NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE -asssi Rsrsnahv "Ootf3 W M TB0 J W '' W W v v v v v v Specials for your Xmas Dinner. I Our Last Sale in 1920. Gamble, with Springer. g The rest of tIiis week we will sell at tlio'followlng prices: J.j t.t Extra fancy Sweet Potatoes, "Eat More'' brand Cranberries, Advo Coffee, Advo Pumpkin for Pumpkin Pies, Currants, Seedless Raisins, Extra Silted Peas, Advo Stuffed and Plain Olives, Advo Canned Fruits, try these for your Xmas Dinner. The A. I Johnson Grocery Stors. Xmas Without Candy It Is Not Complete. ; Special Prices on Mixed Candy. 40c a Jb complete in Fancy' Boxes. OASIS Poulos, Bros. " . ' i i i ii I V I Ii I i In, ii . i ii.ii , ', For The Christmas Dinner Cow Brand.. Elour $2.00 il H White Loaf Flour, Denver , $2.75 U David ilarum Four, Lexington ' -. ?2.90 ..95 Peaches- l j: .95 :.: 8 8 8 Gallon 8 Gallon Pumpkin I 1- .35 8 Gallon Mince Meat - r $1.35 8 Gallon Tomatoes ' .70 Gallon Mustard - 1 $1'10 8 6 pound can Apple "Jelly $1.00 8 2 No. 2 cans Tomatoes 1 : .25 it 2 No. 2 cans Corn ' I .25 24 bars Laundry Soap iL $1.00 Three Bars Kirk Olive ' ,25 8 A good Unground Coffee .20 :t 10 to 12 pound Goose t $2.50 l Apples, per box $2.65 to $3.50 8 J.t 8 Rice, 2 pounds for " .25 8 Powdered Sugar ner pound m .15 11 Candy, Xmas Mixed, per pound : .25 i Mixed Nuts, per pound .28 Ii Peanuts, per pound '17 8 Xmas Tress, 25c to a $1.25 M 8 Cranberries, per quart 1 .09 I Sugar, per 100 pounds 1 $10.50. j $ Every boy and girl who enters my store Friday, Dec. 2'i, $ 8 between 10 and 11 o'clock with an order for groceries, mat- 8 ters not how small the order, will be given a present as a $ It token of remembrance. :$ 8 8 ivrwi i i rf" i! it $ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B 8 8 8 WE DELI V KR THE GOODS We are prepared to supply your wants for Xmas dinner. u Celery, Lettuce, Radishes, Cauliflower, Cranberries, Oranges, Apples, Sweet Potatoes and almost- every thing you Avill want. Xmas Candy, per pound 30 and 35c Special price in quantity. I pound Mixed Nuts Li,.-- 25c I pound No. 1 Walnuts 30c 1 pound Brazil Nuts 35c 1 pound Paper Shell Almonds 40c All groceries are down in price. Get our prices first. We will quote prices on groceries next week; Wo wish the people of North Platte - and community a Merry Christmas. Gamble with Springer. 1 STORES Stores will be open Thursday and Friday Evenings, but closed all day Christmas. Good Things To Eat For Christmas. P. S. To the Boys Please do not push and crowd each other Take your time. Thank you. H. Simon 8c Sons North Side Meat Market We will have dressed chickens and turkeys all ready for the roaster right from' the 'country. Our stock of fresh vegetables and fruits is com pletccclery,. lettuce, cranberries, -sweet potatoes,,,, apples, grapes, oranges, bananas. ,; . H ,"' " We have nice fresh dates in bulk, nuts; candies, figs, citron and all kinds of preserves and Jellies. ) PLENTY OE ERESH OYSTERS Select Fore Quarters Beef 12c lb. Half or Whole Hog :15c lb. Fancy Beef Roasts 2Qc lb Choice Boiling Beef 15c H Choice Pork Roasts LJ 20c lb. t fr---r- 8 8 8 lb.. 8 j: .20c lb. i-Sodb, 8 Fresh Hambiirirer 8 Fresh Sausage , Fancy, Dressed Chicilcehs x Fancy Dressed Turkeys. .l , . 35c lb 8 Fancy Dressed Ducks : -35c lb h Fancy Dressed Geese 30c lb '8 v - y . 8 : ':.- k- 8 -t - : 8 ::. 8 8 Tiirpin Grocery Co LOUDONS OLD STAND. .8 8' . '8 it 8 :: 8 -8" PHONE 80. cGovern & Stack, GRoicER S lood Eats For Christmas. , FREE DELIVERY. it 8 8 it it English Walnuts, No. 1, per pound 1 30c English Walnuts, No.. 2, per pound T25c Soft Shell Almonds, per pound :30c Filberts, per pound 20c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per pound 15c Candy Special, per pound f 20c Dromedary Dates, per package 1 20c Prunes, per pound 15c Sugar, per pound j. 1 10c No. 3 Pumpkin . , 12V-.C No. 2 Fancy Peas ' , 15c Jello,. all flavors . n:Jr :-12Vc Cranberries, per quart '-J.J--1 lfc Shelled Popcorn, per pound '. Sc Extra "Fancy Tomatoes a. , 15c No. 2io Tomatoes ;U2VL.q Salted peanuts, per pouiuL , 15c APPLES AND ORANGES, ALL SIZES.,;, , W. J. O'CONNOR, . 10 & 25 CENT STORE. F. D. Westenfeld & Son, GROCERIES Special No. 1 Mixed Nuls 22h a pound. Also Vegetables, Fruits, Preserves, Candies Hirschfeld For Boys. Co. LOCAL JtllAL liSTATK 31HN OJtCIAN. y.v, an association' last vi:kk. L'OULTItYMAN JAKDEBKUK WHITES OF I'JtOFlTAULK K(JG lMtODUCTION LOCAL AND PERSONAL i 1 A tiiiiiilwtt if trnnl r.tfil iutfil(. mull ' gathered nt tHo olflco of Dratt, Gpotl mnn and Buckley Inst Thursday ev ening nnd organized tho North Platte Ileal Eatato Association with O, H. Tlioolecko pru'sldont, B. II. Goodman vlco-prosldont and S. M. Soudor Sec rotary. Tho object of tho association 1h to bring about a bettor understand ing among tho roal estate dealors, to assist the stato organization In get ting lawu for tho protection ot tho pooplo against tho shyster doaler and to sccuro a Stnto Ileal Estato Hoard to liconse tho dealers In Nebraska. ::o:: LOCAL CAMl'FIHi: COUNCIL TO JIAKK CA3II' FOU Till! (JIHLS AT TIIL POINTS Mothers Attention Your Choice of any f ( 1 Boys' Suit In Our Store Go at one price i $7.SS . Values up to $16.50. ? Hirschfeld Tne Boys Store. Co. Tho officers ot tho North IMatto Council of tho Campflro Girls aro con ducting negotiations with tho officors ot tlio Union l'aclllc Railroad looking to securing u sultablo placo near "Tho rolnts." as tho Junction or tho North and South I'latto rlvors Ih called. They havo assunuico that a long tlmo loJiso can bo arranged Tho Council Is planning to earn the money for this camp during tho coming winter, so. moi u can no ubqu noxi summor .MILK C01VS FOll SALK 1 I recently purohnsed u farm with oitulpmont and stock including six Holstoln-Krolsan holfors four yoarB old freshening now with tholr second calves. Theso aro medium Btzo, smooth cows In good condition. They nro pure bred but cannot bo registered ns tho records ot breeding woro not proporly kept. I am r ranch man and havo Uttlo uso for milk cows. I will dollvor ono or all of thoso on track at Poxton at $100 a hoad. The frolght on a slnglo cow to North Platte Is loss than ton dollars. Also I will moot any prospective buyer and show him tUq cows. Phono mo. II. II. SNYDER. Paxfon. Nob. If I he storm prevents your coinlutr (o buy XnuiH Needs call us up over I lie phono or iiintl your orders. Tlioy will he promptly lllletl (o yonr satis fuel ton . Phono U: and cull for Hurt tit the Leader Here. Co. In c&nnoetlon wth the item .In an othor column ot this issuo wo nro glad to print tho following explanation of tho Kood work being dono at tho Ex perimental Substation by Mr. Jando bour. x To tho Tribune; I often hoar tho remark nmdo by poultry keopors that thoy cannot ex pect tholr pulletB to lay this early as they aro not old enough. All pullets hatched prior -to May 1st should havo connneneod to lay by now; providing thoy aro receiving tho propor feed and attention. We havo ono house of 200 Whlto Leghorn pullots that havo been laying slnco Soptcmber, Tho llrst fif teen days of December they havo laid an average of 38 oggB por day and somo days thoy havo showed over a 25 por cent production. This an Ideal fall for poultry and anyone who Is feeding unproductive birds nt this time should look about thQlr breodlng for egg production In tho futuro If thoy caro to mako poultry keeping profitable. Tho following feeds comprise tho menu ot our poultry Hocks: Dry mash is kept boforo them eon Btantly in self foedors. Thoy aro gvon clean fresh water ovory morning at daylight. I At 9 a. in. they are fed a balanced ot moist warm mnsh; this is fed very sparingly, only enough to glvo them an eyo oponor for breakfast. At. a. m. thoy nro fod a balanced ra tion fot scratch grain; 14 pounds for i ovory hundred hens. I At noon thoy aro fed all tho sprout ed oats thoy will consume and given fresh water. At 4:30 they aro given their oveu- ing iecu oi a uaianccu scraicu grain ration, nil that they will clean up by roosting tlmo. Thoso short days a producing bird must have all tho feed thoy can con- i sumo but It Is highly nocossnry that sno rocojvo a variety that will bal ' anco up and furnish n surplus ovar 1 body upkeop that will go for eggs and . not surplus fat. Ask tho birds, tholr Judgment Is good. I II. H. JANDHMflUIt ::o: Tablo scarfs, nil pattorns and colors Y. H. Mnlonoy Co. Effio Daly left Monday for Omaha to visit rolativos during tho holidays. Frank Hoxlo loft Monday for Oga lalla after transacting business in Oils city for a few days'. Mr. and Mrs. Meadows and daughter filnrln will. Innvnvfnl'' Omotm 1i4a week. They will visit relative's thnre during tho holidays. Airs. Derurer, ot Denver, was called hero bv tho death nf Mrs Tin. gan, who died Saturday. . Xmas Candies, 25c a pound at Mc Michaels Grocery. O. W. Thell left Sunday for Lincoln whoro ho will spond tho holidays with relatives. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. .T 9. Twinom Saturday. Mrs. Twlnem. and tho baby aro doing nicely. I. D. Evans, of Kenesaw, Nobr. ar rived yesterday. Ho has been called hero by tho Illnoss of his brother J E. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Simpson, ot, Cheyonno, pnssVd through tho city yesterday onrouto to Grand Islnnd i whoro their son will undorgo an' operation. , "Tho Bird of Paradise" which show ed at tho Keith Saturday ovening was woll attended "nftd gavo general satis faction. Miss Rockwell was woll placed and tho cast supporting her took tho parts very well. Tho theme was now although tho play hns been produced for a number nf von r3. It la a play that wears woll. II the storm m-evenf l buy Xmns Nonds ll us up over Hie phone .or mull your orders. They will he promptly filled to your satis taction. Phono to ami call for Burt nt tho Leader Mere. Co. Wo nro llUlk 111 IT a ernnt mnnv v.,n.,,. ladies happy this Christmas by sup- 1'ijuiK uio oiamomi, sot Tiffany, fancy green, whlto, yellow gold or platinum mountings. Young men get busy. Tho young lady wants a diamond but will not ask you to glvo nor one. Sho ox- ijueia u, so no not lUsnppoIut her. Soo us for particulars and nrlces. Wnnn holp you. Austin, tho Jowolor, Keith If the storm prevents your coming nay Ainas Aoeus call us up over the phone or mall your orders. They H1 be nroiimllv filled i it Your sntls. j.. ...... ii i uwiiii ,,, nun jiu nit- nun an uie Leader Jlerc Co. CITY LIItHABY BKCEIVKS FIFTY NKW BOOKS THIS 3I0NTH Following is a partial list of books selected frqm tho fifty received new at tho City Library this month. These titles aro especially good for tho holi day season. Bradley Fortieth Door. . Blndloss Wyndham'r, Pal. Conrad Tho Rescue. Curwood Tho River's End. Fitzgerald This Sldo of Paradise Grey The Man of tho Forest. Kyno Kindred. MncGrath Man With Three Names Merlcks' Tho Worldlings. Parrish Mystery of tho Sliver Dag ger. Porton Mario Mario. Norrls Harriot and the Piper. bwmnorton September. Ibaney Woman Triumphant. )l I SS LILLIAN FINN L Miss Lillian Finney waB bom at Phelps City, Mo1., December 24, 187G and came to North Platte when very young. Sho was the oldest ot sovon children and has been an Invalid for a number of years. Her father died about ten years ago. Her mothor, Mro. Sarah Finney is still a resident of this city She Is also survived by her brolheru William and Robert and sisters, Mrs. Soth Sherwood, Mrs, Bes sie Fltzpntrlck, Mrs. Maudo Ginthor and Mlbs Stella Finney. Sho died nt i North rintto, Monday, December 14th and v as buried in tho local cemotory Give The Cook A Merry Christmas -i;o::- Dr. Wurtolo, office phono 27, night. phono 25. . I Sco our Inst week's udd for Xmas gifts. If the storm prevents your com- Jug to buy your needs call us over tho j phone or send your orders by mall. They will bo promptly filled and sub- .led to return Ir not satisfactory. 1 Phone to. Call for Burt. Leader Mcr-' candle Company. Dr. Wnrtole, offlco phono 27, night phono 25. Ileal money can bo saved by look ing over our stock of brass and Vornls Mnrtln bods, 25 yoar guaranteo springs nil cotton mntts soo our lino of mu-j slcal goods gutiB, shells tents, also a full lino of second hand furniture at prlcos you used to pay, I am not broke, but would rather have it llttl cash than so much furniture. Echel berry. East Front MKTS HATTX JjB FlKCTCaj Buy Her Cow Brand Flour ' $2.60 Per Sad. m m Hi m IT an Hi m Hi m m & m m m m m m m m m m