THE NORTIT PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRTBU. A Chronology of the Year 1920 Compiled by E. W. PICICARD (. 120, Western Newspaper Union.) INTERNATIONAL Jan. 1 Bolshevlkl announced capttire or Yekaterlnoslav. Jan. 3 Let VI an and Polish troops took livlnsk from tho Bolshevlkl. Jan. 10 Ratifications of peace treaty -igned, United States, Qreece, China and Roumania not being represented. Jan. 14 ciemenceau and Lloyd Georgo accepted plan giving Italy sovereignty over Flumo. Jan. 15 Hungarian delegates wera handed the terms of peace. Jan. 16 Council of League ot Nations held first meeting In Paris. Jan, 17 Supremo council called on Hoi. land to surrender former German em peror for trial. Jan. 20 Supreme council gave Jugo slavia four days to agree to the Flume settlement. Clemenceau retired from the council of the League of Nations. Jan. 23 Holland refused to surrender the former Qonnqn emperor to the allies. Jugo-blavia given more time to reply to proposed Flume settlement, Jan. 24 Battle between Poles and Bol shevlkl aldng tho Dvlna reported, Jan. 27 General Denlklne and start ref ugees on British vessel at Constantinople. Jan. 28 Jugo-Slavla rejected the Aurl--atlc compromise offered by Italy. Jan. 29 Ukrainians announcod they had captured Odessa. Jan. 31 Vladivostok seized by revolu tionises. Feb. 2 Peace concluded between Es thonla and soviet Russia. Feb. 3 List ot Germans accusod of war crlmos, headed by former crown prince, handed to German representatives by .Hies. Fob. 6 Russian soviet troops entered Odessa. Feb. 7 Admiral Kolchak and his pre mier executed by revolutionists. Feb. 10 Danes) won tne plebiscite In North Schleswlg. President Wilson notified alllqs he would not assent to proposed settlement of Adriatic question. Feb. 11 Letts declared armistice with soviet Russia. Feb. 15 Supreme council agreed sultan may remain in Constantinople, under guarantee. Fob. 10 Allies ronewed their demand on Holland for extradition of ox-kaiser. Allies agreed Germany might try the war vandals, reserving tho right to try them themselves if results are. contrary to justice. Fob. 17 Premiers of allies sent concili atory reply to Wilson's note on tho Adri atic settlement. Supreme council decided on Interna tionalization of the Dardanelles and tho Bosporus, y- ' , Feb. 20 Russian Bolshovlkl announced the capture of Archangel. Feb. 21 Bolshevlkl occupied Murmansk. Feb. 27 Soviet Russia made offer of peace to United States, Japan and Rou mania. March 1 Moscow reported destruction of Denlkine's Kuban Cossack corps and also Uie capture of Stavropol. March 6 Holland again refused to sur render former kaiser to allies. March 6 President Wilson again re jected entente plan concerning Adriatic. March 7 Bolshovlkl decisively defeated by Poles at Mozlr and Kolenkovttz, southeast of Minsk. " April 6 Japanese troops occupied Vlad ivostok. April 6 French occupied Frankfort and Darmstadt because Germany was sending too many troops into Ruhr district and was othorwlso disregarding tho treaty. April 8 Germany formally protested against French advance. April 19 Allied premiers In conference at San Remo decided Sultan should re main in Constantinople and the Darda nelles should be internationalized. April 25 Supreme council, having reached agreement oir Turkey and Ger many, warned Berlin treaty must be car ried out, threatening force. President Wilson asked to determine boundaries of Armenia. April 26 Poles started successful of fensive against Bolshevlkl In Ukraine. April 29 Russians In Vladivostok region yielded to all Japan's demands. May 5 Denmark occupied North Schles wlg. May 8 Kiev taken by the Poles. May 9 Moscow announced .treaty of peace between soviet Russia and republic of Georgia had been concluded. May 11 Turkish treaty handed to Otto man delegation. May 17 French evacuated Frankfort. Muy IS Bolshevlkl drove British from Enzcll, Persia, and started counter offen sive against the Poles. May 27 Canada filed reparation claims of $1,871,000,000 ugaliiHt Germany. May 31 Capture of Resht, most Impor tant Caspian beaport, by Bolshevlkl an nounced. Juno 1 Japanese broke oft negotiations with Bolshevlkl for buffer state In Slbo rla. Juno 4 Treaty of peace with Hungary signed. June 6 Ruthenlans decided to Join Poles in war on soviet Russia. June 11 Poles evacuated Klov. June 21 Bolshevlkl opened midsummer drive against Poles. June 27 Eleventh Bersagllcrt regiment of Italian army mutinied at Ancona when ordered to Albania. Other troops overpowered rebels after battle In which many were killed. June 30 Four hundred Italian troops killed In two-day battle with anarchists ut Ancona and Plomblno. July 3 Bolshevlkl captured Lemborg. Ukralnla. July 4 Greeks captured Brussa In Asia Minor from Turks. July C Allied and German representa tives met at Spa, Belgium, to discuss disarmament clause of peace treaty July 7 Fortress of Rovno In Volhynla captured by Bolshevlkl. Poles forcod to retreat on 720-mlle front. July 10 Polish forces evacuated Brest Lltovsk, Vilna and Pinsk. July 11 Allied supreme council agreed to begin negotiations with Russian Bol shevlkl to conclude armistice between Bolshevlkl and Poles. Bolshevlkl captured city of Minsk from Poles. July 14 Allies and Germans agreed on coal deliveries. Lithuania and Russia made peace and former regained towns from Poles. July 19 Russian soviet government re jected British peace proposals for Poland New attack by Bolshevik armies re pulsed by Poles In Volhynla, but Reds Invaded Polish territory at one point July 0 Russians suggested peace nego tiations direct with the Poles. July a Arabs accepted French terms concerning Syria. July 22 Poland asked soviet Russia for armistice, and now Polish cabinet was formed with Wltos as premier. July 24 Russia consented to an armis tice. July 25 Russia offered to talk peaco with allies if Wrangel surrendered. French occupied Damascus. July 26 Greeks took Adrlanople, cap. turlng Jafar Tayar. July 29 Russians tool: Bl.ilystok and attacked Brest-Lttovsk. July 31 Vilna abandoned to soviet forces. Peace negotiations began at Barano vichi. Aug. 1 Fortress ot Brest-Lltovsk taken by Russians. "Aug. 2 League of Nations council at San Sebastian adopted French plan for International general staff ot military ex perls. Also adopted Root's plan for In ternational court of Justice. Itusso. Polish negotiations Interrupted, Russians continuing their advance. Turkish nationalists opened offensive against Greeks In Asia Minor. Aug. 3-l.enjiio council adopted inter nun r ula plan. Aug. 4 Lloyd George Issued ultimatum to Russian representatives. Poles agreed to meet Russians at Minsk to negotiate Aug. S-Bolshevlkl rejected British plan for ten-day armistice. Atig. 9 British labor leaders warned government against war to aid Poland. Aug. 10-Unlted States notified Italy It would support Poland "with all avail able means" against dismemberment: would never recognlzo the soviet regime, or permit other nations to slice off Rus sian territory; and suggested withdrawal of Russian troopt from Poland and for eign troops froifc tlussla as a means to end present war. Turkish peace treaty signed. Aug. 11 French governme-t announced It recognized the Wrnngol government In south Russia and would give It nld, and broke oft relations with sovlot representa tives in ivonuon. Letvla and soviet Russia signed peace treaty, and Finland and Russia agreed on an arrtilstlco. Aug. 12 Mlawa captured by the Bol shevikl. Bolshevtkl captured Botdnu. Aug. 16 Russo-Pollsh armistice nego tiations opened at Minsk. Great battle for possession of Warsaw. Aug. 17 Poles repulsed Russians and launched threo counter offensives. Aug. 18 Danzig corridor cleared of Bol shevikl. Aug. 19 Russians retreating In disorder from Poland. Aug. 23 Poles recaptured Blalystok. AUg. 24 Poles, having destroyed or dls. persed four of tho five Bolshevik armies, rejected Russian peaco torms, Aug. 26 General Wrangel opened great offensive In south Russia, taking Novo rossisk and othsr cltlos and the Donetz cua basin. Aug 29 Reds recaptured Grodno and Poles evacuated Blalystok. Aug. 31 Ukrainians opened drive against tho Bolshevlkl. Peace conference at Minsk broke up. Sept. 1 Budenny's Red army In Galtcla destroyed by the Poles. Sept. 8 Big defeat ot Reds by General Wrangel announced. Sept. 9 D'AnnunzIo proclaimed the "Italian regency of Quarnero." Sept 20 Ninth session of League of Nations council adjourned after persuade Ing Poland and Lithuania to suspend hostilities and arbltrato their differences, and Finland and Sweden to arbitrate con corning the Aland Islands. Polish-Russian peace conference opened at Riga. Sept 23 Poles and Lithuanians resumed hostilities. Oct. 9 Vllnn seized by Polish troops under Zellgouskl. Oct. 12 Poland and soviet Russia signed peace treaty. ' Wrangel began offensive against new Sixth soviet nnny. Oct. 14 Russo-Flnnlsh peace treaty signed. Oct. 17 Japanese and Korean troops fought In Manchuria. Defeat of Wrangel near Kakhovka an nounced. Nov. 1 Serious defeats of Wrangel's forces announced, Nov. 10 Italy and Jugo-Slavta reached agreement on Adriatic dispute. Nov. 13 Complete collapse ot Wran gel's forces In the Crimea. s. Nov, 15Leaguo bf Nations assembly opened first meeting In Geneva; Paul Hy mans of Belgium elected president. Nov. 16 Ukrainians routod by Reds, losing Kiev and other towns. Spain agreed to Join the allies In polic ing the Vilna district. Nov. 19 Germany notified League of Nations that the treaty of Versailles had been violated by the allies In the matter of mandates, and demanded her former colonies. Nov 23 Scandinavian amendments to League of Nations covenant voted down by committee on general organization. Commission on Armenian situation ap pointed. Peace negotiations between Poland and soviet Russia resumed, the Polish troops withdrawing to armistice line. Nov, 25 League' of Nations council usked United States to mediate between Armenia and Mustapha Kemal Pasha. Nov. 29 Italy started to force D'Annun zIo out ot Flume, President Wilson accepted Invitation of league council to mediate between Arme nia and the Turks. Dec. 1 D'AnnunzIo declared war on Italy. Austria voted membership in League of Nations. Russian Reds took Erlvan and estab lished soviet rule for Russian Armenia. Dec. 2 Great Britain, France and Italy warned Greece against restoring Constan tino to throne. Dec. 3 Argentine delegates withdrew from League of Nations assembly becauso o't refusal to consider amendments to cov enant. Armenia and Turkish nationalists signed peace treaty. Dec. 8 President Wlllson declined to appoint American representatives on League of Nations disarmament commis sion. Dec. 10 League of Nations assembly postponed until next session decision on naval and economic blockade. Dec. 12 Russian sovlot government pro tested to Great Britain, Franco and Italy against tholr "brutal Interference" In the affairs of Greece. Dec. 13 League of Nations assembly adopted statute for permanent interna tional court ot Justice. Holland broke off diplomatic relations with Jugo-Slavla because of "a long se ries of Insults." Dec. 15 Austria was admitted to the League ot Nations. Spain, Brazil, Bol glum and China made electlvo members of tho league council. Dec." 10 Bulgaria, Costa 'Rica, Finland nnd Luxemburg admitted to League of Nations. Dec. 17 Albania admitted to League of Nations. Dec. IS Meeting of Leaguo ot Nations assembly closed. Dec. 21 Great powers warned Spain against attompts In tho cortes to strangle lorelgn enterprises. FOREIGN Jan. 13 Dr. Jose Luis Tamayo elected president of Ecuador. Ureut mob attacked relchstag in Berlin and was routed by troops, 35 bolng killed und scores wounded. Jan. 17 Paul Dcschaucl elected president of France. Jan. .18 Mlllerand made French pre mier. l''eb. 6 Active rebellion against Japan ese rule broke out In Korea. Feb. 22 Serious revolution In Honduras Feb. 25 Irish home rule bill Introduced In parliament. March 1 Admiral Horthy elected regent of Hungary. March 13 Overthrow of Ebort govern ment In Berlin, Germany, by counter revolutionists headed by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp and monarchists. March 15 Council of old German cabl not meeting at Stutcgnrt, Germany, re fused to negotiate with the reactionary faction headed by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp. March 17 Dr. Wolfgang Kupp resigned as chancellor of Germany. March 18 Ebert government regained control In Berlin, Doctor KupnCs troops leaving. March 20 Lord mayor of Cork assassi nated by masked persons. March 21 Three thousand persons killed in fighting at Lclpslg, Germany, before Ebon troops captured city. March 22 Gustivv Nosku, minister of de. tense of Germany, leidgned. March 26 German cabinet hen (led by Premier Bauer resigned. March 27 Hormann .Mueller, premier of new German cabinet. March 31 Japanese troops stationed at Nlknlaevsk, Siberia, defeated In battle with Russian forces, "00 Japanese killed April 1 House of commons passed Irish home rule bill. 318 to 9t. Ian MdCphernon. chief secretary for Ireland, resigned. April 2-Ebert government at Berlin reni lied compromise agreement with worklngmen, civil war ended. April 4 Many government bv'ldlngs burned by Irish rebels throughout lie land on Easter Sunday. April 12 Many noncoinbutants killed In Guatemala City whnn Estrada Cabrera government was overthrown by rebels. New government formed with Carlos Hcrrera as president. April 20 Hidalgo and Tlnxcala, Mexico, Joined the secession movement. April 52 Formor Premier Calllaux of France convicted of having commerce and correspondence with the enemy. April 28 Mexican revolt spreading. Battle for Chihuahua City won by Car ran za troops. American border troops readv lot iirMnu May 3-Clty of Juarez Joined the Mex ican revolt. - May 7-ReboIs occupied Mexico City: Carranza fled. May S Obrcgon'a forces occupied Tarn Pico. .May 11 French government ordered dissolution of General Federation ot La bor. May 16 Joan of ro canonized by Pope1 Benedict May 20 Venusttano Carranza, fleeing president of Mexico, killed by former comrades. May 24 Adolfo de la Huerta elected provisional prosldont of Mexico. June 1 Pope announcod Cathollo sov ereigns might visit the king of Italy. June 25 Seventeen persons killed and scores woundod In civil warfare In I.on donderry, Ireland. July 8 Artnur Melghen, minister of In, torlor of Canada, succeeded Sir Robert Uordon as prime minister of Canada. July 11 President Guerra of Bolivia ousted and Baptlsto Savedra made pro visional president July 18 Prince Joachim, youngest son of former kaiser, committed suicide In Berlin. July 21-RIots broke out In Belfast last ing sevoral days; ten or more killed. July 26 Francisco Villa ourrendercd to the Mexican government July 28 Esteban Cantu, governor ot Lower California, in rebellion against Mexican government. Aug l-Dr. D. Porras olected president of Panama. Aug. 6 New Irish coercion law passed by commons. Aug. 12 Premier Venlzelos of Greoce wounded by assassins In Paris. Lord Mayor MacSwIney of Cork and ten assistants arrestea whllo attending a Sinn Foln court Aug. 15 Cantu revolt In Lower Califor nia, Mexico, ended. Aug. 16 Dr. Manuel Gondra Inaugu rated president of Paraguay. Aug. 29 Carlos lierrera elected presi dent of Guatemala. Sept. M Bolshevist uprisings in Italy; soviet rule established in many Industrial plants. Sept. 6 Obregon elected president of Mexico. Sept 15 Paul Deschnnel, president ot t ranee, resigned. Sept IS Workers in southern Italy seize innny Industrial plants. Sept. 20 Fortress of Mantua, Italy, blown up by anarchists. Sept 21 City of Balbrlggan, Ireland, raided and partly burned by British po lice. Sept. 23 Alexandre Mlllerand elected presldont of Franco. Sept. 24 Georges Leygues made premier of Franco. ' British pollco In Ireland raided three more towns, making eight in a week. Sept. 26 Italian workers and employers made agreement and rolgn of communism In Industrial plants ended. Sept. 29 German wireless station at rsauen, largest in world, olllclally opened. Oct. 17 One of Cork hunger strikers died In Jail. Oct. 20 Jugo-Slavla declared a consti tutional, hereditary monarchy with the Serbian royal family the reigning uy nnsty. Oct, 25 Terenco MacSwIney, lord mayor of Cork, died of. starvation In Brixton prison. Alexander, king of Greece, died. Oct 28 Admiral Coundouriotls elected regent of Greece. Nov. 2 Alfredo Zayas olected president of Cuba. Drys badly defeated In Scottish prohi bition elections. Nov. 11 Irish home rule bill passed house of commons. Nov. IS Hunger strike of Sinn Fein prisoners called oft. Nov. 14 Venlzelos' party defeated In Greek elections. Nov. IB Sebastopol captured by the Bolshevik). Nov. 17 Venlzelos, Greek promler, re signed and Uhallls formed new cabinet Nov. 21 Many killed and Injured In raids In Dublin following the murder ot 14 British ofllcers there. Nov. 23 Top of Mount Blano fell off and caused great avalanche. Nov, 26-Arthur Grinith, acting presi dent of tho "Irish republic," and other Irish leaders arrested. Nov. 27 Big Sinn Fein arson plot In London foiled. Nov. 2S Irish plotters sot flro to several large warehouses on Liverpool water front and killod two men, Fifteen auxiliary pollco recruits am bushed by Sinn Folners near Kllmlchacl. Ireland. Doc. 1 Obregon Inaugurated president of Mexico. Dec. 4 Greek people voted for restora tion of Constantino, Dec. 8 Greek government Invited Con stantino to return to tho throne, despite warning by 'Great Britain, Franco and Italy. General raids throughout Cork by Brit ish police. Dec. 9 Dr. Michael Ilalnlsch elected president of Austria, Dec. 10 Martial law proclaimed In south Iroland. Dec. 12 Part of Cork's business section burned In reprisal for Sinn Fein raid. Dec. 18 Negotiations for peaco 'In Iro land broken off by demand that Lloyd George deal with De Vnlera direct, King Constantino arrived in Athens. Dec. 20 Eighteen killed and many wounded In battle between English and Irish In County Tlpporary. Farrow's bank, Ixindon, with 75 branch es, failed. DOMESTIC Jan. 2 Thousands of Reds arrested In many cities. Raids continued dully. Taking of the census begun. Jan. 3 Department of Justice rovonled radical plot to overthrow tho government. War Fln.mco corporation announced loans of tl7.O00.000 to aid exportora. Jan. 0 Kontucky and Rhode Island rat ified suffrage amendment. Jnn. 7 Hive Socialists were denied tholr seats In New l'ork legislature. Jun. 8 Democratic nutlonal committee selected San Frunctaco for the conven tion, opening June 28. Jan. 10 House of representatives again donlod Victor Berger his seat. Sennte passed Sterling sedition bill Jnn. 14 Oregon ratified suffrage amend ment. Jan. 17 National prohibition amend ment to Constitution In effect. Jan. 27 David F. Houston appointed secretary of the treasury and Edwin T. Meredith of lpwn secretary of agricul ture. Henry P. Fletcher resigned as ambas sador to Mexico, Jan. 28 South Carolina refused to rat Ify suffrage amendment. Feb. 6 Virginia senate rejected federal suffrage amendment. Feb. 7 Secretary of the Interior Lano resigned, offectlve March 1. Feb. 12 Arizona ratified suffrage amend ment. Feb. 13 John Barton Pnyno. Chicago, appointed secretary of the Interior Secretary of Stato I.anshiK resigned at the request of President Wilson. National American Suffrage association opened its lar- convention in Chicago. Kel. 16 Subcommittee of house report ed great extravagance, waste and incum petence in aircraft production, severely criticising Secretary linker. Colonel Dlsnutf and Director Ryan. , Vol) 19 Now Mexico ratified suffrage amendment. Feb 21 Railway bill confeience report adopted by house. Feb. O Senate adopted conference re port on railway bill. Feb. 24 Charles R Cru.Te. Chicago, named minister to China. Feb. 26 Balnbrldge Colby selected fur secretary of mate. Feb. 26-G. W. P. Hunt of Arizona made minister to Slam. Feb. 27 Court ordvr entered divorcing big packers from business not directly related to moat pack. rig Feb. 28 Oklahoma ratified suffrage amondmont. March 1 Federal Judge Gclger in Mil waukee upheld Wisconsin's 2j per cent beer law. New Jersey legislature passed (aw local. Izlng 3V4 per cent beveruges. Unltdd Stales Supreme court derided United States Steel corporation 3 nut mi Illegal combination. Railroads returned to owners. blr Auckland decides accepted as Brit ish ambassador to Unltod Stales. President Wilson let it be known he would not be candidate for re-election. March 10 West Virginia assembly rut. Ifled suffrage amendment United States submarine H-i wrecked near Magdalena bay l.t Commander J. It Wfbli i'il ihrHM of cimw in. i March 15 United States senate adopted new Article X reservation to peace treaty by Vote of t6 to 26. United States Supreme court granted permission to state of New Jersey to In stitute original proceedings to test va lldlty of prohibition amendment. John Barton Payne retired na chair man of shipping board and was sworn in as secretary of Interior. March 18 United States sennte adopted resolution by vote of IJ lo 13 declaring for f self-determination for Ireland. House of representatives passed army appropriation bill providing for army ot 2W)00 enlisted men and 17.SO0 ofTtceis. March 19-Gcrmnn peace treaty with league covenant failed of ratification In senate. March 20 Truman II. Nowborry, Junior Unites! States senator from Michigan, and 16 others rnnv!nf,l l,v turv ut firnnil Rapids. Mich., of having conspired crimi nally In 1918 to vlOlnlo election lawn, Nowborry fined S10.000 nnd sentenced to imprisonment for two years. March 23-Balnbrldge Colby' sworn In as secretary of state. Government control of bituminous coal withdrawn by President Wilson, offectlvo April i, .April 24-Dlrector General of Railroads Hlnes resigned, effective May 15. April 26 Supreme Court declared tho Reading company and certain of Its sub sidiaries an Illegal combination. May 13-Soclallsts nominated Eugene Debs for president and Seymour Stedman for vice president Mny l&8cnate adopted Knox peaco resolution. May IS Secretary of the Interior Payno made director general of railroads, .May 21 House aoopled Hcnate peace resolution. Mny 24 President Wilson asked con gress for authority to accept the man date for Armenia. Investigation of presidential campaign expenses begun by the senate, May 27-President Wilson vetoed Knox Peace resolution. May 28 Water power conservation bill passed by congress. June 1 United Stutes Supreme court de. cldcd latlllcatlon of a constitutional amendment Is not subject to submission to popular referendum. Senate declined to give President au thority to accept Armenian mandate. June 4 President Wilson vetoed budget bill. Congress passed bill Increasing pay of postal employees. Undersecretary of Stato Frank Polk resigned. June 5 Congress adjourned. President Wilson letting several Important meas ures die without his signature. Juno 7 United States Supreme court de. clared valid both the prohibition amend, mcnt nnd tho Volstead enforcement act. June S Republican national convention opened In Chicago. June 12 Republicans nominated War rrn G.' Harding of Ohio for president and Culvln Coolldge of Mutsachusetts for vied president. July 6 Democrats in San Francisco nomlnnted James M. Cox of Ohio for President and Frunhlln D. Roosovolt, as sistant scrotary of tho navy, for vice president. July U Parley P. Chrlstcnsen. Salt Lako City, nominated for picsldcnt by Farmer-Labor party In 'Chicago, after bolt by committee of forty-eight and sin go tnxers, July 20 George White, Marietta, Ohio, elected chairman Democratic nutlonal committee. July 21 Prohibitionists opened national convention In Lincoln, Neb.; and nomi nated W. J. Bryan for .president by ac clamation. July 22 Bryan declining, the Prohibi tionists nominated Aaron S. Watklns ot Ohio for president and D, Leigh Colvln of New York for vice president. Senator Harding notified ot nomination by Republicans, July 27 Governor Coolldge notllled of vice presidential nomination. July 31 Interstate commerce commis sion authorized freight, passenger and Pullman rate Increase amounting tu about a billion nnd a half annually, Aug, 2 Twenty Communist Labor lend ers found guilty of sedition In Chicago. Aug. 5 Futal null-foreign riots In West Frankfort. III.; state troops sent, i Stree,t car strllto rlotB In Denver; sev eral persons killed. Aug. 7 Governor Cox formally notified of his nomination.. Aug. 13 Increase ot 12V4 per cent in ex press rates authorized by interstate com merce Commission, Aug. 18 Tennessee, tho last stato neces sary, ratified woman suffrage amend ment. Aug. 26 Ratification of suffrage amend ment proclaimed by Secretary ot Stato Colby. Hopt, 13 Maine went Republican by 65,000. Sept. 15 Terrific explosion at Wall and Broad streets, New York, laid to Rods; thirty persons killed and 300 Injured. Sept. 21 Three Socialists, re-elected to New York assembly, ousted; two Heated, but resigned. bept. 21 W, A. Ketchnm, Indianapolis, elected commander In chief of G. A, R. Presldont Wilson declined to abrogate trade treaties, as asked by congress In the merchant marine net. Sept. 29-Col. J. W. Galbralth, Jr.. Cin cinnati, elected national commander of the American Legion. Walter Dill Scott elected president of Northwestern university Oct. 7 Tho 1020 population of continen tal United States announced as I05,i..l,iiis. Nov. 2 Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolldge oloeted President and vlco pres ident of United States. Republican land slide California voters Indorsed the anti-alien Innd law. Nov. 2f Irish mob In .Now York at tacked Union League club 'berniiHc Brit ish flag wns Hying, Dee. 3 Secretary of Stato Colby started on formal vlsdt to South America. Dec. 6 Congress began the short ses sion. Dec. 7 Noliel peaco prize awarded to President Wilson. Presldont Wllson'H message to congress urged Independence for the Philippines und a loan to Armenia. Dec. 9 C. J. Voplckii roslf.ncd ns United States minister to tho Balkan stales. Rear Admiral Honry T. Mayo lotired. Doe. l.t House passed bill suspending Immigration for 14 months. House adopted resolution rcpeullng war time laws. Senate adopted resolution forrcvlvnl of war finance corporation tu aid the farmers. Doc. 14 Government crop report showed shrlnknge In values of nearly llvo Idlllon dollars compared with 1919. Pec. 15 Senate passed bill tutliorlzlng farmers' co-ojierntlve marketing associa tions. Dec. IS Senate passed bill forbidding strikes on railroads. Deo. SO Permanent merger of four ex press companies authorized by Interstate' commerce cominlmdon. INDUSTRIAL Jan. 8 Steel strike called off liy work ers' lommltwe Jan. 20-General railway strike in Italy, martial law In principal cities. I'eb. U Throe hundred thousand mem bers ot Brotherhood ot Maintenance oi Way Employees and Railway Shop La boiors ordered to strike February 7. Feb ll-Director General lllnes re fused to raise wages of railway employees und dispute was referred to the President. Feb 14 -Rail unions agreed to hold wage demands and strike In abeyance' um asked by Piosldent Wilson. .March i-l'renrh railway strike nettled March 6 Two thousand railway express employees at Chicago struck. Man h JO-Ono thousand clerks employed in Chicago city hall on strike fur in creased wages. Mui'-h 31 Bituminous coal miners ac cepted 27 per cent wage liioinuMe ami eight-hour day awarded by President WIlBon's coal commission. April 1-Chlcago city hall clerks ended strike: granted wage increase. Aptll 5 Nine thousand switchmen em ployed by Mluven rallloads In Chicago st .urk; freight trafllc tied up. Flto thousand coal miners In Illinois nnd Kansas struck because of dUsatls faction with wage a wauls. April 9 -Chicago switchmen's strlko spivad tu all cities. April 13 President Wilson appointed railroad board to settle railroad wage (UoVtlon. April It Federal officers arrested thlrly leader of rail strikers at Chicago on char of Interference with movement of malls and violations pf Lover act, Jun. " I ii'iieUi nnni'iii ("ilwintinn of Aineiican Hdntution of Labor opened In iloniH- 1. June t Samuel Gompers re-elected Iiresldent of the American 1'ederatfon of Mbor tor thirty-ninth tlmo. juiy 20 United States labor board awarded six hundred millions Increase In wages to nil classes of railway workers, about half what was asked. July 22 Rail unions ordered uuni vote on wage award. July 88 Illinois coal miners on strike. July Indians, and Kansas coal min ers struck. July 29 International Harvester com pany nnnounced It would pay Its em ployees 60 per cent of Its profits after 7 per cent had been paid on invested capi tal, July 31 Striking miners ordered back to work. Aug io Wage Increases totaling more than $30,000,000 awarded employees of American Railway Express by Unltod awues railway uuior board. Aug. 29 New York street, car men struck. Sept. 1-Outlaw strike paralyzed the an thruclto fields. , Sept. 12 Outlaw strike of railway men In Chicago district ended. Oct. 16-Coal minors of Oreat Britain "truck, demoralizing the nation's Indus trios. Nov. 3-Brltiah mine strike catted off. Dec. 13 New England cotton mills re duced wages of 100,000 workers nbout 12V4 per cont Deo. 15 Several big Industrial concerns announced wage reductions and discontin uance or reduction of dividends. NECROLOGY Jan. 1 Thomas Hume, millionaire lum berman, at Muskegon, Mich. Jan. a Paul Adam, French novelist Jan. 14 Charles IS. Magoon, former governor of canal zone. John F. Dodge, automobile manufac turer, of Detroit. Jan. 16 Reginald Do Kovcn, American composer, Jnn. 21-Rov. Cyrus Townsend Brady, author, ut Yonkois, N, Y. Jnn. 27 J. B. Wilson, Texas cattle mag nate. Feb 4K. P. Ripley, chairman of Banta Fo rallwuy, at Santa Barbara, CM. O. C. Barbor, founder of Diamond Match company, at Barborton. O. Feb, 8 :;ov. James B. Buckley, editor Christian Advocato, at MorrlwUnvn. N. J Feb. 10 C. F. Gunthur, pioneer cindy manufacturer of Chicago, und art con nolsseur. Feb 12 Julius Chambers, author and explorer, In New York. Feb 13 Brig. Gen. ,P. W. Davison. U. Sr A. Feu . i Rear Admiral Robert 1C, Peury, U, S. N ,( discoverer of n'orth polo. Feb J2 -Mnj R. W. Pullman, superin tendent uf Washington police. Fob. 24 Franklin Murphy, formor gov ernor of Now Jorsoy. Fob. 26 John C. Olmsted, famous land scape architect, nt Brookllno, Mass, March 1 United States Senator John H. Bankhend of Alabama. March 4 George D. Smith, noted au thority on rare books, In New York. March 15 Former Senator Henry W. Blair of New Hampshire 'In Wnshlngton. March 19 Albert Roullllcr, artist und collector of raro prints, at Chicago. March 26 Dr. Thomas H. Owon, direc tor of dopurtmorit or archives and his. lory of Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala. William Thomas Smedloy, American artist, nt Now York. March 31 Edwin Wnrflold, formor gov ernor of Maryland., at Baltimore. April l-Dr. William Martin, medical dl. roctor United States navy, retired, at San Francisco, April 4 Bishop Mathew S. Hughes ot Portland, Ore., at Clovolnnd. April 8 Dr. John A. Brashcar, former chancellor of University ot Pittsburgh, and astronomer. April 10-Judgo Richard S, Tuthlll, at Chicago. April 12 Most Rov. John Baptist Cro zlor, archbishop of Armagh and primate of nil Iroland. , April 14 Rogor C. Sullivan, Democratic lender, nt Chicago. April 16 Theodore N. Val), chnlrmnn ot American Tolephono and Telegraph com pnny, at Bnltlmoro, April 26 Miss Mnrjorlo Benton Cooko, Amoricnn author, at Manila. May 4 R. J Bolford, publisher, at Los Angeles. May 9 Bishop J. II. Vlncbnt, founder of the Chnutauoua assembly and of the Rockefeller foundation, In Chicago. Mny It William Dean Howolls. In New York. Mny 16 Levi P. Morton, formor vlco presldont. May 17 Col. W. D'A. Mann, Inventor nnd publisher, In Morrlstowu, N. J. May 18 Dr. John N. Btnckwoll, noted astronomer, In Clovelnnd O. June 1-Renr Admiral W, W, Hendrlck son, U. 8. N. June 3-Dr. Charles Augustus Stoddard, noted author, In Now, York. June 5 Rear Admiral Wlntorhnlter, U. S N. Rhoda Broughton, British novelist. Juno 14-Mmo. Rojano, famous French actress. Crown prlnco of Slam. 'June IS George W. Perkins, financier, at Stamford, Conn. July 4-Maj. Gen, William C. Gorgas. former surgeon goneral of United States nrmy. In Iondon. Representative Dick I. Morgan of Eighth Oklahoma district. July 10 Lord John Arhuthnot Fisher, first lord of British r.dmlralty. July 11 Ex-Emprrts Eugenie, last em press of Franco, at Mndrld, Spain. July 12 Rear Admiral Henry Tudor Brownell Harris, U, S. N., ut Southamp ton, Englnnd. Inly 21 Arthur .1. Eddy, Chlcngo, au thor, art critic nnd lawyer. Julv 2?-Wllllnni K. Vnndorhllt, In Paris. Jnlv 28 W. M. Reedy, editor and pub llNher of tho Mirror, nf St. Louis, Aug. 1 J. frank Hnnlny, former gov prtvir of Indiana, killed In auto accident. Maniuls ot Queensberry, In Johannes burg. Aug. '.' Isham Randolph, noted civil en. glneer. In Chicago. Dr Luis Onlvln, Domlnlcnn minister to United Stntv. Aug. rt Cnnimnnder C. M. Howe, U.S.N. Rev. Dr. H. C. Herring, gennrnl secre tary national council of Congregational churches Au.v. -J K. MrCnll, United fitntes dls. trlct Judge for western Tennessee. Aug. 10-Jnmcs O'Neill, veteran Ameri can nctnr Rear Admiral K. II. Ghoen, U. 8, N., retired. Aug 12-Wnlter Wlnnns, noted Amerl cun nrtlst and sporlsinnn, In London v Aug If. Sir Norman Loekyer, eminent scientist, at Sldmnuth. England, Aug. 20 Mmo. Rtelkn acrstor. famous soprano, In Italy. Aug 22 Andreas Horn, famous Swed ish painter. An. 2S James Wilson, former secretary of agriculture, at Inter. Iowa. Aug. 29-Cnrdlpal Amotte, archbishop of PnrtH. Sept. 2-Cnrillnnl Mendez, archbishop of Toledo nnd primate of Spnln. Sept. 17-Egerton castle, English novel ist Sept. 30 George ?nsinvth, American so ciologist, at (jniieva. Hpt. 21- Dr Eric Doollttle. noted as. tronomer. In Philadelphia. Kept. 20 H. P Avery, art patron and philanthropist, at Hartford, Conn. Jacob II. Schlff. New York banker and philanthropist. Oct. J W. Murray Crane, United States senator, at Dalton, Mush. Oct, 0 Miguel de Palaolos, noted Span Ish author. Oct. 10 Rev. Dr. H. Stuck, archdoacon of the Yukon. Jet 13 Mrs. onden Mills, social leader In New York nnd Paris, C M. Alexander, famous evangelist. In Birmingham. England. J. (I. Suydaker, Chicago capitalist and art connoisseur. Oct. 16 Howard II, Gross, president Universal Military Training leaguo, in Chicago. Oct. 17 General I.eman, defender of Lingo against the Germans. John Reo American writer. Oct 18 Federal Judge A. I Sunborn, at .Madison, Wis. Oct 19 Jay Rial, prominent theatrical and circus man, at Winston-Salem. N. C. Oct. 23 Oliver Doud Byron, veteran American actor. Oct. 24 Stephen 8. Oregory, eminent Chicago lawyer. Oct. 26 Aloxnndor, king of Oreece, Nov. 1-Thos, R. Jernigan, orientalist and former American consul ut Shanghai, Nov. 2 Ivoulse Imogen Gulney, Ameri can poet and essayist. In England, Nov 3-G. W Stevens, president dies, apcake und Ohio railroad. Nov. 9-Ludwlg III, former king of Ua vnrla. MaJ. R. W. McCIaughry, former war den of Leavenworth and Jollet peniten tiaries. Nov. lo Henry Thodo, noted German historian. Rear Admiral T. B. Howard. U. B. N.. retired. Nov. 14-Alston Kills, president of Ohio university. Nov. 15 i nomas Shields Clarke, sculp, tor and painter, In New York. Nov. 18-irnnklln Fort former coventor of New Jersey. Thomas J. Coolldge, formor minister to France, at Boston. ' Nov. at-George W. Brock, noted mural oecorator. Nov. 23 Commodore E, C Benedict ot Now York, Mrs. Mnrgarot Brewster, writer. In Mo desto, Cal. Nov. 26-Jako L, Hamon. Republican niUrnn' committeeman from Oklahoma. . A Kkcngrcn, Swedish minister to United 8tatos ov- I8-JamesJ. Reynolds, noted rail way' builder nnd engineer, In Chicago. Nov. 29-Eugeno W. Chafln. prohibition, leader, at Long Beach. Cal. Dec. 3 I'rnncls Lynde Stetson, eminent attorney of New York. Dec. 10 Horace E. Dodgo, automobile manufacturer, in Palm Beach, Marquis Dolln Chlesa, brother of tho pope. 1 Deo. 12Ollve Sehrclner. novelist. Doc. 16-Cyrus Beard, chief Justice ot Wyoming supremo court Dec, 17 Lieut. Pnt O'Brien, famous Atnorlcan war aviator, committed suicide. Horatio W. Soymour, noted Journalist, In New York. Dec. 16 Mrri. Helen E. Starrett, noted American educator. Doc. 20-Rt. Rov. Charles Summer Burch Protestant Episcopal bishop of New York. DISASTERS Jan. S-Earthquake In Mexico killed many persons and did vast damage. I' 6b. 6 Disastrous storm swept Atlantlo coast of United States. March 2S-Nearly 200 persons killed and hundreds Injured by tornado which swept Illinois. Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wlscon- ii. Alabama and Georgia. Several mil hut dollars' property damage. .prll ll-Throe hundred killed, many injured In explosion of munition dump at l.othonsteln. East Prussia. ' prll 20-Scores killed by tornadoes In Mississippi. Alabama and Tennessee. Mi,y 2-Flfty-mne killed by tornado In Chorokeo county, Oklahoma, Atig. 19 Great floods in Japan with iic.ivy loss of life. Sept. 7-Karthquako In northern Italy destroyed many towns nnd killod 174. bept. 9 More destructive eathquako shocks In Italy. Sept 20-Mllllon dollar fire on Galves ton water front. Doc. 9 Disastrous earthquakes In Chile ami Central America. Deo, 16 Earthquuko destroyed towns along Argentine slope of tho Andes; 400 killed. ' SPORTS Jan. 18 A. Hnugen of Colorado won the Internutlonul ski tournament at Cary, ill. Jan. &W oo steelier won heavyweight wrestling championship from Earl Cadi dock, l-'eb, 4 W. B, Huey won world's ama teur threo-cushlon championship at Chi cago, March ,6 Percy Collins of Chicago won national amateur 18-2 billiard champion ship. March 15 Walter II agon or Detroit won west const opon golt chumplonshiti at Bella r Heights, Fla., when ho comploted 72 holes In 292 stroke. May 8 Kentucky Dorby won by Paul Jonos. May 31 Chevrolet won 500-mlle automo bile race at Indianapolis. July 2-WIIUam T. TUden of Philadel phia won British lawn tennla champion, ship In slnglos nt Wimbledon. July 15 Shamrock won first of Ameri ca's cup races, owing to accident to Res oluto. July 17 Charles Evans, Jr., won west ern amntour golf championship. July 20 Shamrock won second raco for America's cup. July 21 Resolute defeated Shamrock In third race. July 23 Resolute won fourth race. July 24-Mark Alrle, Illinois, won Olym pic trap-Hhootlng championship. July 27 Resolute won fifth race and the America's cup. Aug. 3 United States won Olympic tar get shooting contest. Aug. fi Jock Hutchinson won western opon golf championship. Aug. 13 Edward Ray of England won American open golf championship. Aug. 22-KohlBmalncn of Now York, en tered for Finland, won Marathon nt Ant werp, Americans won tho Olympic champion ships. Sept. 6 Jack Dempsoy knocked out Billy Mlsko In third round. Sept. 11 Charles Evans, Jr., won na tional amnteur golf championship. Sept. 27 Brooklyn won National league pennant. Bept. 2S Seven members ot Chicago Whlto Sox club and ono formor momber accused of conspiracy to "throw" world series of 1919. Two confessed. Grand Jury at Chicago voted Indictments. Oct. 2 Cleveland won American league pennant. Oct 6 Cleveland won first world series gnme. Oct 6 Brooklyn won second world se ries game. Oct. 7 Brooklyn won third game. Oct. 9 Cleveland won fourth game. Oct. 10-Clevolund won fifth gnmo. Oct 11 Cleveland won sixth game. Oct. 12 Cleveland won seventh gnme and world's championship. Carpentler of Franco knocked out Le vlnsky and became light heavyweight champion of the world. Oct. IS Eight Natlonnl longue and three American leaguo clubs votud to withdraw from the national agreoment and adopt a new system uf Imsebnll government Oct. 23 Grand Jury In Chlcngo Indicted Hal Chase, Bill Burns and Abe Attel for the baseball conspiracy. Oct. 30 American llshlng schooner Es peranto defeated Canadian entry Dela wnn'nn In llrst rare. Nov, 1 Esperanto defeated , Dola wanna again nnd won series. Nov, 8 Owners of eight National and three Amoricnn leaguo clubs votod to form now 12-club leaguo nnd offered chair manship of board of control to Judge Lundls with annual salary of $50,000. Nov. 13 Judge Landls accepted chair manship of baseball board of control, and wur between the major leaguos was averted, i Nov. 2i-Ohio 8tate university won con ference football championship. Nov. 26 Rosco Sarlos won 250-mlle na tlonnl championship auto race at Los An geles. Gaston Chevrolet killed In collision. Dec. 8-Wllllo Hoppo retained the 18-2 balk line championship. Dec. 13 John Lnyton of St. Louis won three-cushion billiard championship front Boh Cannefax. Dec. 14-Clmmplon Jnck Dempsoy knock ed out BUI Brennan In twelfth round. AERONAUTICS Feb. 27-MuJ. R. W. Schroedar made world's altitude record of 36,00 feut at Dayton, O., und thon fell llvo miles, but survived. Mny 31 Two Itallnn lieutenants com pleted Might from Rome to Tokyo. June 27 -Aviator John H. Lnrsen made now nonstop record In United States; 4,iXK)-mllu Might from Omaha, Neb,, to Philadelphia In 11 hours, July 15Four United States arplun stnrted lllght from Now York to n.wt'.v July SO-Klrst transcontinental mail plane3 left Long Island for Sun Fran cisco. Aug. 8 First transcontinental air mall reached Oaklund, Cal. Aug. 10 Air mall service established be tween Chicago and St. Paul-MlnnupolIs. Aug. 16 Chlcogo-St. Louis air mall service established. Aug. 23 Army planes from New York reached Nome. Alaska, Sept. 8 Coast-to-coast air mall service established. Sept. 28 James Gordon Bennett trophy race won by Sudl Lecolnte, France. Oct. 25- Belgian entry Belglca won In ternational balloon race In America. Nov. 25-Lleut. C. C, Mosley won Pulit zer trophy airplane raco at Mlneola, N. Y., his average speed being 178 miles an hour. Dec. 3 J, T. Christensen, air mall pilot, sot ndw record for Chlcaco-Now York, lllght. making 742 miles In 6 hours U. tcinutfts.