The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1920, Image 6

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' A limn from mm here -a boy without
nnmo- n Kill divine.
- An IrrenlHtiblo combination.
QCentury Comedy
; "A Blue Ribbon Mutt"
Thursday and Friday
. Mm. II. IS. Mltcholl ami chlldron
will loavo Friday for Oiiialm to opend
tho liolldays.
Everything for tho drossur In Ivory
GIftB That Last Clinton, Tho
Mlko Cohagon will loavo tomorrow
for Clilcngo whoro ho will spend tho
Christinas liolldays.
Visit tho candy booth at tho Motho
dlst Supper and Bazaar Thursday
from flvo o'clock on.
(lonoral Sitporlntciujeiit Woodruff,
of Choyonno, was a North Platto vis
itor Sunday, leaving for Omaha thnt
Men's Work Shlrtu, $.95 at Wilcox
Department Store.
A fine thin modal cased Howard
Watch makes a Gift That Lasts. Clin
ton, Tho Jewolor,
Mrs. I). A. Lawlor und daughter
Marlon, of Paxton, spent Saturday In;
tho city doing Christmas shopping.
Special prlco on mllllnory at Wil
cox Department Storci
John Tlgho, who has been off duty
lately on nccount of sickness Is somo
what Improved.
Elgin wrlstwntchcs for Xman Dixon
tho Jowelor.
Charles Doguo loft yesterday for
Omaha whoro ho will transact busi
ness. Special prices on ladles coats at the
Wilcox Department Store.
Wm. Jcffers, General Managor of
tho Union PacIfiB' Railroad, passed
through our city last night enroute
. PIckard China for Xjnas, Dixon
, tho Jowelor.
, All kinds and stylos of aprons will
bo sold at tho Mothodlst Bazaar nox).
Thursday afternoon beginning at four
A. Konold of Luramlo, Wyo., Gon
, oral Chairman of tho B. of L. E. Pro
tective Board, Doll Smith of Council
, Bluffs, Genornl Chairman of tho B.
of L. F. & WrvProtoqtlvo Board and
' Chas. Bogup, Glcnoral Chairman Qf
tho B. of It. T. Pro'toctivo Board, tran
sacted business with tho company of-
lieiuiH in this city .Sunday.
. Ginghams fast colors-?.45 value now
$.25 nt Johnpon Dopt. Storo.
, yn , p ; , , f. ,, . '
f ' K
By moving our
Dixon Optical Company
We aro equipped will the latest of Instruments to examine the
Human Eye and diagnose the most complicated eye condition.
Our Examination Room is equipped with all the sanitary arran
gements such as Electric Ventilation, Geneva Ophtalmonitor, etc.
Wo grind our own Lenses in our own shop. Service is our
Our waiting rpom is furnishd with comfortable chairs and
davenports so that our patrons may wait in comfort, when it is
Wo will bo glad to adjust youivglasss at any timo without charge,
Tio Luthoran Sowing Clrclo will
moot Thursday aftoruoon. Mrs. C.
Mrsch and Mrs Woodgato will onlor
taln. Tlio Church Holpors Sunday School
Class of tit o Prosbytorlan church will
meet Friday ovonlng with Mrs. Lalluo
and Mrs. Robinson at 810 West 4th.
Tho basket 1ml I team which has
been organized outside of the high I
school is as follows: William Wise, I
Joo Webor, George Young, Hal Mc
Kinley, ICImund Dickoy. Tlteso fellows
haro all had oxperienco In tho basket
ball work and are expuctod to make a
strong team.
Why not mnko yourself a Christmas
Gift by having that old diamond
mounted In a fluo up to date fancy
white gold mounting. Clinton, tho
Jowoler Gifta That Last.
Tho Travol and Study Club met last
evening at the homo of Miss Grace
Moonoy. Every mombor gave a uso
ful household hint and a favor I to
recipe. Mrs. W. H. MacDonald gavo
a vory Interesting paper untitled "A
Week of Loftovors.'' Dainty refresh
ments wore served by tho liostoss.
Mrs Saraetta Harrison was tho out
of town guest.
Ivory Manlcuro Sots n Big Line
of thorn $2 up to $20; A flno twolvc
piece sot for $12. Clinton, the Jowelor.
Just rocolvod six flno new stylo
floor lamps, Japanoso base and plain,
tj.uu up to $u.uu moKos a line
Gift That Lasts. Clinton the Jowelor.
The Christmas numbor of the Roun
Up has just come from tho press and
Is tho biggest numbor ovor issued. It
Is edited by tho class In Journnllsm
in tho Sonlor High School. It con
tains twolvo four-column pages, full
of Illustrations and snappy reading
matter, It Is mado possible through
tho support of tho ndvortlslng of- tho
local morchnnts. Miss Helen Thomp
son Is the teacher of tho Journalism
class and to her is duo a largo part
of tho credit for tho enterprise of tho
Trees and Fires.
It Is doubtful whether anj; singlo
agency lias caused more fires than
Christmas trees. These are covered
with lnllntnmable ornaments and kept
until Ihe branches are dry an tlm
der. Tho practice of decorating with
candles ami lighting these in order to
beautify tho tree Is tho main sotirco
of darger. There Is something so
pleasing and satisfactory about Christ
mas trees that no one feels like giv
ing them up, or opposing their use,
but-they arc a. sotirco of loss nnd dan
ger. Something should bo dono to
eliminate the danger, 'even though it
should reduce the number of trees.
Until regulations from the outside in
terfere with the practice, It will bo
veil for every person who Indulges In
the luxury to have a garden hoso
ready for linmodlote use In case tho
tree patches lire. Those who have no
means fop extinguishing a the should
not have a tree From i lit Kansas
City Journal. ...
We have completed our
Optical and Music Departments to the next door south, we have been
our stock to almost double its former size.
The Jeweler.
With Xmas only n few days off we
offor to tho public as suggestions the
following articlos which, If you will
tako the tlmo to read and think over
as to their morlts regarding useful
ness and lasting qualities, it will set
tle tho gift question for you. It Is
some times hard to decido what to
glvo Molly or Willlo, but as you fol
low this trend you will llkoly bo able
to doclde right at home Just what you
want for onoh relative, your sweet
heart or friend. Don't .forgot your
OUTS that last aro tho host GIFTS
to glvo.
Diamonds, set any stylo avorlnst
("S ' . "
Watches good for a great many
Cloaks open fncod, ft frlond for
Storllng sllvor, Hat nnd hollow ware,
Sllvor plate, flat or hollow ware- -popular.
Rings, largest selection In tho city.
Pearl necWncos, most popular of
all. '
-Uar pins, platinum diamond com
binations. ,
Bar pins, any style, popular.
Wrist watches truo friends.
Ivory toilet sctB ladles' dollght.
Manlcuro sets, let us show you.
Cameo brooches and rings, wo scan
please you.
Cuff links, best over.
Scarf pins, every man desires one.
Knives, good selection'.
Leather goods, largo assortment.
Dont forgot tho baby boy or girl.
Cut glass, a gllttor'of quality.
Fountain pens, a pen for everybody,
Evershnrp, tho most useful gift.
Vanities delight young ladles.
Mesh bags, sco them.
Make this Xmas a lasting oiio'witli
any of tho nhovo articles.
Diamonds over lasting.
AUSTIN, Tho Jowelor,
Keith Thoatro Building,
Only Nine More Days to Do Christmas Shopping DIXON'S I ;).
new store which
the different
Our Jewelry Store is Almost Double its Former Size
BusinoHH on tho railroad has fallen
off to such an oxtent that the com
pany has laid off nlno trnln crows.
Tho Mothodlst Bazaar will bo oun
at 4 o'clock. A full lino of rugs,
aprons and fancy work. Thursday,
December ICth.
Visit our Gift Room for Gifts That
Last Clinton, Tho Jowoler.
Wo are prepared to repair scored
and cracked cylinder blocks, with
high grndo metal alloy, electrically
applied without heating, warping jut
enlarging tho bore. Wo solicit your
work. North Platto Bttick Co.
Wagons, coasters, tricycles and bl-cycles-W.
,R Malonoy Co
Tho Woman's Homo MISsonary So
ciety of tho M. E. Church will moot
Friday nftornoon nt throe o'clock In
tho churqh parlors A Chrlstmns pro
gram will be given.
Pearl bonds from $.25 to $2.00 a
string at Wilcox Department Store.
Leslie Baro has been olcctod rep
resentative from tho Sophomore Class
of tho Stnte University on the staff
of tho Cornhusker, tho annual pub
lication of the Studonts of tho Unl
vorslty Drosses Just arrived witch aro being
sold nt vory low prices ranging from
$12.00 to $44.00 Up to tho minute In
st.vlo. R T. Tramn & Sons.
Millinery Special!!
For a few days
our stock qxeept Sailors.
All Hats that sold up to
$10.00 each
All Hats
This soecial nrice is
stock. Take advantage ol it,
we cordially invite
Dixon's Music Shop.
A full line of EDISON and COLUMBIA phonographs with the.
largest stock of records in Western Nebraska.
We have Sound Proof Rooms in which we demonstrate the rec
ords, so that we may accommodate a number of music lovers at the
same time.
Our Display Rooms contain all models of both makes so that you
may select your machine from a full selection.
We nre sure a visit from you will be a pleasure to all concerned.
Following Is a copy of tho program
to bo given Wednesday evening at tho
Franklin Auditorium by tho Junior
High School Parcnt-Tenchor Assocl
tlott: Piano Solo, Margaret Edwards;
Demonstration of Athletic Training
by Junior High School boys under the
direction of E. H. Stophons; Cadet
Drill by Junior High boys under com
mand of Leonard Robinson; Music by
High School Orchestra; Round Table
Discussion: "Should Shorthand and
Typewriting bo required studies In
tho North Platto High School?" W.
C. Shelver, J. Q. Wilcox, Mrs. M. E.
Scott, F. L. Moonoy, Mrs. H, K. Robo
son, Wilson Tout, E, R. Goodman and
Supt. C. L .Llttol, Everyono is In
vited to- this program.
Tho H. & 3 Agency . reports the
salo of tho following city proporty:
Tho Coolldgo cstato residence at
708 WesU First to Edwnrd R. Motilton
for $4,500.
Tho Ross Shanor residence nt 215
South Maplo to' John Record.
The firm also roports tho sale of
several lots In tho Bollevuo addition.
The Dixon soal of quality on your
Xmas. gifts Insures their q u all ty .
we will give special prices on every hat in
that sold above fL .
up to $30.00 uioice
ffiven " in V.taaniDiin nnr
you to stop in and visit
Wo havo a strictly high gra'do play
VIA A'lthllU lit OVUl 111 Alll lit A. lUliWVI
No reasonable offor refused for. quick
salo. Easy terms If responsible. Write
at onco If interested to Denver Muilo
Co., Denver, Colo.
Turkeys nnd Geeso will receive the
highest market price at Stoiisvad
Poultry Co. this week.
rr ninmrv I uttun rrn I it iVnrl h I'lfllf n
A Tourneur production with n great
cast- Jack Holt, Scena Owon, Wallace
Berry and Paulino Stark.
Love conquers all , nnd plants tho
homo appeal In the breast of tywaa
doror. Billy West Comedy
Tonight and Tomorrow
A fir;
Fall mrl Win in,. R
able to enlarge