The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1920, Image 12

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NORTH PLaTTE semi-weekly tribune
j EstnbllsljcdTn 1885.
WlLSON TOUT, Kdllor and Publisher.
One l'enr, In advnnco $2.00
Entered at the North Platte, Nobraaka
Postofflco as Bocond Class Matter.
W'UKSDAY, IlKCKMJIKIt, 7th, 1020
Tho excitement over tlio Coursing
Meat diod out Just ti rapidly as It
ofiino up. Tlio protostH of the dif
ferent cltlzons and soolctlos slartod
tho manngomout to work corroding
tb abusoH for which It was not re
sponsible but It was too lato to gut
ptaoplo back of It and tho Moot paBHod
Inio history without much atlontlon.
IVo cannot keep from moralizing n
Muio on tho losHon wo received from
Coursing Meet. Tho American sense
ot' Justice nnd fair play was shock
ed Into action by tho daughter of
rabbits which had no cliance. How
muoh chanco does tho avorago boy
In North Platte have to reach matur
ity with, a clean body und soul? What
will It lako to shock us cltlzoiiH Into
action that will give tho boys and
girls a fair chanco? Arc rabbits worth
as much as boys.? Aro wo to trust tho
moral training of our children to In
flompotonts and allow tho hounds of
greed to sap their moral vitality?
Will tho parents and the homo ovor
apiln take their rightful place and
givo this needed moral training?
All ovor tho country, night schools
aro being hold with admission open to
both chlldron and grown up people
Classes aro hold for foreigners who
wish to loam tho English language
and training in Americanism is given.
Groups of forolgnbrs who wish to bo
'iinturaU""1 given Instruction In
Citizenship. Klomontnry education is
given to thoso who did not got much
schooling during their, youth. Arts
and trados aro taught thoso 'who wish
to mnko Uiomsolvcs proflclont by fur
ther study. Wo havo in North Pintte
a numbor of each of those classes and
1,1 would bo worth our whllo to work
out a plan by which tho school build
ings -wo have cduld bo put to this uso
whon tho day school Is not in sosBion.
Wo cannot oxpoct tho Hoard of Edu
cation to flnnnco such a school but
Homo way might bo found to get tiio
monoy necessary If wo would try to
work It out.
A Column of "Nonsense.
Tho othor day whon wo wore going
ovor to Porter's to buy soma now elec
tric fixtures for our wlfo we mot a
innn who asked us why mon shave. Ho
said It was a troinondmiB expense,
a lot of work nnd not natural Wo
agreed with him and told him we woul
let him know ns booh as wo found
out. So wo went wont over to ask
Kd Davis about It. Ho said ho didn't
know and asked his Indiana friend,
who happonod to bo In the Htoro visit
ing with Ed., This frlond said ho
know a man back in- Indiana who
didn't Wont to shavo, but IiIb wlfo
mado him. Sho suld ho couldn't man
ugo to oat egg or drink coffco with a
beard and he said ho bollovod he
could. Ho Boomed to sort of pine for
a board and so his kind wlfo finally
gave in and ho scorned happy again
Ho got along protty well for a Bpell
but one day he was lighting a cigar
and tlio beard caught flro. After that
his wlfo made him cut It off and ho
did. Ed looked horrified nt tills story
and said ho was glad ho didn't havo a
board and wo said wo would think a
beard would bo in tho way when one
was courting nnd Ed said lie didn't
sco how, and Just as wo woro going
to explain Indiana started to tell of a
man ho once know who grow a board
to cover a flat chin and wo said that
might bo good thing and Ed said thoro
were othor kinds of chins that ought
to bo covered and Just as wo woro go
ing to ask him what ho meant by
that, Indiana said ho onco know a man
who spent more tlmo combing nnd
brushing his board than he would
havo spoilt shaving and wo said wo
didn't know they combed nnd brushed
beards, and Ed asked how' did wo ox
poct thoy would got tho food out of
tho hair unless thoy cleaned It out
onco In a whllo nnd Just thon Indiana
snlckcrod nnd when wo asked him
whnt it was about ho said they comb
ed beards to got othor things than
food out of them and Ed asked what
and just as ho was going to toll wo
told of tho man wo know who had n
beard and his wlfo used to pull it when
sho would get mnd nt him and wo said
wo woro glad wo didn't havo a board
and Ed said ho was too. But Indiana
laughed-at us and said If we would
stand up to our wives thoy wouldn't
daro to pull our beards. Ed said that
would bo n good thing for tia to try
and wo said "Try It yourself," At that
Ed got mad and then wo got mnd and
Ed stnrtod aftor us ns If ho would pull
our whiskers If wo had any and we
got out of thoro pretty quick.
And now Wo know.
If It were not for tho vogue for em
broidery tho story of many ono-plecf
frocks would be ns simple as n nursorj
rhymelong, nlmost unbroken llnei
mnko thorn graceful, but this lack
of drapery Invites decoration ; which li
ono way of saying that tliero aro manj
lovely embroidered dresses amonf
recent offerings. But, however many
none will have more to commend II
than tho handsome model shown here
Notice It hns the long waist lino, flar
ing sleeve and broad silk sush whlcb
arc delightful contributions of the new
Big Reductions in Ml Departments
Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses dis
counted "rom 25 f.i 50 nor cent.
Skirts from 20 to 50 nor cent off.
Ladies' Kid Gloves in all sizes and
shades, $8.50 values, now.... $0.75
$0.50 values now ,$5.25
Visit our Millinery Department. We
have some snappy hats left. They
sire going at Half Price.
FURS Mink, Red Fox and Mole, all
the very best at 20 to 40 per cent off.
Defective vision produces irritation
and nervousness and in this condition
no person Is cnpnblo of giving to bus
less mnttors or to tho ordinary nffalrs
pf life, tho attention necessary to suc
cnas. Clinton & Son, Optlclnns.
The Gift to One
1 that all enjoy
The supremo gift the one which bring most joy to your
home is the gift that all can enjoy a Brunswick phono
graph. The Brunswick, alone, of all phonographs, opens to you
all tho world's greatest music because it plays all records,
no matter what the stylo or make, and interprets each with
equal perfection.
Outing Flannel, worth up to 55c a
yard at 25c 45c value at 20c.
30 inch Percale, 50c value at 2ic. 35c
value at IStv
Men's work shirts, $2 value at $1.45
, t . ... ,. . . ,
Men's heavy hose, 30c-value w- 18c
White and cblored oil cloth, 75c value
at 55c
$10.50 is 50 per cent wool at $5.25
$14.50 is 75 per cent wool, at $9.75
$5.25 value at $3.35
Ali wool $18.50 blanket at $11.50
Let us It you out in shoes. Discount
from 20 per cent to 35 per cent-
Overalls, extra heavy weight, $3.00
value at 1 $2.15
25c Corn at ' 15c
Light .Syrup, $1.20, now 95c
Dark Syrup at 90c
Tomatoes 2y lb. size at 18c
Special blend of coffee, 45c value 30c
55c value at 35c
Yellow laundry soap 22 bars for $1.00
White laundry soap 19 bars for $1.00
Special this week, sugar $11.45 per J 00
s pounds. f
Want Ads
I nmmmek W W lis
Wanted A maid. Call at Platlo
Valley Hospital.
For Sale Butck D 45 Touring In
excellent condition, rhono 855W.
For Kent Sleoplng room In modern
homo. Call 1091.
For Urn! .-Furnished rooms for
light housekeelng. Phono 101 a
For licnl 1" urnlshod sleeping
rooms, heated nnd bath. 105 West 4th
For Salib-Hrand now heating stovo
Inquiro 1917 W. 5th St.
For Rent-Furnished modern sleep
lug room, sultnblo for ono or two.
40S West 3rd St. Phono 12MV.
l'ir Nllll- A "Ulllrt Ttnll rtrnntu uun-
nrntor In good condition cheap. In-
quire ni aiu v, uignui St.
For Sale Small house, now, full
basement, modern except heat, " good
location, prlce'd right? Phono 1273J.
ror Sale Kindling. Also storm i
windows. Inquire Mrs. 13. J. Vander
hoof. Phono G1!3J.
For Sale White Leghcrn Cockerels
Thoso arc beautiful birds and brod
for egg production. Wo do not have a
place to hold them much longer. Tlio
wo dlslikd to slaughter birds of this
clnss they must be dispwiod of If you
want iliom got them now. It. II. Jan
debeur. Experimental Subtiition
lor Kale -The Experimental Sub
station offers for .sale two fair family I
milk tows, porslstentv though not;
heavy milkers and worth tho price if
given proper cun. Jrey freshened'
Sept 14, price $90. Molly freshened'
Dec o price $r,o, Win )0 sold only;
to nu.n ln Is to milk and nor io a'
dealer H Sit .:ah
The well known line of Modart Corsets are being sold
at our store, at the extremely low price of $4.50 to $8.50.
This Corset is guaranteed to please you as well as fit.
Come in and let us show them to you.
TlfooiRT Corsets
. Front Laced
A. L Johnson's Dept Store.
The Store That Saves You Money
For Sale- -Duroc Jorsoy, boars good
ones at farmers' prices. N. N. Pettit,
4 miles west of Bignell.
MnnU,(l--Woi,k- If you want that
carpenter work done- or aro thinking
bi! having tho cupboard or bookcase
built better call 879. L. N. Lewis.
For Sale Duroo Thorobred Ilpar 18
months old, none, better In tho county.
W. J. Clemens, owner, Vi mllo south of
Nichols School House.
For Snlc Slnglo comb Rhode' Is
land lied cockerels nt three and livo
dollars each. S. R. Pattison, Max
woll, Nebr.
For Sale Young six months old
mule. Will trndo for corn. W. M
Morris. 608J, end of west Fourth
For Sale 12S0 acres ranch in Mc
Pherson County. Will sonsider some
.trade. Will sell cheap If sold by Jan.
1st. L. O. McFarland, 1702 East 4th.
V Year's Subscription to a good
magazine is ajwnys a good Xmas
gift. Now Is tlio tlmo to subscribe
Phono 537 Mrs. Fred G. Hector.
For Sale Electric washer, china
cabinet, now rag carpot, single cot
with pad, flour can, writing desk,
'Uoroughbred White Leghorn Coekrols
Phono 78GF22
For Sale Thoroughbred White
Leghorn roosters ' Call at 504 South
Willow, or phono 272.
For Sule Duroc boars of outstand
ing quality and sizo. Tho kind that
will improve your herd. Call or seo
Gub Llndquist, Route One. Phone
lor Sale Rhode Island Red .Cock
erals, $2.50 and $3.00 each. Mrs. Fred
Nelson. Phono 783F22.
For Sale Barred Rock Cockerels,
Silver Spangled Hamburg Cockrels,
from two to three dolars. each. Also
registered Male Calves, aged Z mo, Y
yr,. 2Vi yr. old. Holsteins, After 30 &
35 lb. cows. JOHN S. NELSON, Rt. 1,
Horshoy, Nobr.
The unique Brunswick method of reproduction is nuulo
posslblo by tho Ullona -a scientific creation which en
ables you to play any record, and by the Brunswick Oval
Tone Amplifier whose all-wood throat crentos that gor
geously, resonajit swootnesa of tone which is tho Bruns
wick's greatest feature.
Pages of typo will not convince you half so quickly as a
hdaring, so como in and lot us prove to you tho superiority
of Brunswick. Como early to escapo tho crush of Christ
inas shopping. Select from our full, comploto stock. Take
plenty o"f tlmo for a thorough demonstration.
, Have you heard Brunswick Records?
ttTAKE her a gift of TIME two hours
a day saved from kitchen work two
hours dally to read, visit, enjoy life.
The Sechrist Pressure Cooker saves two
hours cooking time a day in the average
home, cooking in thirty-five or forty min
utes roasts or fowls ordinarily requiring
Pressure &
Play a all RcordrAI!lha Ptonographt In Ono
Walker Music Company
Cooks food more thoroly because pressure forces 259 degreca
of heat thru evrry cell and fibre. Because steam tight, it
retains all juices and flavors. Also prevents food cooking
'away. Pays for Itself in six months by food and fuel sav
ing. Pressure cooking ana canning is urged oy gov
ernment bulletins.
Is made of heavy, rolled plate aluminum, smooth
bright, easy to clean. Equipped complete with inset
pans. A beautiful, sensible gift. Ask tor free book
let with recipes.
"'-"B' IF,
Commenced writing accident insurance
in 18G4.
Has paid claims of over $245,000,000.
Has paid for prevention of accidents over
Employees Inspection Division G50 of
whom 357 are field inspectors.
Its motto in Liability Department is:
"An injury prevented is a benefaction.
An injury compensated an apology."
Had insured on January 1, 1920, under
group life policies 305,000 lives, for $302,-
000,000 of insurance.
Has nearly double the liability and com
pensation business of any other company
in the world.
Has over .1 0,000 employers of laloi in
sured by cc:. msation policies.
Has nearly tijuble tho personal accident
insurance business of any other company in
the world.
Has total life insurance in force of over
Agents and Brokers ovor 40,000 of
whom 0,000 are contract agents.' In addi
tion, it has 4,000 ticket agonts.
Has 7,400 salaried employees, of whom
3,900 are at Home Office.
Has 71 main field adjusting offices, with
numerous sub-divisions.
Total income The Travelers Companies
1919, $79,000,000.
Local Itopresontative.