The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 24, 1920, Image 7

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Crystal, Tonight.
rely Msry Ann"
In which Cupid proves he is a
tntc democrat.
Century comedy Twin Crooks.
Easy chalra you appreciate. W. H
Maloney Co.
Dotty Powers loft Thursday for"
Lioxmgtou to spend a fow days.
' Kloctrlc Irons Sho wants one. V.
H. Malonoy Co,
Fred Barrott left Wednesday, for
Chicago to visit friends.
Mrs. Ross Sliancr, of Maxwell, was a
city visitor tho first of tho week.
Xinas mixed nuts 25c a lb at John
son Dept Store
Harry Murrln left Wednesday for
Omaha whore ho will take treatments.
John Flynn, of Keystone, visited
James Flynn Wednesday enrouto to
Sioux City.
Little Fanchou Newman arrived
homo Thursday from Kearney whero
sho has been visiting for some tlmo.
lOutlng flannel gowns, $3.50 and ?4
values, now $2.G5 at Johnson Dept.
Miss Hattlo Herstod, of Pax ton, was
a business visitor in this city yester
day. Frances Olson is expected to arrive
today from Lincoln to visit friends In
tho city.
Mrs. A. H. Main left yesterday for
Hrady to visit her parents during tho
Mrs. H. J. Thompson, of Chappoll.
Is visiting at the home of Mrs. C.'D.
Olro Higglns, of Omaha, arrived
Wednesday to visit at the Harry Cra
shaw home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wlggln and
daughter left yesterday for a short
visit In-Brady.
Men's Overalls, extra heavy
special ut $1.50 a pair. Johnson De
partment Store.
Walter Hoxle, of LImon, Colo., Is
spending the holidays with his par
ents in this city.
Miss Myrtlo Powell loft yesterday
for Lexington to spend the holidays
with relatives.
Oswald McNeal, of Stapletou, trans-ncteQ'-buslricss-in
this'cltytth'e" latter
part of the week.
- Edna Brothers, of Stnpleton. trans
' acted business In this city the latter
part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Richards left
Thursday for Kearney where they will
spend tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Metcalf, of Pax
ton, are spending the holidays at tho
George Hoxle home.
Mr. and Mr3. George Case left Wed
nosday for Omaha whero they will
. spend several days.
M. and Mrs. E. C. Grannell and chil
dren left Wednesday for Big Springs
to spend two weeks.
Tho Sechrist Pressure Cooker would
mako her an Ideal Christmas present.
Derryhcrry & Forbos.
Mrs. J F. Wurtele arrived home
this in' rnlng from Oskosb to spond a
few clays with friends.
Mrs. Jack Plerco left yesterday for
her home In Maxwell after transacting
business In this city.
Helen Delatour loft Wednesday for
Jior homo in Lewellen after visiting
IY'Igh Beverly Wurtele.
. L L. Andorson left yesterday for
A Shooting Match which will tnke
place in Maxwell today.
.A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. H. N Getty this morning. All
concerned nro doing nicely.
llomtnl i.). dentist. Tlnew
(li'lldltitf. 'Uif :tt)T. 77tf
Miss Esther Kelly Is expected to
day to arrive homo from Des Moines,
Iowa, whero sho attends school.
C. M. Newton has added n candy
department and will carry a line of
tho very best candy in tho market
Mrs. Ed Roddy left Wednesday for
Kansas City whero sho was called by
tho Illness of her father, J. J. McMon
agle. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maaho loft this
morning for Grand Island (o visit
ovor tho week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sngcssor loft
today for Grand Island to visit rela
tives over tho week end.
Mrs. Gus Buflnck loft for Grand
Island whero sho will visit during the
Mrs. Fred Rector, "who line been
visiting In Kansas City for some time
rrrlvwl homo today.
A train of soldiers passed through
tho city Thursday morning from Camp
Grant, Illinois, to Hawaii.
Miss Maymo Gorham left tho latter
part of tho week for Grand iBland.
where she will visit for same tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ovorstreot wont
oast Wednesday to visit with relatives
during the holidays.
A Christmas Carol will bo sung by
a quartctto at St. Patricks' Church nt
a quarter of six Christmas morning.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bolan, of San
Francisco, who have been visiting at
tho Tom Bolan home, loft Wednesday
for Grand Island.
You can touch tjio youngsters easily
and maka learning for them a pleas
ure when you buy them Bubble Books.
Get them nt Dixon's Music Shop.
Miss Margaret Stiltz la expected
from Alliance today to visit relatives
and friends over tho Christmas seas
on. Chas. Hlrsch will leavo Sunday for
Kansas City whero he will attond tho
tPhl Gama Delta Fraternity conven
tion. Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Grimes came
yesterday from Indiana to visit at the
home of the former's brother Judge
Grimes. I
Harold Tompklnson, who underwent
an operation somo tlmo ago at the!
General Hospital Is able to leavo for !
his homo In Madrid today.
B. Hahler, who Is attending Notre
Dnmo Collcgo in South Bend, Ind.,1
arrived home Wednesday to visit tho'
homo folks during tho holidays.
Bevery Wurtele camo home Tuesday
from Omaha where sho attends
Brownell Hall. She will spend Xmns
with her parents Dr. ami Mrs. F. J.
Mrs. Henry Hcclcer and son Howard
left Wednesday for Grand Island
whore they will spend Christmas with
tho former's sister. Mrs. Henry Andor
son and family.
Tho Southern Rug-A-Jazz band of
Lincoln will furnish tho music for tho
Carnival dance to bo given In the K. C.
Hall this evening.
Harold Peterson, of Lincoln, arrived
today to visit at tho homo of his broth."
er Homier I'etorson and wire and will
play this evening with the Southern
Rag-A-Jazz band.
A marriage license was Issued to
Harry A. Walsworlii, a fanner living
noar Sutherland and Mis3 Elsio W.
Coutcs of the same city, Inst Wednes
day. We will demonstrate. Sechrist Pres
sure oookor in our store each after
noon from now until Christmas. Como
in ajid,, taste Jhe'.copklng convinced-
"(5f ntsTmerits. Do'rryberry &
Forbes, Inc.
Tho services at the Presbyterian
Church last evening wero well attend
ed and tho program was carried out
n scheduled. A tree and treat for
all members of the Sunday School
wore the special features.
Miss Katharine Rocho left yesterday
for her homo In AVood River. She has
boon in charge of the local Red Cross
Home Nursing Course, but Is finished
with the course in this place, so will
not return in the future.
The dance given in the K. C. Hall
Wednesday ovonlng wns largely at
tended. Tho music was furnished by
Scholtz Super Jazz orchestra of Den
ver. It .was announced that this or
chestra will play again next Wedne
'Inv evening.
County Treasurer Souder is send
ing out over ten thousand lettors
Informing tho owners of Lincoln
Countv property who nro delinquent
tiTt t'ielr taxos are due. This is a big
l )li and one which should bring In a
large number of cheeks.
13. R. Flsk left for the west yester
day where he will visit his family
during 'the holidays. Mr. Fisk Is as
sisting In establishing a local agency
otK tho Now York Llfo Insurance Co.
in North Platte and will return hero
aftJr his visit.
Bishop Homer Stuntz who was to
give his lecture on the East, hero last
Tuesday, arrived in tho city on
scheduled time but on account of tho
storm it was decided to postpone tho
lecturo until January and Bishop
Stuntz left on an early train for the
Tho Episcopal Choir will give a
music service at midnight tonight
This Is ono of the special sorvlces of
that church which attract the atten
tion of tho members and usually there
Is a largo attondanco. Everyone Is
Doc. 15 -Francis Wills, IT. P. em
ployee, North Platte and Miss Ellen
Whltchend, of North Platte. Married
by Judge Woodhurst
Doc. 15 Earl H. Bartholomew, n
farmer of Silver Creek, Neb., and Miss
Florenco A. Thomas, of Brady. Mar
ried by Judge Woodhurst. '
Dec. 17 Earl G. Lcvlck, a book
keeper, of North Platte, to Minnie 'A.
Scott of Pratt, Knnsas.
Dec. 18 Orlla J. Sailor, a farmer of
Madrid, Neb., to Miss Sylvia C. Loven
burg, of Madrid, Neb. Married by
Rev. P. R, Stevens.
Dec. 20 Wallace G. Hardy, money
clerk at Express Office, North Platte,
to MlssEva HIckock. of North Platte,.
Married by Judge Woodhurst.
Doe, 15 Mary K. Ottcnstoln ahd
h'usbund to J. E. Sebastian, all of
block 3 of Millers nddltlon to North
ptnttn tmnnn
Dec. 17 Keith Neville and wife'lV
Fred C. Hanlon, lot 119 of Neville's
subdivision of sections 34 and 27, T 14,
It 33, $G20.00.
Dec. 20 H. L. Pennington and wife
to Alex Landholm, SEV Sec. 29, T. it.
R. 24. H2.800.
Dec. 11 Sarah J. Rau and husband
to Ed Cokor and Walter Cokor. part 1
of lot 20, of Clarkson'a subdivision of
NEVi of Sed. "29, T. 14, R. 33, Suther
land, $400.
Dec. 20 O. E. Elder, Referee; to Wv '
II. McDonald, N 44 feet lots 5 and 6.!
Block 115 original town, now city of
North Platte, ?9,C00. v 4
Dec. -211-orth Plnftn Land mifl
Water Co. to Theodore Oilman, N&tof
NE4, tho N of NW'4 and tract No.'
1, all In Sec. 25, T, 14, R. 33, (
Dec. 1(1 Rudolph Hank and wife to
Herman Silas, lot 3, block 3, Pat
terson's nddtion to Hershey, $1200.
Judgo Woodhurst united Frank M.
Ayors and Miss Mildred F. Harlan in
marriage at his offico yestordny. Both
gave Green City, Mo as their home. ,
A speclol service will be hold at the
Lutheran Church at seven o'clock
Christmas morning. Music and a
short message constitute the progra;n
Everyone is Invited,,
Mrs. J. I. Sharp and daughter Sarah
left tills morning for Kenrnoy whore
they will spend a week With relatives.
907 East 5th St. 5 rooms modern except heat. A real
home on easy terms. Price $3,500- Oiie Thousand cash
balance at 45 per month, immediate possession.
1023 WsC Gth. I and a hall" story modern except heat
seven room frame building, garage and good out buildings.
Price $4,500. All cash over Building and Loan.
313 Wfst C sireer. room frame, good out-buildings,
nice trees. Mouse good as new. Modern except heat. Price
$4,500 $1,200 ea?h -Balance $50.00 per month.
The Hollman & Sebastian Agency
Phone G12J or W
'1 ho Board of County Commissioners
met Deo. IS, 1920, pursuant to ad
journment and tho following business
was transacted:
Dr. G. B. Dent, medical sorvlcos,
Farmers' Co-operative Association,
Ed Daily, dragging, $55.
Sundry persons, canvassing board,
Sundry persons, Judges and dorks
of election, $$5.7..
Sundry persons, road work Dlst. 19,
" Alex' Bullard, Com. Dlst 1, $12.
Win. Esholmnn, Com. Dlst. 1, $72.
Ben Esholman, Com. Dlst 1, $32.
Davo Mccombor, Com. Dlst. 1, $G8.
John Anthony, Com. Dlst 1, $30.
J. O. Case, Com. Dlst. 3, $73.50.
John Ketchum, Com. Dlst. 1, $G8.
W. D. Waldo, Com. Dlst 1, $32.
Arthur Stewart, Com. Dlst. 1, $48.
Alox Chnmbors Com. Dlst 1 $49.
Albert Steinhauson, Com. Dlst. 1,
M. M. Bronor, road Dlst. 7, $C.
Sundry persons, dragging. $13.75. '
B. Anderson, dragging, $7.20.
Sndry porsons, survoylng, $28.
W. T. Elliott, river work, $15.
E. C. llostetter, bridge work, $7.20.
II. R. Hostctter, bridge work, $C7.50.
L. Perkins, river work, $7.50.
Sundry porsons, brldgo and road
work, $444.10.
M. M. Brewer, ropairs, $5.
Johnson Bros., bridge supplies,
- Sundry persons brldgo Wbrk, $1G.80.
t-E. C. Brown, road work, Dlst BJ
$35.20. .
'. F. W. Meyer, road work, Dlst 7,
$10.50. "
Herman E. Meyor, road work Dlst.
19, $141.
Elmer Crosby, road work Dlst. 5,
E. E. Brownell, rent for election,
C. E. King, road work Dlst 5, $48.
C. E. King, dragging, $28.20.
F. W. Meyers, dragging. $30.15.
Wosloy Cockle, road. work Dlst. 5,
$r. no.
C. 13. King, road work Dlst. S, $171.20
S"" !rv persons, road work Dlst. 2fi,
$58 50.
Frank Koch, road work Dlst. 9, !
$34.50. I
Adjourned to December 27, 1020. '
Special Christmas Day
Something you have heen demanding in photoplay pro
duction, A romantic and famous star
, in an adaption of the novel
from the famous writer and painter
A strongly human play of a man who wanted rovonge
for the honor of his wile. ...
MATINEE AT 2:16 AND 4:15
9:45 Sunday School. !
11:00 "The New and the Old
Year." :
G:30 B. Y. P. U I
7:30 "Butld Greater" I
Prosbytorlan: '
10:00 Sunday School 0 :
11:00 "Tho greatest Thing In tho,
G:30 O. E. ,
7; 30 Sermon. , "
Christian: ;
9:45 Sunday School. ;
11:00 Election of Church Officors
G:30 C. E.
7:30 Whlto Christmas Exorcisca
by tho Sunday School. j
Episcopal: ' ,
9:30 Church School. "
11:00 Morning Prayer and Ser
mon. 7:30 Evening Prnyar and Ser
mon. i
Lutheran: '
9:45 Church School. I
11:00 "in five Day" of Ilorod the,
" King." '
7:00 Lutlier League.
S:00--"Source8 of tho Illblo"
9:45 Sunday School.
11:00 "Tho Wonderful Names"
3:00 Junior League.
(1:30 Epworth Longuo
7:30 'Tho Lowly. and. W,lan !
Christian Sclenco:
::;: ;
Tho funeral of Mrs. Lena School-'
Wiift will bo hold from the Catholic
Church at Maxwell, next Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. nnd Mr Harry Iluekfoldt and,
children went to Holstoln, Nob", thin'
morning to spend he Ohristnnm hoi-'
TvV Q?!Vf
Also .: anil Miut
Matinea 2:18
Over 90 Per Cent of Food Drafts
Sent to Europe Gifts From
Immigrant Population.
Out of their enrntugs, for the most
part ns unskilled loborcrs, living" from
linnd to mouth, the forelgn-borniiolo-ment
In the United States Is contribut
ing largely to the funds for food sup
plies to aid the starving peoples or
their native lands. .
Figures from the Kood Draft section
of tho American Relief Administration
show that $5011,110' hud been sent to
Poland, up to the end of Novuiulty.
S158.170 had been sent to Gzccho
nl V .. 1 dlftnik
aiovama, uungary umi recejveu
"CO, Germany hud $1,443,010 und Aus
tria $2,040,720. It wns estimated tiat
more than 00 per cent Of this inirtieyj
had been spent by nationals nd'.thcKe
various countries who are now In the
United Stntcs. There ure nbout l.nOOv
000 Poles, S00.000 HniiL'Mvt.mM, 000,000
Czechs and 000,000 SlovuUs In this
The profits which resulted from the
sale of these food drafts have been
turned Into the fund for general child
feeding. It Is to bring this fund up to
the point where It can meet tho do
niiuids on It, to, savo the lives of 11,500,
000 child ion that the European Relief
Council bus been formed by eight great
relief organizations.
JelT, Universal News.
and 4:15.