. .fjtatt. HUfortrtl jlorth THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB DECEMBER M, 1920. No. 97 BIG MEETING FOR FRIDAY ALL INTERESTS TO COMBINE TO (JET THE EE1)E1 INPROVE-MENTS. Next Friday thoro will bo a meeting in tho Court House that should tax tho seating capacity of that room to tho utmost. It is called to consider the erection of a Sales Pavilion for this city. It Is in tho interests of every breeder of live stock and every farmer and cltizon of this county and the surrounding counties should bo Interested. At a preliminary meeting held last Friday a committeo consist ing of P. Snyder, Arthur Gaud- erault and Frank Strollberg was ap pointed to canvass the situation as to location, kind of building needed and the probable cost. This committeo will meet in tho meantlmo and will make a report at tho meeting on Frl day, f Tho Sales Pavilion is proposed that a suitable placo may bo at hand for tho sale of livo stock of every kind It is suggsted that touch a placo could bo used for many other purposes be sides that or sales. One of thes is band and orchestra concerts and another'is for wrestling, and boxing matches. If tho ring is at least eighteen feet in diameter it would have a number of uses but it should bo built to suit the needs of stock sales first. Tho meeting is called for two o'clock, Friday. December 17th at tho Court House, North Platte Breeders of livo Stock and farmers are especi ally Interested and should attend. : :o: : VGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENTAL STATION PAYS SAYS BEAN BUENETT. 1-4 At the regular weekly meeting of the notary Club held at tho Christian Church yesterday noon, Dean Burnett "f the School of Agriculture of tho T'niverslty of Nebraska at Lincoln noke. Ho told of tho work of tho Agricultural Experiment Stations in Nebraska and spoke at length of the wonderful advances made In crops and live stock through the work of Iho stations. His address was well re ceived by the Uotarlans. ;:o'.; 'A beautiful line 6? fldor lamps. A Gift That Lasts Clinton Tho Jeweler. UOLREN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT SIMON WHITE HOME FRIDAY. A. large gathering of rolatlvoa was prosont Inst Friday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Simon White, south of Horshey, to help them colobrnte the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. AIrt and Mrs. "White aro each G8 years old and have lived in Lincoln County for 35 years They nro tho parents of twelve childron, nine of whom nro liv ing. They also have twenty-two grand children. The homo was decorated with car nations, roses and Christmas bells nmlli four course dinner was served, with watermelon to top it off. Mi, and Mrs. White were presented with a gold lock. Thoso presont wero Mrs Cv W. Sizo- moro and family of North Platte, Tal madgo Whito and family of Horshoy. Mrs. It. B. Miller and family of Hor- Bhoy. Mrs. C. E. Danlolson and family of Sutherland, Mrs. Elmer Ecklund iind family of Sutherland and Miss Mildred Daly of North Platte. Those unablo to bo present wero Mrs F Z. Soukup of Woodbine, Iowa. Mrs. Ern est Danolson of Sutherland and Mrs. CM. Reynolds of Ocean Park. Cnl. To finish tho dny tho charivari crowd camo in tho evening as on the nrst wedding night ::o:: .ROMANCE OF THE PLATTE VAL LEY TO BE GIVEN TODAY AND TOMORROW. Tho home talent movio Which has been in preparation for the past sev eral months is ready and .will bo shown today and tonight and again tomorrow at tho Sun Theatre The film was photgraphed by V. W. Phil Hps under th6 direction of Mrs. J. Tiloy. It is a Sebnstlan production. Tho story of love is interwoven with tho scenes and sights of this com munity Tho Union Pacific, tho Lin coln Highway, the, Experimental Sub station, tho Auto Races, tho Aircraft Company, the schools, parks,- business houses, all have been used to make the story real to those who havo lived hero or have visited North Platte. Tho principal characters aro taken by Catherine Horrod, Wllford Nelson, Ira L. Bare, Mrs. J. W. TUoy, Paul Harrington and Lucille McFarland Mnny others aro seen as the storv moves ajong. Theso films will bo shown in many neighboring towns and cities- and will be worth a great deal in tho future if properly pre served . LEGION MAKES SUGGESTION new OFFICERS TAKE UP EREC TION OF MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM. THE Hirschfeld CO. f r i . - i f. ptECOMENDATIONS MADE TO TJIE rii..uni;K OK COMMERCE BY SECRETARY. At tho annual banquet of tho Cham ber of Commerce, Secretary Carey made tho following recommendations for tho comlne year: 1. Closer co-operation with the fanviors and ranchmen 2. Opening of Credit Bureau bv the Chamber. ' '.i, -Follow-up of irrigation and dralnago projects. 4 A little more of tho cood thinirs In community life, such as concerts. lectures, etc. Other Interests will dcvelon from time to time. The coming year Will be one of tho utmost importance to the development -of North Platte and the surrounding territory and tho co operation of eve-v citizen Is needed fjolqptxsof fjcxsicnj A BOX OF Holeproof Hosiery IS SURE TO PLEASE. i t i i i i Specially Priced, MEN'S HOLEPROOF $1.50 Silk Hose $1.00 Pair MEN'S HOLEPROOF' $1.25 Silk Hose 75c Pair MEN'S HOLEPROOF 75c Lisle Hose 50c Pair The following communication has boon handed to ub by a representative of the American Legion: To tho Editor: Two continents and an ocean separ ated tho boys in tho lighting lino from tho folks at home, yet tho people of North Platte, working in unison, each In such capacity as was allotted, de livered tho goods nnd made such a record of accomplishment, as to re flect ovcrlastlng credit to tho City, Tho timo has now come, when, with all on common ground, all may join in peacetlmo, but nono tho loss patrio tic accomplishments. The American Legion Is of those, who hold up their right hand for first lino Hervicte. Its. primary purpose Is to perpetuate whatever was accom plished by its members by furthor useful service. It seems practicable that this union of purpose displayed during hostilities should bo now put to account for some substantial benefit to tho community; It seems fitting that North Platte should proclaim nnd commomorato its patriotic record in a lasting nnd buu ablo testimonial. u is tncrctoro suggested, that a substlantial and' capacious auditorium bo erected during tho coming year; such auditorium to bo of sufficient size to enro for our lnrgost gatherings for years to come, but to be so ar ranged as to contain suitable accom- modntons, -whore organizations com poseu on vciornns ot our wars, tneir auxiliaries or relatives may meet free of charge) Such aid. as is necessary in tho erection, to bo furnished hy tho City by a bond issiio; tho building to bo operated, generally, for profit a gainst upkeep and deterioration, by a Board appointed by tho Mayor, as by crdlnanco provided. It Is unnecessary to point out the many uses to which such a building could bo put. Sufficient moneys go out of tho City annually in the various drives to erect such a structure. One day's worlr or Ms equivalent by every pat riot!'' citi'.cn would moro than take caro of the cost. If the plan hero suggeste'd" shall meet tho sanction of Tho Grand Army, Women's Relief Corps, Spanish A- tnorlcan War Vetorans, its auxiliary, tno American vyar LINCOLN, COUNTY CHAPTER MHHICAN RED CROSS DIREC TORS ANNOUNCED. . !A NEW STORE FOR DIXON'S Secretary A. W. Shilling of tho Lincoln County Chaptor of the Amer ican Red Cross has Just announced! tho names ot tho now director's which wore elected recently for tho coming I U, Ur-i i.iTi x...v im,au .,,,,,, ,n year. These men and womon will i 1,1 1 lj 4h" 'OM ADDED '10 DIXON STOKE IS NOW TJIE METJKIDIST SUPPER COMES BAZAAR AND THURSDAY moot at tho call of tho President and olect officers ot tho Chaptor for 1921 Hero aro tho names: Miss Anna Kramplv. Mrs. Chas. Dogiyo, Mrs. M. E. Scott, Mrs. H. S. Davis, W. P Snydor, Mrs. R. P. Cotoroll, Mrs. It. C. Langford, Mrs. W. P. Klllcn, S M. Soudor, W. J. O'Connor, Wilson Tout, W. V Hohgland, E. W. Potter, 12. F Sccborgor and R. D. BIrgo, The now Board of directors will moot Tuesday ovonlng, December 28th to elect officers for tho coming year. ORGANIZER FOR LIFE COMPANY TO MAKE "WESTERN HEAD QUARTERS HERE. E. It. Flsk, of Omaha, was in tho city yesterday making arrangements for locating his wostorn headquarters at North Platto. Ho is organizer for Nebraska for tho Now York Lifo In surance Co. and is placing an agency in tliB city. Mr. risk has been in North Platto a number of times and has kept in touch with its develop ment. When soon yesterday ho ex pressed hlmsolf as well pleased with tho prospects of this city and with its growth. "North Platto is one of tho llvest places I havo known latoly and it is certainly developing strong along tho right Uncs," said Mr. Flsk. Ho lias placed Mr. It. II. Wcller in charge of tho local agency. Q " j SALE OP CHRISTMAS SEALS IS GOING SLOWLY AT PRESENT. Till! OPEN. Tho first fow days of tho salo of Christmas Seals wero very satisfac tory but tho sale has Blowed down now and unless moro pooplo get busy it will fnll below tho standard sot for Lincoln County. They aro forsalo in all of tho other towns and cities in tho' County and In somo rural com munities. Tito cntlro procoods goes to tho Nohruska Tuborculdsis Associ ation. Part ot It is then returned to tho Twentieth Contury Club, which is to use tho money to pay for tho sor vces of a County Nurse. This nurse will bo available to any part of tho County, especially In tho various schoolB whoro sho may bo ncodod. Don't send a slnglo Chrlstmna lotter orji'.ptigkngo without having placed a seal bn ilo carry the truo Christmas spirit. i . -t'.o;: As wo ko to press tho death of Tho now store room which Dixon & Son has secured located Just south or the Jowolry storo Is opon ready for Inspection. It is a model of tasto nnd comfort. As ono enters tho front door ho Is In u beautiful rccoptioli room with soft ruga on tho floors, dainty reed furnlturo at tho sldo and tnsto fully decorated wnlla and colling, Tho color schomo is French gray and blue It is worked out in tho wall coverings ami tno onnmol woodwork. To tho right Is tho optical department. It is niceu witu display cases and n llttlo furthor on is a Bound proof room with instruments for making tosta of vi sion. Charles Dixon Is in chnrgo horo. On tho loft ns ono ontora is u group of phonographs nnd boyond theso is tho record room" nnd two soundproof rooms whoro demonstrations of phon ograph music aro given. All of tho furnishings nro in harmony with tho purpose for which thoy aro to bo used nnd tho effect is vory pleasing. Mr. Dixon Btated today that ho had planned on a public rccoption but had boon porsundod not to havo ono bo causo it is thought that pcoplo will appreciate looking over tho now aloro n groups or singly rnthor than In n big crowd. "Wo aro prepared to show our frlonds through tho now depart ments at any timo now." snld Mr Dixon, "nnd cortnlnly will bo glad to havo their verdict on our efforts." The now room rollovcs tho crowdod con dition of tho Jowolry and repairing departments and a bettor display thoro is now possible; Tho firm of Dixon & Son has cortnlnly shown faith In North Platto and Lincoln County In making such a largo Invest ment in tho business nt this timo. LOCAL MUSICIANS UNION TO (JIVE GRAND BALL IN JANUARY. itiuwiuiD, omujin 1-1111. .. y- .i t.i tr Girls, Canteen Ladles. The Homo "U8H, u" "'"e;, .' X i 0 'fj Guards, Council of Defense and Kin dred;' bodies, Tho American Legion offers its sorvicos in whntever man ner it enn best help AMERICAN LEGION POST, NO .103 By P. J. Sandall. Adjutant. Sarah Finney, 320 East Second St., is reported. Miss Finnoy is said to have been 111 for somo timo. When you buy Jowolry from Clin ton tho Jowclor, you are buying Git'ts That. Last. The Local Musician's Union will glvo n grand ball in Jnuuary accord ing to plans inndo by tho membors at their mooting Sunday Tho local now has fifty-eight members and It Is planncMl to havo tho biggest and best orchestra over hoard in" North Platto, to furnish the music for tho occasion. ::o:; A record sent in ono of our nrtlBtlc gift envelopes will bo a sourco ot constant pleasuro to your friends. Ot thorn at Dixon s Music Shop. This week wo will pay tho highest market prlco for turkeys and geese. Stensvnd Poultry Co. Ono annual event In tho lifo ot each ohuroh Is tho Annual Supper and Bazaar given by tho ladloa of tho church. Tho Methodist Ladlos will hold tholr bazaar beginning nt four o'clock Thursday nnd tho suppor be ginning at live. Evoryono Is invited. SHERIFF SAlAsiiuRY SECURES CONVENTION FOR NORTH PLATTE. Tho Stnto Association of Sheriffs, which mot at Grand Island Inst week, voted to hold tho 1921 mooting nt North Platto. Lincoln wua tho strong est competitor. Thoro nro about nlno ty membors In tho stnto. No dato hns boon sot for tho cofrftmtlon but it will probably bo hold. In December. i-::o:: . MRS. OSCAR PENNINGTON. Ethol Strong Pennington wna born May 30th, 1900 at Denvor. Colo., and died Doc. Cth, 1920 at Novth Platto, iNobr. Sho wns tho daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Strong. During her early childhood sho liv ed nt Laramie, Wyo and It was horo that hor father wna killed when Ethol wns sovcu years old. During tho next throo years sho lived with hor mothdr noar Lnramlo and then upon hor mother's doath sho resided with dif ferent frlonds until sho wna thlrtoon when sho camo to Btay with hor undo and mint, Mi nnd Mr. James Snydor of this city. Sho attended tho North Platto schools nnd lator took a courso in tno Urnnd Island Businoss Colloge. Sho wbh married to Oscar Ponniugton on Fobf. C, 1919. A llttlo girl called Charlotto Juno was born sovon weeks ago and both husband and daughter aro loft to mourn hor early doath. Sho attendol the Baptist Church, tho cholco of hor pnronta, Evoryono who know Mrs. Ponnng ton ndmlrod hor fine spirit and lovablo disposition and during hor sickness hor husband and frlonds did everything in tlolr power to give hor conifort and neip nor id rognm hor hoalth. The sympathy of all acquaintances Is ex tended to tho husband nnd tho baby who miss hor so much. HOYS Altti ACCUSED 01' CUTTING down; thkkb in memorial PARK.' 0. 11. Thoolecko is trying to find out tho boys who have been cutting down young trees in Memorial Park bottor known ns East End Park or Athletic Park. Ho says tha probably forty trcoH havo boon destroyed ,in tills way It la said that the boys cut them to mako liows wRl'i which to fight Indians, Tho police arc on tho trnll ot thoso youngsters and will make trouble for them when they aro found out. Tho Park Commissioners have spent a lot of money in gotting thoHo trees started and It will prob ably bo necessary to roplant those cut down. THE Hirschfeld Preferred Gifts FOR MEN. CO. HOY SCOUT COUNCIL HEARS RE POUT FROM DISTRICT COX- FERENCE. Carl J. Holman, Scout Commission er of the North Plalte Council, Boy Scouts of Amrica. gave a report of the District Conference held at Lin coln last Monday, at the weekly din ner of the Council yesterday. Ho told of the gathering of men Interested In Iho Boy Scout work and tho sessions held during the day and evening. Tl district embraces all of Nobra ka, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri. Colorado and' Wyoming."' His report showed that j North Plalte Is behind both Kearney i and Grand Island In Boy Scout work, each having a Scout Executive paid for full timo work while North Platto Just had a paid Scout official during tho summer months. "THE HIRD OF PARADISE" Ono of tho pleasing olforlngs of the i season "The Bird of Paradise" tho rij fully perennial favorite Is to bo seen 1 31 at tho Keith Theatre for tho 4th time. The fact that it is in its tenth year, is sufficient tribute to Its quality, as It is ono of the most novel of American successes. TM.Iu ....I., .,!..., ..1,... .. ........., , soul takes placj under thohndow of R Poloo and Is llghtod by the lurid fires T of Kllauea, and mado musical with its I weird walling of native instruments and voicod. The clearest description of It Is that K is a fervid romance, narrating tho story of the lovo of an American for n I In wuilan princess. Florence Rockwell, nn actress ot con siderable ability, plays tho rolo of Luann, tho llttlo Hawaiian princess. Others in tho cast aro Robert Brlstor, Rose Watson, Gertrude WalthorS. Brandon Evans, John Sumner nnd tho five native singers and players : :o:: i 10 vory Royal Neighbor Is requested, to attond tho school of Instruction to morrow afternoon. Tho session will opon at two oclock at tho Odd Pol lows hall. Tho ovenlng sosslon will open nt eight o'clock. A largo class will bo Initiated and four supremo of ficers will bo present. Seo Alhrocht furs before you buy nnd learn tho difference In qunlityi Sold exclusively In North Platto by Wilcox Department Store. Win. Fitzpatrick, check clerk nt the local roundhouse fell from a ladder vosterday and Is suffering- from a broken thumb. ive Him Somethin For Christmas g to W ear . ... i - i -l J?cJ Y'OUR Gilt to a real man should be something that is definitely practicalsuch men have little appreciation of "Knick Knacks." We can be of service to you lor we serve real men all around the calendar. We know what they like. Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Gloves, Belts, all make practical Gifts. m 31 31 31 31 m ! 31 31 31 31 m Our Christmas Sale Saves You Money Edwards-Reynolds Co. n