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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1920)
Che Jtorift THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NOHTH PLATTE, NE& DECEMBEft 31, 1920. No. 102 WiMa NEW YEAR; ;HAS FINE PROSPECTS NORTH l'LATTE AM LINCOLN '.COUNTY TO FACE 1921 WITH : ' ' CONFIDENCE. Tomorrow morning tho people of N'orUi Platte and Lincoln County will start tlio first day of tho new year. It Is a holiday. Each will celebrate it In his own way; some by feasting, othors by sports and ontcrtalnment. Tho Now Year's dinner Is usually a big occasion. Dancing, plcturo shows, baskot ball, and religious services will each have its followers. Often in study and offico tho more serious minded will bo found pouring over tho record of tho past year in order to learn its lessons. Tho year 1920 has been marked by two distinct eras tho first when wo wero still under -the spell N)f the war With prices advancing and freo spend ing on tho part of tho wholo people. In early summer came tho reaction which was rather sharp and tho ten dency of prices turned downward. In some lines tho decllno was rapid: textiles, food and farm produco mado sharp decline. Tho readjustment had set in. Great losses wore sustained by merchants everywhere. Now tho mala lines of merchandise are fairly well established on a basis but a little above that prevailing before tho war. Exceptions are metals, paper and coal, which havo not yet gone down to any degree. Tho farmer stands to lose his share in the readjustment and the farmor who Bpont all ho mado during tho time of high prices will fool tho pinch just ad tho merchant has. Labor was tho last to get the raise and it will bo tho last to taker, tho loss. Skilled labor probably will not lower its wago Btandard but com mon labor is now on tho decline and will probably go still lower, largely on account of non-employment, So wc faco the year 1921. Important matters aro to oomo before it. There Is a ronowed nctivitly in all religious and social linos. A number ! of new Undertakings l.u theso linen aro promised for North I'latto during tho coming year. Ono is a school nurse for tho schools of tho County and nnothor is a County Social "Worker and n County Board of Public "Welfare. Tho programs of tho Boy Scout Council, tho Campflro Girl Council, tho He'd Cross, tho Salvation Army, the Y. M. C. A. and such organizations all call for special activity In Lincoln County during tho coming yoar. show slgs ofiivnuladnrltl-hctF Financially tho conditions show signs of improving. Tho best sign is that which is expressed by tho word co-operation. There nne very fo.w peoplo who are forcing othors to pay accounts unless thcro is some indica tion of fraud. Tho banker, tho far mer, tho laborer, tho business and professional men, all arc boing as lenient as tho conditions warrant and seldom do wo hear of anyone exacting the pound of flesh because they aro 'ontltlcd to it. It will tako somo time yet for tho readjustment to be com pleted but tho crest has been passed,' wo hall 1921 as a year of promise. Tho need of the hour Is for wlso heads in leadership and heart In dealing with our follow men. North Platte and Lincoln County have both. Let's use them to tho limit. THE ARMY & NAVY SXOltES TO OPEN WESTERN NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS HERE. Announcement is made this week that the Army and Navy Stores Co. is to open a Btoro here on Saturday, Jan. Sth In the room formerly oc cupied by the Sudman Bakery. This building Is at tho comer of Fifth and Dowey. Permanent qunrters have not yet beon established. The new store will carry a varied line of gqods such as .was contracted for by tho United Ltntosarmy during tho war. mr. a. ti. suae, Manager or. tno stores in this part of tho state said last night, "Wo-expect to mako North Platto the center for distribution in western Nebraska This Is because North i ,ts railroad facilities. Wo now "latte and Lincoln County arc fav-!avo stores at Sidney. Scottsuluir, Al- t "ably located to recover from tho re- Dance and other poluts In tho western :"Uon of 1920 and soon will bo back l,art of tho state. Wc will open tem n normal. We have tho great Union PPrary Quarters in the Sudman Bak Paclflc Railroad with its steady pay- cry building. Wo will bo opon for roll. Tho force has been reduced business on Saturday January 8th. somewhat during tho slack business P'ans for pormanent quarters will season, Just as Is done very year, but , announced lator." nothing like tho retrenchment that Is ;:o:: being practiced on other roads. SARGEANT JOHNSON OF LOCAIi Wo. had many- thousands- of dollars , RECRUITING OFFICE IS PRO from the sugar beet crop which money I MOTED. put many of our farmers in good fin- ancial condition. Our bank statements Sargeant Johnson, who has been in show a satisfactory condition on tho North Platte for more than a year wholo with a strong tendency to co- went to Omaha last week and re operation on tho part of all. During eelved promotion to the rank of war tho past six months there has not been rant offlcor. This Is the highest of a business failure in North Platte, lice In tho non-commissioned list and Several business houses liav-e quit carries with it a substantial increase business because of ono thing or an- In pay. Mr. Johnson is now here on other but not one has had need of tho leave and will move his family to St. law In order to net Its affairs straight- Louis In the near future. Ho has made an enviable record hero and It was because of this record thnt ho rocelved his reward. ::o:: oned out. i This Is a romarkablo rec ord and one which speaks well for the business conditions In the city. A little more than two months (.way tho now administration will tako over ANNOUNCEMENT. all departments of government and V. W. Rlncker has purchased the with tho united peoplo back of the Gummere-Dent Drug Stora and has new administration something should nssumed active charge. Ho invites 1)0 done to right tho wrongs of the the patronage of the public. Rlncker present. The State eLglslaturo will Drug Co. meet next week and its action will be F. W, PJNCKER, Prop. watched with Interest as some mishty 102-3 Wo Deliver. v if it if :.: :.: . :.: if if j.: :.: :.: if ' if if if if if if a if if if if if it :.: :.: :.: if if if if if if if it if if if if if w if if if if if if if if if if if it if if if if if SOMETHING NEW "There is nothing new under the sun," said tho sago of old. That Is true ns a general principle, but scarcely so as an Individual experience. Each day ls new. Each opportunity is new. Many experiences are new. Tho year be fore Is new Its pages aro unsullied. It holds for many the now opportunity Of knowing Jesus Christ. Tho Church stands, ready to help you grasp that opportunity, that experience. If you do not attend any church, come to our church ' noxt Sunday morning at cloven o-clock. , The robed choir will sing. .There Is room for all. You will be heartily, welcome.- if NEW- PLANS FOR FAIR Anothor suggestion is thnt a $280 pursa divided into thrco monuya, bo hung up for tho best collective farm produco exhibit from any ono precinct and I would strongly urgo that moro liberal premiums bo offorod for live stock, in fact premiums in this lino should bo as lnrgo as possible, for tho raising of puro bred llvo stock I bo comlng a real factor In tho mntorlHl progress of tho county. Last fall betweon $5000 and $''000 were hung up in auto purses and Over two thousand doilnra was H;iont (luring tho year to got tho track In shape for tho advertised dare-devil ISujior rrlbuuu: fr00 attractions which wn nnn onallv In view of tho fact that tho annual , got along without. With a homo tulent meeting of tho LlncolnCountyAgvIcul- program wo can materially cut down tural Society will bo hold next wock nig purses, and tho money needed for" at which several now directors and track improvement wll be light. In new officers will bo elected, permit nm theso particulars money can bo saved, to suggest that tho now directors and and tho .amount saved can bo nddod all officers other than tho secretary to tho varied program suggested and consist of residents of tho precincts to Increasing premiums on llvo stock mm viuuguB uuiaiuu oi iNorui -iaue. unit agricultural oxuioits. IRA L. if A HE WRITES REGARDING , REORGANIZATION OF FAIR PROGRAM TO ORGANIZE FARM BUREAU Exception of tho secretary is mado for tho reason that I bollove ho should bo located in tho county seat because- of his ready availability and tho fact that ho Is at tho base of all oporattons. With tho officers and dlrect6r3 well distributed ovor our vory largo coun ty, I believe that thoy would ho able to arouso" moro enthusiasm for, and pnterest in, tho fair, for certainly Without tho hearty co-oporatlon of the farmers no county fair can bo made- n success. Candor compels us all to admit thai as a county fair our fair has not loen n success: that it has degenerated from what should bo an agricultural and live stock exhibit to a moro ehl bttlon of auto races, which wo must admit havo beon more tiresome than oxclting. It Is true that exhibits of llvo stock nnd farm products will nol alpno attract crowds to tho fair grounds there must bo entertaining features. For those entertaining feat ures allow mo to suggest Jhat wo oer mlt them to be furnished by the peo plo of Lincoln -county, and thus allow our own peoplo to win the prlzo money Instead of having outside peoplo lug It off-r-ln other words, lot us l;eep within ourselves tho monoy" wo snend. nnc thus retain it in local circulation. i nave utmost connuenco m tno abil ity of tho people of Lincoln county (o furnish .an on:ertn wpl program iiuu win curumiiy uluuhu uiui wnaii' uess which comos from sitting in the grand atnnd, on tho bleacher or in a car for it whole half day and Avatchlng ono auto driver follow another, each keeping a respectful distance behind tho other? Auto racing need not be totally elim inated as one of tho entertaining fent upes, but let us accept as ontrics only cars driven by Lincoln county resi dents, and tints have Lincoln county men win tho prizes. They may not bo able to round tho track as quickly as Rhlley, but thero would bo stronger and more exciting competition Other track events could consist of pony races by Lincoln county hor3ea and relay horso races In which the riders could como from thrco distinct divisions into which tho county might bo divided. There are still some out law horses find bucking mules; there aro steers that could or could not be ridden, and thero aro In tho county men who can rope and throw a steer W.o can have a Marathon race, we can have tugs of war betweon different sections of tho county. In fact, a some thing doing every minute program could oasily bo arranged and ovory participant would be a Lincoln county man. I nm not ready to admit that a home lalont program of entertainment will not draw a crowd; In fnct I am pos itively cortaln thnt such n program will provo popular with not only tho farmer, but with town pooplo ns woll, and coupled with a strong exhibit of llvo stock and farm products, such a fair noxt fall will attract an attvnd anco that will ill 1 grandstnnd, bleach er and car parking space. And best of all the admission and grand stand prlcos can bo lowored to a flguro that will not bo excessive. These suggestions aro subm'ttod by ono- who Is a stockholder in tho fair for the consideration of thoso who nro interested In our fair, with tlio hope that if deemed worthy, tho plan may recolvo tho hearty co-operation of every farmer and buslnoss man In tho county. IRA. L. BARE. t:o:: NORTH PLATTE TYPEWRITER ' EXCHANGE ENLARGES FIELD OF ACTIVITIES. Messers Hughes & Hollund, who established tho North Platte Type writer Exchango hero sovcral months ago have taken over tho Wostorn Ne braska Agency for Uio Dalton Add ing Machino and will maintain offices at Grand Island, North Platto and probably one place still farther west. Tho Exchange will emphasize tho Adding Machine business rather than tho typewriter businoss now as thero seems to bo moro demand for tho former than tho latter. It Is probablo that for tho present the Grand Island offico will bo made tho headquarters. Both of those men have mado many friends hero and It is hoped thoy will Uiebfda to make North Platto their homo, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL TO OPEN THE BASKET BALL SEASON WITH A GAME TOMORROW. Now Year's Day Is to open the High School Basket Ball Season In North Platto, Tho girls of the Culbertson will play tho girls of tho North Platto High School. Contrary to reports tho boys of tho two schools will moot on tho samo floor during tho same after noon, ono game to follow the othor. Tlio girl's game Is oxpoctod to bo a godd ono as the Culbortson girls nro said to havo won a dozen games so far this year. Tho boys gamo Is not so cortaln ns neither team Is yet well known for its ability. ::oU- Uesolvo to buy nt Edwards-Roy-nolds Co. and save monoy. That's tho best Now Year's Resolution, MKIITISG OF FARMERS CALLED TO KOlWr LINCOLN COUNTY ORGANIZATION Following Is Uio otflcal call for a meeting of tho farmers to organize Tlio Lincoln County Farm Bureau. To bo hold at tlio Court IIoliso Wed nesday, January 5, for tho organiza tion of tho Lincoln County Farm Bu reau. All farmers aro urged to bo present. Mr. Browknh, Director of Agricultural oxtonslon will bo prosont to assist In organization. S. J. Koch, James Shoupc, Fred McClymont, John Griffith, Frank Strollborg, A. S. Grogg, Committee. GODOWSKY CONCERT AT GOTHEN- DURG HIGHLY APPRECIATED About forty North Platto pooplo wont to Gothonburg Tuosdny ovenlng to attond tho concort given undor tho nusplces of 'tho Gothenburg Commun ity Club by tho premier pianist Go dpwBky. Tho opinion was that It was well worth tho trip nnd tlio oxponsc. Godowsky is ono of tho groatcst piano playors In Uio world mnd it is a rare prlvllogo to hoar a master of such re nown, Ills vnrlod program waB ap preciated especially by thoso who havo studied tho pianoforte and know Its capabilities. Tho Gdthonburg Community Club is to bo commended on Us enterprise In getting such tnlent for its ncoplo. FUNERAL OF JOHN E. EVANS IS HELD THURSDAY AFTERNOON MAX AGENCY OVER RUN UITIt BUSINESS THE FIRST WEEK OPKN. 1 At 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon tho funeral services for tho lato John E, Evans wero hold at Uio Mothodist Cliurch. Previously tho B. P. O. E. had conducted a sorvlco at tho homg. At Uio church tho G. A. R. service was followed bv a brief sermon by Row G. F. Koch. At Uio cpmctory Uio I. O. O, F, hold Its burial coro mony. Each of theso organizations attended In a body as did tho momborfl of the bar and the officers of tho city and county. The pallbearers werj all Spanish AVar Votoruns. Interment was in the North Tlnttfe Cemetery. Wo are Inaugurating a Mid-Winter Munngor Pasloy, of tho Mux Agency, has had moro than ho can do. Ho lias oponed tho otnploymont sorvl'co In tho room formerly occupied by tlio Tramp Roady-to-Woar storo on Front Strcot and has been swamped with applications for employment. Ho had listed qutte a number of jobs but within a short tlmo nftor, opening ho had exhausted tha list and had many applicants waiting for work. This Is a convonlenco which will como to bo appreciated In North Platto nnd Lin coln County. Ho now has men and Women listed for ovory kind of em ployment. Many want farm work, Othors want houso or shop or ofTIco Qinploymont. All ono has to do is to call his number nnd ho is thoro to connect ono with tho right porson, Tho Trlbuno liopos Mr. Pnsloy will bo supported In this work and given a chnnco to supply a gront ncod In this community. AUTOMOBILE LICENSES SHOULD BE SECURED TODAY FOR 1021. 1 This is Uio last day of graco for the owner of all nuto-vohlcles in Lincoln County to socuro his automobile 11 conso for 1921 boforo ho Is liable to tho penalty of tho law. County -Treasurer Soudor is mailing out tho noticos to all people who took out Hconses during 1920. Ho will thon wait in pationco- until Uio owners pay up. Stato officers make occasional trips through tho country and mako arrosts of all owners who liavo not complied with tho law in regard to tho license Arro3t can bo made at any tlma after January 1. Tho amount of tho llconso depends on tho rating of tho vehicle owned. EP WORTH LEAGUE TO HAVE A PARTY AND BOX SOCIAL AT EIGHT O'CLOCK TONIGHT. The box Boclal and party which tho Epworth L'oaguo is to glvo tonight will begin at olght o'cllck. This an nouncomeut is mado becnuso tt has beon rumored that tho Boclal and party -was not to commonco until mid night. Thoso who wish will stay at Uio church and watch tho now yoar in.fcjA general JnvUaUon has been ox tiifld.W by tho' Leaguo to fill young peoplo of tho city. - ENTERTAIN INHONOR OF MISS ALLEYNE BECKER. Wednesday ovonlng of this week Mrs, L. B. Dlclc ontortalnod." a num ber of young ladfoB in honor of M188 Alloynts Becker who haa been visiting relatives during tho Ohrlstmna holi days. After a social tlmo gamos were Clearance Sale to challenge attention playod nml nt a lato hour dellclouB ro ,,.C11 u,u ,,iuiiuau iu piuuucu rum froshmontB woro served. uuuuuiuy uuai yeur. uur values speaK for thomselves. Edwnrds-Rcynold3 Co. Surely you will want somo now rec ords to play on tho machine placed l'n your home this Christmas. Got them nt Dixon's Music Shop Wo are Inaugurating a Mld-Wlntcr Clearance Salo to challenge nttor-.tlon of men who propoBo to practice real economy noxt yoar. Our values spoak for themselves. Edwards-Roynolds Co. Our great Mid-Winter Clearance, A visit to our now storo will bo a Salo is for a limited Umo only. Do pleasure to you. Wo will bo glad to not delay gotting your share of tho show you our now departments. Dix bargalns. Edwards-Reynolds Co. on, Tho Joweler. . First Evangelical Lutheran Church Fort) years of faithful service to it's credit in North Platte. Located on Fifth Street at Sycamore. Rev. C Franklin Koch, Pastor. if if :.t it if if it if if if if it tf it if it if a if if if if if it if w if it it if l it if if if if if :.: :.: :.: . . :.: it tt if if If if if if if if if if it it if if if if All Winter Hats in our store will be on sale from December 31, until every Hat is sold. Prices from $2.00 to $5.00. Come while they last. McVICKER'S MILLINERY. :.: if if if if it if if if if it if if it if if it it if tt if if if tt it if it it it it if M.W........M.....M.........M.........,M,,..,.,,.....,..,., SAVE FUEL AND DOCTOR BILLS BY USING THE HENRV AUTO MATIC AIR TIGHT WEATHER STRIP. if if if if it it tt if If H li it if it ir. it it tt if t.t if if if ! 1 Ill i ill II I !! 'Mitft1iMTiMP if'M The U. S. Fuel Admini. ration Advocates the use of Weal ar Strips. Advocates tho uso of Weather Strips Don't try to heat all out doors, It coBts too much. If tho cold comos l. tho coal goes out. Tho ma Jortlty of doors aro so open at tho bott i n that a curront of cold air Is continually swooping ovor tho floor. To remedy this, and also keep out Uio rain and dust In suramor uso on Woather Strips. I will call Ina fow days and demonstrate the Strl i -nd tako your ordor. L. N. LOWIS, if it it if tt it if tf a if if it it if it tt it g tt tt it 1921 Ideals and Automobiles We have our ideals. Although ideals are not always attained, no business can truly serve or become great unless it constantly strives to live up to high aspira tions. The ideals of this institution are 1, to serve all its patrons fairly, squarely, im partially 2, to offer "an automobile that represents full valuo. 3, to carry spare parts and operate an efficient service department to assure continuous and satisfactory performance of our customers' cars 4, to bo always courteous, considerate and pro gressive. Each year we become better able to realize our high ideals. Our only New Year resolution is o try more energetically to do so. NQT0H CAR TtiEf? . V. ROMIGK Dealer GUi & Locust. During 1920, Podge 141,250 good motor! cars. Phone 844 Brothers, produced if 016 Wost 4th. Norm I'latti', Noor.