The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 21, 1920, Image 11

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Bill 8 isimilnlinthcFoWbyRcula
mM ltlnthcStemactoondBcgj
r ChccrfotacssandBcsttobtf,
i!,.. nnirtmrornhlncnor'
-vti t 'W.tiTCAMROTIC
ruiinnm. v .
Hum JW
Ctm'fitd Sugar
andWrlshncssotul H
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Its Uses In Industry Estimated to
Save the Country Millions of
Dollars Annually.
The camera snves American Indus
try millions of dollars annually, says
the Nation's Business. A wlnlc of Its
eye, taken In one millionth of a sec
ond by the light from a single crack
of electricity, told engineers how to
build turbine wheels that would stand
terrific strain. A crack In a labora
tory workshop and some Idle scrap
ing on u wall helped defend a valu
able patent.
The ordinary photograph preserves
records, helps keep stock, Is a bul
wark of Investigation, aids materially
In cleaning up sales, figures In estab
lishing patent rights, teaches lessons
In safety as they can he taught In no
other way, puts punch and pull In ad
vertising and helps make good citi
zens out of aliens In the schools of
plants which conduct Americanization
classes for their workers.
These are a few of the things the
camera is doing in Industry.
Not a Question of Hours!
The local railway never had been
known for Its punctuality, but late
ly It had surpassed even Its own rec
ord. One train, for Instance, was nine
hours late, and a passenger became
"Get mo something so that 1 can
figure out when I will get to Lon
don." he said to the dining car at
tendant. "Yes, sir; I'll get you n time-table,"
replied the ofllclal.
"Thunder, no!" roared the passen
'What I want Is a calendar!"
Coffee Drinkers
are often annoyed by
headaches, nervousness
or other ills traceable to
coffee drinking.
When coffee disagrees, the
thing to do is to quit coffee
and drink
Ten days will tell whether
the change is beneficial.
"Theres a
Made by Postum Cereal Conine,
Battle Creek,Mich.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Always .
the Vp
Thirty Years
Spohn's Distemper Compound
la the one Indlapensable remedy tor contagious and Infectious
dlaaies amonc homes and mule. It succeaa aa a preventive
and COLDS for more than twenly-alx years Is the hlghoat trlb
ute to Its mm It aa a medicine. It la endorsee! by the beat horse
men and live atock men In America. Buy It of your druggist,
60 cents and $1.20 per bottle.
SrOHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen. Ind TJ. B. A.
Youth Had No Desire to Interfero With
the Existing Chronological
System, Only-
Ten p. ra. There was a lot to do
at the office, and, despite the lateness
of the hour, the staff still at work.
The bead of the firm looked sternly
at the young man over his gold'rlmmed
glasses. Then :
"So you've a complaint to make, have
you?" he asked fiercely.
"Not exnctly a complaint, sir," said
the other, "but there's Just one little
matter about which I should like to
speak to you."
"I gave you more money the other
day," growled the chief. "What's It
you want this time? Shorter hours
"Oh. no no slrl I do not feel It In
cumbent on me, I assure you, In any
way to tamper with our present quite
excellent chronological system. For
my part, I am perfectly content that
the hours should retain their present
length. All I wish Is er fewer of
them as applied to my dully period of
work." Houston Post.
New Crop.
She had been visiting on a farm
for a week, and was letting the world
know It. Her companion also, oppnr-
ently, had seldom been off the brick
"And how Is the corn this year?"
the companion asked.
"Doing Just fine," was the reply,
"but the alpaca needs Irritating, Mr.
Brown said."
The constant effort to keep the de
sire alive Increases the capacity to
realize the vision.
Yellow Fever Has
WASHINGTON. Remarkable re
sults attained within the lust year
In the world war against disease
waged by the Rockefeller Foundation
give definite- assurance that yellow
fever will he wiped from the globe
and the southern part of the United
States freed from malaria and hook
worm, reports Dr. George E. Vincent,
head of the foundation.
The greatest brains In medical sci
ence are being mobilized by the
foundation In every section of the
globe In preparation for next year's
campaign, which, according to plans
disclosed by Doctor Vincent, will bo
the most aggressive yet waged In the
movement to make the world safe
from disease.
So great has been the progress of
.lie fight against yellow fever that the
disease Is now restricted to a few
seed beds, Doctor Vincent announces.
Latest "Solution" of
X EXPLANATION of the loss of
the naval collier Cyclons appears la
the columns of a Washington pub
lication called the Pathfinder. The ac
count purports to como from a render
Of the paper who does not reveal the
source of his Information.
The Cyclops, with 203 men and n
cargo of manganese ore on bonrd,
steamed out of Bridgetown, British
Barbados, on March 4, 1018, bound
for New York. The account states
thnt off the Barbndos at that time,
headed toward the coast of the United
States, was the German yacht-cruiser
Wnlbllngen, camouilaged as n mer
chantman flying the American flag and
displaying tho nnme "Stuteof Mulne."
This vessel wns loaded with gns shells
and hnd come from Pola, Austria, to
act br mother ship' off the Atlantic
const to a fleet of German subma
rines. The gns shells were to hnvc
been distributed to the submarines,
and these 'craft were to hnve thrown
the shells Into American const cities.
At midnight on March 4 the captain
of the Wnlbllngen made out the lights
of the Cyclops and. managed to leiirn
her Identity. The Wnlbllngen sank
the Cyclops iwlth n mine nt daybreak
on- March 5. The Cycjops, n great,
Program of Farmers' National Council
ALL farm organizations of the
country which heretofore have not
Indorsed legislative plans of the Farm
ers' National council have been
asked by the council to approve the
following legislative program :
Packing house control by the gov
ernment. .
Restoration of the railroads to gov
ernment oiKjratlon and for govern
ment ownership with n majority of
the board of directors to be appointed
by the government representing the
Creation' of a short-time credit sys
tem for farmers, extending and
strengthening the farm land bank' sys
tem and amending the federal reserve
act by limiting the sprcud between
Benefactor Halo for King Charles II?
TRAVELERS returned from western
Canada bring cheering news to the
thirsty souls who have been depressed
by the recent press dispatches from
thnt pnrt of the neighboring dominion
lo the effect thnt the American
drought wns In danger of spreading to
'.hat area. These press dispatches
told of various forms of prohibition
measures being voted on In the North
west. According to these travelers, west
ern Cnnnda, from Hudson bay to Van
couver, will remain wet for a long
time to come, OS years and 10 months,
to be exact.
This sltuntlon Is due to n charter
granted the Hudson's Bny compnny by
Chnrles II In 1070. This chnrter not
only gave to the gentlemen adventur
ers securing It the right to barter
for furs and skins In the wilderness,
but also bestowed on them the power
to distill and dispense strong waters
on the premises of -their trading posts
for nil the years the charter rnn. This
chnrter wns recently extended some
years by the king of England, nnd can
not be canceled, annulled or even cur
'alled until 2018, the returned travel-
Seen Its Best Days
He discloses that It Is more (bail
likely that a means cf identifying
el low fever has been found through
the Inventions and experiments of Doc
tor Idjeo Nnguchl.
This distinguished bacteriologist,
who Is connected with the Rockefeller
Institute has discovered u vaccine
which hns proved effective In protect
ing nonimmunes from Infection.
Experiments In !() southern towns
have demonstrated Hint the control
of hookworm Is a simple matter of
sanitation. Eradication of that dis
ease and malaria depends chlelly upon
the co-operation of the public with the
authorities. Doctor Vincent states.
That the 1021 campaign will he
necessary Is apparent. Yellow fever
was prevalent at all the principal
ports on the coast of Mexico this fall,
and to prevent Its possible spread to
the United Statos the public health
service placed quarantine restrictions
against all travelers from these ports.
Epidemics of the disease have been
reported from Tuxpam and Vera
Cruz, and som'o deaths have occurred
at Progroso, In Yucatan, further to
the south.
The malady mnde Its appearance In
Tamplco. Oil companies In the Tarn
pleo Held were apprehensive of an
exodus of the foreign employee's that
would materially reduce the Oil pro
duction of the world's greatest field.
the Cyclops Mystery
cumbersome vessel, crcnted such dls
turhnnce on the surface as she sank
that sho listed the Wnlbllngen to her
beam ends. An explosion occurred
on 'the Wnlbllngen and the cargo of
gns shells blew up, releasing dense
clouds of poison which spread over
the Caribbean sea.
Another' ship run into the gns cloud
nnd nil on board perished. This un
named ship, it Is stated, was picked up
The first officer of the German fdilp,
Herbert Wlchman, Is said to have
made his way to the const of Texns
and tiled In Houston, Tex., on March
No responsible ofllclnl of the navy
will comment on the Pathfinder's tale
Xf the loss of the Cyclops.
rates Pt which member banks receive
money nnd the rates at which they
loan It, to one per cent.
Payment of the wnr's cost by taxes
on estates, Incomes, excess profits,
the value of land and other natural
resources held for speculation nnd a
tapldiy progrcssixe tnx on nil prop
erty with an exemption of ?25,000.
Repeal of the .Tones shipping law,
retention of American ships by tho
people and their operation directly
by lease or charter with government
regulation of ocean freights.
Government ownership of natural
resources still In public ownership nnd
development thereof for serv e nnd
not for profit.
Appeal for support of this program
was made by George P. Hampton,
mnnnglng director of the- Farmers Na
tional council to the following:
J. H. Howard,, presldont American
Farm Bureau federation; S. .T. Lowell,
master National Grange j-C'S. Barrett,
president of Natlonnl Fnrmers' union;
MIlo D. Campbell, president Natlonnl
Milk producers' association; W. L.
Drumuyiond, chnlrmnn Bonrd Interna
tlonnl Farm congress, nnd O. G. Smith,
president Farmers National congress.
era declare, while being Interviewed.
The questloti, as a result of the re
cent prohibition elections In several
of the provinces of wostern Canadu,
will be fought out In the highest
courts of the Dominion and then taken
to London for action by tho lnw lords
of the British empire, with the lord
high chancellor presiding.
The "returned travelers' have got
at least one thing wrong. In 1870,
Just 200 yenrs after the grunting of
the charter, Canada took over the
vested rights of the "II, B. C." and
It beenme a simple trading company
by Imperial decree. The company
now does a real estutn mid mall or
der business.
Buy only "Diamond Dyes"
Each package of "Ulumond Dyes"
contains directions so simple that any
woman can worn, shabby
skirts, wnlsts, dresses, coats, gloves,
stockings sweater, draperies every
thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton
or mixed goods, new, rich fadeless col
ors. tllnve druggist show you "Dia
mond Dyes Color Curd." Adv.
A Shock. '
"They had beefsteak for breakfast."
"The Idea. I don't know how any
body cun eat benfatonk at breakfast
"I can understand that, but fancy
being nble to afford steak for break
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Beware! Unless you seo tho name
"Buyer" on package or on tnblots you
ure not getting genuine Aspirin pre
scribed by physlclnns for twenty-one
enrs nnd proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
package for Colds. Headache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago, nnd for Pain. Untidy tin
boxes of twelve Bnyer Tnhlets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists nrso
sell Inrgcr pneknges. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacldestor of Snllcyllcacld.
Adv. '
"I understand you wasted all last
night at the card table."
"I can't sense It that way," rejoined
Pluto Pete. "I .won over forty dol
lars." If You, Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of tight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that hat real
curative value almost sells itself, nn like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who hnve been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recrmmend, for in
almost every cane it shows excellent re
cults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmcr'B Swninp-Root is due to the fact,
to many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You mny receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Lurpe and medium tiro bottles
for sale at nil drug stores. Adv.
Couldn't Forget.
"Codger Is an old-fashioned cuss,
Isn't he?" renmrked Blinks.
"He sure Is," iigreed Rinks. "Why,
he still refers to woman as the weak
or sex."
How's This?
do what we claim tor It cure Catarrh or
DeafncBB caused by Catarrh. Wo do not
claim to cure any other dlnoase.
liquid, taken Internally, and acta through
the blood upon the mucous surfaces ot
the system, thus reducing- the Inflamma
tion and rentorlng normal conditions).
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney Aa Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Did It Seem That Long,?
Siinta Cruz .News "She was sixty
nine years of ego and she hnd been
married for more than a century."
Boston Transcript.
Kill Thai
Ccldi, Coughs
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the Drat anees.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara la beat Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. '
Hot water
Sure Relief
A man is ,na old as ha organs ; ho
can bo as Vigorous and healthy at
70 as at 35 if ho aids hia organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
Tha world's standard remedy for kidney,
llvnr, bUddor and uric odd troubles
since 1096; corrects disorders; stimulate
vital organs. All dniGRtets. tbreo ulien.
tok far tl nro Cold Medal on srarr box
and accapt do lailUUoa
Rfg U S. I't. Oft
irritant for
etc. Healing
imd antiseptic
State Street Newark
No Soap Better
-For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Soap 25c, Olatsatat 25 asd 50e, Taltmn 25c.
Broken plates $1.50 up. Mail
teeth, we return same day.
Bailey Dental Company
704 Git Ntl'l Btnk Blij., Oauhi, M.
Itetiorea color ana
Beauty to Gray nnd Fade- lUfa
SOc. and $ DrmrcUti.
rtlarox Chtm. Wlia. I'atf bogmsH.T.
HIMDERCORNS firman O rns. Cat-
loutM, tin., alopi all pain, rnaurca comfort to ttio
fret, makfa walking- ranr. lJu. by mall or at Drue
tlata. lllaoox Cliemlcal Worfci, 1'atcbotruo, H. T, j
Exceptional opportunity at the prosent time
for young women over nlneteon years of ago
who have had at least tiro vears In high school
to take Nursos' Training fa general hospital.
Our graduates are in great demand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nobraska
nnd Trude-Marks ob
tained. Send for Frco
booklet. BTUKUES
& BTURQEB. Patent
Attorneys, 433 Peters Trust Dldg., OMAHA
H'rltr for Information How to Obtain Hume,
struil, state and railroad lands; alao Florida
Innila direct from ownora. Ueneflta agents.
HomfaeUera' Inf. Ilureau. Jacksonville. Fla,
rnrnil m'a
Agents S
f or Fonp Permanent Non-Skld Chains.
i iv aourerea. instantly on ana on.
ig taiei. nowe uo I'lantsrlllo, Uonn.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 50.-1920.
Cold With
La Grippe
9 m