NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE .41 PkF-INVFNTO"RY t IN MAKING PEOPLE REALIZE THAT WE ARE GIVING THEM VALUES THAT ARE WORTH! WHILE ' WE SHOW A FEW PRICES IN THIS ADV. AND ARE PUTTING OUT NEW LOTS AS THE SALE PROGRESSES. SO COME IN EVERY DAY AND YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT. DRY GOODS Apron check ginghams, blue and white, standard qual- 1 Cn ity, now I UU Outing flannels, light or dark colors, 27 inches wide, 1 Q0 now I iJb Art tickings, assorted nn patterns, now Uu Percales, yard wide, light 10 or dark colors now I ill Bleached muslin, a nice 1 0n standard cloth, now tub LADIES' COATS Ladies' cloth coats, this tf0 QE year's styles, good cloth sip fJiUu Ladies' cloth coats riew(M A AC styles, finer cloths s I tri4d TABLE LINEN Renfrew colored table cloth, best quality, fast colors, QQn now - uOu White mercerized cotton table cloth, $2.00 value (M At now v I rtu jj- uoou quality tapie linen, $4.uu & and $4.50 values 09 00 31 now wutLU art m m as EH Ladies' cloth coats the Of) A Mi S 'finer. cloths 'riev styles ij)T'ilTd Hi Hi ifi & Eli i !dR bl Hi Linola Floor Covering, felt back similar to Linoleum or'Cohgo leum, G feet wide, a good va riety of patterns, square CQ yard now uilb Ladies' short cotton coats, made from small patterns of robe blankets, just the thing to wear while doing outside JQ AQ chores, now vpciHO Ladies' petticoats, Seco silk tops messaline ruffles, beeutiful col ors, a full well made garment, now $3.95 Ladies black cotton hose, OCn a snap at 2 pair for fculi Table oilcloth, full widlth, AC regular quality, per yard Hub SHOES Men's semi-dress shoes, black or brown, now. Boys' calf shoes, sizes 1 to 5V, now 1 Boys' "brown calf shoqs sizes 3 to 5 now Boys' brown calf bIiocs sizes 0 to 13, now --- Misses' gun metal shoes sizes HMj to 2, now Misses' black kid shoes, sizes 11 y to 2, now .$4.48 $2.98 $3.55 $2.SS $2.98 $3.79 Men's black sateen regular $1.75 quality now shirts, LADIES' WAISTS You will find Georgette waists new styles from $3.79 up. There are too many styles to give des criptions, but you will be satis fied with the style and price FURS We will reprice our entire stock of Albrecht Furs at prices that will appeal, to you. This is the quality line. We are not selling price, but real quality in our'furs. DRESS GOODS 411 1 n e . 1 am ah wooi serce, do incnes lit- wide, now uub Cotton warp serge, 36 Cfl0 inches wide, now Udb Plaid Skirtings new styles, most of them out of next spring's lines, values from So" QA nn to $7, now ---tpH-itJ Sivertonc and Velour Cloakings aS"?. $4.95 KIMONAS You will find every one in our stock has a now price. Wo have them from common cotton ones to better grade silks. COTTON 1IATTS A good quality small sized cot ton batt, a splendid 1 71 rt value at 1172b A fine quality Comfortable size, 72x90 inches, $1.50 10 quolity, now $ 1 1 1 J SILKS Crepo'De Chine, 30 in,, sev eral colors to solect N in from, now vi)lild Messaline, 30 in., flno qual ity, a largo lino of colors M m and black, now ...... b 1 1 1 3 Georgette, 40 in., good qualty, our regular $2.50 cloth. fM nr assorted -colors, now b liUU Charmeuso, 40 in., navy and black, our recrolar $4.50 ctn an cloth, now $0lfij A. B. C. SilkS. Sfi 111. 1l1nrlr nml coiors, a great lining and under wear ciotn, ?1.50 val .$1.19 ue, now These are not old job lots, but cue most stylish silks in the market. r . Staple plain colors. LONG CLOTH Just the thing you need to make up your spring underwear. . Fair quality, 10 yard (0 7K bolt, now vj)i!U Medium quality. 10 vard bolt, now 1j yui Fine quality, 10 yard bolt, now .$3.65 LADIES' SUIT! EVERY SUIT PRICE has been cut in two. You cm buy 'good suits at $22.50, $25T $27.50, $30, $32.50,' up to $50. Not, one of these prices is over half the fall price an thee LADIES' UUESSES . A ' Ladies' wool dresses, all wool materials, values to MI AC $25.00 r m-rtJ Ladies' wool dresses values to $45.00 !!.$24.45 suits. (We lose on them, you .Ladies' wool dressjiSf 091 IP gain.) . ,-,Vr f . fyalues up to $G0vimvpUf.4U SWEATERS Men's Jerseys, fine all (JJO 7Q worsted, now u Men's heavy merino sweaters, a splendid coat, f) 7JJ nov iptif J Men's heavy rope stitch pull ov ers, $10.00 to $12.00 (J7 7f quality, now tpiild Ladies' sleeveless slip- .00 AO over's assorted colors, -ij)i4lJ "OoitSivrs igJvory corset will bo marked at reduced pries. The many dif ferent models make it hard to convoyvaluo in an advertise ment. Both Gossard and Gage Downs lines will be included in .ithis jsale-.nt prices .thatf .will 'please yot , 3IUNSING WEAR Men's, ladies' and children's underwear. Every garment in the line has been marked at good reductions. You all know what satisfaction you get when you buy Munsingwear. L-- BUNGALOW A1MIONS . You will find just .what you are looking for in this line.. There are aprons from 89c up, including some very fancy styles of Mina Taylor make. .jriLMXEKY Ladies' hats, extra quality, the ones we sold at $15.00 to 00 OK ipUiilU RLANKETS 1 $30.00, now Ladies' hats, the oiTeR sold up. to $10, now- .$4.95 Nashua woolnap blankets, size (50x80 inches, beautiful 00 OLK plaids, now tpwijju Nashua cotton blankets, size 00x80 inches, grey or tan, now CIIlfDHEN'S COATS HWo Jiave a few nice' styles loft. You will find' reduced prices on all of them, RL003I mis Children's Bloomers made from good black stateen regular CO 90c a'ndn quality, now ..UaC HE HERE, THE BEAL (JLEAU ANCE SALE THAT NOBTH PLA'l'TE WILL SEE THIS WINDED REASON FOR THI SALE Changing conditions force us to clear up our .surplus of winter goods. The prices offered in tin's sale will discount any pricees you will he nblo lo get this year. The merchandise is every hit of it from our own stock and not goods thnt have been inamifncturd for sale purposes. Sale Is Vitally Important to All. S K :jt '-r-Y-'' I, ' HFi !fi as WILSON TOUT, Kditor and l'ubllslier. e.ntered at tbo North Piatt, Nebmsk Postofilco aa Second Class Matter. FHIDAY, l)E0EaUIEIl8IsMJe EDITOKIAL. Want Ads Tii'u editor has known John Iuvaiw , for about twelvo years. About that long ago ho came to the Central High School ono Juno morning wlUi a bou duot o Jlowers from his own garden. Tho Junior Normal School was in ses-, bIou thcro and ho modestly said he wanted us to have some of the llo s ors to 6njov. And we did enjoy them. He did not know any of us by name but lie-had u warm brotherly fooling for us and we had tho samo for him. What boy and girl who has gono to tho high Hchool during tho last ton i years does not hojd a vivid picture of , that oroct old man In the blue uniform, with tlf ilag polo and old glory, lead Ing th$ liarado on each patriotic hoi-1 Iday? It was John Kvans. Flag day. Independence day, Momoiial day, Ar mlstlcijlilay. and on various occasions botweqif tho spoclal days ho vu out with his Ilag. Some thoughtloss vounnrs may havo laugbod. but to most ofithem and to us oldor peoplo. to, hef taught a losaon of lovo of country' which will make us nil bpt'er citizens' Jjost Two Yalo lock keys on a chain Return to this office. i Wanted Placo on farm by man and wlfo. Call 610W. I Lost Ono Reed chain for rear I wheel on Ford truck. Howard for re-, turn to N. P. AVator Dopt. i For Jtent Six room modern dwell lg. furnished nt fi29 West Second St. ' ir partlculilrs see Ilratt. Goodman, .v- lluckley. For Jtent Six room modorn de)l-! ing. partly furnished, at 402 W. Eighth St. For particulars see Ilratt, Goodmon ft lluckley. , Found A sack of bolts in front of Post Office Ownor may have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. For Sale- An all year top for Ford roudstors and touring cam Will bo sold at a bargain. Tmiulro J. R. Was ley. Davis Auto Co. , For Sale -S room dwelling, wont end. lOlogant cornor lot. line shade, lawn, fruit, largo garage. Will sac rifle for uiilck sale. Take Liberty IJonds for puH. $-1600. O. H Tboolocke Lol- ISast of North Platte, Monday Pec. 20, a Loathorotte Sultcniio, con taining pictures, suit of clothos. and other woarlng npparol. Finder please ship to William Gage, Paxton, Nebr. Ship. C O. P. Lost--An Elk's tooth on 500 block on west Third. ?5 reward. Phono 20. Money to Loan Can mako a few good farm loans without delay. O Jf. Thoeleckc. For Sale--Tent, 10 ft. square. 7 ft. wall on one side, 4 ft. on other, 3 ft. I conter. This tout is new, cost 5105,1 will tnko $50. D. E. Morrill. ' For Sale Chandlor Cnr, lino condl-i tion. Have to many cars, will sell cheap, part cash. Liberty llonds or secured noto. O. H. Thoolocke. Lost A pair of spectacles with col lulold rims. Finder please return to mo at Dorryborry ft Forbes or Phono I12H. K. U. Plumer. Itesolvo, to buy al Edwards-ltey-nolds Co. and save money. That's tho best Now Year's Resolution. A pro-Inventory salo at The Art Store 20 per cent discount on all i stamped goods and supplica ! ::o:: r' XOTICK OF FI.VAL HKI'OKT. Estato No. 170!) of Hazel Irene Flobbo, deceased in the County Court of Lincoln ('ounty, Nobraska. The State of Nebraska, to all por- j i Hons interested iir said Estate tnko notlco that the Administrator has filed I ' n llinil iicpnimt nml ronnrl of hit ml. I .ministration and a petition for Dual settlement and discharge as suah, , which Imvo boen sot for hearing be fore said court on January 20th, 1021, at 9 o'clock A. M., whon you mny ap pear and contest tho samo. Dated December ISO, 1920. Wm. H. C WOODHURST, D31-J1vk CouMtv TiuUe AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY tiii: sA(ji:nitusiii:it STARRING Hoy Slewarl ALSO Till! I1ACKVAIII) WITH f , Jenny Aubrey - 'k Two-Keel Coniciiy SATURDAY ItO.HANCF. 1'ROMOTKIt STARRING F.nrl Wlllinnis ALSO KMIITS and KMGHTIF.S Tuo-lteel Comedy ': MONDAY IIAVGFHOl'S TIIAILS STARRING Ilex Ray ALSO LOST CITY to tiii: CITIZENS OF NORTH PLATTE: 5-J Due to the large numlior oc unemployed, tho Max Agoncy Is :;: asking tho people of North Plntto to list with this agency, It any work that thoy aro llgurlng it on having ilono at any time In M tho future, even if tho work ts j-: of short duration. AV'o havo In ft mind such work as painting, roofing, cleaning up, etc. In it this way you can help to solvo a very difficult problem which now faces the working peoplo ft of .this city. All work should H- bo listed by lot tor. Address Hox 22(1. ft i.t Financially yours, i.t it It. H. PASLEY. Mgr ft U Phono !I9. . . M , . . , M . . . . -5 THE MAX AGENCY. ft ft it it i.t u :.t :.t ft if if if if )f if :.: if 'if if if We linw (wo cars of hard coal hi; If you need any coal Icmo your order soim. Phono 7. Conies i-iiiiilicr & oal Co. We are ituuiKiirntlng it Mid-Winter Cloaranco Sale to challenge att'tnupn of mon who propose to 'prnctlce real economy next year. Our values sponk for themselves Fdwards-ReynohH Co. ' PEAR M EN TELL NO TALES." Mcnr, ho 'said as thoy stood on tho burning ship, l lovo you." Even as ho spoke tho flames wcru, eating their way to tho gunpowdnji.i In tho hold. All that thoy held sadred was eudan- i gercd because somo cone -had said Rend Men Toll No Tales. Many tlmps after that as he floated on a hatchway on tho sea . Eagerly scanning the horizon for the sign of a ship, Now Jjlvlng up hope, now longing to die, ho saw vision of her. Then camo a ship. Ho was rescued; , but uconsclouH Ho know not Eva perished, until ono day tho Cap tain called her name. Le( nut know tho worst," he-crled , and then ho forgot all. Later he had reason to bollovo Eva lived. Now lie was convinced she lived, and then ho doubted. Only to learn tho truth and culm his fevered brain! ' ' Tho t,lmo camo whon ho found Eva Donnlson, her father nncV tlio plot-tors. Alone he fought ngalnst odds to o)ear the mystery and win Uiq' gjrl. ' tff Like a nngod beast ho battled, when cornered. Ho. was not afraid. Evil clung to hlB sldo and nldod htm to oscapo a doath trap laid by Santos, hot- stop-father. Tho plotter' woro brought to Justice. AT Tin.', eirv TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY.