NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 1 I St' .SPECIAL! Clyde Cook will bo at the Sun Theatre Christmas Day in his famous comedy "All Wrong" DON'T MISS IT. OITV AND COUNTY NEWS. . FrcDh Oysters at McOovorn ami Slack Grocery. Phono 80. A baby boy was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Joo Itauch. ' Community and Rogers Htlvcr. W. It. Malonoy ;o. Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Baloy left ThurB lay for linden to spend tlio holidays. Granulated sugar 100 lbs $9.90 at Johnson Dept. Store. Mrs. Fred Scblcmmor and children loft Thursday for Fremont. Baby carriages doll buggies. W. It. Malonoy Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ed HolcliHteln left Thursday for Loomls. Smoking fictfl of all kinds. W. It. Malonoy Co. . Mrs. Jack lloil loft Wodnoiulay for kcarncy to spend u wcok. K. II. Wollor loft Thursday morning for Hartley whoro ho will spend tho' holidays. Carnival Dunce at K, C. Hall toulto I'rlzeB awarded. Music by Southern Rag-A-Jazz Hand. Miss Annlo O'Counoll, of Grand Is land; camo yesterday to visit friends for Xmas. Mrs. Hattlo Horstod left Wednesday for her homo In Paxton, after viBltlng friends In tho city. Mrs. J. P. Roberts left Wednesday for St. Joo where sho will spend tho Xmas holidays. Charles Wholan roturnod Tuesday ovohlng from a two wooks visit In Now York state. ' Carnival Dance at K. C. Hall tonlto Prizes awarded. MubIc by Southern Ilag-A-Jazz Hand. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strauss loft Thursday for Kearney whoro thoy will npond tho holidays. Carnival Danco at K, C. Hall tonlto Prizes awarded. Music by Southern ltag-A-Jazz Hand. Tho ladles of tho Catholic church will hold a fair, supper nnd danco Fobruary 2nd nnd 3rd. Miss Vuuntta Hayes loft Thursday for Grand Island whoro sho will visit during tho holidays. Carnival Danco at IC C. Hall tonlto Prizes awarded. Music by Southern Itag-A-Jnzz Hand. Mr. and Mrs. George N. aibbs loft Thursday for Omaha whoro thoy will visit for a fow. days. Havu you mado your soloctlon? W. R. Malonoy Co. , Mr and Mrs. Olotus Walor loft yes terday for Kearney t, vHi r Inilves ovor tho wook end. When hi North Platte stqp at the "Nw Hotel Pnlaoe atul Cnfo Von v"tll bo '.rented well. 5Rtf "Mrs. Julia Shiltz loft Thursday for Choyenno whoro sho will visit hor par cnts during tho holidays. ,-John LoMastor says ho can fix It ho can I If you mint a diamond. Aus-t!l1'-L1lg-,j.9y'clor- Kolth Tlioritro Hldg. " "' ( J IV. Morrill. Dentist, office over viioux Department storo. Joo I'lzev will loavo this evening for Denver to mnko his homo In th future, A Naw Moat Markot will opon Dec. 21 at 702 N. Locust St Craw & Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Gnlvln loft Thurs day for Koftrnoy. Wo liavo added a flno lino of candy, fancy box and bulk. C. M. Nowton. My. and Mra. W. M. Gordon of Paxton woro visitors in tho city this woek. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson wont to Omaha yestorday to spend the holi days with tholr daughter Ruth. Ml8s Ama Splinter, of Grand Island, who formory resided horc, is vlsillnj? fronds In tho city this week. Jack Norrls loft Wednesday for Choyonno to spond Xmas, and will re turn next week to visit frlonds. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Schlcutor and children loft yestorday for Grand Is and whoro thoy will visit for somo time. Ydu will llko "My LIttIo Himboo Dawn on tho Bamboo Islo." If you don't havo ono lot your want be sup pllod at Dixon's Music Shop. Mr and Mrs. K. R. GiUi-ii-l wiil con u morrow from G. i I Island to visit at tho W. S. Dolsun homo. Dr. Wurtclo, office phone 27, night phono 25. Mrs. K. E. Bradley and "children loft Thursday morning for Grand Is land to bo gono for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Vosolpka will leave today for Grand Island whoro thoy will visit friends over tho week end. AH lovers of music In Its various lines may havo any talent they chooso, nt their own flrosldo. Your rcqesUJ will bo fulfilled ut Dixon's Music Shop. Mrs. II. W. Frodrlckson returned from Laramie tho first of tho week whoro sho was called by the illness of her sister Mrs. M. Slllason, I Swedish Mission will hold Its next meeting Sunday ovonlng, Decombor 2Gth, at tho Pcoplo's Mission Church. It will begin at 7:30 p. m. All wol come. Anyono who misses William Far num In "Wings of tho Morning" is going to miss ono of tho host things of tho season. It will bo shown Christ mas afternoon and evening at tho Crystal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Horgstroin" left Thursday morning for Omnha to re main In tho future. Mr. Bcrgstrom has boon in chargo of tho Naval de partment In this city for somo time, but word was received Wednesday to closo this station for good. Records solcctcd from our largo as sortment and sont to your frlonds in a gift envelope nt Chrlstma's will bo a happy thought through tho coming days. Dixon's Music Shop. There will bo an oxamlnntlon In tho near future for messongor boy nt tho Weather Bureau. This examination Is glvon by tho United States Civil Ser vice. Tho ago has been reduced so that tho minimum is now fourteen years. Those interested should sec tho local Post Mastor for furthor In formation. Wo nro making a groat many young Indies hnppy this Christmas by sup plying tho diamond sot TifTuny, fancy grcon, white, yellow gold or platinum mountings, Young mon got busy. Tho young ludy wants a diamond but will not ask you to glvo her ono. Sho ox peets It so do not disappoint licr. Sco us for particulars and prices. Wo enn holp you. Austin. Tho Jewolor, Keith Theatre Building. Morris Hreou passed away Wednes day afternoon at his homo In this city. Ho had boon ill for sovernl wooks, but denth camo rather stid ilonly. Mr. Broon had llvxod In North Platto for tho past oightoon years. Ho loavos to mourn him Donnls Hreen hf this city, and a son John Broon of Donvor, Tho funeral was hold tills morning from tho Catholic church. Mr Broon vunj3lghty-ouo years old: In the - SPIRIT OF THE CHRIST this Church wishes you A BLESSED CHRISTMAS DAY MORNING SONQ 7 A. iL CHRISTMAS ; ; . QIIIL0W8 SERVICE 7 l M, CHRISTMAS . V - - - MS.. . First Evangelical Lutheran Church v 5lh Street at Sycamore. C.REV, C FRANKLIN KOCH, Pastor. ' WHY SHE BELIEVED Irl HIM . Kills Two Birds With One Stone Enjjagement Ring for Christmas Present. H'ORK opening the slight Christmas token l have brought you, MIkn Clara," mild Mr. MacNerve, ns he look from bin Inside pocket a small package nnd handed It to the young lady In question, "I think it best to acquaint you, In my Imperfect wny, with tho state of my feelings. To come to the point In as brief and prnctlcnl a manner as possible, sparing you nil tlfe unnecessary details, I mny ns well tell you nt once thnt I love, you. From tho moment that I first met you I was fully awnie that this was Inevitable. Tho more I- sot my mind against It, the more I struggled to con tool myself to he strong the more hopelessly I became Involved. You will naturally ask at once why I should struggle against a passion which Is admitted by all to be the source of the greatest happiness known to humanity. But I could not rcgurd the matter In a selfish light. It was done, Miss Clnra, because I havo doubted all along whether n man In my clrcumstnnccs had It In bis power to mnko a girl like yourself, whojins been reared In such luxury, entirely hnppy In the new and changed con ditions that matrimony lends to. Was It right In mo, I said to myself, to Jeopardize your happiness by asking you to share tho lot of one, who, while his present salary Is a fairly com fortablc one, Is not at tho same time prepared to say positively that ho will succeed? I have now put the enso before you. I know you to bo a sensi ble girl, and one whoso Intuitions I am sure will lead you aright. After this brief explanation I beg of you therefore to look nt my gift, nnd, If four heart tells you to do so, accept It from tho tnnn who loves you nbovo nil others." Hastily breaking tho seal the young girl be addressed gazed for a brief Intcrvnl at the beautiful object that lay In her hnnd. Then advancing swiftly t where lit- stood sho threw her nrin.s around the neck of the man who had so worthily won her, ex claiming with n ghul cry: "Dearest, how enn I doubt you I Any man who is cute enough to kill' two birds with one stone by giving a girl nn engagement ring for her Christ inns present cannot help but succeed 1" CHRISTMAS THINGS FOR BOYS '''"'' it :.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t tt i.t i.t ' it Ohptotmno 1K ioso &f :: it ? V- Youngstcrs Like Presents That Af ford Amusement as Well as Being of Educational Nature. r IS to he wondered If the small boy's taste and teni pernmont are reully and truly considered when buy ing gifts thnt are meniit to appeal to his Inventive mind, or wheth er we simply purchase for him some toy or object of entertainment which we In our never-falling Judgment think fit 'that ho should have. It happens oftentimes that the boy who would give hair his little kingdom for the IIumpty-Dumpty circus that some other small youth received ns his share from the Christmas puck receives a necktie, u pnir of gloves and books, nnd vice versa. With the host of wonderful Inventions for the enter tainment and education of childhood, why not study the boy's bent and give him something with which to develop his bent? One boy, In fact many, would prize a bo. of tools, and these very desirable outfits may be had in any size desired; another lad of the spirited age of ten or twelve, would like a football and n suit to piny in; the mcchunlcnl mind .lust revels over the mechanism of a woiu'lerfuly constructed railway, a min iature aliplnne, or just a sim ple engine that can be made to run gives hours of pleasure; then there Is the popular pushmohllo, the wonder ful Joy eveiinstlng, while snow and Ice lasts, sled nnd Ice skates. If tho young mnn Is a collector of stamps, large packages of foreign postago may be had. atul the nearest approach to at tending a moving picture show Is to give tho boy n postenrd projector with which he can have a picture show of his own and Invite the other boys If he wants to. To these few suggestions muy be ndded games, boy scout stories, numer ous articles of wearing nppnrel and possibly a wairh, an Indian or some other mnsquerndo outfit, n wigwam nnd so on through nn Indotermlnnte list, but give him something ho wnnts. II :.: :.t :.: i.t B :.: :.: :.t t.t i.t :.: j.t 2.1 B j.t j.t i.t i.t t.t i.t t.t i.t t.t t.t tf t.t i.: :.: J.t :.: :.: t.t t.t it t.t 1 We Extend Most Cordial Christmas Greetings This store thanks you for your patronage, which, with patronage of hundreds of others, v'has given us an enviable Christmas trade. THE H North Platte's Foremost Clothiers for Men and Young Men. :.: . J.t j.t j.t j; :.t :.t t.t S j.t i.t if j.t j.t :.t . t.t J.t J.t t.t j.t j.t .J.t J.t j.t j.t j.t J.t J.t j j.t J.t :.: :.: :r J.t i.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t tf j.t H j.j j.t j.t j.: j.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.; j.t J.t J.t j.t "H is o 9 in TO ONE AND ALL 297 Busy Stores 297 Busy Stores CHEAP ENOUGH She: Now George, I want you to glvo mo something cheap for Christ mas. He: I was going to offer myself. Impossible to Resist Influence, It Is quite impossible to resist tho sweet Intluence of the coming holi days and not to feel a thrill of sym pathetic delight over that which serves to gladden all mankind. Tin very nlr seems to have caught the Inspiration of tho hour, nnd no one enn fall to per ceive, ai; he hurries through tho strouts, when Christinas Is drawing near. FROM THE- Ui PENNEY CO We have enjoyed the largest business the past year, this Company has ever enjoyed and we take this means of thanking you jyj for your liberal patronage and assure you it is with a great deal of pleasure we extend to you our good wishes, and may tho best the futur has in store for you be enoyed by you ifl be profitable to you and make for you the merriest Xmas and happiest New Yettr you have ever known. AXXOUA'CJKJIKNT m Wo shall continue to give you the best mer- S chandise that nioney can buy and that ex- ifi pert buyers can select at the lowest possible 55 prices our buying power enables us to make you- We buy for cash direct from the mills and manufacturers and in large quantities, thus enabling us to secure the best class of IfJ clean up-to-date merchandise at a great afi saving to you. Make us a visit the next time you are down town and let us convince 3 you of our tremendous saving power by our Sfi tremendous buying power. LK I l 3 .......M.....MMMM.M.Mf...............M...M......w............M.-.-. I T I IP LK Again we want to lhank you for your liberal patronage and wish fm- Ifi jj and a Happy, Prosperous Now Year. Hi S as Ifi 297 S BUSY STORES cj o 297 o BUSY STORES S.J ml NORTH PLATTE, iVEim. M TWiNuar miiiiDiNG