Collego at Topoka, Kansas with tho A. B. Dogrco and has boon Principal of a High School in Knnsas boforo coming hero. Ho la nlso intorostcd in athletics. STUDY CLUB HOLDS MASQUER. ARE PARTY WITH MRS. F. W. RINCKER. . Tho ladles of tho Travel and Study Club mot nt tho homo of Mrs. F. W. Rlnckor last ovoning and enjoyed an ovoning In .mnsquorado costume. Threo qlpwnnv8lx' minstrels, a tramp, ir'affnta ClnuVaV'Jivvonllb and oUif Impersonations gnvo variety to tho stunts which each was expected to glvo. Refreshments woro served, ;:oi! Men : Now. Is tho time to saVo mon ev 011 shoos nt tho Edwards-Reynolds thur Bullnrd nnd Roy Cochran. I off of tho Rngular Price. OPENING DATE SATURDAY, JAN. 8 SLASH $ BANG ARMY" . G $ SLASH ooos SALE OPENING DATE SATURDAY, JAN. 8 Thousands of Dollars Worth of Government Merchandise at the Public's Disposal. We are offering the citizens of North Platte and its surrotuuling country the host of winter sroods at prices cut so !mv5 that r noiild crcwdour doors to. its Capacity. Weca; as sure the public that thiir sale is the first of its kind in this vicinity for it enables the purchasers to buy their necessities for less money than ever before in the history of North Platte. Our enormous-buying power enables us to offer merchandise to the piiblic at such prices that elfminotes -all competition. Bear in mind that the entire stock of mer chandise was manufactured by the most reliable concerns of the country and that alone assures every purchaser the best of merchandise, together with tho least price that money can buy. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF :m)o hlankets U. S. O. D. All-Wool Army Blankets. Regular sizes 64x82. None better made. U00 SUCKS U. S. Army and Navy Shoes, Work and Dress Shoes- High Top Shoes. Large assortment. You can save from $3.00 to $7.00 per pair. All sizes. Wonderful values. 200 0. 1). SHIRTS U. S. O. D. All-Wool Army Shirts. All sizes. The best . shirt money can buy. A real value. 200 AltBL V UK1) Kit WEAK All-Wool garments Union Suits and Two-Piece Gar ments. All weights and sizes. Large assortment of every description. - 200 0. 1). SWEATERS All-Wool O. D. Army Sweaters. Also some heavy ribbed mixed wool and lots of others. All good grades from ,$1.25 and up. 100 U. S. 0. 1. PANTS . Khaki, U. S. Regulation All-Wool Pants. Large assort ment to pick from. Best of quality. A snap. 150 ARMY COATS AND MAOKINAWS Officers' Army Coats, also Officers' Mackinaws, heavy weights. Just the thing for winter. Good value. None better made. 125 VESTS AND COATS ' Leather and sheep lined vests and coats. Big assort- ment. All sizes. Splendid values. 200 RIDING PANTS Moleskin, Corduroy and Khaki materials. Best of qual ities. Large assortment at reasonable prices. 100 SOCKS All-Wool, Mixed Wool .Heavy Cotton, Cashmere and lots of others. Best Grades. Large Assortment. 125 PUTTEES AND LEG GINS Officers' Leather Puttees, Wrap Leggin's and Canvas Leggins of all kinds. None better made. 150 ROOTS AND OVERSHOES U. S. Army Boots and Overshoes. Some real values at a saving. 200 O. D. COVERALLS Heavy weight Coveralls. Assorted grade and sizes at less than manufacturers' cost. U. S. CASTILK AU3IY SOAP There are a few dozen bars left. It is the original Castile. 100 OVERALLS AND JACKETS Heavy weights of best grades.' All sizes, . " The above listed goods are only a part of the entire sto'-!. of government Merchandise we have on hand. OPENING DATE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1921. "HE CONVINCED" "SEE EOR YOURSELF" "Quality Is u decisive factor of ( ovorninont Merchandise." A GOOD I1UV IS ALWAYS WORTH WHILE. BRANCH STORES FROM COAST TO COAST THE 4RHT & MW STORES GO. 501 DEWEY STREET. NEXT TO CRYSTAL THEATRE. CORNER 5th AND DEWEY SI 5 OPEN EVENINGS. U. S. ARMY GOODS COMPLETE MOUTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA CM