, NORTIt PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE r British E. ilei In Holland. ."On this spot lived, taught nnd , died Joliti Robinson, 1011-1025" -so i reads the fnwrlptlon on a simple pinto fri tlii wall of .a picturesque little house In the old town of hoyden. Here every yvnr ninny Americans and English people come to see tho spot Whoro ilved not only John lloblnson, William Bradford, William Brewster, nnd other men educated at Cambridge, but also many other British exiles ' mostly from the triangle hetweon tho ' rivers Aire nnd Trent nnd number. They had refused to take their religion 1 from tho Kngllsh court, nnd had been driven from their homes Into Uio Dutch republic, whore conscience was freo. Most of them stayed 12 years In Holland and then sailed In the j Spoodwoll from Delfshaven to Ply mouth, where they Joined o'her Brit ish exiles in tho Mnylldwer August 1, 1020. Suggestion Does Much. , When you como dowu to breakfast In the .morning, to bo greeted, per haps, with the suggestion JLlmt you look ill nnd tlrgd, you may, if you are very suggestible, actually feel ill and tired for the rest of tho day, un less you have the sense to counter that unwise suggestion b tlio oppo site one that you nre looking well and feel refreshed. On the other hand, supposing thnt you are feeling some what out of sorts and think you look Jaded, n friendly remark that you nre looking very well and fit will "buck you up" Immensely, and you will ac tually, In the course of the day, sug gest yourself Into a corresponding Rtate of well being I ::o::- When in North Platto stop at the j Hay and Qra,n7 Tho Harrington Mer New Hotel Palace, and Cafe. You will cantlle Co. will offer tho highest Up treated woll. 68tf Prices. G4tf ANNOUNCEMENT Wo uro no iv located at 702 Locust Street, with somo ot tho Choicest Meat ever sold ovor tho counter and at very attractivo prices. We will handlo Swift's Brand of Smoked and Packed Meats in connec tion with our own kill of Fresh meats. A FEAV OF OUR PRICES Sirloin and Porterhouso 25c Boiling Boef 15c . Loin Pork Chops T 25c Loin Pork Roast 25c Lord . 20c Mutton Z 15 and 18c Veal 15 to 30c Wo nro hero to accommodato You ontl have tho Right Kind of Meats at Right Prices and will try to satisfy you. CROW & CROW P,hono 70S. COME in and let us play these for you. They number some of the world's best-loved pieces of music. Take this opportunity to Rosary (Nevin) Cornet 501 74 50623 A uream tsaruett; cornet ouiuricr Marchc I-orrnine Imperial Marimba Band Hawaiian Dreezes Waikiki Hawaiian Orch. (With Louise 8s Ferero) ( Wailsma Waltz Instl. Duet J Tufa T)mtsAa T-T nuroilani HI 50670 " Hawaiian Smiles Waikiki Hawaiian 150671 80128 82063 Semper FidelisMarch ) Trumpeter's Carnival William TellOverture J William TellOverture Ave Maria, Violin NEW GRAY SAMARITANS RESCUING CHILDREN The Young Women's Christian Asso ciations of tho United States aro keenly Interested in tho movement for the ro lief of the 3,500,000 starving children of Europe because a group of their members, the Polish Gray Samaritans, liavo been In charge of distributing food to chlldron In Poland. They have been serving under tho American Relief ad ministration and have conducted food kitchens and distributing stations In all parts of Poland outside Warsaw. In all the relief work being done in Europe, that of tho Polish Grays has been unique because nil the girls, though sent from America, were either born In Poland or nre of Pollslv paren tage. When tho need for social serv ice In their country became acute many girls of Polish descent answered the call of the Young Women's Chris tian Association for overseas service and enlisted In -the preliminary train ing course thnt was given In several cities of the United Stntcs. From this group thirty girls wore chosen nnd sent to Poland whore, since 1018, they have been cnrlng for tho children of tho country. The distribution of clothing Iirs taken them into nil parts of Poland. They are now spending their entire time In arranging for tho feeding of children this winter. Groups of them travel to strategic centers In outlying districts whero they sot up distributing stations, receive supplies, prepar moals, arrange for Impartial dlstrlbu. tlon and train helpers to contlnuo the work when they are sent on to the next town. To whom nro your going to soil your visit our Re-Creation Department. See how our various services to owners help you get the greater, finer joy out of your New Edison . 80292 i Gloria-12tliMas3(Mozart)GrecorianChoir I Hallelujah Chorus Messiah (Handel) Oratorio Chorus 82536 Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod) in Latin Marie Roppold and Albert Spalding Couturier 82077 Depuis lc iwi7i jSilert Night (Gruber) aul l O Ht.ly Night (Adam) Orchestra N.Y.MiiitaryBand - March Milltaire N.Y.MiiitaryBand (Pt. 1 ) Sodero'sBand (Pt.2) Sodero'sBand Carl Flesch 82510 82032 HARRY DIXON, Dealer. EDISON Pleads for Europe's Helpless Children jps "They aro no more hiy children than yours," Is Herbert Hoover's homely yet eloquent plea for 3,500,000 European children who face Incrcdlblo tragedy this winter unless America comes to their rescue. The funds by which American nld has been feeding mil lions have run out, and that the work mny not stop nnd thus precipitate what would amount to "a massacre of the Innocents" seven other great Amer ican relief organizations have united with Mr- Hoover's organisation under the name of the European Relief Coun cil In n Joint appeal for funds. Tho Collnbiinitlng agencies nre the Ameri can Rod Cioss, the Ainerlenif Friends Service Committee (Quakers), the Jewish .loin I Distribution Committee, the Federal Churches of Christ In America 'he tilclit of Columbus, the V M C. A and the i. W. O. A. NOTICE OF TAKING UP E STRAY Taken up by tho undersigned on his premises eight miles southeast of North PIntte, Lincoln County, Ncbr. on or about November 20, 1920, one black marc with a small star, weight about 1150, about ten years old. Dated this 4th day of December, 1020. THEODORE SAMUELSON. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist. Mc Donald Bank Building. Rooms 2 & 8. Phone 97. 42tf jour Louise Anna Case Frieda Hempel Frieda Hempel . ' O TI t We Two Were Maying Eli beth Spencer and Thomas Chalmers In tli livening by the Moonlight, . Dcu Louise Hindermycr and Chorus Sweel "pint, Hear My Prayer (Wallace) I Venetian Inst. Quar. iKathl. -n Mavourneen (Crouch) Venetian Inst. Quar. WOULD REMAIN IN BUSINESS Old Doctor Jones Evidently Was Sat isfied That He Could Read His ' Own Writing. Old Doctor Jones, who ohce prac ticed medicine In n Now Jersey town, was known everywhere as a notorious ly bad spoiler. He slipped up on this simplest words, nnd people wondered hov ho managed to write proscrip tion's, ospcclnlly In medical" Lntln, so thnt they could bo rend and under stood. Though the "Doc," ns he wns cnlled, could not spell, he was, never- ! tholess, nccountcd n good physician nnd his patients swore by him. He ', sent his proscriptions regularly .to n ! certain druggist In the town becauso 1 this mnn wns the only druggist who , could rend them. How tho druggist ' 'succeeded In doing it was a mystery to every one. Everything went well for u long time, then one day tho druggist wns taken 111 and died. His funeral was largely attended and Doctor Jones wns one of the principal mburners. What will become of "Doc" now? Who will he get to reap his prescrip tions? were questions on every one's lips. It was pretty generally agreed thnt the future looked black for tho physician, but this mnn who spelled rheumatism "rumntlz" was not to bo discouraged. Tho day after the obse quies of tho druggist the following announcement, printed In long-hnnd, appeared In the window of tho phar macy: "Dr. Jones has botght this drug store. Ho will contlnuo the bis pess nnd fill proscrlpshons hlssolf." RABBIT'S INSTINCT AT FAULT Probably Would Have Died in Trap From Which It Might Have Escaped With Ease, I hnvo seen n bird tethered to Its breeding place Its feet held fast by the hnlrs wldch lined Its nest but, until the other dny I had never known or heard of u rnbblt being cnught In n snnre of lis own devising, writes nn observer of nature. In nn old pas ture In Middle Tevlotdale. where the grass grows runic beside tho old -haw-thorn hedge which fences the field, a rabbit was soon to be struggling as If striving to escape from a smire. On going up to the spot, I found thnt the hind legs of tho rabbit were firmly bound together with "ropes" of grow ing grass. Apparently the little rnp tlve had been rolling itself among the grass, and, In the process, hud un wittingly woven Its own bonds. Tho rabbit had evidently been a prisoner for some days, being thin In body rind feeblo from the effects of Its-fruitless struggles for liberty, while tho ground around the tufts of grass to which It was fastened wns closely cropped, though seemUigly instinct had never suggested that It. might have oaten nwny its "chnlns." Tlie Weekly Scots man. Wall of Dragons of Pekln. Tli - dragon m ,vcn , I'okln hid. den .behind a hill. ..'; m the Winter pal aeo grounds, It is a wall perhaps 20 feet high and inn Ioiik. rated completely with tile insi i represent nine large-size dragons In lins lellef, of various colors yellow, purple, buff, maroon, orange dancing na.vly above emerald billows iigulust a pale blue sky. Mos-t sculptured Chinese dragons are lifeless, angular boasts; but Here there Is an almo.si un-Chlnose vigor and audacity in tho slicing and twist of the lithe bodies. They leap, whirl, lunge, anil writhe until the spectator stops back, half afraid that they will coiMe tumbling off the .screen. Striking at the unwary with their sturdy eluws. There are, I believe, critics) who teach that plastic art should never under take to porlniy moments of activity. If this be correct, the dragons stnnd condemned ; but If the sculptor may o'r rightly give us life In Its vivid, uioxing moments, here Is a master piece. Kxfhniiuo. IK) YOU LIKE A BROILED PORTERHOUSE? You will if wo servo it to you. FirBt of all; It Is a. lino ju'cy steak; then our chof knows how to cook it to re tain all tho goodness. Of courso. wo servo moro than steaks. In fact, our menu contains all tho delicacies ot tho season. And at popular prices, too. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICIH UGAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot IHt. IIAHOLI) FENNER Osteopath Orcr Illrschfcld's Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North oi Postoftice. Phone 5S A modern institution for the fcientilic treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case Completely equipped X-IUy and diagnostic laboratorits Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas. AS. D. i. B. Rcdfield, H. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. nitS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors s r, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Spoclnl Attention GItob to Surgorj nnd Obstetrics. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Offlco 130, Rosldenco 116 MRS. jr. HENRY GILFOYL Tcachor of VOICE CULTURE nnd tho ART OF SINGING. Itesldenco Studio: 108 West 3rd, City DR. J. It. McKIRAHAtt Prnctlco Limited to IHsensCs of Women nnd Surgery OVER RBXALL DRUG STORE Phonos Offico 113 Rosldenco 2CG Dlt, RED FIELD L'hysiclnu, Ohstetrlctnii Surgeon, X-Itay Culls I'rumptl; Answered Night or Daj i'liime Office (512 Itesldenco 070 NOTICE OF PETITION Estato Nd. 1G05 of Woodward R. Yohc, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nohrnakn, Tho Stato pf .Nebraska. To all por tions interested in snld Estate, tako notice that a potltion lias been filed for tho appointment of G. J. Taylor as ad ministrator with tho will annexed of said estate, which has boon sot for IiearlnK luerein on January 11th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December Kith, 1920. (SEAL) WM. If., C. WOODHURST, 93-3 w County Judge. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estato No 1791 of Henry Wightmnn doconsod in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all por hoii interested in Bald Estate tako notice thnt a petition has been fllod for tho Probate of tho Estato of Henry Wightman whom it is allogod Is dead ho having boon missing from his homo for moro than sovon years and tho appointment of Wesley D. Wightman as Admfnistrntor of said Estato. which has been sot for hear ing heroin on January 4th, 1921 at 9 o'clock A. M Dated December 11th. 1920. AVm. HAO. WOODHURST, D14-.1wk8 County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato ,No. 1780 of Richard L. Graves, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will tako notlco that tho time Imitod for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tato is August 1st, 1921, and for set tlement of said Estato is Decombor llltli, 1921; thnt I will sit at tho coun ty court room In snld county on Febr uary 1st, 1921 nt 9 o'clock A, M and on May 1st, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M., to receive, oxamlno, hoar, allow or adjust, nil claims and objections duly Hint. All clniniH not filed on or boforo Agust 1st 1921 will bo forovor barred. Wm, ir. C. WOODHURST, DH 4 wks County Judge CHANGE OF ROAD NO. 1 !).". To whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner nppolnted to locato a road as follows: Com mencing on tho nortlilluo of Section 5 and 0 and thonco going south to main road running north nnd south about 100 rodB botwoon fi and G on section line, has roported'in favor of tho snmo ns ollows: Beginning at a point li- uo contor lino of Soad No 195, nt. i 70 foot south oftho cornor to Sees. and C, T. 12, N. R. 28, W. of Cth P. M. on tho 3rd standard parallel north running thenco south on lino between said soctlons 5 nnd G about 33 chains to connect with Station 3 of Road 195, provided howovor, that -tho partios owning tho land on both sides of this chango grado tho road and fill tho chnnnols, plnco tho necossary cul vorts, freo of charge to Lincoln Coun ty which they agreed to do, and pro vided further that said parties build extension of 20 feet to tho north of prosont concroto brldgo near Station 3 of Road 195 to mako travel safo, all parties having objections thoroto of claims for damages by tho establish ment of said road must fllo samo in tho offlco of tho County Clork of Lin coln County, North Platto, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho lGth dny of February, 1921. Dated at North Platto, Nobr., this Gth day of Docombor. 1920. A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Clork 1 DR. J. S. TWIN EH 1 i.t t.t n it i.t i.t Medicine Surgery Obstetrics s if J.J It ii i.t t.t i.t i.t Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital , M M . f M M . M 4 Dr. W. L SHAFFER I Osteopathic Physician HAY FEVEIl AND CATARRIIA DEAFNESS OASIS BUILDING North Platto, Nebr. $ :.: t.t :.t u i.t i.t i.t i.t it t.t it iijj.ttt;;f..M.,,M.,..MM. ! Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Real Estate References nnd Dates First, Natlonnl Bnnk. Res. 100 Enst 3rd St. Phono 012 Dlt. C. E. BIcItEYNOLDS, Specialist. Eyo Enr, Nosi- and Throat. Offico OYor Ilc.vull J)rug Store. Phono 118. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L . C . DR O S T , - Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - Nebraska. KnlBhts orColumbUB"BulldinjE. Ornl Prophylaxis Mouth Hyglono HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phono 307. Twinom Bldg. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to Sunrery McDonald Bnnk Building Oll'lco Phone 83 Residence 88 W. T. ntlTCIIAHD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Qovornmont Votorlnarlan and ox assistant deputy State Votorlnarlan Hospital U15 South Vino Street. Hospital i'hono Ulack b33 House Phone Ulnek G'J? . ff DEKRYREkIM A KORBKS. ji $ Liconscd Embnlmors ' UmtertHkem unit Kunornl Dtmutorav i.t Ihi) phone 11 l Night phono Bluck &8S it FOR FRONT WHEELS SHAEEIt HOLLER HEARINGS SERVICE! No Moro 'Grief" Guaranteed. At Dealers. Distributed by W. S. LOVE.IOY, !J8I8 Mi-son Street. Omaha, Neb. NOTICE OF PETITION Eatato No. 1782 of Nettio A. Yoho, do censod, in tho County Court of Lin coln Couty, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To nil per sona interested in said Estato toko notlco that a petltiop has boon fllod for tho allowance to probato and proof ot tho Inst will and testament of Nettio A Yoho, deceased, and tho nppolnt mont of Guy A. Yoho and John E. Wall as oxocutors of said estate, which has boon set for hearing lioroin on January 11th, )921 nt 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Docombor 15th, 1920. (SEAL) WM. It C. WOODHURST, 8-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtuo of an order of salo issued by tho District Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree of fore closure rendered In snld court, wjiore in Anna Vosb Is plaintiff nnd Clydo M Trotter, Mona Trottor, his wife, and L. E. Mohlmnn, as-Trttsteo in Bank ruptcy of Clydo .M. Trotter, Bank rupt, aro dofondnnts, nnd to mo di rected, I will on tho 31st day of Decern, bor, 1920, nt two o'clock P. M. at the east front door of tho court Iioubo In tho City of North Platto, County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for casli to satisfy said docroo, inter est and costs, tho following described proporty, to-wit: nil of Lot Ton (10) ,of Block Two (2) of Rlvordalo Addi tion to tho City of North Platto. Ne braska, subject to n certain mortgnge to tho Nebraska Stato Building and Loan Association, which Is rocordod in Book 4"7 nt pago 149 of tho rocords of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Dnted at North Platto, Nobraska, November 29, 1920. A. J. SALISBURY. n03d31 a,or)ff