NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE s'.t s ' " i . 3CIZZ I, ZZ3 n ii ir- n ir AS A SHOPPING CENTER NOWJ FOR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES Do Your Shopping Where Stocks are Largest and Prices Lowest EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Clothing Pianos Talking Machines Women's Ready-to-Wear Jewelry Fverything in Music Automobiles Furniture Sporting Goods Toys Bicycles Toilet Articles A SUM DEPOSITED IN THE BANK MAKES AN ACCEPTABLE GiFT THESE SHOPS ARE STOCKED WITH EVERYTHING SEASONABLE AND FASHIONABLE and you will be served by courteous and competent soles people, who will assist you in your selections. THIS ADVERTISEMENT PLACED BY Chamber of Commerce Publicity Bureau in iz 3C IZ 1Z ' IjOCAIj and personal i Mrs. C. J. l'orklns loft Saturday for Ornrnl Island. Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Austin loft Snt urdny for California whoro thoy will spend tho wintor. A Now Mont Mnrkot will opon Doc. 21 nt 702 N. Locust St Crow & Grow. Mrs. 1 H. Hnrnoll nnd daughter lo'ft Saturday for Omaha, expecting to 1)0 absent sovornl days. Loonn Vnnvoord loft Saturday for Ognlalla nftor visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Zlglor. Mnko hor heart glad my boy with n diamond rlnfi Can sot any stylo de sired $18 to $1,000. C. M. Austin, Jowolor, Kolth Thcatro building. 9S-2 Mrs. Eldorn Cnlllson loft Saturday morning for Kimball whoro bIio will transact business for somo tlmo Ivory manicuring sots, a big lino of thorn, $2 p to $20.00. A lino twolvo plcco set for $12.00. Clinton, tho Jowolor. Anna Crow loft Saturday for hir homo in Lnmnr, Col. Mrs. M. Johnson loft Saturday for Loup City to visit for somo tlmo. Dr. Ilonnrd lost, Dentist, ITliioui ltiillding. I'honollOJ. 77tf Lena Carter loft Saturday morulas for Hurchnrd to visit for somo tlmo. Mrs. E. L. Eglohort wont to Qrnu4 Island Saturday where she will star for a short tlmo. Miss Hova Koyea Joft Saturday fr Donvor whoro she will upond tho hoW das with rolatlvos. ' I)r. L. J. KltAUSE, DoiHIst. aro nonnld ltnnl; Hiillillnp. Itoonis 2 & 0. IMiono 97. - 42U Mrs. K. J. Stovons left Saturday far llothany, Nob., nftor visiting nt tke homo of hor sou Itov. Stovons. Dr. Morrill. Dentist, offlco ovlr Wilcox Department Storo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Gomatock left for their homo In Mlllnrd, Nob., Satur day nftor visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Malls. -23-10- A M Mm, THE FIRST -i CHRISTMAS J (Luke 2: 1-14) ND IT came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should bo taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judca, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, (because he was of the house and lineage of David). To bo taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in n manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there was in tho same country shepherds abiding in M the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. fij And, lo, the angel of the Lord enme upon them, nnd the i glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them: Fear not; for behold l $X bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all i the people. iS For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, n tf W Savior, which is Christ tho Lord. Sj And this shall be a sign unto you ; Ye shall find the babe SZ jy- wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 7- 2f And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of m W tho heavenly host praising God, and saying, fi5 M? Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will townrd men. 2340 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Agnes Uakwell, of Staplcton , spent a few days In town last weok. K. Larson, of Elsie, wns a visitor Jn tho city the latter part of tho week. Cecil Hungerford, of Horshoy, was n business visitor In tho city this week. Hnzel DIckerson, of Gibbon, loft tho latter part of the week for her home. Harry MOEvoy, who has been 111 for some timo, Is reported to be Improv ing. Visit our Gift Room for Gifts thnt last. Clinton, tho jeweler. Geneva and Ethelyn Cainblln, of Brady, transacted business In tho city the latter part of tho week. D. Cornelius, of Sutherland, wns a business visitor In th o city the lat ter part of the week. Agnes Powers, of Brady, left for, That Last her homo Saturday after transacting business In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gross and, family, of Kimball, are visiting nt the, homo of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hut. i Fresh oysters always on hand at 1 McMlchael's Grocery. Miss Wollton left Saturday for her homo in Grand Island nftor visiting nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. i Housher. Following tho retrenchment Inaug urated some tlmo ago by tho Union Pacille, a sjjoro or moro enr repairers' at tills terminal wero laid off tho Int-, ter part of last week. Kamcrn Uphress, of Kimball, Is visiting nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Matthew Hunt. A baby girl was bom tho latter part of tho week to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mrs. Hubert Klldnro, of Paxton, transacted business In this city tho latter part of tho week. "Walter Lapping, of " Sutherland transacted business In the city tho latter part of tho week. Joo PIzer resigned his position at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. nnd will leavo tho last of tho wook for Denver to mako his homo with his parents who now rosldo In that city. "Why not mako yourself n Christmas gift by having that old diamond mount ed in a flno up to date fancy white gold mounting? Clinton, tho jowcler, "Gifts SUR E Labor and Materia! are Too Expensive to Waste GET THE Best Quality AT THE Lowest Price BUILD A HOME It Adds Much to Human Happiness. TO SATISFY IS OUR AIM. COATES LUMBER CO. Tho abovo won Bocond prize In tho competition by High School stu dents and was written by Evelyn Boldt. -2340- a i ii trie N - FLOUR o Other Like It j.t Gamble wh Springer FOUR STORES :.: The Co. no i n PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR HEN, I i t The Lighthouse Was. Dair Mi INITIALED HANDKERCFIEHS lie's proud of his initials. Buy him a box of ihese beautiful initial Handkerchiefs. Specially Priced 45 Box 3 in a Box. 75c Box 3 in a Box. Get them vhile we hove all the Initials. Hirschfeldj Practical Gills For Men. OPEN EVENING sped through the v.; f K-5s kt i storm toward the JV V 'KWf'il rocks that meant s ' fctfwC W c for i is crowded with situations that Ml II vt make you forget 60 breathe... M Fiom the ttiihtyAjncrican drama. by JAMES A-IiERNE as pUycd on . the stage for more than a quai--' ter of A century. AcJaptecl by. ARTHUR J - 2ELLNER a directed by REX INGRAM Director MAXWELL KARGER, general Mutt & Jeff nnd Gump Comedy. Universal News. Matinee 2:1& and 4:10 p. in. AtiTKESUN,j jTuesday aad Wednesday, Dec. 21 and 22