The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 10, 1920, Image 4

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    at Sal
st Clothing
1 MbJMHb
1V . DColUtUnQolhil920
j Dam Alder &Son Compn
I, . 1
t "
Buys the best COLLEGIAN Suit or Over
coat in the house. Assortment includes
finest all-wool or silk and wool fabrics.
Each garment hand tailored.
Other first-class Suits and Overcoats, mostly COL
LEGIAN CLOTHED, now priced at . -
$ Q75
. ill
0 Collegian Clothe 1920
David Adler & Sons Compu
Many have already taken advantage of this sale and purchased both Suits arid Overcoats for
Christmas Presents. Could a more useful present be given?
Edwards-Reynolds Co.
Men's work UhlrtH 05c at Wilcox
Dopnrtihont Store.
Am B. Honslnurt loft Wednesday for
Patho' Actuolle, the phonograph with
thci tone. W. II. Malonoy Co.
N'ormn Whlto of Wolltloet was a
business visitor In this city Thursday.
Do your Christinas shopping early
and get the host BoiectlonB. w. K
Malonoy Co. ,
. MraV J. W. Sluifor of l'axton trans
acted, business In this city tho latter1
part of tho week.
II. C. Shlolds, general passenger
agent of tho Wabash, transacted busi
ness nt tho local ticket ofTlco tills
. Wo aro offering our ontlro stock of
fall hats at Ms off A. T. Johnson Dopt
. Itomombor your friends nt this Yule
Tldo season with Bomo of our ChrlBt
mas selections, our latest records sont
in our boautlful gift envelopes.
Dixon's Muslo shop.
Suvn mnnnv on vour coal bills with I
-. I - - 1 . . . . . . . .. 1 . ..... n lllintin
sionu wiuujjwa on your uumv. inuuv
us your order, wo furnlBh a man to
nieasuro and hang them. Walteinath
lAimbor' & Coal Co., phono ao.
The body of Joseph Johnson wns'
shinned Wednesday to IiIb homo in I
Gothenburg. Mr. Johnson has boon
111 In ii local hospital lor several nays.
- - . ,,' , 1 n.. 1.
no uicu mo nrsi oi mo ween.
$25.00 worth of records ' free with
each Patho Phonograph. This offer
will oxplro soon, uct yours now. w.
U. Malonoy Co. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheltona Polndoxter
loft Wednesday evening for Denver
where they will mako their futurt j
Airs. Pnlndoxtor was formerly i
Mrs. Ida Casey and was .employed In
tho newrstand at tno tiopot,
Mr. and Mrs. Qcorgo Slzemoro audi
family loft Thursday evening for Her
shoy ,whero they will nttond tho Gold- j
en Wedding anniversary of Mrs. Slzo
moros parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon
White. Those pcopla aro w.oll known
In this city. .
PROTECTION in the. New Year
Pay by ISieck to protect your spend
ing. Deposit lu a Cortiflcato of DopoBlU-ta
protect your Investing.
Put a part of your earnings in a Sav
ings accountto protoct your fu
t ture.
Havo a Safo Deposit Box to protect
your valuablp papers.
HANK Will US to protoct your mon
ey Uiuior llio iseorasKiv uuurumj .
Fund. ' 'rf.A
Safety First last and always ,"
The Platte Valley State Bank
Mrs. Lnlluo will give a china
shower tonight in honor of Miss Essie
Wessburg who Isto bo married next1
Sheriff Salisbury attended tho meet
ing of County Sheriffs at Grand Island
Wednesday and returned home yes
terday, ,
T. M. Cohagen and Frank Cokor,
Commissioners elect, attended Hie
mooting of County Commissioners nt
Omaha thjs week.
Arthur Hoaglnnd has returned from
a meeting of County officers of tho
Lincoln Highway held at Omaha,, Mr.
Hoagland represented Lincoln County.
The Episcopal Bazaar and. Supper
which was held last night was a- suc
cess from every standpoint. A large
attendance is reported and tho sales
were very satisfactory.
The local post of tho American Le
gion has JuBt received its permanent
chartor from tho national officers. It
Is n handsome document and desig
nates tho, North Platto organization as
Post No. 1G3.
Miss Mablo Carter, Instructor In
Mathomatlcs In tho Senior High
School offered her resignation to the
Hoard of Education and it was accept
ed Monday night. Miss Carter will
bo married during tho holidays.
Miss Gortrudo Ilaynor and Marshall
Green were united in mnrrlago Sun
day afternoon, December 5 by Rev.
Paul Shenk of tho Baptist Church.
Mr. Green la an cmployco of tho Union
li'ncuio lioro as a switchman. Mrs.
Green attended tho North Platto
High School and is tho daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Raynor.
To whom aro your going to sell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer tho hlghost
prices. G4tf
MIsa Stolla U, Ellenwood, of Max
well. Ho has been employed at the W
mnrrlod Thursday, December OUi, nt
tne uaptist Church by Rov. Paul
Shenk. .Mrs. Kuhns Is well known In
Maxwell whoro sho hns boon residing
for Bomo tlmcj, Mr. Kuhns Is tho son
of Chas. Kuhns, postmaster nt Max
well. Ho ha been employed nt tho W.
R. Malonoy Co storo nnd hns mado
a number of acquaintances hare. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Kuhns will mnko tholr homo
horo after their roturn from a brlet
Shopping a Plcasuro Here. You cot
servlco with ovory purchase nt Clin
ton's, no mattor how small It may bo.
And by sorvico wo mean not only
courteous treatment .but nuallty In
merchandise, boautlful stocks, and our
(icsiro to soo tnnt you aro satisfied
In ovory particular. And ploaso re-
momuor, this added sorvico costs von
afcbolutcly nothing, You pay no moro
for Jo'wolry purchased horo than or
jewelry or tho snmo ouallty purchased
jdsowhoro: In fact In many instances
you will find our prlcos lower Wo
Invito comparison Our costumors
nnd shopping hero p pleasure. Come
10:00 Sunday School.
11:00 Sermon.
G:30 C. E.
7:30 Sermon.
9:45 Sunday School. .
11:00 "Necessity of Proper Con
ception of God." -G:30
7:3( 'IHanged on His Own Gal
lows." Lutheran:
9:45 Church SchoDl.
11:00 I'Somo Misconceptions of
Christ." t
7:00 Luther League.
8:00 "Sources of tho Blblo"
9:45 Sunday School.
11:00 "Little Known Prophets
Jonah," 3:00 Junior League.
"G:30 Epworth Leaguo
7:30 "Christ in Figure."
9:45 Sunday SchooL
11:00 An Object Sermon "Tho
New Heart."
G:3G B. Y. P. U.
7:30 "Soulgrowlh."
S: 00 Holy Coinmimion.
9:30 Church School.
11:00 Morning Prayer and Ser
mon. 7:30 Evening Prayer and Sermon.
Christian Science:
11:00 Morning Service Building
&: L,oan uuiiumg.
S: 00 Evening Sorvicos Build
ing & Loan Building.
Storm windows on your homo will
mako a big saving In your coal bill.
and proporly carod'for will last many
winters, wo rurnish n man to meaa
uro and hang them. Place your ordor
now and have storm windows on your
nomo ueroro cold weather sets in. Wal-
tomnth Lumber & Coal Co. Phono 20
When In North Platte stop at the
Now Hotel Palace and Cafo. You will
be treated well. B8tf
A Fair Week.
A man lately kept 'a meterologlcal
diary of his wlfo's temper. It rifn
Bonicwhnt as follows:
"Monday Rather cloudy; In the af
ternoon, rainy.
"Tuesday Vaporish j brightened
up a llttlo towards evening.
"Wednesday Changeable, gloomy,
Inclined to rain.
"Thursday High wind, and some
peals of thunder.
"Friday Fair In the morning; varl
nblo till the afternoon; cloudy nt
"Saturday A gentle breeze, hazy;
afternoon, a thick fog, nnd a few flash
es of lightning.
"Sunday Tempestuous nnd rainy;
S. J. Koch returned to his home in
Hershey this morning after attending
tno county Commissioners' Conven
tion in Omaha.
Last evening Lester Anthony and
Miss Viola Anderson were married
at tho parsonago by Rev. Stevens of
the Christian Church. These young
people livo at Tryon.
Ladies' Suits half price at Wilcox
Department Store.
Mr. Wise, agent of tho Reclamation
Sorvico at Washington, will bo in
North Platte next Tuesday and will
meet with tho Chamber of Commerce
directors in regard to irrigation mat
ters in tho Platte Valley.
Heavy Outing Flannels 25c per yard
at Wilcox Department Storo.
Tho Ladies of tho Methodist Aid
Society will give a bazaar and supper
In tho parlors of the church on
Thursday, December 1th. The salo of
aprons, rugs and fancy work will be-,
gin at 4 p. m. A cafeteria supper will
bo served beginning at 5 o'clock.
Tho Catholic Girls' Club met Tues
day evening at tho homo of Mrs.
Thomas Haggerty. Those assisting
her wero Misses Ethel and Minerva
McWilliams and Edna Sullivan. There'
wero six tables'. The entertaining
feature of tho evening was five hun
dred. At tho close of tho evening
tho hostesses served dainty refresh
ments. O. H. Eyorley returned this morning
from Omaha where ho attended the
County Commissioners' Convention
and will roturn to his home in Her
shey this evening.
Don't Overlodk the Little Folks. -Christmas
is tho one time of all the
yearhest loved by the children in the
home. All tho pleasure of anticipa
tion is theirs, and though at no other
times in tholr lives, perhaps, while
they are still children money may buy
genuine happiness for them. In the
choosing of our stocks from year to
year we always keep tho llttlo folks
in mind, You will find hero many
inexpensive gifts that will add to your
own happiness this Yuletldo by minis
tering to theirs. Clinton, The Jeweler.
UW , I it 1... T
In and lot im show von Clinton. The; i'"-"b wuuiw. iau-
A Sunday Well Spent
The Tasks of the Coming Week
You are Always Welcome at
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hours of Worship, II A. M. and 8 P. M.
Sunday School 9;45 A. M.
Luther League 7 '.00 P. M.
jeweler. ' uon -Mowers.