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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE -TKT" - 7' LAUNCH VAST EFFORT FOR EUROPE'S YOUNG - ' Wishing you a Happy New Year, ' Our Holiday Offering n :.: is. M and Thanking You, CLINTON, The Jeweler. Eight American Relief Agcnoies Combine to Save 3,500,000 Children Death Menaces. ns OF V- fit f 'J 'ft ,cf KtXi!Ml!!i!!!!iil'MMMMMMMM... OR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Ollice over the McDonald Stata Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL II. P. Stovehs loft Friday 'for Den ver, Miss Esther Slmms 18 spending the holidays In Maxwell. Jack Heal loft the hitter part of the week for Ogalalla. Cholc Adcock left Friday for Goth enburg to visit friends. Harry Murrln left Saturday for Denver for a short visit. Miss Elsie Icee left Friday for Over tdn to visit for a short time. Mrs. IV. L. Douglas loft Friday for Cozad to visit for some time. P. It.. Stewart' left yesterday morn ing for his home in Beatrice Nell Cooncy left Friday for Over ton to visit during the holidays. Mrs. Ruby Scovllle left Friday for Kearney to be gone for some days. Mrs. J. L. Beekman left Friday for Gothenburg to visit during the holi days. Grace Curlson loft Friday for Cozad where she visited during the holi days. ' Mrs. O B. McMullen left Friday for Gothenburg to visit friends for some time. Mr. "Woodruff, General Superinten dent of the U. P., wns in the city Friday " Miss Ida Ross, of Lowellen, is visiting at the home of- Miss Alice Hoagland. Mrs. Charles Toillion left Friday for Kearney where she will visit for some timer' Miss Laura Tucker, of Springfield, Mo , is visiting at the homo of Miss Alice Hoagland. Mr,, and Mrs. W. W. Willlam3 and children left Friday for a short visit in Grand Island. Maurice Miliums left Friday for Grand Island to visit his parents dur ing the holidays. , S Mr. and Mrs, 'Carl Simon and chil dren left Friday for Hastings to visit for some time. Mrs. Fred Purdy left Friday for Gothenburg where she -will visit dur ing the holidays'. " Hoy S, Johnson, of this city, left Friday for ' Elwood to visit friends during the holidays. Marion Journey, who has been visiting at the J. E. Diddle home loft Friday for his home. Mr, and Mrs. 0. E. Sonse'r and fam ily left Friday for , Clarks to visit during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. llickard left Friday for Arnold where thoy will visit during the holidays. - Mrs. J. A. Gordon left for her home In' Curtis yesterday after transact ing business in this city. Airs. Kavanntigh, ,of Gothenburg, left for her homo on Friday after a few days spent in this city. Mrs Harriett Lomsou. of Fairfield, Idaho, is visiting at the home of her "daughter, Mrs Robert' Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calhoun, of Hoi so Idaho, are visiting at the home of ,Mr and Mrs. Charles Calhoun. Labor and Material are Too Expensive to Waste GET THE Best Quality at the L0West price BUILD A. HOME It Adds Much to Human Happiness. r t j t TO SATISFY IS OUR AIM. COATES LUMBER CO. The nhovo won wecond prize In tho competition hy High School stu dents and was written hy Evyn IJoldt. W. C. Reynolds of tills city, who has boon visiting in Omaha for a fow days returned Monday. C. A. RInnard, traveling passenger auditor for tho Union Pacific transact ed business In this city Friday., Mrs. W. E. Murphy, of Omaha, who has been visiting at the homo of Mrs. Choney, left Friday for her home. Dr. Howard lost. Dentist. Twlnem Uulldlng. Phono 807. 77tf ' M. Share, who has boon visiting at tho" homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Block, returned to his homo In Columbus. Miss Laura. Murray loft tho latter part of tho week for Lincoln to visit with her sister during tho holidays. Mrs. J. Sommors, of Maxwell, re turned to her homo in that city Fri day after transacting business in this city. Dr. Wurtele, office phone 27, night phone 25. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson left Friday for Gothenburg where they visited their parents during the holidays. "Women's Coats, Suits nnd Dresses on sale at 1-5, 1-3 nnd 1-2 OFF for mer low prices at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. Tho Dixon Optical Co. grind their own lenses in their own shop and In this way offer the be&t of service in the quickest way. Wool Blankets on sale at $G.3G a pair, $7. 88 a pair, $9.9G a pair and upwards. All at out of- soafeon prices at Tho Lea'der Mercantile Co. J. W. Franklin, of DoAVltt, Nebr., was a caller at The Tribune offlco yesterday He Is hero visiting his daughter, Mrs R. A. Phelps. D7. Morrill. Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store. The following railroad men were re-instated Friday. Engineers: J. T Stewart and Armstrong. Conductor: Biggs. Brakcman: Aldrich. Fireman: Ball. Carman: Archie Palmer. j Diamonds are tho best of an Invest ment and at the same time are a pleasure to wear, they aro the only thing we can buy that wont depreciate in value. See Dixon's wonderful values. ' Dr. "Wurtelo, office phone 27, night phono 25. Blankets, the full-size bed kind, are being sold at 'The Leader Mer, Co. ' Tho cotton at $2.31! a pair, $2.7G a pair, $3.10 a pair and $3.9G a pair. Mid summer prices now in the winter tlmo when they are needed. At the regular meeting of the Ro tary Club yesterday It was decided to entertain some of tle American Le gion at !i dinner on or about January 10th It was proposed to invito all of tho present and past officers and then for each Rotnrian to take one member of tho Legion as his personal guest. Ifyou want fo know tho utmost In Heart and Love and Faith seo, The Sagobrushcr by Emerson Houglc. Only thoughts of you remain ' In my heart, where they have lain; Perfumed the nights of you remaining; A hid sweetness In my brain. Others leavo me, all things leave mo, you remain. A great author's production ut tho SUN Thursday i.nd Friday only. Manager Baldwin has just received word confirming contracts which he sent In some tlmo ago regarding regu lar vaudeville for the Keith. Heglu ulng January 20th he will have special numbers of Pantages Circuit on every Thursday evening. This service will he much appreciated by local theatre goes who can afford something a little more expensive' than the average picture. URE Eight great relief organizations, working among nnd Xor ovcry race and creed, have united under tho namo of tho European Relief Council to co ordinate child relief In Europe this winter. The Council will seek to pro vide funds for 3,500,000 starving nnd diseased children In Knstcrn nnd Cen tral Europe and to administer this relief economically. It consists of Herbert Hoover, chair man, n"nd Franklin K. Lnno, treas urer; Edgar -RIckard, representing tho American Relief Administration; Dr. Livingston Farrnnd, representing tho American Rod Cross; Felix Warburg, representing the Jewish Joint Distri bution Committee ; Wilbur K. Thomas, representing the American Friends' Service Committee (Quakers) ; James A. Flaherty, representing the Knights of Columbus ; Dr. C. V. Hibbnrd, repre senting the Young Men's Christian As sociation ; Miss Sarah S. Lyon, repre senting the Young Women's Chrlstlnn Association; Dr. Arthur Brown, ropre renting the Federal Council of Church es of Christ In America. It Is the purpose of the Council to raise $33,000,000, In an nppeal center Ins at the Christmas holidays, to the end that the desperate situation re garding child life may be met. In every town and community of the tin tion, It Is planned, local committees, representing all the co-opcrnting agen cies will be formed to secure the vi tally necessary funds. Of tho amount sought, $23,000,000 will be used for basic food and $10,000,000 for medical service. For every one of these Amerlcun dollars the local governments and communities aided will furnish two dollars, in tho form of transportation, Inbor, gunrds, clerical help, cash con tributions and such food supplies as are locally obtainable. No children receive- the free food except after medical tests showing them to be seri ously undernourished.. The remaining $10,000,000 " of the, fund Is Just us urgently deeded fur medical service to the children. The European Relief Council will do much more than effect economies In (he raising of. the child saving fund. It will, with the Inspecting forces of eight great agencies, keep n constant eye "on the' administration 6f AmerTfl lea's merciful gift, In order that there shall be no wastage nnd no' tendency t o wa rd pauperization. "This IS the largest co-oporatlve tie nuvoleni organization ever attempted In the United Stales," Mr. Hoover says. "The organizations represented have cojuc to the -unanimous, though Independently formed conclusion, that nothing hut prompt and united action by the whole American people can avert Incredible tragedy for the help less children Involved. The organiza tions forming the Council 'will organ1' Ize their representatives in every town and community of the nation for the raising of the necessary funds." EUROPEANS PLEADING FOR THEIR CHILDREN Elder Generation Sacrifices Self That Hope of Future May Receive Means of Life. The "tie optimistic note In the des perate need prevailing IhmuKli the war torn areas of caslern Kurope 1h the es traordlnary and touching faith of the people In the children. The elder en eratlon has put all Its hope anil trust in the future of the Keiienitlon now In lt8 early years. In fact, In many In stances 1J Is (lelllieialely sacrlllflni; It self for the children, the Kurope of to morrow. In the war-ravatil districts supplies necessary for maintenance of Insti tutions are lacking, lint It has heen noted that always the reimeM for out side aid emphasises the needs nf the orphamiKes. How marked In this In clination was Indicated liv the fact that one .district of Poland the au thorities, appearnu io an American re lief oi'KHiil'Mtlon for assistance, asked assistance fur only one military hos pital, four general hospitals and twen ty oriilinnuKex. The appeal ha reached Ani'Tlcd with the result that hecause they know that literally million of European chil dren face siarvHtlon and death from disease unless the aid Hint onlv this P ... , iiiiiiiii.t i nil M' 1 Mil I in I'ln l il. I'lKIll Kfcat American rellel agencies have handed together under the name of the Ihn opean Itellef Council to raise Slllt (100,00(1 needed to tide the liaiiy jrenern tjon of Kurnpe over posslhly the mixt critical winter It litis yet faced. These are the American Itellef Administration the American Iled Cross, the American Friends' Service Committee (Quakers), the Jewish Joint IVstrllnitlon Commit tee, the Federal Council of Churches of Christ In Ainorlca. the Knights of Cojuinlius. the Y, .M. C. A. nnd the V. W. C. A. Accounted 'For. 'The pampered animals urp en crul ill tempered." "Don't lilame "icii, .i is ( id natural for pets to he petti h STANDARD GUARANTEED TIRES B tin l -IT -ft Firestone, TELEPHONE 820 Ol'H VOUMJ FOLKS IX ('OIjIjKUK. i The following Is a part of the list of North Platte young people now at tending school away from North Matte. Tljo list will ho continued until It Is complete. Wo will welcome additions or corrections. "'h. FLORENCE WILCOX, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W." T. Wilcox, Is a Senior in the Collego of Arts and Sciences In tho University of Nehrns ka and will graduate next June. 2L'. ClIAltLES IIIUSCH Is tho son of Air. and Mrs. Chits, lllrsch. He is a Sophomore In tho Engineering Col lege at tho University of Nehmslui. 2.",. JOHN NOHUIS, .son or tho Into Mary NoitIb, Is a Freshman In the Arts ami Sciences College of tho Uni versity of Nebraska. 124. AUSTIN liEDELL son of Air. nnd Airs , E. F. Soeherger, Is a student, in Crelghton University. Omaha. 25. HETTY TUHPIE daughter of Mr. and Airs. Noll Turplo, is attend ing a girl's school at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 20. LAYLANI) STATES, son o Ors .States, is a Freshman in tho I're Medlcal Course at the Unlvorsity of Nebraska. 27. KENNETH WIIELAN, son of Air. nnd Airs, Chits. T. Whelan, is a student In tho Unhersity of Notro Dame, Indiana. 2S. WALT Kit HKYNOLDS, son o Air. and Airs. Scott Koynolds. Is a Sophomore In tho Collego of Law at' tho Unlvorsity of Nebraska. 20. LESLIE HAHE, son of Air. and Mrs. Ira L. Hare, is a Sophomore In tho School of Husiucss Administration in tliu University of Nebraska :!0. PAUL SIMON, son of Air. and Mrs. L. F. Simon, is a Freshman In tho Collego of Arts and Sciences In tho University of Nebraska. LOUALSL'oFl'S. The snow camo Just In time to niako some good outside sport for tho young folks. Sleigh riding for tho older ones ami hooking for the younger ones Is the order. Skating Is report ed to be good and hundreds aro avail ing themselves of the first good Ice since year before last There Is some Jmnting but It Is mostly in the Isolated districts where some ganio still may ,!iq found. Even r;ibblts aro said to be scarce and hard to find in the snow. We saw one lad with a pair of skis trying to make time over tho snow hut ho had not yet learned the trick and it was hard work. Indoors, the high school girls aro practicing basketball for the game with the girls of Culhertson High School on New Yea u s Hay. No boys gamo Is expected until after school roopons. There is Home discussion of the proposition to build the platform in tho Sales Pa vilion Uirge enough to use it for wrestling matches and It Is probable that those lntorestod will inak rep resentations before tho proper com mittees asking to have the building so arranged that It njll ncn'o 'heir purpose S. Mm. 30x31 $12.00 30x3L $14.00 3231 $16.00 31x4 $18.00 32x4 $20.00 33x4 $22.00 34x4 $24.00 32x4'2 $28.00 34x4a $30.00 Goodrich, SERVICE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA" NOTICK TO OWiNEKS OF OAlltV COWS. Tho Dairy Law of Nebraska re quires that all cows front which any milk or cream Is sold for consumption Bhnll be tested at least once cinch year by an approved veterinarian. The only exceptions to this are In cases where milk or cream Is delivered to a dairy whore the product Is proper ly pasteurized beforo it is sold to tho public, or whoro tho ontlro product of tho ,hord is sold for manufacturing purposes. Cow owners are urged to have this testing done during the months of. January and February for tho reason that more time is available, and when a number of cows aro assembled at one time and place, reduced rates for testing will be made. Tho law pro vides this testing shall he done hy an approved , veterinarian, and tho fol lowing aro tho approved veterinarians in this district: Dr. Dolun of Maxwell; Dr. Prllchard of North Plat to and Dr. Oufl'ey of Sutherland. Arrangements should he made to have this testing done wMiIn tho lime specified, as the dairy Inspector will check all cow owners who aro re nuired to test. Attention Is called to the fact that tho Dairy Law provides a penalty for failure to comply with the above provisions. DEPARTMENT OF ACJHICULTUHE, 101-2t Hy P. C. Stoddart. At The SUN, THUKAND "Tne Sagebrusher" Photoplay of tfie Novel ly EMEHSON HOUGH Directed hy EJ)WARD SLOMANvilh this all-star east; HOY STKWAHT HK'ITY' HHICE NOAH BI5KHY ' , A, (reat Authors rroduotion V ALSO " Back Yard" 2-rcel Aubrey Comedy. This is the Production you with a Soul. m m Hfi m Si Hi Hi Hi '4. - i : ! Goodyear , rri LOCAL AND PEItSONAl, STATION Start tho Now Year lMght by having them examined by tho Dixon Optical Co. to malco Bttro your oycB aro In porfect condition to start tho Year's work, j.y Every trimmed and ready-toMveat hats All tho boBt wlntor Btylpd will,, be on salo at ono-hnlf tho market price. Tho Loador Mercantile Co. Mrs. Homor Potorsou and MlHS Clara Sorenson have Issued Invita tions for a bridge party to bo given Wednesday afternoon, Was Louise Glaum wicked or just woman In "Sox." at tho Koith Satur day, matinee nnd evening. Air. and Airs. Wilbur Groan, of luleshurg, who, have been visiting; at the home of Air. Green's mother left Sunday night for tholr home, Outing Flannels In White, Fancy and colored at 19c, 23c, 29e and :i:ic. ,Our prices the lowest in Ujo city. The Leader Alercantllo Co. . ::o:: Afc XOTK'i: OF TAKING III' KSTIIAV. Taken tip hy tho undersigned on his premises niuo miles southwest of North Platte, Lincoln Co., Nobrnska, on tho ilrst day of July 1020. ono Iron gray maro wolghlng 1000 lba. and'fTtie vearllng weighing about 700 lbs. Dated this 18th day of Nov. 1920. Signed: A. B. MOORE- MAUCUKIUTK Do La MO'lTK ARTHUR MORRISON CORDON RUSSIiVilJ V ''iff have long awailgd. ThoPioluro