NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE "A Kiss" By JACK LAWTON . 1920, Wwitern Smwpwpr Union.) The house loomed deaolnte ns Cyu tilts enme toward It. The brunches of tko tre tdieddlng tlielc sumnior tares wore tIcKlnt too. The loaves crackled beiionlh Cynthia' foot na she went on up tln Harden pntli to (ho pillared vmmulii, onr of alienee nnd itcny allowed everywhere. She drew iw fur Nbout her Ihroat ns she aut upon the hlRlie! latep to look the old place over, the denr old plnce that hnd heoti hor girlhood's home, this wist fully sweet woman hnd hut to close hor oyoa to people, the deserted rooms with faces, long iihsonf. There her squnro plnno had toodt nnd at tho opposite ond of tho Impressive parlor hnd been the pier glass, A winsome picture that plen glass had often re flected, n girlish vision of floating ruf fles, with happy shining eyes beneath softly wavy hair. Cynthia remembered the vision of herself, ns she sat, nnd saw It ngnln nt Its fairest clad hi bridal array. In satin slippers the girl Cynthia hnd danced down tho room, her white veil sweeping nfter, nnd lie hnd called her "the lovllest vision In tho world." lint thnt wns before tho kiss. Such a simple happening to change the tenor of one's life as It had changed Cyn thia's. There were two suitors, you sec, big Will Lofton, poor, adoring nnd unrewarded. And Barton Swift, rich by Inheritance, successful In busi ness. By no virtue of his riches had Cynthia chosen, hut because of her Jove for him, with nil tho time a re gretful ncho at the back of licr liappl ness, because of poor WllJ's sorrow. Not thnt Will was cowardly In defeat, his outward mnnncr wns his bravest best; Bartuii vum wildly triumphant, his laughter rang out all tho day long, tho day of his wedding to be. .' With other friends he and Cynthia had festooned tho hallways and rooms with flowerp. n her white robes she had laughingly defied superstition for tho admiration of her lover's gaze, nnd Barton left enraptured, before tho few brief hours proceeding tho ceremony. Ah he reached his own home In n bliss ful daze, he found that he had forgot ten to execute a ccrtnln commission, mid returned. Entering the long room, his steps muffled by Ihe (hick carpet, Bnrtnn Swift beheld reflected In the pier glass, tho picture which he never forgot, nnd which no explanation could satisfy. Cynthia, still In her bridal robes, wns clasped close In the arms of Will Lofton, and u.s Barton watched, Will bent for her kiss. When he raised his face from hers. Cynthia gave him no words of anger, tears were on her checks. '.'You had belter go now Lofton," ImrlOii said sharply from tile doorway, 'nnd Will waiting only for Cynthia's motion of dismissal had gone. "Well." Barton asked, her with a sneering smile)1 "so It wns my money after nil, ct; i hey said, and you loved Lofton nil the time." White to (lie lips with ,. Wide 'horrified eyes, Cynthia made no reply. His sneering ymlle changed to it harsh laugh. "Welt, forewarned, forearmed." Bar- ' ton said cuttingly, his own pain mak ing him cruel, "Better to have found put In time -good-bye," When the girl found her voice she was alone In the flower decked room. Later, as the wedding hour approached pile had In desperation thrown a cloak nbout her shoulders and gone to Bar ton's home to seek Iiltn. only to lenrn that he had rushed In to the house nnd out again with the brief word thnt he would be long alwent. So Cynthia like a crumpled white Keith Theatre, Decmber 18 SATURDAY NIGHT Return of the Favorite RICHARD WALTON TULLY Presents the Ever Popular Hawaiian Romance WWM lin."iri A fascinating and Appealing Play M. ITa JLj of a Woman's Soul. BIRD Arnorlca's everlasting stage triumph. A brilliant cast of players with FLOREMCE ROCKWELL It SINGING HAWAIIANS Mail Orders Now Seat P c $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60 JTTICCO Make your reservations early flower wna found unconscious on tho ! floor of her room, whefi the wedding guests came, nnd tho wedding had never been. Immediately, a kind i father had token her to travel abroad, since then she had been hero or there n her fancy or friends dictated. And ni tho yenrs passed tho old homo be reft of Its owners was sold, nnd the money divided between the sisters. Now that Cynthia's sisters were mar ried, nnd aenttored fnr, tho old house wa to be sold again. Cynthln rend the advertisement In her city apart ment, and n whimsical desire had seized her to view the old plnco onco more. She could think now of that dreadful day with a smile, nnd wonder (hut It had seemed to mean so much. But after all the years her cheeks burned hot at memory of nn Impulsive fnrwell kiss. Poor Will, ho ' had grieved deeply over the tragedy his rash act brought about. Cynthia wondered what sort of woman hu hnd married. Then, iih she stood up to go, n man camo through the great house doorway, and stood speechlessly look ing at her. She recognized Will Lef ton at once, the same serious eyes, tho patient face that years could not touch with sternness. "Will," cried the woman, "how ptrnngo to meet you here, and un changed." "Why, I nm qulto gray," Will Lef ton said, ns ho caught her hands, "but you arc Just Cynthln still. I came to buy the old place," he told her. "For your wlfo?" Cynthln ques tioned, "There has never been but one wom an In tho world for mo," ho nn Bwcrcd sadly, "and I spoiled her life with a kiss." Then Cynthln raised to him shin ing eyes. 1 "Will Lef ton," she asked, "Oh! aro you sure of that?" Ripening Fruit. High temperatures seem, very curi ously, to retard tho ripening of pears, while hastening that of applet". In ex periments described by Ovcrholsor and Taylor in tho Botanical Gazette, the ripening of green flrst-cron Bart- lett pears raised from 70 degrees P. or room temperature, to 85 degrees was not affected, but at 87.7 degrees It was delayed five days, and at 04 de grees and 101 degrees tho delay wns 13 days. Second-crop Burtlott pears, In a temperature of 101 degrees, and surrounded by a relative humidity of below 50 per cent, remained unripe four weeks after similar pears at room temperature and humidity hnd become fully ripened. The llavor of peaiH kept above 8." degrees was af fected, sweetness and Juiciness being diminished. The ripening of Yellow Newton apples on tho other hand, was hastened at every appreciable rlso In temperature from r0 degrees up to tho point of destruction by burning. It Is concluded thnt the picking of penrs may be delayed In very, hot weather, hut that the picking of np ples nnd storage In a cool place (must be hastened. Barnstable's Old Bell. In the courthouse at Barnstable, Mass., Is nn old bell, cracked and silent, which may be, nnd probably Is, the oldest bell In the United States. So thinks Mr. Alfred Crocker, clerk of courts of Bnrnstnble county. Tho date 1(l"r Is still plainly visible in tho pho tograph recently printed In tho Bos ton Evening Transcript. By this date, however, the old bell had seen nenrly a quarter of a cen i tury of life In England before It came j .to America and began calling wor shipers together In the church at Sandwich town, Orntltudo bought the bell In Knulnntl. for It enmo ns n ulft I from Mrs. Peter Adolph, whoso bus- band, Captain Adolph, wns lost In the ' wreck of his vessel on tho Massachu I setts coast In 10D7 despite the efforts of the people of, Sandwich, - OF Sale Thursday, Dec. 16 PARADISE SPECIAL For a 8,000 Mile Adjustment Santa Fe Trail Tread Tires 3,000 Mile Adjustment All Firsts No Seconds A Tire or Tube For $1.00 PROVIDED YOU FIRST HtLwkeyo Road Hook Hawkeyo Ribbed Tread 8,000 Miles 8,000 Miles Ono Tiro Two Tires Ono Tiro Two Tires SIzo Reg. Price SalO Trice Reg. Trice Snlo Trlco 28x3 20.50 21.50 20.00 21.00 30x3 24.50 25.50 24.00 25.00 30x133' 29.70 30.70 28.70 29.70 31x4 41.50 42.50 40.20 41.20 32x33o 35.75 ' 36.75 34.50 35.50 28x4 "i 40.00 41.00 32x4 i 44-50 45.50 43.50 44.50 33x4 46.50 47.50 45.50 46.50 84x4 48.00 49.00 46-75 47.75 32x4V. . 51.50 52.50 34x41, 56.50 57.50 55.00 56.00 35x41 59.00 60.00 57.50 58-50 36x41. 62.00 63.00 60.50 61.50 33x5 " 72.00 73.00 70-00 71.00 35x5 73.00 . 74.00 71.50 72.50 37x5 76.50 , 77.50 74.50 75-50 36x4 54.50 55.50 53.00 54-00 33x41. 56.50 57.50 55.00 56.00 37x4il 63.00 64.00 61.50 62.50 35x5 " 76.50 77.50 75.00 76-00 5 WAR TAX Do not confuse this snle with other sales. Every tire and tuhe is strictly first quality and carries with it tlio full mileage guarantee of the Ilawkeye Tire & Rubber Company. See your 1LVWKEYE DEALER. Look for the sign. Anticipate Your Needs. Buy Now. Ilawkeye Tire & Ruhlier Company, Omaha Hraneli, 1810 Harney Street. North Platto, Nebr, Doc. A. N. Durbln Auto, Co., . North Platto, Nobr. ' 1 have been a user of the Hawkoyo Tires for several years and can't say too much for them. I do not bollervo thai there Is any better tiro made than the Hnwkoyo Tiro. Furthermore, 1 wish' to say that my judgement on these tires Is not derived from my experience aloud, I havo sold of them and they have always given satisfaction. I sold a set to' Dr. Twlnom and soveral more thru out this Country and they aro all more than pleased with tho mileage thoy havo been these tires. Yours truly, LAWRENCE EN55MINGER. A. N. DURBIN AUTO CO., Distributors OldsmobileAutomobiles Cor. Locust and Fifth DR. J. R. McKIRAHAIN Practice Limited lo Diseases of Women and Surgery OVER REXALI, DRUG STORE Phonos Offlco 113 Rosldonco 265 DR. KEDFIELD LMiysicinu. Olistotrictan Surtreon. X-Ray Calls Prompt!) Answered Night or Itaj Phono Office (142 Residence 1570 DR. HAROLD FENNEK Osteopath Over Hlrschfcld'a Offlco Phone 333 Ros. Phone 1020 DUS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5,6,7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phouo 124? GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surger? and Obstetrics. Ottlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 116 ADVERTISING OFFER Limited Time we will Sell BUY ONE TUBE AT Santa 5,000 Miles Oho Tiro Two Tires Heg. Trlco Snlo Trlco 19.10 22.70 32.00 28.00 31.50 35.50 36.85 38.20 47-70 50.95 52.40 , 54. 5 6l50 66.40 44.00 51-00 58-00 67.00 READ THE FOLLOWING LETTERS: 8th, 1920. , a good many getting out of jntS. jr. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of VOICE CULTURE and tho ART OP SINGING. Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City t- u urn wu.r cWinterNeglcct f Proves Costly I YOUR storage Utttry newlj certain n-uular uttoiillniin la WINTER VVr hr to Clve It thne attentlnm. nlia'.her you havo a pow riul I'rrat-O-Uto or any oilier mnke. Iteimlar tfrst tue save battery ejpciiw. M1UW.U MOTOR CO. HOOK TIRES THE REGULAR PRICE Fe Trail Tread Ono Tube Two Tubes Reg. Trlco Snlo Price 4.80 4.90 5.50 6.50 . 5-90 , 6.50 6.85 7.05 7.30 8.35 - 8-80 9.05 9.45 10.05 10-60 11.15 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 3-80 3-90 ' 4-50 5.50 4190 5.50 5.85 6.05 6.30 7.35 7.80 8.05 , 8.45 . 9.05. 9.60 10.15 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 20.10 23.70 33.00 29.00 32.50 36.50 37.85 39.20 53.40 55.15 63760 67.40 45.00 52.00 ' 59.00 68.00 WAR TAX North Platte, Nebr., Dec. 7, 1920. Durbln Auto Co., North Platte, Nebr. I havo had a sot of Hawkeyo tires on my' Road ster for the past three years and they have had about Nine Thousand Miles out of them, nnd look good for nbout Five Thousand more. Anyone wishing to see these casings I will be glad to show them to you CHAS. O. BRAND. Dec. 13th, 1920 A. N. Durbln Auto Co., North Platte, Nebr. I havo a set of the Hawkeyo tires, and havo had them in constant use for about a year, and I am very much pleased with tho servico I am doriving from them. Yours truly. JOHN S. TWINEM., and Olds Trucks. NORTH PLATTE. NRR. DO Y01' MKK A BM)IW:i I'OllTURHOIKKl You will If wo servo It to you. Flrat of all, 11 In a lm ju'cy toak; thon our chef known how to cook It to ro- tnin all the goodnww. Of course, wo servo mora tlmn steaks. In fact, our menu contains all the delicacies ot tho season. And at popular prices, too. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UGA.I, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot .,4,4,..,,4............,.f...y..W.J DR. J. S. TWINEM I Medicine Surgery Obstetrics it Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital 1 Dr. W. I. SHAFFER I Osteopathic Physician it it it HAY FEVER AND H CATARRHA DEAFNESS OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nebr, 8 DR. C. E. McREYNOLDS, Specialist, Eye Ear. Noso and Throat. Offlco over Roxall Drug Store. Pliono 118. Office phone 241. Rcb. phone 217 ' L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights ot Columbut) Ritlldln. Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiono HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phono 307 Twinem Bldg- JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 88 Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Real Estate. References and Dates First National Bank. Res. 400 East 3rd St. Pliono 013 TV. T. PMTCHAIiD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 Sonth Vine Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Dlack 633 it DERRIBKRRY A FORBES. $ Licensed Embnlmers S Q Undertakers and Funeral Directorate Dhj phone 11 i U Night phone Black 688 a FOR FRONT WHEELS SIIAFER ROLLER HEARINGS SERVICE! No Mora "Grief" Guaranteed. At Dealers. Distributed by W. S. LOVEJOY, 3S18 Mnson Street. Omaha, Neb. NOTICE OF PETITION Estuto No. 1790 of James Babbitt, do ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska. To all per sons interested In said Estate take no tlco that a petition has been filed for tho probate of an Instrument purport ing to be tho last will and testament of James Babbitt, deceased, and for tho appolntmeht. of Eunice Babbitt as Executrix of said estate, which has been sot for hearing herein on De cember 24, 1920. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated November 27, 1920. (SEAL) WM. IT. C. WOODHURST. 93-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued by tho District Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, upon a decreo of fore closure rendered in said court, where in Anna Voss Is plaintiff and Clyde M. Trotter, Mona Trotter, his wife, and L. E. Mchlman, as Trustoo In Bank ruptcy of Clyde M. Trotter, Bank rupt, aro defendants, and to mo di rected, I will on tho 31st day of Decern bor, 1920, at two o'clock P. M. nt tho oast front door of tho court house In tho City of North Platto, County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said docrco, Inter est and costs, tho following doscrlbod property, to-wlt: all of Lot Ton (10 of Block Two (2) of Rlvordalo Addi tion to tho City of N,orth Platto, Ne braska, subject to a cortnln mortgige to tho Nobrnska Stato Building nnd Loan Association, which Is. recorded in Boole 47 at pngo 149 of tho records of Lincoln County, NobraBka. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska, November 29, 1920. A. J. SALISBURY, 03d31 Suorff 3 i.i it