The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1920, Image 9

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if1 P5Wf.V ffl (TT
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This is the Christmas Store of the Town.
Here is Where You'll Find the Most Complete Showing of Useful and Sensible Gifts tor Men Folks.
pHE Christmas spirit is everywhere in these clays. This is the time when you
are thinking about Chrisimas presents and wondering what you'll give this
time. For Men we suggest gifts of the useful kind the kind they will not cast
aside and soon forget. Come to our store let us show you the very things men
buy for themselves.
That's the Thing a Real Man Appreciates. "
Edwards-Reynolds Co.
' i.
Board ol County Cominisloners Nov. 29th pursuant to adjourn
ment and allowed tut following bills:
Alex Chambers, bridge work, $32.
John Kctchum, bridgo work. ?48.
Henry Lowry, D. P., $25.
John Anthony, D. P., $25.
W. D. Waldo, D. P., $25.
Win. Homer, road 44, $44.85.
Hans Jergensen and others, $48.
Hanks & Oldfather, Com. 2, $109.89
Maxwell Rebecca Lodge rent for
e'ection, $10.
Sundry persons, Com. 1, $40.
Wesley Cockcl, dragging, $29.
R. C. Selby, R. D. 57, $14.
Geo. Brisban, R. D. 42, $7.50.
Hyde Dark, R. D. 42, $20.
D. Ii. Baker, R. D. 42, $20.
Jim Pristo, R. D. 42, $30.
Ernest Ballard, R. I). 42, $35.
John O'Hare, R. D. 42, $12.
John Ballard, R. I). 42, $5.
Leslie Griffith, R. D. 42, $52
rll.iiv finsL-ol Tt TV 49. iSJtC
Will ITtivnn TJ Ft AOtffn. I
P. K. HoffniaiiSri). 42, $10.
Geo. Griff UkTR. D. 42, $152.
Geo. Xwfklns, R. D. 42, $180.15.
DjKA'ntonlcles, Mdse, $147.
-ftTchnrd Winkenwordcn, R. 1). S,
John Ginnap, assessiug, $90.
Aileeu G. Cochran, supplies, $l7ii.
Adelaldo Shilling, salary, $75.
Alleon G. Cochran, salary, $185.00
Field-BIrgo Co., coal, $803.08.
Paul Myers, sundry person, $G1.
O. R. Stevens, for caro of Mrs.
Blakely, $21.
E. 11, Springer, services and mileage
Lo Beckius, river work, $90.
W. P. Elliott, river work, $30.
Wilson Bros., work on tractor, $23.
A. S Allen, office expense, -43.93.
O. N. Sholty, services. $151.
O. N. Sholty, bonus, $135.
Paul G. Myers, office rent, $25.
Aileen G. Cochran, expenses, $27.03
Bud Boozo, road 'dist 31, $28.
Jesso Long, road dist. 31, $21
Essie Wessberg, services, $110.
A. J. Salisbury salary $150.
Roy Wilson, salary, $155
Win. Hoyse, salary, $150.
A. S. Allen, salary, $10G.GG.
Orvillo Miller, road dist. 33, $135.
Wilson Tout, printing, $389.G0.
Albert Burton, road dist. 52, $.
Rush Mercantile Co, $49.15.
R. At Cox, dragging, $42.
John Schram, road dist. 11, $1G.
Harry Blackstone, dragging, $35.40
Schrecougost, road dist 14
Schrecougost, road dist. 14,
Schrecougost, road dist. 14,
Koch, services and mileage,
G. A.
1 Iarry
S. J.
Wm. T. Laurel, stato wtfrk and oil,
N. Edwards.lrtlo supplies, $10.45.
Wilson JtroH., stato blacksmith work
-"Tease & Son, state blacksmith work,
John Rohrer, bridge work, $5Gi25.
R. W. Schleicher, patrolman, $120.
Harold Pulliam, patrolman, $120.
('has. Leypoldt, patrolman, $120.
Leigh Eyerly, patrolman, $120.
Dave Stnples, patrolman, $45.
Harvey Tolllion, patrolman, $7.50.
W. 11 .Davis, state work, $119,55.
Wilson Bros., repairs, $15.75.
J. S. Davis, Auto Co, supplies,
"Wiliiam Cross, state work, $297.50.
John Discoo, bridgo work, $10
Banks & Oldfathor, oil, $18.59.
Lloyd Housor, bridgo work, $7.50.
Mort Knln, bridgo work, $15.
Davo Norris, bridgowork, $20.25.
Ora "Wolllvor, bridgo work, $5G.25.
P. W. Hormlng'iausen, services and
mllcago, $138.70.
K.-B. Printing Co., supplies, $05 95.
N. P. Gen. Hospital, $8720.
Omaha Printing Co., $3105.38.
Sundry persons road dist. 50, $72.80.
W. E. Patterson, repairs, $11G,25.
("has. Burton, l'oad dist. 52, $38.50.
Charlton Wills, road dist. 52, $18.20
Carl Larson, road dist. 52. $7.
Arthur Power, road dist, 52, $G.30
.1. S. Davis Auto Co., supplies, $2,
Hershey Auto Co., Com. 3, $7 85.
Alf. Slact, dragging, $31.50.
Tidball Lumber Co., $35.20.
Mrs. Emma Pulver, care of
A. P. Heeler, mdse., $1G.95.
Briggs, Whito & Co., dist. 25, $40.05.
N'ebr.-Iowa Steel Tank Co., $1155.41
J. R. Ritner, bridgo work, $695.
The County Commissioners spent
last Tuesday In checking up the Co.
Judge's office. A balance of $1010.19
was found which was turned over to
the Co .Treasurer.
At tho meeting of the County Com
missioncrs Tuesday names woro
selected for jury duty at the Janu.i'y '
term of district court.
mthi: inei ok para nisi:."
Richard Malton Tully's never wan
ing success, "Tho Bird of Paradise,"
with Plorenco Rockwell in the title
iole, comes to Keith Saturday, Doc. 18
Touring from coast to coast, season
after season, this romance of the Ila-j
wailan Islands seems to have lost nono
of its lustre slnco It was ilrst produced
in Los Angeles nine years ago. "Tho
Bird of Paradise'' is a virilo drama with
an absorbing love story. It Is said the
awe-inspiring volcano scene is as ter
rifying as ever. Tho production this
season has been entirely robuilt while
tho casting has been personally super
vised by Mr. Tally. Others in tho cast
includo Robert Bristcr, Brandon Ev
ans, Gertrude Walthers, Rose Watson,
Leo Curley, James Applcbeo and the
nativo Hawaiian players.
If you haven't spoken for "Susan,"
step into Dixon's Music Shop and do
Attention Yeomen, regular business
mooting and social Thursday, De
comber 9th, at K. C. Hall.
Mr. and Mru James McMurty, of
Sutherland, left Mondny for their
liofo after transacting businesB In tills
t T" si i - y" ur. it x i I j-i Jf 1
ecu n. uermie s greatest pruuucuuu
information i
TllO.'il lllll".-.. . Ii ,
.mve csiuMi-Ik'O a reputation fur lur
lilllty and wiinnlli a-- well n-. rich np
pearance, have been introdip ed ilil.s
fall In many attractive coat. Be
aides those that Imitate certain furs
bo closely that they deceive tin- eyes,
there arc others that mala- no at
tempt to imitate anything. Inn stand
on their own merits as materials of
great beauty, especially adapted to
conts for the coldest weather.
Ill the picture u handsome mid
practical coat In shown made of darl;
brown plush with u high linn over col
lnrof fur. Skunk, mnrlln. fox and otli
ir pelts provide collars fin Uicm; coats
as for coats of short-haired fur, mid
i tie balls thai tlnlxh the ends of the
Inns girdle are of fur. Three hand--ome
buttons secure the closing of (he
ont and nro pinned to the left of the
; -out. ;
More than 10,000 farmers have
Jollied tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Fod
oratlon in the Inst month. Nino coun
ties havo conducted membership cam
paigns and sovoral moro nro now in
tho midst of adding new members.
Ninety per cent of tho fnrmors in tho
counties so far ennvnssod havo joined.
Tumbling prices and tho money strin
gency aro holplng to draw farmers
together for tho protection of their In
terests. Tho Farm Bureau is an or
derly attempt to solve tho economic
problems of agriculture. It Is non
pnlltical. constructive in its ideals and
objects, and appeals to Judginont and
not to prejudice, it stands for sound
and sane co-oporation Tho campaign
now in progress is expected to In
crease tho Nebraska membership by at
least 50.000 farmers. Moro than a
million farmers in the United States
bolong to farm bureaus.
"Till: 1U1U) OF PAItADISK."
Tho perennial favorite, "Tho Bird of
Paradise," which is In its tenth soa
san, and still attracting record audl
encos, will play Its annunl engagement
at tho Koitli Saturday, Deo 18th.
Llko Tennyson's brook, tho "Bird"
apparently goes on forever. Richard
Walton Tully's plcturesquo tragedy of
Hawaii, lias boon ono of tho theatrical
sensations of tho decade.
Plorenco Rockwell will bo seen In
tho nppeallng role of Luana, tho Ha
waiian girl, whoso Iovo for an Ameri
can leads only to sncrlllco and death.
Miss Rockwoll's support is ono of
conspicuous ability, tho cast com
prising Robert Brister, Brnndon Ev
niiB, Gertrude Walthers, Roso Wnt
son and tho nativo Hawallnns, whoso
walling chants are a feature of tho
:r .
R. .L. Cochran, A. S. Allen, E. H.
Sprlngor, P. W. Hermingliauseu and
J. S. Koch left yesterday for Omaha
to attend tho County Clerks' convention.
A picture that seizes the creatures of misfit "civilization'', strips them of
their false fronts and handicaps, flings them down in a land where nature rules
and says: ''Try again, love again.''
Come and see what happens. One of the greatest if not the greatest
picture of the season. Comedy Business Without Pleasure. First show 7:00.
Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow.
ADULTS 35c. Children 15c.
ud& Grimes loft Monday morning
f Loxlngton where he will hold
t. during tho week.
' Hi Joi "8 left Monday for her
h ' In Sprliioivlew, Nob.. aftr visit
in TIsb Lillian Story.
. G. II. Den arrived horo Proday
evi ' ig from Om- 'a whoro sho stop-
od row days while roturnlng from
Ro stor, Minn.
V 'carot Chappoll. f Hershey, died
In r 'ocal hospital Friday night fol
lowl" an operation for appendicitis.
Sho ns tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Edga- Chappoll and was ten years,
Ave r -ntjis and soven days ild. Tho
romat i were taken to Mnx'vell for
What You Pay for on a Long Distance Call
The wires over which you talk aro only a small
part of tho equipment provided for a long- distance
telephono call.
There must bo switchboards and testing
mechaniam, repeaters and loading coils to magnify
the voice currents, and othor costly equipment
generally unseen by tho telephono usor.
The amount you are charged when you mako a
long distanco call is used to help pay tho taxes on
our property, aid in maintaining tho lines, help pay
interest on the investment in equipment used for
long distance messages, and assist in paying tho .
employees' wages.