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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1920)
v.. Borth emi xiJlcclitii Irihunr THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NOHTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 28, 1920. No. 101 ICE HARVEST BEGINS MONDAY PACIFIC FJtUIT EXFJIESS TO FILL DIG ICE HOUSES 1IE15E U The Unlou Paclllc lake shows about eleven inches of lea today anil plans aro under way to start the harvest about the first of next week. No defi nite date has been set for beginning this work but it will start as soon as Iho ice is of tho proper thlckncs3. Claude Wilson, manager of tho lo cal plant stated yesterday that tho Pacific Fruit Express Company will put up thirty thousand tons this win ter. This supply is to bo put up be causo of tho uncertainty as to when tho company will get possession of tho new million dollar plant now under construction. After tho now plant is developed to capacity no ico will need to bo cut from tho lako and no storage I will bo required outside $f that neccs-1 sary to taKo caro ot tne surpiuB tnat is manufactured. Thoro aro about sixty men nt work putting away tho shipments of ico that aro being received from Laramlo This is for passenger use by tho Union Pa cific. Next week this number will bo increased to about 180 men when ac tive, work begins at tho lake. Teams and equipment have been contracted and tho supply will be put up ns fast fas possible when the work is started. Many men aro asking for employment now. With tho applications now in sight there wil bo no shortage of la bor at the ice houses this winter. ::o: WATCH PARTY IS TOIJE HELD AT .THE METHODIST CIIUUCH FRIDAY NIGHT. ' j The Epworth League has announced a New Year's Watch Party for next Friday night at the Methodist Church. A -short service is held from oleven. thirty to -twelve, Previous to that various forms of amusement will oc cupy the time of the young people. ::o:: CARD OF THANKS. We take tills means of extending our thanks to the shop and round house employees and our many other friends and neighbors for the sym'r pathy and kindness extended to us and tho many'" beautiful flowers sent us upfln the loss of our beloved mother. . , Mary Dugan James , Dugan John Dugan Mrs. Pearl Dye, OTIS OLIVER i The Distinguished Comedian in "The Unkissed Bride" At Keith Theatre, Two Nights. Thursday, Dec. 30th, and Friday, Dec. 31 i PUKSIDKNT OKAY OF THE USIOX PACIFIC ANNOUNCES NEW I'll AN Fit I DAY'. The following information is taken from tho state papors and lu'oreats many as showing the tendency of tho railroads to encourage (ho employees to savo and invest their earnings: "Employees ot tho Union Paclllc railroad system may purchoso tho common capital stock of tho Union Pacific Railroad company, lit tho mar ket, on n partial payment basis, Carl R. Gray, president, nnnounccd yes terday. "President Gray's plan provides that tho railroad purchase yjtock In tho open market on receipt at orders from employoos, who aro to pay for the cost of Uio stock in 24 equal in stallments, by deductions from tho pay roll each hiotitli. Tho company will credit to tho employee's account all dlvidonds received, and will charge G per cent interest on de ferred payments. Union Pacific stock has paid, for sometime, a dividend of $10 a share per annum. The range of Its market price since October 1 has been be tween $129150 and $112 a share. At a cost of $125 a share, a return equal to 8 per cent per annum on tho a mount invested would bo realized, officials of tho company say. Priced at $120 a share tho return would bo equivalent to 8.33 per cent. The plan provides specific treat ment of cases whore employees be come disabled or die, and where they leave tho service. President Gray emphasizes tlmt the company has no stock for sale, and simply acts as an agent for- the em ployee who wishes to invest. He al so emphasizes that it does not urgo employees to make stock purchases, and makes no representation or guar antee ns to the future market prices or dividend policy. "This plan is actuated by no mo tive excopt to enable employees to savo and inveBt their earnings," sali President Gray. Tho plan while still a now one, has boon put into operation by several other railroads, Including the Illinois Central." : :o: : NEW YEARS'S PARTY, AT THE ELKS HOME. The IS. P. O. E. will entertain In their homo Now Year's eve at ?t ball and supper. Tickots may bo secured from the committee 'startlug today and the committee requests that all get their tickets as early as posslliln so thatMirrangemeuts can bo made. Dixon's Optical Co , exclusive sight specialists. Women's Coats, Skulls and Dresses on sale ut 1-C, 1-3 and 1-2 OFF for mer low prices at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. LINCOLN COUNTY PIONEER DIES JOHN I EVANS PASSED AWAY AT HIS HOME II EKE LAST NIGHT. John E. Evans, pioneer of tho west and early sottlor in Lincoln County,! uicil last evening at. his homo, 102 East Third St. Ho has been confined to his home for some weeks and tho doctors have not been hopeful of his recovery. John Evans has been a resident of Lincoln County for over fifty years. During this tlmo he has been one of tho leading figures In the civic and political lifo ot tho county. Ho was a veteran ot tho Civil War, and ono of his chief intorests in life wns the causo ot his country and his flag. Ho has hold many offices of rosnonslbll ity including county clerk, treasurer,! cleric of tho District Court, member of tho State Legislature and Registrar of tho United States Land Office. As wo go to press wo aro not ubla' to announce any funeral arrange ments. Full biography will bo printed In tho next Issue of tho Tribune. "THE UN-KISSED RRIDE" COMING. IS If you enjoy a really honest hearty . Mr n,,,.,... nniinr nntoriniiio'ii tim laugh don't fail to see tho big comedy 1 0rs o f tho LndloB Ai x HnJv to ThoCUn kKS,i C0,nr.lt0 iSUCT "" ot 'terday Snooi g The Un-Mssed Drlde--is a rapid,' i.ei. lirmo on Smi(i, As1, qr,,nf t snappy, be-dlmpled, bc-rlbboned com-' 'nor o Mrs Harry Hartlev who w cdy in three acts, ropleto with honest ""v t idav for California to r clean comedy and produced w th a ,L m SJv II . happy cast of woll known players and . " n ""Stcd nlao a novel scenic Investure at tho Keith Decorn t 0i worn li? Icnonlni mi?i h Theatre Thursday night, December;?, nh J opJD&J 5u8S 30th and Friday night December 31st i,111Pj, WUH 8erveii CARD OF THANKS. ' 0T1S OLIVER COMING. Wo wish to thank our many friends? Tho woll known comedinn, Otis and neighbors for their kindnesses Oliver, comes to tho city on Deccm shown to us during tho Illness and lior 30th and 31st at tho Keith Thcntro death of our husband and father. Al- Wlion ho appenrs In tho principal so for tho. many- beautiful florul otTor- romedy role In the big comedy play Ings. .-The Un-Klssed Drido." Miss Vadn MrBt Mary Ureem, Mr and Mrs. John Ureem and family, Mr and Mrs. DennlH Hreem and family, 4 ::o:: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Hurr, of Lin coln, are tho parqnts of a daughter, who arrived yesterday. Mr, Burr will uo rumcmoorcu oy nis many, menus Hum ui jmiu nun wiiuu uu wiis kui- tloned nt the Experimental Sub- stntlon- J I Tho Ladies' Aid of tho Christian I church will meet Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. J. J Crawford, 1 i west mini, juesunmos uniilwin. Wyman, Starr -and Eshlcman will assist. SATURDAY AT TUT. KEITH THEATRE LOUISE GCOTMin'SEX A Lavish, Arresting, orid nttimjs Startling Enter tainment. A tremendous big true-to-life story. Admission Matinee, Adu ts 35c, rt Children 15c; Evening, Adults 55c a d 35c;;;Chi!dren 15c. "THE BUTTERFLY MA" Comedy- "RUN 'EW ItAGG! D," with Snub Pollard, Pathe News. "UNCHARTERED CHANNELS" Starring H. B. Warner. WEDNESDAY SENATOR ARTHUR CAPPER GIVES IMMEDIATE REMEDY FOR FARMERS. Tho following Is tho Immcdlato remedy which Senator Cappor ot Kan sas, proposes for the present condi tions among tho farmors ot this coun try: As romcdlal moasuros for our pros trated farming industry, immedlato and future, wo might well re-ostnbllsh tho War Flnnnco Corporation to as sist in uio nnnncing ot exports. This govemmont has got to dovlse somo ltlllll to nimn fnrnlirn mnrlrntn Immml. lately to our grain and meat products. And tho 'Federal Farm Loan Hoard should have authority to issuo and sell in the opon market short tlmo securities based on wnrohouso re ceipts, also on an adequate plcdgo whero tho tltlo must remain with tho producor, until his products aro mar keted; thoso securities to bo accept able for rediscount by tho Federal Resorvo Banks. Whatovor tho outcome of this credit Crisis, in Wlllrtfl Atnnrtrjin fnrmnra face bankruptcy, tho values of ,tho present lesson must not bo lost. It Is that tho spring from which all tho wealth of this nation arises, shall not bo choked; that the agricultural in dustry shall bo and must bo ns woll and adequately financed and fortified ns any other industry; thnt wo cannot neglect it with impunity. " FA RE WELL PARTY FOR ' 5IHS. HARTLEY. , J Hell last appeared with Hymes and Aicuuoro, ami is mo leading lauy. alio Is known as tho youngest leading lady on tho American stage. v. r Tho Jiowly elected directors of the Lincoln County Chapter American (Red Cross will meet this ovonlng at emit o'cqck in tno Hod Cross roomB An .tho. Post Office building. Election VRr officers and executive commltteos ft) ttxke place Midi BKiUkets on salo at $-5.3G a pair. $7. 88 a pair, $9.90 a pair and upwards. All at out of season prices t T'e Leader Mercantile Co. Ben Lapp and daughter, Graclo, of Vllor, Idaho, who have boon visiting 'i (his city for some time, left tho first " "", "Wi for their homo. :F. i THE CRYSTAL CHANGES HANDS MOVIE HOUSE IS ROUGHT RY TWO NORTH PLATTE BUSINESS MEN Tho Crystal Theatre was sold last Thursday to Hoffnor and .Jones of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A, Gar man disposed ot tho Crystal in order that they might hnvo a rest from tho business in which they have boon en gaged almost without a vacation for tho past olght years. Thoy havo not decided definitely Just what thoy will do but it is probablo that thoy will not leaJo North Platto. Tho now firm is composed of Earl Heffnor and Arthur Jones. Both pf theso young men havo boon engaged in tho nutomobllo business in this city forsomo tlmo, Thoy wero too nctivo to bo kopt down when tho opportunity presontetl itsolf of acquiring tho Crys tal and so thoy havo possession. Thoy intend to conduct tho business along tho samo gonornl lines that it has boon handled by Mr. Carman. Mr. Jones will bo tho nctivo manager nnd will look after tho dotalls ot tho busi ness. Ho was in Omaha yesterday looking after plcturo contracts and making arrangements to show a good lino of films horo during tho next year. WESTERN UNION TO ENLARGE PRESENT QUARTERS Tho Western Union haa secured n long tlmo leaso on tho building re cently occupied by tho Equity Btoro in tho Waltemnth block. This room is' just north of tho room now used by I tho Western Union, Connections will bo mndo and tho additional room will' be usod fpr Installing equipmont now needed in tho business. MILLINERY SALE All trimmed and readv-to-"wenr hats will Jin nnlil at one-half prico at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. Now that Xmns is ovor and wo aro Rotting back to normal lot us turn to pur physical condition. Our eyes aro tho most Important and lot ua give them tho first consideration. Tho Dixon Optical Co., exclusive- eight specialists, aro equipped to givo the host of attontion to their work. "Sho thought she would got away with it." See SEX at tho Keith Satur day, lnatlneo and evening. Lookout Campflro mot yesterday at tho linmn nf DnrnMiv Wllnnn A n1inr business mcoting was hold and the rest of tho nftcrnoon was spoilt In ploying games. i2i-!iii5-,'-'-"."."..M.. ....,.,,,-,,,,,. 5 if t.t i.i j.t i.t J.t i.t It i.t i.t t.t :.: H :.t :.t it i.t it if it it i.t if if Keith Theatre Special Holiday Engagement. TWO NIGHTS ONLY ursday aid Fri DECEMBER 30 AND 31 offer llie non-osculnlinr iart'C dc-hixc "The Unkissed Bride" With the Distinguished Comedinn OTIS OJ'JVEK and tho ALL STAR Fulton Th outre New York Cast and production. New York laughed rt "Fair and Warmer" and "Twin Beds." It" simply went wild over "The Un-Klssed Bride." H O H O m o o fa is w fa it t.t it i.t if if . j.: :.: j.t j.t if l i.t . THE MOST PLEASING COMEDY OF THE SEASON NOT A MOTION PICTURE A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. Prices tor Both Nights 50c'pL58c,o$1,50 1 if H H Seats on Sale at Keith Theatre Box Office, s IS The Xobraska Telephone Company which oporatcs tho North Platto Ex change, Tho Iowa Tolophono Co., aha tho Northwostom Tolophono Ex chnngo Company which operatos In Minnesota and North nnd South Da kota will bo consolidated January 1, 1921 under tho name of tho Nortli vc8torn Tolophono Co. This is moro ly a formal announcomont of what has boon n fact for ten yoaro, for thoy havo nil boon under tho singlo man agement during that tlmo. It is plnu ncd to olimlunto tho Inconvenlouco of oporatlng thrco soparato companies undor ono management Inquiry nt tho local exchange yostorday fnilod to secure any additional facts. No changes aro contemplated in any of tho officers. :to:: t- THE BLUEBIRD STORE CHANGES HANDS LAST FRIDAY. Tho little storo on tho corner just across the street from tho high school building has boon bought by Jay Smith. It wna named tho Bluoblrd by Its former owner and has onjoyod n good business from tho start. For sovornl years it haa beon oporaloM by Lyslo Ludwlg who bought out tho In tojoBta of Guy Popojoy. Mr. Ludwlg has built up a good business in soft drinks nnd confoctlono and it is this buslnosa which Mr. Smith takes ovor. Jay Smith Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith and wna born nnd raised in this city. Ho nttoudod thoracal high school nnd waB prominent In'htli lotics nnd , social life. Ho haafbeen traveling for sovoral yoars and after falling to find any placo that suited ' him better ho has returned to North Platto and outers tho business lifo of th) city. Wo predict success for Mr. Smith and while wo do not indulgo in soft drinks to any oxtont nor. pur chnBo much confectionery wo nfo cer tain thnt thoro aro enough who do, to make the business a success MASONS HONOR "FAITHFUL OF FICER AFTER YEARS OF . SERVICE. A Bpoclal mooting ot tho Platto Val' loy,Lodgo No, 32 A. It, & A. M. was hqUr Glirlstmna afternoon at Masonic Hall. A program had boon propared Which Included the presentation of a silver ofnblom to ono of tho officers of tho lodge. P J. Glman hnd sorvod the-lodge for thirty-five years- as tyler and tho token waB an apprecia tion of his services Blankots, tho full-slzo bod kind, arc being sold at The Loader Mor: Co. Tho cotton nt $2.30 a pair, ?2,7C a pair, $3.1G a pair and $3.9C a pair. Mid suminor prices now In tho winter tlmo when thoy aro needed. 6' li'f if j.t j.t j.t j: u J.t j: j.t :: j.t 13 O jt j.t if j.t J.t K j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t 3 W o a w I CO TELEPHONE CONSOLIDATION ANNOUNCED RY HELL COMPANY. day if if if if if if if if if if if 8