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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ... . Every Item in this Sale bears the Wilcox Reputation HBJJ5S5H228333i?JJ j j 0 p3 0 CO "00 I" PQ o 13 o ami 4) v Opening Day Special for Women As an inducement for early attendance on opening day, we will give the first twenty women who enter the store after the doors are oponed Wednesday at !) a. m. a coupon good for ONE DOLLAR on any purchase made before noon. Wed nesday. COME EARLY BE THE LUCKY ONE. Opening Day Special for Men As an inducement for early attendance on opening day we will give the first twenty men who enter the store after the doors are. opened Wednesday at 9 a m., a coupon good for ONE DOLLAR . i- on any purchase made before noon Wed nesday. COME EARLY BE THE LUCKY ONE. We Expect A Few Days to Sell Our Surplus of Winter Goods SILKS Crepe Do Chine, 30 in.-, sev eral colors to select 01 ID from, now plilu Messaline, 3G in., fine qual ity, a largo line of colors 01 70 and black, now v l if u Georgette, 40 in., good qualty, our regular $2.50 cloth, 'M QC assorted colors, now J)hUu Charmeuse, 40 in., navy and black, our regular $4.50 cloth, now A. B. C. Silks, 30 in., bjack and colors, a groat lining and under neath cloth, $150 val- 01 10 ue, now plilu These are not old job lots, but the most stylish silks In the markot. Staple plain colors. r.nvn nr,vim Just the thing you need to make mi vnnr siirincr ntidorwar. Fair quality, 1.0 yard On 7 lw.1t m.r ml IJIJ11, UWW ym ' " w Medium quality, 10 yivrdOO HE bolt, now ...iJIUifcU Fine quality, 10 yard 09 CK bolt, now JJiUiJ Our Stocks in every depart men! are larger than we shouhl carry and wo are, bound to clear them out. There Is no doubt the news of. the prices offered will create a sensation and attract tremendous crowds from miles around to take advantage of this sale. No one can afford to ignore the offerings to be found in this elegant tetock of high grade merchandise' LADIES' 'COATS Ladies' cloth, coats, this 00 OK year's styles, good cl6thsiJ)'Juu Ladies' cloth coats nOwOl A Afc styles' finer cloths tplH-itfU Ladies' cloth coats the QOl R finer cloths new styles t.Ti'T LADIES' SUITS EVERY SUIT PRICE has been in two. You; can buy good suits at $22,50,. $25, $27.50, v'$30,$32.50, up to S50. Not one of these prices is over half the fall price on thoe suits. (Wq'loso on them, you gain.) LAJHKS' DRESSES Ladies' wool dresses, all wool materials, values to $25.00 1 A ft " UUi .$14,45 Ladies' wool dresses, 004 IE values to $45.00 xptiH-J Ladies' wool dresses 094 4E values up to $00 $ jfiTXl 1 Read, Criticise, consider- Then Act DRY GOODS Apron check ginghams, blue and white, standard qual- 1 C ity, now - I Ub Outing flannels, light or dark colors, 27 inches wide, 1 fl0 now I Ob Art tickings, assorted patterns, now 2Sc 18c Percales, yard wide, light 1Q or dark colors now Bleached muslin, a nice 1Qn standard cloth, now I Jb TA1ILE LINEN Renfrew colored table cloth, best quality, fast colors, QO now jQt White mercerized cotton table doth, $2.00 value 01 flO now $ ,to Good quality table linen, $4.00 and $4.50 values 09 Ofl now ipUi0 SHOES Men's somi-dress shoes, black or brown, now. Boys' calf shoes, sizes 4 to 5 VL., now -- Boys' brown calf shoes sizes 3 to 5 now Boys brown calf shoes sizes 0 to 13, now Misses' gun metal "shoes sizes lliu to 2, now Misses' black kid shoes, sizes 11 Vl to 2, now $4.48 $2.38 $3,88 $2.98 $2.38 $3.79 REASON FOR THIS SALE Changing conditions force us to clear up our surplus of winter goods. The prices offered in this sale will discount any pricees you will lie able to get this year. The merchandise is every bit of it from our own stock and not goods tliat have been inannfactrured for sale purposes. THIS SALE IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO YOU. Llnola Floor Covering, felt back similar to Linoleum or Congo- leum, 0 feet wide, a good va riety of patterns, square CQ yard now uilli Ladies' short cotton coats, made from small patterns of robe blankets, just the thing to wear while doing outside OQ 4Q chores, now tiHO Ladies' petticoats, Seco silk tops messalino rufflos, beoutlful col ors, a full well made .09 OK garment, now CpOiiJU Ladies' black cotton hose, QE a snap at 2 pair for (Cub Table oilcloth, full wldlth, JEp regular quality, per yard Hub Men's black sateen shirts, regular $1.75 quality 01 9(1 now p hua This store will be closed all day Tuesday, December 28th, in or der to got the time to re-nr range our stock. SWEATERS J Men's Jerseys, fine all 00 70 I worsted, now U Men's heavy merino sweaters, j a splendid coat, 00 70 now - -J)il J ; Men's heavy rope stitch pull ov ers, $10.00 to $V2.00 0 7 70 quality, now il 3 Ladies1 sleeveless slip- .00 AG overs assorted colors, .LiHl) JlUNSINtJ WEAK Moil's, ladies' and children's underwear. livery garment in the line has been marked at good reductions. You all know what satisfaction you get when you buy Munslngwear. CHILDREN'S COATS We have -i few nice styles loft. You will find reduced prices on all of them. BUNGALOW APRONS 't You will find 'just what you are looking for in this line. There are aprons from S"9c up, including some very fancy styles of Mina Taylor make. It LOOM EKS Children's Bloomers made from good black stateen regular CQn 00c and $1 quality, now UiJb LADIES' WAISTS You will find Georgette waists new styles from $3.79 up. There are too many styles to give des criptions, but you will be satis fied with the style and price PURS We will reprice our entire stock of Albrecht Furs at prices that will appeal to you. This is the quality line. We are not selling price, but real quality In our furs. HE HEKE, THE REAL CLEAR ANCE SALE THAT NORTH PLATTE WILL SEE THIS WINTER BLANKETS Nashua woolnap blankets, size (HixSO inches, beautiful 09 fJK plaids, now )diJu" Nashua cotton blankets, size (10x80 inches, grey or OQ Q0 tan, now LiCU MILLINERY Ladies' hats, extra quality, the ones we sold at $15.00 to 00 QE $30.00, now.- KJivJJ Ladies' hats, the ones sold up to $10. now. U Qr5 .4-ti CORSETS livery corset will be marked iit reduced pries- The many dif ferent models make it hard to convey value in an advertise ment. Iloth Gossard and Gage Downs lines will be included in this sale at prices that will please you. SALE BEGINS DECEMBER 29th, AT 9 O'CLOCK A. ML Don't Forget the Time or Place. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA DRESS GOODS. All wool serge, 30 inches OKn wide, now , OUb Cotton warp serge, 30 inches wide, now , UJ Plaid Skirtings new styles, most of them out "of next spring's lines, values from $5 01Q0 to $7. now Sivertone and Velour Cloakings value to $7.50 0 OK now p,tiJU KIMONAS You will find every one in our stock has a new price. We have them from common cotton ones to better grade silks. COTTON RATTS A good quality small sized cot ton batt. a splendid 1,71 value at II ?, A fine quality Comfortable size, 2X'ju incnes, $1.50 fl-i -in quolity, now 3)lilJ WANT K I) Extra salespepole, onlv ex perienced help need apply." Ap ply by telephone to the Man ager. cn ,c s O S3- a o IT o c o CD . : - 1 1 w i a Tiiis is i our up me. ortunity