The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1920, Image 12

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A Fifty Word Night Letter
Costing 80 cents makes possibe to 45 men of North
Platte a saving of $12.00 to $18.00 on their new Winter V
"'' ' '4 ' -
A week ago wo sent a night letter to the Hy-craft Clothes Shops in ,
New York. They were selling their regular quality all-wool Overcoats at
a reduction, so that we can turn thorn over to you at
Will You Be One of the Lucky 45.
The Store of Preferred Gifts for Men.
Copyright 1 920, The House of Kuppenhcimcr
'Semilteeklu Subline.
Established in 188B.
WILSON TOUT, Editor and Publisher.
One. Ycnr, In ndvnnco $2.00
K 1
Sutured at tho North I'latto, Nebraska
Jtyajol'llco us rfocond ClaBB Mattor,
prnsnAY, im:M!itiit. nth, iimo.
A Column of Nonsense.
Tho other day when wo woro going
over to DuvIh's Gnrago to buy nni
autoinobllo for our wife, we mot aj
frlond wlio asked us why some wo-'
men sign their own names rather
than their huaband'H nnma. We ask-
od htm what ho meant and ho said
thoro was Mrs. Doc. Drown who nl
wnyn gotlnto tho papers as Mrs. Sadlo
Urown. Ho had soon several others
do tho samo thing nud ho wondored
why thoy did It. Wo told him wo did
not know and so wo wont over to see
13d Davis about It. Ed was reading
over a proposed law which ono of his
constituents had asked him to Intro
duce In tho Legislature this winter.
" , 1 " j It was to prohibit women from drtv-
Wo cortnlnly sympathize with; tho lug automobiles unless tholr bus
lnyinbors of tho family when death '.bands Bat on tho sent bostdo thorn,
takes ono of their numbor. It Is aWo asked him what about womon
tlmo of high tension and suppressed who had no husbands and ho just
uxcjtomont on tholr parti Tho news- started to tell us whon we happened
paper Ih anxious to glvo tho facta to to remember what wo camo over for
iho frloi'd? and to got tho howb for. and so wo told him. Kd soomed sur-
thoso who are not acquainted with the prised that any woman would use
ANY HOW, Who Will Look
at the Beautiful Face of the
dipnrtod ouu. lluso facts must bo
collected in a hurry somottmcs and
written up Juw uh tbo paper goos to
prc.hH. Oftor. t!, relatives cannot bo
noun. Frl.-nd utv ignorant of datos
anil facts and guess at them. Wo get
conflicting slutouirnts but the tlmo is
Hhojrt and wo mast go to press Wo
select themost probablo and mnku up
Sessne Hayakawa
hor own name if sho was married and
tinld It must bo that hor husband's
name was not a good ono. Ed's East
End lrloud was thoro and when he
hourd our conversation ho brightened
up considerably and told us of a wo
mun named Josephine who married
a man named Ilankins Smith. Ho
thought Bho showed good taste In
KEITH, Wednesday and Thursday
December 15th and 16th
For Snlo Duroc Jersey boars, good
ones at farmers' prices. N. N. Pettit,
4 miles wost of Bignell.
For Sale Poland China1 spring boars
Also Plymouth Itock Co'ckerels. D.
G, f-owle & Son, Maxwell.
Wanted To buy 50 orCO slioats about
75 to 100 lbs. B. C. Alvord,
Phono 793F210.
For Salt Electric v yaslior, china
cabinet, new rag carpet; single cot
with pad, flour can, writing desk,
thoroughbred White Leghorn Cockrels
Phono 78GF22.
For Sale Ono Allan Car 1919 model
A 1 CbntXtion. Priced rtdasonablto
Can sell on terms. Inquire 407 South
Walnut.Phono 981. Ownor Loyd B.
Hozen. .
For Sale-Thoroughbred white
Leghorn roosters. Call at 504 South
Willow, or phono 272.
For Sale Small house, now, full
basement, modern except heat, good
location, priced right. Phone 1273J.
For Snle Single comb -Rhode Is
land Red cockerels nt three -and Ilva
dollars each. S. R. Pattlson, Max
well, Nebr.
To Loan Will loan from two to
three thousand dollars on first mort
gage, 9 on Improved farm lands,
long or short time, no commission;
you get tho money the day you sign
tho papers. Numbor of land and lo
cation must bo given In first letter.
Address Pox 219. North Platte. Neb.
thp story. When the funeral is ovor giving hor name as Mrs. Josephine
' tho rolntlvus Book tho papor to Vend Smith rather than Mrs. Hnnklns
(hq account ID wo guessed right thoy Smith. Ed said ho didn't know about
arc latlslicd 1 ut If an error croops in that as women tako men for bettor nr
thoy nro Indipnuut. Wo aro writing worso and sho got tho worau Wo said!
thh it Biuret tint it is duo tho do- It mlghtrbo thnt they woro trying to'
pnricu wiai me newspaper account oi assori ineir equality with men and
his or her llfo and death bo roason- Ed's East End Friend aald that was
tibly ncciirnto nnd to this end someone more thnu likely us ho know of it wo
Who knows should seo that tho papors man by tho namo of Smith who nmr
VBt u corroct statement. In ono fam- rled a forelgnor by the namo of Skunk
ily recently tho mombcrs talked tho and thoy "voro known as Mr. and
mattor ovor and in u spirit of lovo Airs. Smith. Ed said thoy did exact
ing! tenderness for tho decoasod mom- ly right and ho Btartod to tell about
hor. thoy had tho factH written out a man and his wife back In lndlnnu
and furnished ub with a copy. Wo who woro named Schroudonstocker,
wroto it up nnd have roaBon to bellovo When wo asked lilm if lie didn't think
that it was satisfactory. Sadie was a prettier name than
. Those BtatomontB should not bo Homor? Ho said ho didn't know ' nt
long nor should thoy contain pooms that ho thoitght Goorgo was as t . d
orivorsoB. We are attempting to print i namo as Guonlvoro. Wo said e
.. .....n.xn .... .....1 It. ilntnt. at mil 1JVI I .!
,nunoiuii;i 1111.1 in, um ii. tuutitjui l-ll mm u lUIKIUV IlOOr ll If
pijpor Is of ton orowdod so that whoio and at that Ed got mad. Wo t. I
Oil BOY! She Certainly Does
Shake a Mean Nile Shlmniy.
But Does it Win Sessue ? ? ? ?
Estate No. 1740 of Rudolph Thanol,:
deceased In tho County Court of Liu-'
coin County, Nebraska.
Tho Statu of Nobraska, to all per-1
sous lutorostod in said Estnto tako
notice that the Administrator lias filed
u dual account and report of his ad
ministration and an application for
order sotting off llomostead to widow,
which havo boon set for hearing bo
foro said court on Janunry 7th, 1921,
at 10 o'clock A. M.. whon yon nuiy np
poar and contost tho samo
Datod Decombor 13th, 1920.
D14-3wks County Judge
1 : :o: ;
Want Ads
i .
For Sale 2nd hand bnso humor.
Perfect condition. Call 1139.
For Salo Pedigreed Airedale pups
R. II. Jandobour, Ex. Substation.
Wnntedr To Uuy small house, close
in. Phono 19G.
Wanted A maid. Call at Platte
Valley Hospital.
Wanted Turkoya and Geoso this
Wo cun mako a bolter story It things would hnv6 como nut nil ii , Rin., -n 17Rr nr iitoimr.i t. I week. Hlghost market prico paid.
wd havo tho facts than if someono only ho said ho IlOVOr hllil limn - I (Irnviia iliwmiaoil In Mm Pmititv Pnnr Stensvad Poultry Co.
isp auempis 10 wruo up uio ucuoum inucu oi our name and that was i of Lincoln County, Nobrnsko. --Lost on streets of North Platto an
U WO linvo to cut It tlOWIl or OXlOIlll milCll. Wo Btartod III to Show l.i , Tho Stnto nf NnlirnRkn. ks: Omll.
... ' - - - - ' - iwirwit W V- u J w 1 u tttlUlllVIVli 11lVjt
. n . I t ...Ill i .. 1 . .. .. i ... , . . .
coliimps of matoriai navo to no ioji to toll lilm wo woro only fooling . 1 N'OTICK TO CUKUITOHS.
irst ivn Ai'nvir inrvan iiniiiH 111111 nn niiL tin r m .iiiin't ...... 4..i n.... ...
T' ii V 1 11111 ,,,lu jb- moil v iur in mwu umuiu win ihku uuiico 1 1 inuor rotum J.0 or piiono owner.
emirge tur mmiu a sueozo coming ami whon tlu.t that tho tlmo lmltod for prosontntlon ward. E, R. Plummor, Phone 11
... . ... was OVOr WO COUllln't Ron Ril nrnnml nni fllliiL- nf oliilniB npn ns nll
jWo want tuncoys and goose tins uvwi1()r qn , ,,,. ," ' ( i J v,m, t ii n,,y;l T l or ltcnlCMy rarm rour mllos oast
tevai,Sai,grk01 Pr,C l,ala' S wo "enow. Ca,U ,lm' U&JJtWa8 '
SH?nBvnd Poultry Co. ,., in.. n . T ... lt . n McConnol, 014 Iuast I-ourth St.
opkout Campllro mot yestorday X0T,(,., ()., rr vif livVs IIP vkvUkv tv. court "room in said eouiUv on S 1 wnnt4dWork on a farm by man
nltornoon wth Thlonia Starr. It Avas V-?-Y. .. t'Mi.1 L 1 VAV ?..c.?1 . 2?) "A 8,, l. iVFo' r; I nnd wlfo. Phono G10W.
iu! ibl wi ill. i ii tiimju ivi ai nun I .. ...
.f.-.i-i n.. mi.. ni. t. nihuu uii uy mo uuuerBiKuou on
lil"rL":r"" his promises nlno miles southwost of on. May 1st. 1921. at 9 o'clock A. M.,
tftl o Camnnro M as Iboubco will bo North I1,llto- L,ncol Co Nobmska, to rocotve. oxamlno. hear, allow or
As si s an t ?iianl I an Soin o 1 B w oro Uq first day of July 1920, ono Iron adjust all claims and objections duly
nrnr-Homi 0lmrlUan bomo y0,IB gray luiiro wolglilng 1000 lbs. and one Hied.
tw fnii n l.o ut tl.o Motliodlst yrllng weighing about 700 lbs. . All claims not filed on or before
PaKorla BunMr Tlmrsdav oveSlnf U"to' l1"8 1Sth tlu' of Nov- 1920 AKUSt lst 1921 Wl,J bo forovor barrC(l
fArHni nf flvTXln k V K'SlKiieil: A. E.MOORE. I Wnv, h V WOODHURST.
starting at flvo o clock. DH-4 wks Connty Judge
of tho wook
For Rent Furnished light house
keeping rooms and sleeping rooms
Hoard If desired. Phono 1013
For Snlo Rhodo Island Rod Cock-
orals, J2.6Q and $3.00 each. Mrs. Fred
Nelson. Phone 783F22.
B' Do not fail to see
L "The Yellow Typhoon9
m Thursday and Friday.
fmk Also Larry Seamon in