NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHEN CHRISTMAS WAS YOUNQ I To Understand Mysteries of "tho Yule 1 tide. It Is Necsssary to Search Ancient History. m i X 1 1: I. . : ' THE pleasure of giving increases withtth.c thotighlfiilncss your gift conveys. A useless baubluclcctcd at ran dom says very clearly "Well, another job is done." Hut v what happiness is yours when you are really thoughtful. On YOUR Christmas list there is at least one, perhaps several, whb will thank you many times for your' thought fulness in choosing shoes as your remembrance. Never before have we had such' a lame assortment to choose from. Felt slippers in very nearly every col or for men, women and the kiddies. Dress Pumps in black satin, patent and black kid leathers. 1 High shoes in all new shades .and heels. 1 ' ' Come to the SHOE MARKET where we can save' you money on your Xmas Shoes. QHOE AVES YOU MARKET J T lONEY ON SHOES. 23 1Q OAMPlVRE COUNCIL MEETS TO NIGHT FOIt IMPORTANT BUSINESS . TWTAKE her a gift of TIME two hours a day saved from kitchen work two hours daily to read, visit, enjoy life. The fechrist Pressure Cooker saves two hours cooking time a day in the average " home, cooking In thirty-five or forty min utes roasts or fowls ordinarily requiring hours Cooks food more thoroly because pressure forces 259 degrees of beat thru evrry oeu and libra Because steam tignt, it retains all juices and flavors. Also prevents food cooking away. Pays for Itself in six months by food and fuel sav ing. Pressure cooKtng ana canning is urgca oy gov ernment bulletins. Is made of heavy, rolled plato. aluminum, smooth, bright, easy to clean. (Equipped complete with inset pans. A beautiful, sensible gut, let with recipes. V. u Tlio Local dampflre Council will meet Tuesday evening, Deo 14th, at the homo of Mrs. M. 13. Crosby. Important business comos beforo the Council nnd it is important Hint every member bo on hand at 7:30. A.MEHICAN LEGION AT HOUSTON, TKXAS, HONORS REV. MACKINTOSH. Ask for free book- DKIUJYIJKltKY .V POltllUS m. j 1 1 j ft, rtnTiirfMiBrfir mmm rm rrr nTur I Word has been received hero that the local post of tlio American Legion j at Houston, Toxas, lias elected RoV 1 Mackintosh formerly of this city, as . chaplain of tlio post The Houston post numbors over three thousnnd , members. Rev. Mackintosh was quite ' fictivo In tlio work of tlio American ! Legion whllo in North Platto and nervod as Commander during )( formation. NOTICi: OK CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. KHtliarino Hoaley entertained twen ty girl at lior liomo Saturday aftor- ! "'ion fn honor of Imr ninth birthday. The color Kohonio was in tlio Christ- , mas color. Tlio guests wore' enter tained with sanies and content. Re frehniotil woro sorved during tlio af- , tornoon. Two pals are coming to tlio town. 1 Ragged and weary they are heading this way. Watch for thein at the Crystal They will bo hero Thursday Notlce Is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattol mortgago oxecuted by Sam Hawkins on tlio 4th day of May 1920, on ono gray horse mulo, ten yearn old, ono brown mare mulo, 10 years old, ono Ackormnn wide-tiro wagon and ono sot doublo work har ness, I will on Tuesday, Jan. 1th at 11 o'clock on my place 1! mllos north west of North l'latto offer for sale said above decribod property. Thoro is now duo on said mortgago together wlththo expenso of up-keop to Jnn. 4, $132.50 and said mortgago is filed la tlio office of the County Clork of Lin coln County, Nebraska, In tlio city of North l'latto.. Hated this 10th day of Doc. 1920. , HENRY 0. WA YM AN, Owner of Mortgago. ::o:: Mr Ira LaRuo oiitortnlnod Friday evening at her homo at a china show 1 or In honor of Miss Essie Wossburg 'who Is to bo married December lfith. Tlio house was beautifully docoratod In pink and white. Tlio evening wuh Hpont' 111 games and contests of If furont kind. Mrs. McCoy, of Salt lAka City, sister to Miss Wossburg. wan tlio only out of town guost. At the .close of the evening Mrs LnHtie sot ved dainty refreshments vvhn In North IMitto atop at th Jw Holol Palacii ai d Cafo Vim will io treated well ngtf N the midst of tlio rush and excitement of Christmas propnrnttons cortnln quo tlont will Hush ncrosw the ' mind, nntl wo find oui-sqIvoh wondering why It In (lint wo do tlio very some 'things Chrlstinns after Christians. Why do wo hnng stock- I Ihph. llelit f'lirlstinni) trui. trim our iionics nnd have plum pudding? To understniul tlio origin of theso customs wc must wander far back Jnto tlio forgotten past ages boforo Julius Cncsar set foot on llrltlslt soil, or St. Augustlno told the story of tho Cross to the men of Kent. Hundreds of years ago long boforo the yonr 1 the ancients, ns wo call tho people of those times, Jill worshiped tho sun, the great giver of light nntl life. In tho month of March they butlt big (Ires to it, asking it to shino upon the seeds they had planted nnd warm them into life. In the autumn they held another festival, thanking tho sun for tho hnrvest, nnd ngnln, In tho winter time, they held the greatest festival of nil to celtbrnto tho coming of tho springtime. In ancient Egypt, in Assyria, In Greece, on Homnn soil nnd in t ho northlnnds theso festivals woro celo brnted year after year nnd always about tho same time, the winter ono being held about Now Year's time. Wherever the Roman cnglo was found, this feast was called tho Sat urnalia nnd It was markedly univer sal Mccnso and good feeling. All at once Christianity appeared upon tho scone. As tho policy of tho early church was to rcconcllo heathen converts (0 the new fnltli by ndopttng Bomo of the liontlnJn customs nnd fos- tivnls, the now religion ncceptcd nnd rctnlned ninny, and tho result, ns ia easily seen, hns been tho strango medley of pagan and Christian rites which we use at Christmas time to day. After Urltnln was Christianized by tho Romans, the Saxons and northern tribes came, bringing their old north ern rites, and (is Christianity at last replaced paganism the Christians kept tho old pagan rltos, merely chnnglng their inclining. For many years no two hinds 'cele brated the same day as the birthday of Christ They did not know the exact day', and we do not know It; but this date hns now become the most Important one In the world's history. The Old Age of Santa Claus. In Anna Kartiuhur's "Convictions" In The National Magazine, sho says: "Siuita Clans totters under his pack, wearing a long, old face these days. Probably In his youth ho hud 110 Ideu of growing old ,or delmrtlng this, life; therefore when his enthusiasm and Joyouiness began to wnno unaccount ably, he must have opined that tho world was tattering not his own gen erous throne of life. Nowadays h creeps down the chimney stealthily on If somewhat ashamed of his infsslou, like a polar burglar, mid his eight tiny reindeer make kiiuiII clatter on tho lawn, for many of their Joy bells havfl been lost. When Santa lays a- linger aside of his nose reilci'llvely la our times, he exclaims without a bit of Jolly shake below the waist: 'Degen erates I Degenerates! lias my world come to such a pass that people wish to pay me for my presents? Can It. bo that little children are so surfeited with toys that they stop to ask how much they- cost before accepting them. There was little Willie, lust year, who said to his mamma, when he tlrst saw 11 lieniilll'iil woolly dog. "What's It got Inside? Candy or money? Don't want a dog 'uK'ss It's got soinethln' In side I CHANGE 01' HO Alt NO. 105 To whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed to locato n road aa follows: Com- lnoilClllir 011 tlin linrllillnn nt Rnnllnn 5 and (S and thonco going south to main roan running north and south about 100 rods between C and C on section line, lias roportoirin favor of tho same as follows: Uoglnnlng nt a point in the center lino of Soad No 195, about 70 feet south oftho corner to Sees. 5 and 0, T. 12, N. R. 28, W. of Cth P. M. on tho 3rd standard parallel north running thenco .south on lino between said sections 5 and C about 33 chains to connect with Station 3 of Road IDS. provided howovor, that tho partios owning tho Innd on both sides of this change grndo tho road and All the chnnnols, place tho necessary cul vorts, froo of chargo to Lincoln Coun ty which they ngroed to do, and pro vided furthor that snld partlos build extonslon of 20 foot to tho north of present concrete bridgo near Station 3 of Road 195 to mnko t nival smfn n parties having objections theroto of L ioi- (lamagoH by tho establish ment of said road must Mo snmo In tllO OfflCO Of the Coillltv ninilr nt T.ln. coin County, North Platto, Nebraska, on or ueiore 12 o'clock noon of the Kth day of February, 1921. Dated at North Platto. Nebr.. this filh day of December, 1920 A. S. ALLEN, HEAL 1 County clerk I Games of Heathen Origin MANY of our most famil iar Christinas games have a heathen orlglnll and some of their requirements once played n most Important part In tho heathen rites and mysteries. Ev ery one knows how, when play 1 11 tr the nomilni' Christmas imlne of "snap dragon," all other lights In the room are extinguished while we try to snatch rnlslns from hln.liig brandy, but prob ably lew are aware that the ancient Hrltlsh Druids were ac customed to worship, in a tem ple otherwise dark, a flame of burning spirits Into which they cast and out of which they plucked certain sacred objects, timl ihat they thus performed some of tho most awful solem nities of Ihelr religion. The Christmas Season. Though Christmas seems to gain rather than lose In popular favor as the years roll by, yet It Is worthy of note tlmt the Christmas season has been much curtailed from what It originally was. For several centuries It began with the eve of All Saints' day or "Hallow eve," October ill, and continued until Canillenias day, Feb runry J. In England It Is now com puted only from Chilstmas eve to Twelfth night.". January 0, while In our own country VH begins on Christ mas eve and practically ends on Christ inns night. Yet even now It real ly begins 011 December 1ft. marked In I tin church calendar, "O Siiplontln," from ill- m:ii M- of un aiitliom sung ' during Advent.