NOItTIT PLATTE SETSfT-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Millions for a New Stomach One of tho greatest American million aires satd to his physician, "A million dollars, Doctor, spot cash and no grum bling, for a now stomach, " and then -the siek man groaned and turned away. All his wealth could not make him 'Jiappy or contented, for happiness large ly depends upon digestion. Without health where does happiness come Int After all tho stomach plays a great Tart in everyday life. Without a healthy stomach and good digestion our "blood is thin, watery and poor, our lieart action is weak, our liver does not do its duty, and man is miserable and unhappy. Prevent disease by putting the house in order and strengthening Tihe system against the germs of disease. Dr. Pierco, of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Instituto, at Buffalo, N. Y Jyears ago understood diseases and their prevention, and ho discovered certain roots and herbs which wore nature's xemodles, and succeeded in putting them up in a form that could be easily pro cured at the drug store (liquid or tablets). This ho called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This Dis covery gives no falso stimulation be cause it contains no alcohol or any nar otic. It helps digestion and the as similation of such elements in the food as are required for tho blood. It gives to tho blood tho food elements the tis anes require. For over fifty years It lias enjoyed the confidence of the American public Try it now! Appetite Keen and Bowels Relieved You can relish your meals without fear of upsetting your liver or stomach if you will out your laun in rr-n-r-.- Carter's Little L&K I E.K 3 Liver nils. MITTL.E Foul accumu lations that poison the blood are ex iVER PILLS celled from the bowels and headache. dizziness and sallow skin are relieved. Snail Pill Small Dose Small Price Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Eei cases ana umcKen uoops KENNEDY & PRSONS CO. 1 309 Jones St 1901 E. 4th St OMAHA SIOUX CITY BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at tho present time for young: women over nineteen years of age wno nave naa at least, tiro years in nigu sonool to take Nurses' Train loir in peneral hosDltal. Our graduates are In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurse, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska UK 0 m iieW Life 101 Sick Man Eatonic Works Magic T have taken only two boxes of rcntnnlc nnd fonl like n new man. It has dono me more good than anything else," writes u. u. rnppir. Eatonic is the modern remedy for acid stomach, bloating, food repeating and Indigestion. It quickly takes up and carries out the acidity and gas and enables the stomach to digest tho fnnfl nntnrnllv. Thnt monns not only relief from pain nnd discomfort but you get the full strengtn irom tne ioou you eat. Big box only costs a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. ThirtyRunningSores Remember. I stand back of every box. Every druggist guarantees to refund the purchase price (60 cents) if Peterson's Ointment doesn't do all I claim. I guarantee It for eczema, old sores, running sores, salt rheum, ulcers, sore TilDDles. broken breasts. Itching skin, skin diseases, blind, bleeding and itching piles -as well as ror cnanng, ournB, scaias, cuts, bruises and sunburn. "I had 30 running sores on my leg for 11 years was in threo different hospitals. Amputation was advised. Skin grafting ttna tried. I was cured by using Peter son's Ointment." Mrs. F. E. Root. 287 Michigan street, Buffalo, N. Y. Mall or ders niled by Peterson Ointment Co., But-- laio, m. x. ATTENTION! Three, strong, hand made, Imported cane baskets, sizes 10-11 and 12 or 11- 12-14 Inches diameter, good for uny Nurposo around a home. Price deliver ed 52.00. Only 3 baskets to a customer. E. P. Simmons, Box 193, Laredo, Tex. Wanted, A Good Man in This County to distribute stock and poultry remedies to farmers. Pleasant work, good pay. Write SOUTHERN PRODUCTS CO. Box 470 Paducah, Ky. Factory Direct 49 buys larse 190 Phoiw -.11. 1A tr r.Kn.d t.l,(tlnni flut Alt aloff. Ilelle-Hlckcy Mfg Co.. Ht. LpuU, Mo Bronchial Troubles n-...!.- il. iJt.l. mrt vmi relieve thm n Miiirbltf and effectively bjr tiling promptly ft dependable remedr PI sos W. 'N. 0J., OMAHA, NO. 4-1920. mm Uncle Sam: The Poor Old Rich Fellow WASHINGTON. Tho nation will face a continuation of the nnnu ol tax bill of $4,000,000,000 for at least three years if congress adopts rec ommendations drafted by treasury officials and laid before Secretary Houston for approval. Mr. Houston, It was stated, probably will Include such recommendations In the form of an analysis of tho government's financial condition In his nnuuul re port to congress. The analysis will show, nnd accom panying recommendations will sug gest, It was suld, that a three year program for tax revision Is required In-order to meet maturing govern ment obligations and cover current federal expenses and that approx- New Administration WASHINGTON. With tho govern ment likely to spend $1,000,000,- 000 or more nnnuariy for years to come, the working out of an effective budget system will be one of the first tasks of the Harding administration. The bill estnDllshlng a budget system may be passed In advance of the In auguration of Senator Harding ns president next March. Tho Good-McCormlck budget bill Is pending before the senate, after hav ing been passed by both houses last spring, vetoed by President Wilson and repassed by the house. As passed a second time by the house, a provision which tho president ob jected to because he thought It cn- crouched upon constitutional powers of the president with respect to the removal of ulllcers appointed by him, was eliminated. In case the bill Is passed during the winter session In advance of March 4, there Is a likelihood of tho organization of a budget bureau be fore Senator Harding tnkes office as president. Under the bill the secre tary of the treasury Is made the di rector of the bureau while an assist ant director Is provided to bo appoint ed by the president at a salary of $10.- 000 a year. A general accounting of fice nlso Is created headed by a con troller general unci assistant control ler general appointed by tho presl- Ten Thousand Have I'VE LOST MY LIBERTY 80NW - MOMS than 10,000 owners or Liberty bonds nnd Victory notes have lost their bonds either through theft, through destruction by burning, or through some form of carelessness. The last official figures showed 7,50!. persons having lost their bonds, of whom 0,038 were holders of coupon bonds. These figures are up to the close of the last fiscal year. For those who have lost their cou pon bonds there Is llttlo relief. For those who have lost registered bonds there Is every probability of relief. Government officials say probably M), 000,000 coupon bonds still ure In the hands of purchasers. Tho tales of those who had lost Heigh Ho! 100 Women and Musical Satire TIE first theater productions com pany ever nlunned. organized and mannged by women, backed by a founders' association of 100 women In official life nnd from business und professional circles In Washington, In cluding Miss Mary Anderson of Chi cago, chief of tho woman's nurenu or the department of labor; Mrs. Helen II. Gardener, civil service commis sioner, und Mrs. Clara Seurs Taylor, rent commissioner District of Colum bia, recently launched Its first ven ture, "Heigh Ho," u muslcul sntlre. The officers of tho new organiza tion, tho Washington Theater Produc tions, Inc., Mrs. Glenn A. Smith Tin nln, Miss Kathprlne S. Brown, and Mrs. Mary Holland KInknId, ure well known In tho Middle West. Mrs. Tinnln was born nnd reared In Chicago; Miss Brown made Chlcn go her headquarters while acting as western producer for eastern theatri cal managers, and Mr. KInknId was a member of the staff of the Milwau kee Sentinel and of the Inter Ocean. The ambition of the new organiza tion is to build In Washington an Im mense thenter hounlng three iiudltorl ams, a repertory theater, a children's Imntcly $8,000,000,000 in Victory notes, wnr saving securities, nnd trensury certificates of Indebtedness will be duo for payment within tho next threo years, trensury figures show. Retention of the present uggregato levy of tuxes, or maintenance of the annual revenue of tho government at about $4,000,000,000. then Is held to bo unavoidable on tho face of average expenditures estimated for the period. Recommendations to bo made by Mr. Houston, It was understood, will propose abolishment of the excess prollts taxes In their entirety and the substitution therefor of a graduated Income tax of a substantially deeper cut than under present revenue laws. It was believed the new Income taxes would apply only to Incomes above $5,000 annually nnd that provision would be made for a graduated ln crenso even on tho additional tax as the amount of Income grows larger. The secretary Is expected to ad vise congress that the strictest econ omy In federal appropriations Is nec essary If the program outlined on the basis of $4 ,000.000.000 tax bill Is to be accomplished. to Tackle Budget dent at salaries of $10,000 and $7,500 respectively. The new administration Is expected to get the budget bureau In work ing order so that estimates may be submitted under tho new plan to con gress In December, 1021, for appro priations for the fiscal year begin ning July lj 1022. Already the house has adopted a change In rules thnt was Intended to l)o supplemental to the budget bill. This change centers In the hands of the appropriations committee the au thority to report appropriations here tofore scattered among tho commit tees on ngrlculture, foreign affairs, In dian affairs, military nffalrs, naval af fairs, postofllccs and postrouds, and rivers and harbors. One largo com mittee of thirty-five members will do tho work which has been divided among eight committees. Lost Liberty Bonds their coupon bonds are most pitiable In many Instances. I'oor women who have struggled and saved to purchase government securities, either through carelessness or n variety of unfortu l.ute clrcumstnnccs suddenly . find themselves minus the bonds. They endeavor to recover them, full, and then present their plea to the govern ment. Of the thousands who have pleaded for the substitution of securi ties for coupon bonds, only a negligi ble percentage have produced suffi cient proof of loss to permit the gov ernment to relieve them. This condition probably will be brought to the attention of tho com ing congress with a hope that soruo measure of relief may bo found for the owners of bonds ns well as pro tection for the government. The treasury ofllcluls again call at tention to their pleading that coupon bonds be exchnnged for the registered bonds. Almost every udvantago Is given the holder of registered bonds. Almost every disadvantage accrues to the holder of coupon bonds. And yet the people will not respond. Any bank will handle the mutter. theater, concert hall, all fully equipped. Plans for tho building havo been drawn, but without waiting for the completion of the edifice the founders already aro at work on productions, leading oft with "Heigh Ho," which will play In Halt! mo re nnd IMchmond, and reach Chicago before the end of tho season. The author of tho book and lyrics, Eugene Lockhnrt, will appear In tho cast. This Includes Bradford Allen, who originated the character of Bert In the London production of "The Bet ter 'Olc," Louis Cnssuvant, Thomas Conkey, " nnd Miss Fern Doubledny. Deems Taylor, who mude the orches tratlons and contributed purt of the score, servos us musical director. ROAD BUILDING FUNDS FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Sum of $97,000,000 Will Be Divided Among State In Proportion to Population. "Tho Inst apportionment of federal funds to the state In rond construc tion under the existing federul-ntd act became available July 1," said Mr. McDonald, chief of the bureau of pub lic roads. "This Is the largest apportionment yet certified under the Federal aid act. amounting to $100,000,000, three-quarters of which Is derived from tho ap propriation bf 1010 and 52n.000.000 from tho original appropriation of 11)10. A deduction of $3,000,000. or per cent of tho funds, will bo mado to provide for the expense of admin istering the federal aid act by the Department of Agriculture. Tho bal ance of $!)",000,000 will be divided among the states In proportion to their population, urea, and mileage of posl roads. "Under the law the states are re quired to enter Into formal agreements with tho secretary of agriculture for the construction upon which this mon y Is to be used before July 1, 1022. Any money which Is not tnken up be fore that time will bo reapportioned among all the states In the same man ner In which the original apportion- nienls nro made. All previous appor tionments have been taken up In the time allotted, and It Is not likely that the states will fall to absorb this last apportionment. 1 do so, however, will menu lnnt tne ttos must sur vey, plan, and let contracts for nt least $200,000,000 worth of federal aid road construction ni tho next two years'. "If the states continue to pay more than 50 per Cent -of the cost, ns they have In the past, the cost of the roads constructed with this last apportion- Good Roado Mean Greater Rural Com fort and Prosperity. ment may reach $230,000,000. In other words, it will he necessary to plan for construction at the rate of at leust $100,000,000 and probably morn per year. Some appreciation of what that means may be gleaned from the fact that In 101.1 the expenditure for all roads In the United StateK, construct ed under state supervision, was only $SO,000,000. "Since 1015, however, state highway departments have been greatly expand ed, and efficient machinery has been developed which will undoubtedly bo able to bundle tho greater volume of work. "Tho states have had four years In which to prepare for tho expenditure of the large funds which now become available. They expect to bo able to luindlo them. What Is of greater con cern to them nt this time Is tho con dition which may result If federal ap propriations nre permitted to lapse. The highway departments should know nt least a year In ndvnnco what funds ure to be available In order that plans may be mudo for future construction. Unless, therefore, further federul ac tion Is taken In the coming year, the Btutes will bo left In doubt as to tho future policy of thu government, and the amount of money they must bo prepared to expend. Such n contingen cy would Involve u serious setback to the progress of road construction, iul should bo avoided by early congres sional nctlon." POOR ROADS ARE EXPENSIVE Farmers Cannot Haul Produce to Market When Prices Are High on Account of Highways. It Is a well-established fart that market prices for oven staple crops vary considerably throughout (he year. Whero bad roads prevail, farmers ure frequently unable to avail themselves of favorable prices. It Is common for farmers to find thnt they cannot haul their produce to market when prices are highest,' because the roads are lm- pussable. Federal Aid Helps Poor States. Do you know what federal aid In road building and sthcr things does? It makes tho rich and prosperous Btntes contribute to the poor and back ward states. Texas Leads In Bulidlng. Texas leads the country In the amount authorized "for good roads, with bond Issues totaling $11,703,000. Provide Free Range. When possible free range should be provided for the breeding stoelc. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER The Remedy With a Record of Fifty- four Years of Surpassing Excellence. Thoso who suffer from nervous dyspepsln, constipation, Indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, henduches, coming up of food, wind on stom ach, palpitation and other Indica tions of fermentation nnd Indiges tion will find Green's August Flower a most effective and efficient assistant in the restoration of nn Hire's functions i and a return to health and hnpplnesa. There could be no better testimony of , tho value of this remedy for these trou bles than tho fact that Its use for the last fifty-four years has extended Into , tnnny thousands of households all over , the civilized world nnd no Indication of any failure has been obtained In nil that time where medicine could effect relief. Sold everywhere. Adv. Belgian Cats Are Overworked. During luncheon nn export attending the International llnunco conference nt Brussels, Belgium, recently wns sur prised to see the restaurant cat tnnrch up and present hint with n mouse. The mouse, seeing n clmnre for life, scram bled up his trouser leg. The expert said he quite understood that the cats, which are rare, wore tired of mice, who swarm In millions, and were will ing to give strangers, but why could not they kill them first? Another visitor complained thnt, when he nsked the hotel elevator boy to bring up tho cat to kill a few mice In his bedroom, he was told that tho cat's time' was fully booked up and that It could not be spared for the sec ond floor. From the Continental Edi tion of the London Mull. How's This? IIATAS CATAIUUI M12DICINE will do what wo claim (or it euro Catarrh or UearneBS caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to euro any omer nutcase. HALL'S CATAItllH MEDICINE Is a liquid, taken Internally, nnd acts through tho blood upon the mucous surfaces at tne system, thus reducing tne innamma tlon and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists, circulars rree. F. J. cnenoy & co., Toieao, unio. Dirty San Francisco. Snn Francisco hns some of tho dirt iest streets In the United States, If not In tho world, and what makes this condition more Inexcusable Is the fact that It should bo an extremely easy city to keep clean and healthful, says the Snn Francisco News Letter. In the first place, wo do not havo to con tend with tho volumes of smoke nnd soot coining from hundreds of fac tories such as tho eastern cities nro cursed with; In tho second place, wo could devise n wnv of uslnir tho ocean water to wash streets and Mdewnlks with (salt water Is a mild disinfect ant) ; and thirdly, we are blessed with an equable climate thus making street cleaning nn easy matter every day In the year. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists havo wstched with much Interest tho remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Bwarap-uoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. 1innt. In n utrencthenlnir medi- rtno. If hnlm thn kldnevs. liver and blad der do the work nature Intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood tho test of years. Tt ! .nlrl liw nil ilninrMn on Its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many tnenaa. Be sure to get Swamp-Koot and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test tnts great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a mnl bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. A1t. In Any Trade. "A dress designer," says a Ciimo- mile street dressmaker in tlio London Nows, "must be born." Wo nlwnys think this Is an ndvantage. Punch. Women ure changeable. Men aro monotonous. Kill That Cold With CASCARA k QUININE FOR 3 AND Colds, Coughs OM L GriPl" , Neglected Colds are Dangerous Tk no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first siissis. Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relieves Oripp In 3 days Excellent forHecdachs Qolnln in this form does not afToct the head -Caocara ta beat Tonic Laxadve No Opiate In Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Begin Kignt inow to Conauer Your Rheumatism If vou aro coine to neain rely upon the liniment bottlo to try to rub your Rheumatism away, you will bo doomed again to nothing' but disappointmont. A disease that can cause so much pain and suffering is not on tho surface of the skin, and cannot be rubbed Away. Many forma of Rheumatism aro caused bv a tiny disease germ in tho blood, and In such casos tho only logical treatment is to search out and remove these germs from Help That Bad Back! Why be miserable with a "bad back! It's time you found out what is wrong! Kidney weakness often causes much suffering from backache, lameness, rhumatlc pains, headaches, dlrslness unci klflnpv rrrctilnrities. Neslcctcd. It may lead to dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease, hut if taken In time it is usu ally easily corrected by using Doan'a Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped thousands. An Iowa Case Mrs. O. A. Hol land, 4U Mathews Bt., Shenandoah, Iown, says; "I was tamo and s o r through ray back and my Kiunoys acted Irregularly 'and I suffered from Inflammation of tne Mnddor. I had no ambition to do my work. I began luslng Doan's Kid ney Pills and In less than a week the backache loft and my kidneys were strengthened." Gt Doan's t Any Store, 00c Box DOAN'S "pSYLV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Remember This. There nro ninny stories told ngnlnst Irishmen of rlpo nnd full uge. but not so many about them when they nro young. Still, here Is a proof that they aro irishmen oven before they nre breeched. It wns a classroom In a village school In Ireland and tho teacher wns giving a lessdu on salt. "Now," sho said nt the conclusion of her rather long nnd Inclusive lec ture, "I want some ono to glvo tne a good definition of salt." "Shure, tenchcr," said Micky, n bright, blue'cycd youngster, "It's tho stuff which makes potatoes -taste nnsty when you -boll them nnd don't put uny In." USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dyo right I Don't risk your material In a poor dye. Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so slmplo that any woman can dlamond-dyo a new, rich, fadeless color Into old garments, drupcrries, cover ings, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed. Druggist hns "Diamond Dyes Color Card" -10 rich colors. Adv. Salmon Eggs by Airplane. It has always been Iniposslblo to re stock tho eelobrnted Fraser river fish ing grounds In British Columbia with salmon eggs from hatcheries because tho fertile eggs will not stand carriage by puck animals over rough mountain trails. Now It Is proposed to trans port eggs to the fishing grounds by ulrp'nne. New Definition. It was at tho end of Elizabeth Ann's first month at school. Sho hnd come proudly homo with her perfect at tendance card and with the Informa tion that there hnd been live absent minded children this month. On be ing asked what Mie meant she replied: "Why, that five children forgot to coma to school." Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cudcurn Soap dally and Ointment now and then ns needed to make tho complexion clenr, scalp clean and hnnds soft nnd white. Add to thts the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum und you have tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. Get It Straight. Son I'd rather b a Could Be, If I could not bo mi Are; for n Could Bo Is a May Bo with a chance of going far. Futlfor I'd rather bo a Has Been than u Might Have Been, by far; for a Might Have Been has never been, but a Has was once nn Are. tho blood. For this nurnoso there is no mar satisfactory remedy than S.S.S., tho fine old blood remedy that has been in use ior more than fifty years, and has given such general satisfaction for Rheumatism. Begin taking- S.S.S. today, and: if you will wrlto a complete history of your case, our medical director will give you expert advice, with out cnarire. Address Chief Medieiri Director, 100 Swift Laboratory, At. X"XXX-X