NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Grime in U. S. Beats Europe RECORD TUNA FISH POSTSCRIPT ABOUT FUR TRIMMED SUITS Investigator Tells Why "Tolerant America" Is Plagued With Murders and Thefts, TASK 8F POLICE MUCH HARDER Neither the Police of London Nor Parle Would Be Able to Cope With Crime In New York or Chicago, Say Raymond B. Foidlck. New York. Tolerant Amcrlcnn cities are overrun with criminals ton greater extent than metropolitan districts In Kurope and neither tho police of Lon don nor of PorlH would be able to cope with crime In this city or Chicago, ac-, cording to Raymond II. Fosdlck, who made public statistics complied for tho bureau of social hygiene. "Tho pollco of an American city are faced with a task such as European pollco organizations havo no knowledge of," said Mr. Fosdlck In giving stntls-" tics from one part of his forthcoming work on "American Police Systems." "Tho metropolitan pollco force of Lon don, with all Its splendid efficiency, would he overwhelmed In New York, and the brigade do sureto of Paris, M'lth Its ingenuity and mechanical equipment, would fall far below the level of Its present achievement If It were confronted with the situation In Chicago." Mr. Fosdlck discusses the relation of heterogeneous population in America to the crime rate, and concludes that preponderance of crime In this country Is augmented by unassltnllatcd or poorly assimilated races. We Condone Violence. "It i must not bo supposed, however, that our foreign nnd colored popula tion Is the solo cause of our excessive crime rate," continues Mr. Fosdlck, "If the offenses of our foreign nnd colored races were stricken from the calcula tion our crime record would still grent 1y exceed the record of western Eu rope. With nil Its kindliness nnd good nnture the temper of our communities contains a strong strain of violence. We condone violence nnd shirk Its pun ishment. . "As to tho fact of our excessive criminality the statistics furnish star tling evidence. London in 1010, with n population of 7.250.000, had nine pre meditated murders. Chicago, one-third the size of London, In tho same period hnd 105, nearly twelve times London's total. In 1018 Chlcngo hnd 14 more murders than England nnd Wnles. In 1010 the nmnmber of murders In Chi cago was almost exactly six times the number committed In London. "In 1018 New York had six times 4 more homicides than London, nnd ex ceeded the total homicides of England and Wnles by 07. This contrast ennnot bo attributed to the.pcoullnr conditions In London Induced by tho wnr. In each of tho yenrs from 1014 to 1018, Inclu sive. Now York had more homicides than occurred In London during any three-year period previous to the aut- brenk of tho wnr in 1014. "Statistics of this kind could bo mul tiplied nt length. In tho three-year Airship Hangar View of tho Immense, airship hangar thut has been erected on Langley field, Va. Town of 800 Packs Up to Move 10 Miles Away EUIsvlllc, MIbs. If you don't llko the location of your town mora tho town. So say the 800 Inhabitants of Kohay, Miss. Some of tho build ings nro now on wheels and oth ers will bo loaded on flat cars and carried over a logging road to n slto ten miles north of tho present location. Futuro Has No Terrors for Him, Cincinnati, O. Bernard Parrochnl, cellist with tho Symphony orchestra, Is back In town and will devote his en tire tlmo to his art, for he's had n good tlmo for n year, Ho's spent $24. BOO of the $25,000 ho Inherited, and he spent It all seeing Europe, Parrochnl will not havo to worry ubout the fu ture, however, for $180,000 Is due him when he becomes sixty-one years old, Ave years heuce. period 1010-18. Inclusive, Glasgow had S3 homicides; Philadelphia, which Is only n trifle Inrgcr, had during this snme period 281. Liverpool nnd St. Louis nre approximately the same size ; In 1015 St. Louis had 11 times the number of homicides thnt Liverpool had, and in 1010 eight times the num ber. More Burglaries Here. "Equally significant Is the compari son of burglary statistics between Great Britain and the United States. In lOin. for example. New York city had approximately eight times nsmnny burglaries ns London hnd In the same period. In 1017 New York had four times as many burglnries ns London. In 1018 the burglnries which tho police reported In New York were approxi mately two and n half times those In London. "While war conditions ntulnnhtniiiv served to heighten this contrast they were by no means entirely responsible for It; In 1010 New York city had more burglaries than occurred in all Englnnd nnd Wnles In 1011. 11112 nr 1018. Chicago In 1010 had 582 more mirgiurios man London; In 1017. 8,450 more; In 1018, 800 more nnd In IHIO. 2,140 more. "Even more stnrtllng nre the stntls tics of robbery. In each of tin. yenrs from 1015 to 1018, Inclusive. Now Y,ork city had from four to Ave times more robberies thnn occurred In nil England and Wales In any one of the live yenrs preceding the war. Dickens often ncted- In private theatricals. Prisoners of Reds Go Crazy Many of Captives Returned to . Germany Are Sent to In sane Asylums. BITTER TOWARD FATHERLAND Curie Their Flag and Denounce Coun try for Not Exchanging Them B,000 Remain In Russian Prison Camps. ' Stottln, Germany. Every contin gent of German war prisoners ar riving here from Russia contains n number of ragged, unshaven, haggard men who have been made insane by suffering during rauny months In Rus sian prison camps. In three weeks the German govern ment sent 200 of men to In sane asylums nnd sanitariums for treatment. A few hnve spells of vio lence and during these periods must bo kept under guard, but the majori ty present a listless, woe-begone aspect. They look about with dull, at Langley Field ARMY MEN 50,000 Former German Officers Are in Bad Way. Many Compelled to Toll at Hard Labor and Others Try to 'Exist on Small Pensions. Berlin. Many of the 50,000 former German otllcers discharged slnco tho signing of the armistice have Joined tho grent urmy of unemployed In Ger many, a few have gone to work ut hard labor, nna others are trying to make small pensions pay for tho ex pensive necessaries of mere existence. Ofllcers belonging to old, aristocratic, once wealthy families, nre in no bet ter situation than their comrades who relied for a living on their army pay. They hnvo long since disposed of most of their personal property, and It Is not uncommon to see one onrln to some foreigner n family helrloi.m This :iL'f-pound tuna llsli. cuugni ntr Sun Diego, Oil.. Is the largest ever taken In California waters. It Is a ycllowfln tuna; u variety seldom found so far North. Hook and line were used In catching It. Not a Houn' to Be Kicked Aroun'. Bowling Green, Ky. An nutomobllo belonging to Ed Cutitrlll was the chief factor In n unique trade. .John Har ris owned nn old mare nnd n surrey, also the best "possum" dog In Wnr ren county. Cnntrill gave MeJ car for the horse and buggy and the privilege of hunting with the Harris hound during the coming season. unseeing eyes, or sit quietly weeping, unconscious of the fact that they nre home ngnln. , The families nnd friends of the In sane soldiers are allowed to ereet them and to give them food and clothes befpro they nre sent away for treatment. Curses His Own Flag, Nearly nil the prisoners exhibit the most Intense bitterness not only to ward Itussla, but toward tho Germnn government as well. One of then., who had lost a leg and an nrm, nnd who, It was learned, had been tnken prisoner early in the war and has been confined In many Itusslnn prison enmps, shook his flst nt n Germnn flag when he nrrlved, nnd cursed hbi country, his people, nnd all other countries and peoples. "To with Germany 1" he shout ed. "That Is not my flng nnd Ger mnny Is not my fntherlnnd." Ht then turned to the other pris oners und, pointing to his wounds, said: "This is what Germany hns done to mo. This is whnt n kindly fnther lnnd hns permitted. Why didn't they exchnnge me? Becnuso I hnvo only one leg nnd one nrm? I lost them lighting for Germany nnd nil the thanks I've had for It were tho rot ten years In a Itusslnn prison." Tell of Their Sufferings. Tho prisoners generally agreed they had been unablo to secure proper medical treatment in tho Itusslnn camps, and thnt their food had been very bad. . At the close of the war there were 250,000 Itussluns In Germany. The Germnn government estimates that not more than 5,000 Germans will re main in Husslan camps this winter. Before tho Husso-Pollsh hostilities begnn tho Russians were being re turned rapidly, but It Is now estimnted at least 200,000 Russians are still In Germnn camps, 00,000 of whom nre the troops Interned when they crossed the oust Prussian frontier during tho Polish offensive. The Germnn government has ex pended .'10,000,000 murks for transpor tation of Russlnns home, and 00,000. 000 murks to bring Germnn prison ers out of Russia. HIT HARD for enough money to pay a grocery bill. The wives and sisters of somo of these men have gono Into tho shops, where they earn H50 niarkB n month, a sum a guest at any of tho Interna tional hotels frequently pays for a sin gle menl. The widow of a colonel killed nt the front Is supporting four children on n pension of less than 700 mnrks a; month, Former soldiers, nnd pnrtlculnrly the wounded, whoso pensions nre In ndequnte to supply them with food, havo been hard hit. Day und nlirht they may be Been stnndlng on the streets with cap In hnnd, begging or selling mutches. They still wear their uniforms, or parts of uniforms, and somo of them, to Incite pity, exhibit their wounds. A party of Aiiic'ricnns walking down Unter den Linden one night snw a former soldier stagger nnd fnll to the pavement, unconscious. City phvsl clcns said be had fainted from hunger. MATEY" GRAHAM BONNER. i tofrionT it vuiufl xnvvu union SOCIABLE WOLVES. "Wo're sociable and friendly," sold Mr. Wolf to Mrs. Wolf. "Wolves care for their mates. They don't pick out a mate and then quarrel with her right away. No, they car for her and they like to be with her. That Is why they have picked her out In the first place, and they don't change their minds, either. "If we hadn't loved our mates In the first place we wouldn't have chosen them, nnd If they hndn't loved us they wouldn't hnve chesen us. "And so we're sociable and wo don't go off our own ways like some crea tures do. "There nre some animals who go off by themselves such a great, grent deal. "And when I say that we love our mutes whom we pick out I menn thnt I love you, Mrs. Wolf, and so do other Mr. Wolves love their mates." "And so do their rentes love them." snld Mrs. Wolf, In a voice which seemed to Mr. Wolf to be very sweet. "And we go about together nnd hnve such a good time." said Mr. Wolf. "I'm a better fighter than you arc, Friendly and Sociable. which I should he, for n Mr. Wolf should be stronger thnn n Mrs. Wolf. "But you're n good fighter, too. "And' we go off on mnrketlng parties together. We go for cattle. Calves and sheep we especially like." "Yes," agreed Mrs. Wolf, "and you help me pick out the choice bits. And wo have such a good time together. "It Is true that wolves are all so ciable, too. We travel In big num bers. "For animals that hunt so much we're ns friendly and sociable n lot as you could find. "They say that we do grent harm to the farms and ranches, and yet they find It hard to get even with us. Yes, we're smart, we're smart nil right. We're cnlled Mr. nnd Mrs. Gray Wolf and our friends nnd relatives who go on great hunting nnd mnrket lng parties with us are all Gray Wolf Cousins. "There are some of the cousins who are like us but whose colorings are n little different and t'-ey are known ns the White Wolf family, the Red Wolf family, the Black Wolf family, and we travel In many parts of the country. "We used to be somewhat more fear less thnn we nre now, but now we have to be cnreful. "There Is no scope In being fool bnrdy. We must be more cnreful for there nre men nround at many times who carry guns, for they nre trying to protect their rnnches nnd their farms. "That Is quite easy to understand but It Is also ensy to understnnd thnt we will go to the markets or the farms or the rnnches whore we get the best things. N "And when we nro brought to bny, we nre brnve. We will fight nnd our grent Jaws can do much harm. "Yes. we will fight n grent and glorious and magnificent fight at least that Is what a wolf thinks of It "But come, dear Mrs. Wolf, we must Join the others. They are all waiting to go marketing. Night time Is a fine time to go, too. "Formers and ranchmen nnd their helpers nre more npt to nnp nnd sleep then. "We go, you see, when we enn' do the' best marketing, Just ns people go marketing In the, morning . when they think things nre best becnuse every thing hns Just come In fresh and they can have their pick. "But we're sociable for nil our hunt Ing nnd our fighting nnd our market lng In the markets where there are cattle. "And I love my dear Wolf mnto and If anything happened to her my old wolf heart would bo broken. So I hnven't. such n hnrd henrt ns ono might think If one Judged from tho number of cattle I have killed." "And I feel the same way," snld Mrs. Wolf to her mate. Happy While His Pants Last. A school teacher who had some methods of her own gave her boys three buttons each, snylng: "I wnnt you to think of the first ns represent Ing life, the second liberty and the third happiness. You must each bring back the three buttons In three days and tell me whnt they represent." On the appointed day she asked one pt the younger pupils why he didn't turn In the buttons. "I ain't got 'eni all," he sobbed, "Here's life nnd lib erty, but me mudder wfiit un' seweo happiness on me pants."- Boston Trnn script, A. POSTSCRIPT written to ttie story - of suits is due Just now and may be briefly written, slnco the story Itself was not a long one this scuson. There bus been grent uniformity of styles nnd considerable variety in detnllsif fin ishing, and the points that distin guished suits nt the beginning of the season proved to be very populnr, so thnt there hns been no good reason for running after strange gods. Now thnt tho season Is over, nnd designers nro turnlnir their nttentlon to soring, we nre not likely to find nny stnrtllng In novntlons In winter styles. Tho two suits pictured ure found nmong the liberal quotn of fur-trim med models thnt hnvo made up a part of nil representative collections. The Milt at the left Is one of the few thnt have shown themselvesi Independ ent of the vogue for coats reaching al most to the knees. There are a few models that keepvit company, so that It is not wholly audacious, but they are very becoming and good In style. The coat shown In tho picture has em placements, of fur nt each side of the Hats That Smile At Winter IN A GROUP of lints for llttls girls, It Is not without Intention thnt a plain felt Is plnced nt the top; for of nil millinery for children, the hand some heaver or felt, with ribbon trim, holds Its own ns always nbove criti cism nnd ulwnys appropriate. These beavers and felts, plain as they are. come In an unbelievable variety of shapes nnd endlessly Ingenious ribbon trims, nnd In all needed sizes nnd colors. They nre hero and havo been for many yenrs nnd nre ns certnln of return ench year as the seasons nre. Occasionally one comes ncross a model that hns n llttlo additional embellish ment besides the ribbon bund or sash nnd In those pictured there Is a flat, stitched band of felt about tho brim edgo. But even these lovely beavers and felts have rivals In pretty hnts of vel vet, ench enhnnclng tho virtue of tho other. Just below the felt hnt, at tho left there Is shown a delightful bonnet-like shape with soft crown of vel vet. Its brim Is mndo of ribbon. The velvet side-crown Is gnyly embroid ered nnd ribbon Is looped nt the side with long ends falling. Little misses are much dressed up when they wear front and back, with two large buttons set In the spuces between the fur pieces nnd a generous shawl collar. The long girdle ofr the material Is fin ished nt the ends with barrel-sliapcd ornaments made of the fur. Squirrel skins were chosen for this suit's trim ming and the gray velvet turban cov ered with massed sprays of uncurled ostrich In gray looks well with It. The suit at the right reveals n Coat a little longer thnn the average, with n plain nnd fairly wide skirt. It Is u fine model for a matronly wearer, with Its straight coat nnd lino of cloth covered buttons from wnlst to neck. These buttons reappear nt the sides where the coat Is split, and add to the general trlmness of this suit. Populnr furs for suits Include seal, moleskin squirrel, short-haired fox, Australian opossum nnd beaver. Another feather-covered hat suggests that velvet and feathers are not outrivaled" by any thing else for wear on the street, and here a velvet-covered toque mnkes the background for much uncurled ostrich. pretty head coverings of this descrip tion. The hn nt the right n simpler nnd Is ulso made of velvet. Two colors nre used for it, tho brim I" n lighter tone thnn the crown, nnd a sash of rib bon finishes It. A charming hat at the bottom of tho group Is nn amusing miniature made like hats for grownups. It Ih also made of velvet with sectlonnl crown nnd has an upturned brim split at ench side. Silk cord edges the brim nnd outlines the seams In the crown and bright motifs In silk embroidery help the gaiety of tho winter senson. No wonder Its smnll wenrer Is so plensed with life In general-and her hat In particular. It Is a clever piece of de signing In which the means used for developing maturer liendwenr havo been perfectly adopted to childhood. Hats ns elnbornte as this look best with plnln. ennts and It happens that coats for girls are plnln this season. ?OmiOHT T VHTUH NtWArtl UNIOH t