NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TMfeUNE I J. , ' hopping s Till Xmas Hi Hi Hi Hi the Wonderful Thin You Can r Hi Buy for Christmas Gifts in this Store at s I I Sli See gs 1 ft prices way below your anticipation Gift ggestions FOR HIM . . . . M , . . . . , . . , . . . f . M . . M . . . . HOSIERY i.t t.t t.t $.: ill all ft Cheney Silk. :.t colors Holeproof and Victor made hose i sizes ami uuiors 0 , f; 35c to $2 w S M f i ?! M M f M ft . M M .J . . . . . . . , . . j.t ft :.t ft , SPECIAL SALE HANDKERCHIEFS s . Are ideal gitts, we have them in pure linens, silks oa Df- i. n: i. and p,ain ini,iab i5c to $1.00 L) i cl mill mSMMIH ON ALL Men's Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Sheep Lined Coats. TIES 8 SHIRTS Knits in all the newest Silk, Grepc and Madras shirts in all pat- 50c to $2.50 1 lcr"s $1.50 to $12.50 BED ROOM SLIPPERS Mufflers, Scarfs, Gloves, Pajamas, Underwear and Hats and Caps at all .Prices V ior a! BUY NOW! DRY GOODS . WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON, MANAGER ... ... (n. .. ... c. n. ... ... ... . ... ... -a. . ... p. I XI fl l-l fl PI Kl Kl m l I1 l ...... 5. LOCAL ANI) 1'EItSONAL Mrs, V- KIdwell, of Sterling, is visiting local friends. Ladies , suits half prico at Wilcox Department Store, Master John Hawley underwent a minor operation Sunday at a local hospital. Doctor Lucas was called to Well , fleet yesterday on professional bus iness Tlio Spanish "War Veterans Auxil liary will meet Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock Next week wo have Xmas. Have you your gifts ready? Dixon the Jeweler will help you if not. Ralph B. Henderson left for Chica go Saturday night to be gone for ten days or more. $25.00 worth of records free with Patlio Phonograph. Offer soon expires. V, R. Maloney Co. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pratt left this morning for Omaha where, they will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Holmer Peterson re turned Saturday from Scottsblulf whero they spent the week, Dixon's Music Shop. Libby Cut Glass for Xmas. Dixon the Jeweler. The Bienvenuo Cfub will meet at the home of Mrs. George Mang, G23 Kast Sixth Street, Friday afternoon. Dp not forget the Homo Talent Picture ut the Sun today and tomorrow. Morris 13reen. o this city, is report ed to be seriously 111. I John Tigho is reported to be s6r- l.iously ill at his home. ' 3C inch percales $.55 valuo now $.25. A. T-, Johnson Dept. Store. i Mrs. McConnel, who has beon ser- 'iously ill, is reported to bo improving. : Dr. Wurtelle, offlco phono 27 Night phono 25. I Mrs. Arthur DoWolf, of Brady, transacted business in this city the' first part of the week. Wo urge, you to come and visit our new stores. Dixon the Jeweler Our merchandise is arranged in such a way that it makes Xmas 'shopping easy, E. T. Tramp & Sons. Do not forget llio Home Talent Picture nt The SUX today and (onior row. Mrs. Allan Smith resigned her pos ition nt the Austin Jewelry Store recently. Mrs. William Ilaist returned to her home in Horshey after spending a few days in this city. Miss Bessie Smith, who has been in Omaha for several days past returned homo Sunday. i Mrs. J. T, Smith, who has been spending tho last few days in Omaha returned homo the latter part of the week. Cheney Neckties, a full assortment of patterns for Christmas- your men folks will nppeciato the quality of them. Ask to see them at Wilcox De partment Store. 'A GIVE HER HOOVER A and you give her a life time reminder of your thoughtfulness. 0s HOOVER North Platte Light & Power Co. Mrs. M. A. Green left yesterday for Salt Lake whero he will visit. Dr. Wurtelle, offlco phono 27 Night phono 25. ' J, Smith arrived homo Sunday from Los Angeles whero ho had been for several weeks past. Percales $.45 &$.35 values now $.18. A T. Johnson Dept. Store. Miss Ruth llogsctt has accepted a position in tho Austin Jewelry Store.! during the holidays. j Nifty Blouses makes a dainty and i serviceable Christmas gift. E,-T Tramp &, Sons. .Mrs. J. O, Raynor and children left Monday for Salt Lake City whero they will visit for some time. Do not forgot tho Homo Talent Picture at the Sun today and to morrow. C' W. Stamp told us yesterday hi reached North Platte llfty-thveo years ago, last Saturday. Ho is now em ployol In tho bakery business. MrSi Wilfred Stewart returned yes terday to her homo in Lexington, nftor being called hero by tho serious ill ness of her father John TIghe. Make It a Jewelry Xmas. It lasts Dixon tho Jowolor. Mrs. Willlnm Holconib and daugh ter Ethel returned to their homo In Paxton yesterday after' spending a few dayn in this city i on havo friendH that aro hard to buy Xmas gifts for. Lot us make it easy for you. Dixon tho Jeweler, tho store of a thousand ideas. Thomas Hcaloy ind son Darrell, of this city, left Saturday evening for Denver where tlioy wero called by tho serious illness of Luko Hcaloy. Records for any member of your familiar clrclo of friends may bo ob tained from a large assortment at DIxons Music Shop. Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Cooley left yes torday for Sidney whore they will transact business for the remainder Petticoats mako deslrablo presents ou will find tho largest assort ment in town at Wilcox Department Store. I). K. Nowmoyor, Roadmastor on the Third District of tho Union Paci fic, acepmpnnied by his wife, left Sunday ovonlng for a ton dny's visit at Houston, Texa. Tho stores are crowded with Xmas. shoppers. Xmas. Is next week Today plan on coming down to DIxons and havo this task off your hands. Wo havo suggestions to mako for all young and old. 'Dixon Optical Co. Sight Spccallsts. Thirty-eight applications for mem bership reeolved offlclnl action at tho meoting of tho B. P. 0. Elks last overling. These candldalos will bo Initiated Decombor 27th What would mako a more useful gift than a wool blanket, now being sold at a 20 discount OFF tho ori ginal snlo prlco which moans our loss iipiI vour gain. K. T. Tramp & Sons. Miss Idr. Wondburg and Mrs. M. Westphnl ontortalnod tho lattur part of tho week at a mlscollanoous shower In honor of Miss Ruby Ralolgh. who Is to ho marrlod to Charles Perkins in li- tic"- fi'luro. Got hor ii-Torrlngton Eloetjio Vac uum clonnor. Make your rug new. W R. Moloney Co. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Cordova leather for Xmas. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clabaugh who havo been visiting at tho homo of tho formors parents left Saturday morn ing for Grand Island where thoy will lako charge of tho News Stand. Thoy ..one1 formerly employed nt Green River, Gloves, hosiery, handkerchiefs, neckwear, caps, scarfs, sweaters, blouses, skirts, drosses, coats and suits all mako acceptable Christmas girt. 12. T Tramp Sons. Fayo Smith ontertanod Friday af ternoon at tho Union Pacific dining room in honor of iier sixth birthday. Sho entertained eight little friends with Karnes and contests during tho afternoon. At tho closo of tho after noon the little folks enjoyed dninty refreshments 'nt a tablo prettily dec orated in pink and white. Sho will bo dolightol with "A Rose In tho Bud" when it comes ut Chrfst in as time. Send it from Dixon's Music Shop. I low nhmit n niuv lrmvii fnr Hut lwil. idays? Ours aro now being sold nt real discount prices is. I . Tramp . Sons. Paul Bukor and Miss Gladys White, both of thlB city, woro united in mar riage Saturday afternoon, Mr. Bakor is employed in tho car departmont of tho Union Pacific. Tho young couplo will mako North Platto their homo. A special display of ladles handker chiefs. E. T Tramp & Sons. Our store is full of Xnui sugges tions and everything on solo. E. T. Tramp & Sons Misses Era Mason and Eleanor Roberts entertained tho lntter pnrt of tho week at a miscellaneous sliowor In honor of Mrs. Harold Applogato at the J E. Mason homo. Tho evening was spent in hemming towels, At tho closo of tllo ovonlng tho hostesses served dainty refreshments. Do not forgot tho Homo Talent Ploturo nt tho Sun today and to morrow. Tho Te-llo-lla Campllro mot last Friday at tho homo of Mrs. Glenn Scott, tho guardian. Joannotto Law ronco wns elected to membership. The entertainment consisted in sewing I rags, popping corn and eating apples, On Dec. 23d tho girls will havo a Christmas party and names wore drawn for presents to he exchanged at that time. W. A Sklnnor roturned Friday evening from an auto trip to Man kato, Kansas. Ho left horo the first of the week to tako his father homo and mndo tho trip safely but had considerable difficulty with muddy roads. Tho Jefferson School Paroht-Tuach-or Association will moot at tho 'Jef ferson School building on Wednesday nftoriiuon at threo o'clock, A good program has boon prepared. Tho Woman's Missionary Saqlwty of tho Presbyterian' Church w.111 moot In tho church parlors on Friday after noon. It will be entertained by Mo dnmes W V. Hoagland and Fred Perrott. , , (,V Dutch Silver for Xmas. Dixon, ';Mvo Jowolor. The North PJatto Local No. GO A merican Federation of Musicians held Its nhnual mooting at tho Labor Tein plo Suiulny aftornoon and elocted'rtf fleers jib follows; President 'Victor Beck: Vice-President II, .L. Jacobson Secretary-Treasurer Edw. Wleoks; Directors Chas. J. Kllllan and Earl Stamp; Sargeant-at-Arnis Jns. Havt; Dologatos to Central Labor Union It. L. Jacobson, J F. Fllllon nijil Leo Now ton Christmas Furs Friday, December 17th Albrecht end Sons special representative will be at our Store with a full line of high grade furs of all kinds, Coats, Capes, Scarfs, etc. We carry a large line of medium grade pieces in stock and with the line he will show here for this one day we will have a larger selection than you can find in the aver age city. Quality Furs are one of the gifts most appreciated by any woman. Come and look them over, you will not be urged to buy if you do not wish to.