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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
1 , & ) o rtb WthvtM. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., 'DECEMBER 24, 1920. No. 100 swim- mxma NEW MEAT SHOP OPENS TUESDAY PROGRAM AT Till METHODIST CHURCH THIS EVENING. FATHER AND SON OPEN BUSINESS LAST TUESDAY IN NFW DUILDlftG The Connulttoo announcoB a Christ mas Cantata called "Elslo's Chrlstmns Party" to bo given by about forty of tho Sundny School children at tho church tonight. A largo Christmas trco, tho gift of tho Stacy Mcrcnntilo Co. will bo boautlflly ilocoratcd. Santa Claua will follow tho program and distribute hoarty greetings with candy and apples. Bvcryono Is Invited.. CHRISTMAS day"seuyices AT CATHOLIC CHURCH SATURDAY. Following is tho muslo program for tho throo services to bo hold by Father Moron at tho Catholic Church Saturday: HIGH MASS AT SIX A. M. Christmas Carol Holy Night sung by Mrs. Clias. Pass. Miss Mary Drost Frank McGovorn and Geo. Ell. High Mass Db Major, (C. C. Stearns) undor direction of Miss Joslo 0' Haro with Miss Gortrudo Titchnor at tho organ and orchestra accom paniment Kyne Miss Lorotta Murphy and Chorus Gloria Mrs. Chas. Pass, Frank Mc Govorn nnd Chorus Credo Miss Mary Drost und Chorus Offertory Adesto Fideles Chorus Sanctus Mr. McGovorn and Choi us Agnus Dei Chorus LOW MASS AT EIGHT A. M. Children's Choir under tho supervis ion of SIstor Laboria. HIGH MASS AT TEN A. M. (Repetition of six o'clock service fol followed by the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. O'Salutaris Chorus Tantium Ergo Chorus SUNDAY MUSIC. llocauso of the appropriateness to tho occasion, most of tho choir leaders hava selected Christmas antliems and carols for the Sunday sorvices Miss Vntonides will ask tho Methodist choir to lead tho congregation in sing- 1 Ing sovoral of tho most familiar of son Cpunty Pioneer and ono of the,"10 Christmas carols. This will be most prominent citizens of that county j Ul flubBtltuto for an anthem. died Monday. Q1A,t U0 Episcopal Church Airs. Krier camo to Lexington, then ' iuiu.u u iu.iu,uB Crow St Crow is tho llrm name of a now meat market that opened for business hero this week. Tho Senior member is W. J. Crow who moved here about a year ago and bought tho How ard ranch. This winter ho has como to North Platto, leaving a son in okargo of tho ranch. Tho Junior mom bor of tho firm is Edward S. Crow. Ho has lived at Hcrshey for about a year, coming from St. Paul, Nebr. Tho now market is located in tho now Woodgato building at 702 N. Lo onst. Tho building is just north of tho tracks on tho west side of Locust street. When seen yesterday, Mr. Crow said: "Wo havo oponed up business hero in North Platto because wo think thoro is a place for another market horo. North Platto is a growing city. Already our business is bettor than wo had anticipated and wo only opon ed day boforo yesterday." Tho Tribune docs not know tho o. tont of tho moat business in tills vi cinity but wo welcomo Messrs. Crow and Crow to tho business lifo of the city and assuro thorn, that North Platto is. growing fast enough to take caro of all tho new concerns that can find n location in which to carry on any logitlmato business. ::o:: j WESTERN NEBRASKA PIONEER NEWSPAPER MAN DIES AT LEXINGTON. BB the Day of H rnwaf" le&M&teKt Vwiwini known as Old Plum Crock in 1872, hen It was but an open prairie, In t nblted by nomadic Indians. Ho found ed tho Pioneer in 1873 and editled ono of tho most successful papers of the state. Ho was a member of the G. A. R., program for the morning sorvico "ToDeum" (Buck), "O, Little Town of Bethlehem'' (Lincoln), "Jubilate Deo" (Aldrich), Solo "The Birthday of tho King" (Neldllnger) Mrs. Shrlver. In the Qvonlng she has planned tho fol lowing: "Magnificat" (Kettlo), "Be- having enlisted in company D, Third 1,0,(1 T Stars" (Hall), and Carols A. 1 I " ' '' inianir.v regimeni ow Jersey, voi-.. MASTER MASON MEETING unteers. In the third months' r,er- Thore wm hQ a mcelln(? of alI Mas. vice ho re-enlisted in company G, , ,or MaS0ns tomorrow afternoon at Tenth New Jersey volunteer infan-;four Oclock ,u tll0 MiiSonic Temple, try, and participated in all of U. S.jAH Master Masons are urged to bo fsrnm'n pnmnnl rm a fnrtrv wnovny Horn ' . :j "rj . ,"?". r ".r . nresem. to iuu wiiuurneHs at opoiisyivania. Ho was wounded at Gault Houso by a bullet through tho face and was ' Meat on East Ninth Street discharged November' 22, 1864. Mr. Krier was a thirty-second do- corn fed stuff, choice meats, delivered greo Mason and was active in all .'anywhere in city freo of charge. Phono McKain's Wholo Sale and Retail Prices from 5 to 25 cents por pound. All- public affairs. "HOOVER HAS PERFECTED HIS NA TIONAL AND STATE ORGANIZATIONS. The starving children of Europe must bo saved. Untold thousands of Mrphancd children are on the verge of starvation unless America comes to (heir relief. It will do more good than an army In winning tho hearts of tho people of Europe' if America res ponds to the appeal sent out in behalf of theso children. Any bank will for ward the amount if a check is handed to ono .of Its officers. North Platto and Lincoln County has been good to most of their peoplo and they can af ford to bo good to tho less fortunate. Christmas is the opportunity. ::o:: Following the snow of Monday and Tuesday the thermometer took a drop and has hovered around the zero mark over since. On Tuesday the minimum was bIx below, on Wednesday eleven below and last night Weatherman Shilling reports a drop to seventeen degrees below zero. Steadily rising temperatures are predicted for tho next fow days. 1250. Wo alBo have livery and feed barn, board and lodging. Geo. Mc Knln and Will Stoewcr. A new hose drying arrangement has been Installed at tho fire station. It v'ill hold thirteen sections of hose. It laisea ono end twenty-four foot up and allows tho water to run out tho other ond and the body of the hose will dry quicker and bettor when suspended in the air. The fire department was called out this morulas to unsworn call from 308 So. Chestnut but did use any of tho apparatus as the fire was out. A torch used in thawing water pipes is said to hu'.o caused tho fire. Luther and John Tucker received word this morning of the death of their father at Beatrice, Nebr. They will leave tonight for that place. On account of tho cold weathor their families will not make tho tript Tho funeral of Hazel Hardin, dauglitor of J. L. Hardin living soutv of the city, was held this mornit' at tho farm homo. Miss Hazel died of typhoid fever and was eighteen years old at the tlmo of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Harrison loft this morning for Kearney to 3pend Christmas Day. Thanking you very much for your patronage. We Thank You, Wishing You A Merry Christmas. CLINTON. The Jeweler. S s 1 Ur UKV. THOMAS U. MUKGOIIY. HRISTMAS, both in its ritual nnd in its sentiment, is almost as old as Humanity itself. As far back as you can go we find something very liko tho Yulotido festival a season of rejoicing, attended by n Bomowhnt boisterously joyful celebration. About Christmas thero is nothing that even approxi mates sectarianism or any kind of montal or social nar rowness or littleness. Its spirit is as broad as humanity, and all men of whatever race, creed or geographical status, are invited to, and are ontitlcd to, tako part in its glad festivities. Very pitiful is tho human being who, in tho midst of tho Christmas season, feels liko flocking off by himself, like Dundreary's bird. It is a season, not for isolation and loneliness, but for followshlp and universal brotherhood, as. though wo were saying to ono another, "ALL HANDS AROUND 1" with nobody loft out. Whon wo pauso to think of tho way in which tho Christmas originated it becomes easy for us to understand why tho season is everywhere mado to be the occasion of deep rejoicing and multiform gladness. Beyond a doubt tho festival had it3 birth away up in tho frozen North, in tho region of tho aurora borealis, where tho battle between tho cold and the- heat, tho darkness and the light, is the longest and tho most ter rible; nnd it was quite natural that at tho turn of tho sUn, when tho light and warmth began to return, men should turn themselves loose in a sort of paroxysm of Joy. And by degrees the festivities of tho men of tho far north worked their way southward; for even there tho return of tho sun meant lifo to men, meant the sunshine and heat without which tho human raco must perish. The hyperboreans had their Christ, Baldur by name, Baldur tho good, the gentle, the compasslonnte, who, taking pity on them, destroyed tho Frost Giant and saved then) from death. Wo cannot very well blamo tho hyperboreans if, at first, their religion was largely of a material typo tho Worship of the sun, for Baldur was no more than tho sun idealized. Christ not the petty Christ of the professional thoologian, but tho Christ of Humanity stands for OPTIMISM. All is well. Let not your hearts bq troubled. Sufficient unto the day is tho evil thereof. In. reality there is rib e'vil, the thing wo call "evil" being but good in tho makirig. "I am come that ye might havo life, not death; confidence, not despair; glad ness, not weeping and wailing." Away with all grouchiuess nnd greed, nil doubt nnd despair 1 This is the season of love and good will, of hope nnd gladness. Joy is always and everywhere "orthodox" and in order. If you are able to do so at no other time, of tho year, during the Christmas" fl'mo resolve to have thcffiPcourago of your noble sslf, aiid,to let your worthiest and bravest sontiment'asscrt itself to the full. Lqt joy be unconfined ! Again bo is said, "ALL IS WELL." Tho Sun is not going to be conquered by tho Frost King; the nnarchists are not going to overthrow the Constitution of the United States nnd tho govern ment that was inaugurated by our venerated Washington; in spite of tho little politicians who are ready to "give up to party what was meant for mankind," tho ways and means of bettering the condition of mankind will surely be foun'd; the lifo of men and nations shall not havo been in vain; and as for Old Death, who awaits us at the end of the little earthly way, for all that wo to the contrary he mny turn odt to bo our best friend. Those who have crossed the north Atlantic in winter need not be reminded of the uplifting and joy-giving influence of tho gulf stream. Those who have felt it can never forgot it. Once fairly upon tho mysterious "river of the sea," the chill and numbness of one's body and soul depart, the rigid muscles relax, the pent-up feelings let themselves loose in singing, and chat, and all-round sociability and enjoyment, nnd all the world seems to be refashioned for the better. And such is Christmas, with its good will and good cheer, its bravo confidence and spontaneous gladness. It is tho gulf stream of life, warm ing us into the sentiment of a common humanity, with its unselfishness and comradeship, nnd imparting to us nil the glad sense of security and victory. THE MAX AUENC1' OPENS I'OR' BUSINESS IN NORTH PLATTE THIS WEEK. I A now agency having various lines of sorvico has opened in North Platto this week undor tho mnnngomont of R. II. Palaoy. It la called Tho Max Agency. Mr. 'Palaoy camo horo somo tlmo ago from Grand Island. Ho has .been Rales agent for ono of tho bet ter known cars In tho Grand Island territory until tho financial situation compelled him to closo up that work. Coming in North Platto ho saw tho nood for tho sorvico ho offers nnd has derided to locato hero. Ho has temporary hondquartors with tho C. O. D. Clcanors but has mado no per manent nrrangomonts yet. His sorvico is clnssllcd under three bonds ColloctioiiB, Employment and Sales. Ho proposes to maintain a col lection ngoucy and tako caro of small accounts which tho local business and professional mon do not havo tlmo to handle. Ho proposos to hnndlo an em ployment agency, listing tho men nnd women who want employment on the ono hand and on tho other hand keep ing a list of tho needs of farmers, niorchnnts, housokeopor.i. factories and all other peoplo who want labor. Ho will bring tho man who wants work to tho man who needs a work er. Tho third lino is tho sales agoncy. Ho proposos to tako tho agoncy for a number of linos of mcrchandlso mid set tho unemployed to work making sales. This work is handlod mostly through local niorchnnts and in con junction with thorn. Tho contemplated work of Tho, Max Agoncy is now to this communtty nnd thero Booms to bo a need for somo of these activities. Further announce ments will bo mado by Mr. Palsoy from tlmo to tlmo as his work de velops. Wo wolcomo him to tho bus iness life of this community and as suro him that North Platto offorB un limited opportunities for logitlmato business to tho young mnn who la worthy. : 'o: . LARGE CROWD HEARS LUTHERAN ROBED CHOIR AT TIIAMP STORE. I hursday a Friday CRYSTAL I'A g Matinee and Evening if it 8 t.t 1 3 Special Christmas WILLIAM FARNl Wines of the Mornim 8 A remarkably saUsfying tale of love and heroism. Just the Vt irtn1 rvf on ontrtnlnmnt. fnr vnnr Clirinlimic flnv i. i evening ft Sunshine Comedy "NOISY STILL" This picture will also bo shown on Monday. : DFCEMBER 30 AND 3 i To clean and cut our stock before wo invoice Jan. 1, 1921. Stores will be closed for invoicing afternoon of Jan 1st. This is a real cut and you have not heard of such pricer, since the Avar started. Each Duk. 1 No. 2 can Tomatoes u 10c $1.15 1 No. 2 can Peas - 13c $1.45 1 No. 2 can corn, extra Fancy 13c $1.50 1 No- 2i. can Hominy 13c $1.50 1 No. 2i. can Pumpkin - , 13c $1-50 1. gal. Sliced Peaches : 80c' $9.00 1 gal. can Apricots 95c $10 75 1 gal. can Pears .r $1.10 $12.00 1 Package Jello 10c 1 large package Quaker Corn Flakes, same as Post Toasties 15e 1 large package Alber's Mush -T 20c 1 4 pound package Pancake Flour 37Voc 1 sack best Flour l -$2.50 5 bars White Flyer Laundry Soap 25c 3 bars Palm Olive Toilet Soap n 25c 1 25 cent package Washing Powder 15c 3 cans Shinola Shoe Polish 25c 1 50 cent bottle Liquid Veneer 40c 1 io pound package Pepper. 20c 1 i. pound package Cocoa m 20c 10 pounds of Sugar for , $1.00 I can Light House Cleanser 5c 3 pounds of Navy Beans ,25c 21. pounds of Japan Rice 25c 12 pounds of Cabbage for 25c 8 pounds of Onions for 25c There are many other items thai ave taken a drop in price so get oru prices FIRST. Gamblers Springer 1 STORKS CLOSE AT NOON NEW YEARS On Wednesday night and again last night the Robed Choir of the Lutheran Church Bang Christmas CarolB at the E. T. Tramp & Sons Storos. Tho idea seems to havo originated with a do slre on tho part of tho Mossors Trarnp -to help in making tho Christmas spirit real to those of tholr friends who are ablo to como down town dur ing Uio .evenings Just boforo Christ mfis.' Tno LUthomn Choir had'iprc pared some of tho old Christmas Carols and nccoptcd tho Invitation to uso the Tramp Stores as a concert room. Tho crowd on Wednesday was a littlo Into in getting around and a' somo failed to hear most of tho caro' Lant night tho uttendanco wub still larger nnd tho Interest grcnter. G'OIHMVSKY, CONCERT PIANIST TO HE AT (iOTIIENRURU NEXT .' TUESDAY Tho Community Club of Gothenburg has secured a concert by dodowaky, ono of the world's greatest pianists, for noxt Tuesday, Dec. 28. Wo are re printing tho following from tho Goth enburg Times: 412 Oak Streot. North Platto, Nebr. Dec. 10. 1920. Mr. II. Williams, Cothonburg. Dear Mr. Williams: Am enclosing five tickets which I was unablo to sell, and check for for ty-four dollars for tho twenty I sold. Wo shall all ho thoro to enjoy this promolro pianist and thank you and your conimltl,eo for giving us thin wonderful opportunity nnd ploauuro. Yours truly, Plorenco MncKny. NEW FEATURE AT KEITH WHICH IS HIGHLY EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINING. FARM BUREAU SEEMS ASSURED THE FARM RUREAV CAMPAIGN DROUGHT IN OVER THREE HUNDRED NAM.ES A committee of farmors And busi ness mon worked tho streets of North Platto last Saturday and socured over thrco hundred names to a petition to tho County Commissioners to estab lish n County Agent in Lincoln Coun ty. Throo hundred is tho numbor of namo3 of farmora required to got tho matter boforo tho Commissioners. When a County Agent is secured, tho Farm Bureau will bo organized and Lincoln County will bo among tho pro gressive counties of tho stnto. CI I AMD ER OF COMMERCE SECURES SUPPLY OF FARM ACCOUNT BOOKS. Tito North Platto Chambor of Com merce hnB secured n supply of Farm Account Books for distribution ni mong tho farmorB of this vicinity. Those bookB nro lBsuod by tho NobraB ka Farm Buroau Federation and tho Collego of Agrlculturo ot tho Univer sity of Nebraska. Thoy havo boon commended by tho Bureau of Intornal Rovonuo bocauso thoy nro particular ly suited to bo used in making out farm, income tax returns under tho laws and regulations now in force. Thoso books nro to bo given freo to farmora nnd tho Socrotary announced today that thoy may bo Bccurod by calling at tho Office of tho Chamber or Commerce. NEBRASKA STATE HAIL INSUR ANCE DEPARTMENT SHOWS LOSS FOR 1020. Tho roport of tho State Hail Insur ance Department shows a deficiency of ?03.7fi4.73 for tho year closing f)jgc. 1, ,1920. Premiums rocelved dur llg 1920 amounted to $615,937.51. Total revenues including tho balance left over from laBt year wore ?720, 80C.G3. Lossoa duo to tho adjusting of damagea by hall including other ex penses woro $784,041.3C. The stnto is divided Into throo ?oncs. York Coun ty londa thoso of tho first zone in losses, Custer County loadB In tho Bocond and Choyonno County In tho third to wlilch Lincoln longs. no:!' RED CROSS SEALS ARE ON AL MOST EVERY CHRISTMAS PACKAGE AND LETTER. A report has gone out. from Post Offioo omployeoa In many places In Nebraska that practically all of tho Christmas letters and parcels havo a Christmas seal on the outside. Wo havo no roport from tho post offices of Lincoln County but suppose the peo plo of this county aro doing as well as thoso of any othor county In tho, state. Seals nro on snlo In every dowhtbwn storo In North Platto. Thoy nelp- to stamp out tubercuIoHls and fight all kinds of disease. : :o:: WEDNESDAY WAS THE SHORTEST DAY AND THE LONGEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR. On Wednesday wo iKissed tho short est day of the yonr and Wednesday nignt wns tho longest night. From then on the longth or tho darkness de creases nnd tho daylight starts earlier and lastn longor. This has no effect on tho tompornturo or tho weathor for usually most of our winter Is of uh nnd some calendars call December 22nd tho llrst day of winter. North Platto audiences are being Introduced to tho Patho Nows on Monday and Tunsdnv of onoh n-cek nt tho Kr'th Thoalio. The big evonlH In history, and discovery arr covorod ovory week by tho movio photographer nnd brought to tho screen for tho entertainment and In struction of tho patrons. Tho Trlbuno was not ablo to learn how long UiIb has been going on but It places North Platto on tho movie map In this lino. ::o:i Extra heavy outlng-flanonl 45c valuo now 22c. Light and dark colors, John son Dopt. Storo. Mrs. Noll Knlbo left yesterday for Keamoy to spend tho holidays. Carnival Danco at IC C. Hall tonlto Prizes awarded. Musio by Southern ltng-A-Jazz Band. Mrs. F. F. Dolan, of Maxwell, spoilt yoatorday shopping In this city. .11 KS. SARAH JANE G HUMAN. Mrs. Sarnl' Jane Oruman, mother of Mrs. EdiMi Unntt 209 Locust St., died WoiVussday evonlug, Dccombor 22d. of ''(.implications due to old ngo. Sho was oighty-thrco ycarH of ngo having been born In Norwalk, Conn., August 17, 1837. Sho waB married Oct. 3, 1859 to Cholwoll J. Gruman and was tho mother of throo children of whom Mrs. Gantt 1b the only ono who sur vives her. Tho funornl services will bo con ducted by Rev. II. E. Hess at tho Gantt residence at 2:30 this after noon. - ::o:: Make her heart glad my boy with a diamond ring. Can Bet any stylo de sired $18 to $1,000. C. M. AUBtln, Jowoler. Keith Theatre Building. ChrlBtmns candles 25 cents a pound at McMlchaol'B Grocery. P. A. NOLAN J. F. NOLAN We wish all our friends and patrons a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. E. V. BOGUE M. TOTTENHOFF