NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRIBUNE rTivTtllinnMtmininiinvmnuu;innniniuninmMii axxxxxxxxxi W bster -Man's M sin By PETER B. KYNE Author of "Cappy Ricks," "The Valley of tho Giant," Etc , Copyright br Tetar II. ICyn. MrTTTTTTYTTT? TitnilfTTTtlHHfTinill lirmTTTTTTT IXICT, IIIHTTTIXXXIiXIItlXIIIim 10 CHAPTER XII. Arrived nt Snn Miguel de Pndua about midnight, Webster found the climate tempornte, In fact, decidedly cool. Hilly was waiting for tbein and wns properly amazed, but not senn dallzcd when Don Juan Cafctcro, abusing the station hnnds In a horrl bio hodgepodge of English nnd Span ish, superintended tho landing of the baggage on the pint form. "I had to bring him with me." Web ster explained. "I'm going to wean hlra, and after that hnby quits cry ing for his bottle, believe me. Bill, we'll have the prince of n foreman for our mine. Quito n charncter, Is Don Juan, when you dig down Into him." "Dig far enough Into that ruin and you'll Hnd fire crackers," Hilly admit ted. "However, John, I'm afrnld he won't explode. The powder's damp. How did yon leave Dolores?" "Fit as a fiddle, BUI." "How does she stack up on better acquaintance, Johnny?" "She's a skookum lass. She sent her lovo nnd I promised to send you back to her l D. Q. So don't bother run with talk nbout her. You'll see her uguln In a week or ten days, I hone." "No? Is thut so, Johnny? Bully for you, you old wuinpus cat. Tell Don Junn to steer you over to the Olobo de Oro. He knows the plnce. I've got to go and hire n mule or some other quadruped for Don Junn If we're to nvold a Into start In the morning. Good night, old fellow." They were up at daybreak, and with throo heavily laden pnek mules In change of two seml-nnked mozos, while tho cook Jogged comfortably along on his big splay feet In tho rear, they set out for Hllly's concession. For CO miles they followed tho high wnv, nnd then debouched to the south west tilong a neglected rond Just wide enough to accommodate tho clumsy ox enrts of the. peons. The country was sparsely settled and evidently giv en over to stock rnlBlng. Darkness hnd descended on tho vnl- ley by the time they hnd pitched enmp nt the clnlm. They were up at dawn tho following morning, however, und Immediately after breakfast Jack Webster went to his dufflo bag nnd brought forth a dozen little ennvus sacks nnd a prospectors hnmmer. "Now then, William, my son," he an nounced, "light the lantern and we'll see If you've forgotten all I tnught you nbout mining." They clambered up the dump to a point where two light steel mils pro jected over tho edge. On top of tho dump, lying besldo tho mils, were two munll, rusty, steel oro cars; tho rails led from the edge of the dump to the mouth of u tunnel In tho hillside and disappeared therein. WobMcr Btood a moment, looking around him. "How did you hnppen to locute this ledge?" he demanded. "Was It grass root stuff, with an out cropping here at the foot of the hill? No. of course. It wasn't. You haven't nnl dlsmnv of dozens or inrgo nnis. When they reached the vein, Webster broke off samples of the ore every three or four feet, crawled after Hilly up through the stope and bnck to tho true vein, from the fnCe of which ho also took numerous snmplcs; then ho crawled out Into the sunshine again, hot, dJrty, nnd perspiring. "Hilly, you'll be a renl miner yet; tee If you won't," wns all tho praise "Billy, You'll Be Rel Miner Yet." ho tendered his youthful pnrtner standing beside him In untlclputlotr ol a compliment, ns Webster got out till portable assay outfit. For three days Webster worked. determining the values of each sam ple, only to And that his assays con firmed Hllly's. "You were right, son," ho finally announced. "This mine Is a humdinger nnd no mistake; If you nnd I live ten years we'll bo worth $10,000,000 between usmaybe more." Hllly's Jaundiced eyes glowed hun grily. "We'll put In a hundred stamps " "Well, we'll try ten for a starter," Webster Interrupted dryly, "and add more as tho mine pays Its way. It's the sweetest mining proposition on earth only, like all high-class goods, It bus one (law when you examine It closely." "You're crazy," Hilly challenged. "Nnmo tho llnwl" "Snrrosl" Webster replied smiling ly. "That scoundrel makes n gamble out of an otherwlso sure thing. How ever," ho added, recalling the note re ceived from ltlcardo Ruey Just before his departure from Huennventurn and reflecting that to be forewarned is to to forearmed, "we'll accept the gam ble. That rascal can't I've forever. enough ore on tho dump. What the , no mny 00 eliminated before lio devil were you driving ut?" "Only a small portion of that dump ts mine. Jack, nnd I didn't locate the ground originally. 1 came Into this valley from tho south, and as I worked up tho range, I found a bald spot close to the top of tho hill, and a gal lows frame over nn abandoned shaft Naturally, I went down tho shaft to boo why It had been abandoned. To my surprise, I found u 12-foot vein of free-milling ore. on a contact be tween undeslte nnd Silurian limestone, The ledge stood strnlght up nnd down, which seemed to nrguo grent depth." "Somebody hnd found an outcrop ping on top of thnt hill," Webster de clared with conviction, "nnd sunk a shaft on tho vein to open It up and de termine Its width nnd direction.' And whnt did you do, Hill?" "I got my trnnslt and ran n line from the shaft on the hill, following the direction In which tho ledge wns running, und mnrked out lho exnet point townrd tho baso of tho hill where I would Btnrt my tunnel to cut tho ledge. To my surprise, I discovered my predecessor hnd selected that ldentlcnl spot. So I verified my cal culations and than sat down to think It over. I remembered thnt frequent and violent earthquakes occur In this country, nnd It seemed to mo n rea sonable hypothesis to blamo somo an cient and particularly violent seismic disturbance, which had faulted the vein and set It over a considerable distance. According to my calcula tion that other man should have cut the vein at 83 feet yet ho had gone on 102 before quitting. So I got half a dozen peons and drovo iinenu iu i feet on the other fellow's tunnel ; and toy neck, Johnny. I cut tho vein I" "Bully boy! And then?" "I drlftqd ten feet on the vein, and the oro suddenly gavo out. It Btopped Just Uko that, proving I'd come to the' upper end of the vein whero It had faulted ; so I Just worked up and round, stopelng and sinking a wlnzo fcere and there, until Just about tho tlmo my cash, reservo was getting pret ty low picked up the true vein and pened It up for the full width. Come fei. and I'll show you." Tliev entered the tunnel, to the slir- cuuses us any trouble." "What will It cost us to get this mine on u paying basis, Johnny?" "Well, hack home, I'd figure on spending ut lenst $100,000; but I dare say, taking Into consideration the low cost of Inbor In Sobranto nnd the raw, natural resources of power and tim ber right on tho ground, wo ought to put this deal over for $50,000 at tho outside. Praise be, I have cash enough to do tho trick without calling In any help, und such being the case, we'll not wnsto any time hut hop to the Job In a hurry and make the fur fly." "Hlght, Jack. What's tho program?" "Well, first off, son. I'm not going to Btny In this country nnd loso my self munoglng this mine. That's your Job, because you're young and unim portant In your profession nnd hnvo tho ability to get nwuy with tho Job. You can afford to spend tho next 15 years here, but I cannot. I can only afford to como down hero every cou ple of yenra and relievo you for a va cation. "That's tho way I figured It, Jack." "All right then, Hill, let us stnrt In by giving you your first vacation. If you're, going to dig In hero and mako tho fur tly, you've got to be In tip-top physical condition and you are thin and gaunted nnd full of chills and fe ver. Just before I left Huenaventuru I cashed a draft for $5,000 on my let ter of credit at the Hnnco Nnclonnl, nnd placed It to the credit of your uccount there. "Tomorrow morning you will tRko your horse, one pack mule, and one mozo and ride for San Miguel de Pad uu, where you will take tho train for nuennventurn. In Buenaventura you may do what you blame please, but If I were you, boy, I'd try to get mar rled nnd go bnck to the U, S. A. for my honeymoon. And when I finally hit a town that contnlned some reg ular doctors I'd let them pnw mo over and rebnbbltt me and overhnul ray bearings and put me In such nlco run ning order I'd bo firing on all 12 cyl inder at once. "And when I wns feeling tip-top once mora I'd wire old John Stuart Webster and tell him. so, nftcr which I'd stand by for a cable from the said sourdough Inviting me to return nnd take up my labors." Hllly's wnn yellow fnco lighted up like n sunrise on tho desert. "I guess that plun's kind of poor," he an nounced feelingly. "You're right, Juck. I'm In rotten condition nnd I ought to be right before I start. , Still, If I should nrrungo to get murrled bo fore I leave, I'd like mighty well to have n good "man and truo see me safely over the hurdles." I'hnt's nice, son, but I haven't time to be your best man. Arranging the honeymoon lets me out. Bill. I'm In a hurry to finish hero nnd get back, so the sooner we both stnrt our pros pective Jobs the sooner we'll finish. Huve u quiet little mnrrlngc. Hill, without any fuss or fenthera or voices breathing o'er Eden. What nre the odds, provided you get hitched prop erly? Besides, I'm In mortal drend of thnt town of Buenaventura. The sew er system Is bad ; It's rotten with fe ver; and you'd better get thnt girl out of It P. D. Q nnd the quicker the better. Myself, I prefer to stay up here In these mountains In a tetn- nnrnte clltnntn whore there are no mosquitoes." ' Hilly saw thnt Webster wns serious nnd would resent ntry Interference In his plnns. "All right. Jack," he as sented. "You're the boss." "Fine. Now, Bill, you listen to fa ther and be guided accordingly. When you get to Buenaventura, wlro the ninclinm EnuliioerliiE company of Denver, using my name, and tell them to add to my order given them Inst month nnd held for shipping direc tions, 12 dozen picks, 12 dozen shov els, 12 "dozen mattocks, say six dozen nxes, brush knives, n big rond plow, and whntever other things you hnppen to think of nnd which would cqme In handy when building our road. Also, when you get to New Ovlenns buy a stanch three-ton motor truck. We'll need It for getting In supplies from Snn Miguel de Padua. Pny for the truck also, and If you go broke nnd ennnot reach me by cnble, wire Ned dy Jerome nt the Engineers' club In Denver and kick 'his eyo out In mj honored nnme. 411 ni.nun Mint'a nhnilt nil Of Willi lob. Bill. As for me. I'll camp rlghl here. I'll have a deal of surveying to do and I plan to owent tho booze out of thnt Cnffcrty person. I'll moke Don Juan my clinln man nnd run ilio tnll off him. Then I'll b busy with preliminary plans, arrang lug for Inbor nna so on. nnd wher Tni Idle I'll go hunting." in conformity with this plan, there fore, Hilly said good-by to his friend nnd packed out for San Miguel de Padua bright nnd enrly next morn Ing. During the following ten days Webster mannged to keep himself fairly busy nround the enmp nt the mine; then for a week he hunted ana fished, and Hnnlly, when that began to pall on him, his agile mind re turned to business and the constdera tlon of the possibility of a flaw In Billy's title to tho claim; whereupon he suddenly decided to return to Hue nnventura and Investigate thut title fully before proceeding to throw dot lars right nnd left. At the bend of his little cavalcade, therefore, ho rode out one morning for tho rnllrond, wherent providence, In Its Inscrutable wisdom, ordnineu thnt en routo he should fnll In with no less n personage than Don Rlcnrdo Lulz Ituev. no Andrew Bowers. Ill eluded, you know, and Sarros hasn't any ftieuds or any telegraph lines or any garrisons up this way. I heard in Han Mlguol de Padua that you were camped yonder, und I was on my way over to confer with you on matters of state. Met your friend, Qenry, at EI Uuen A in I go a couple of weeks ago, Just beforo he sailed for the Unit ed Stutes. Ho was telling me you hnd to huve a lot of tools for rond building, so I cabled In n secret- ci pher to the Sobrnntenn revolutlonnry Junta In New Orleans to ship theso tools to you Immediately. They ar rived on the Inst trip of the Atlanta and now repose In Leber's wnrehouse waiting for you to call nnd remove 1 1, nr.. ' What have you - , I Mounted, Armed and Alone. cardo was mounted, armed, and alone, and at sight of Wobster he shouted with delight nud spurred townrd hi in. "Whnt the devil! You, Rick, the government cut-up. What are you do lug in theso parts?" Webiter rodo up and shook hands. "Oh, I'm Robin Hooding It around this part of the country. It is so them.' 'You scoundrel 1 sent me?" "A couplo of hundred rifles and three machlno guns, branded nxes, picks, shovels, plows, and so on. I also ran In three cases of ammunition, labeled grindstones, two more enses disguised ns bolts, nnd quite several thousand labeled nnlls In kegs. I should feel rather sorry for you If my friend, Snrros, should get suspicious nnd luvestlgntc, but I haven't nny fenr thnt he will. You see, he knows you ro here on legitimate business. He has Investigated and lenrned thnt you ure n bonn fide mining engineer of con siderable reputntlon nnd then, you know, your friend, Genry, dickered with him for the concession. The min ing property you are about to devel op belongs to the people, not to Snr ros; yet he has bartered It nwny and will divert the roynlty to his own pocket Inntend of tho public, trensury." "Hum-in ml Whnt do you want me to do with all those munitions con signed to me?" "Arrange with Leber to keep them there until you get ready to build your rond Into the mine. I want them there when my Amerlcnn mercenaries urrlve In Buenaventura. By the way, you are going to Import these mer cennrles for mo. They are American miners nnd rond builders In -the em ploy of the Hondo Mining & Develop ment company, which is to be the name of your enterprise. I hope you'll like the nnme, Webster. I picked It out myself." "You cool scoundrel 1 You're mak ing cat's pnw out of me." "Thnt Is because you hnppen to be so hnndy for my purpose, lou see my plnn, do you not? I'm going to attnek Buennventura from within nnd without. I'm going to como down on Snrros like, a wolf on the fold, nnd. the Job Is scheduled for next Sntur- dny night n week." "Look here, Rick, my boy, I have no desire to mix In the politics of this country." "You have some desire, however, to mix Iri Its wealth," Rlcardo reminded him. "Well?" "I'm the only man that can help you. By the way, do not order your machinery shipped until, after I nm sented firmly on the throne of my fa thers." "Why?" "It's been framed with Snrros to let you spend your money on that con cession nnd get tho mine In running ', order; then a fee suit, alleging as error In the government survey, will be filed. It will be claimed that the concession given your friend, Geary, Is, .by virtue of erroneous government surveys, the property of a citizen of Sobrunte. The courts here do ns Snr ros tells them. You nre to be kicked out, busted, and despnlrlng, nnd your nicely equipped little mine 'will be taken over ns n government monopoly nnd run for the benefit of tho govern ment, to-wlr, Sarros and his satellites. .We had to cook up a dirty deal like that to save your life. Of course, now that I have warned you in time, you are safe. We schemed a proposition, however, thut worked both wuys. It enabled us to save you and to save us. by permitting the shipment, free of suspicion, of arms for the rebels that are to attack the city from with In. Naturally I had to cache their arms within the city and that was a bard problem until you happened along. Thank you, fairy godfather." "My thnnks are due .you, Rlcardo. I'm for you. first, last, and all the time, and ngainst this Snrros outfit By tho way, how do you purpo?o mov- Inn your machine guns?" "We'll hnvo to carry them, I guess." "Well, I'll have a smnll nuto-truck delivered In Buenaventura by that time. You might nrrnngo to nrmor It with sheet steel; nnd with a cou ple of mnchlne guns mounted In It, nnd a crew of resolute Americans be hind the machine guns, you could cn- per from one end of the city to the other nnd clenr a pnth for your In fantry." "Thnnk you, my friend. Til bor row the motdr truck and nrrunge to nrmor It. Thnt's u bully Idea. Are you bound for nuennventurn now?" Webster nodded. "Then." Rlcnrdo suggested, "I'll meet you In my room nt El Huen Amlgo next Wednesday night at 11 and explnln the details of my plans to you If you care to hear them. I think they're nlr-tlght my self, hut somehow I think I'd feel more certain of them If you approve them." "I'll bo theVo, Rick, and the day you run that outlaw Sarros off the grass you'll know why I am for you." "Good-by. old man. You will nev er know how grateful you have mado me, Ruey shook hands with Webster rocker Dolores Ruey sat, rocking gent ly nnd busily stitching on a ploco of fancy work! Billy Geary gone back to the Unit ed States, and Dolores wno still In Huennventurn! Amazing! Why, whnt the devil did Hilly menn by letting her have her own way like that? Of course, they hadn't been married, or she would not now be out thero on the veranda, and, of course, they hndn't quarreled, because that Wns nn Impossibility, nnd, of course, Billy hnd departed alone for the U. S. A., else ho would have returned to their enmp In tho hills bnck of San Miguel de Padua. "Well, I know whnt I'm going to do," Webster decided. "I'm not going to be led Into temptation while Bil ly's not on the Job so I'll not put up at the Hotel Muteo after all. I'll Just sneak around to El nucn Ami- go nnd fix It with that old Mother Jenks not to tip oft my presence In town to Dolores Ruey until I enn get the lny of the land nnd see whnt the devil hns huppened to all my well laid plans." He retreated out tho front door and called a carriage, Into which he was about to step, bng nnd bnggnge, when Don Junn Cnfetero enme rushing up in grent excitement. "Sure, where nre ye goln' now, sor. Is there no room for yo In the Hotel Mateo?" ''Their beds have Jiggers In them, and I Just remembered thnt," Web ster fibbed. "Hop In, John, nnd we'.ll drive nround to Mr. Geary's lodgings in El Huen Amlgo." "Hut I come t'rough the patio Just now," Don Junn" explained, "nn' who should I meet but the young leddy." "You Infernnl scoundrel! Did you tell her I was In town?" "Sure I did, sor. An' why not?" "None of your Infernal huslncss. You've spoiled everything. You're a muddle-headed monkey and I've a grent notion to let you get drunk ngnln. Tnke the bnggngo back Into the hotel." Don Junn Cnfotero, greatly hum ble! and. rebuffed, stepped aside nnd wrtched Webster stride bnck Into the hotel. "God love ye, sor," he mum bled, "knowln' whnt I know, Is It like ly I'd let ye mnke a monkey out nv her or yerself? Ye made yer plnns wit' Mlsther Geary wlt'out consuftln' her. Now go, ye grrand big dlvll, an' find out why she kicked yer schnme to smithereens." And with a solemn and knowing wink at the duffle bng, Don Junn picked thnt article up und followed after his muster. CHAPTER XIII. John Stuart Webster's agile brain was the repository of many conflict ing emotions ns he bathed, shaved, and changed from his soiled khaki field clothes to a suit of ducks before presenting himself before Dolores. Had Billy's courage forsnken him nt the Inst minute, with the result thnt he hnd gone bnck to the United Stntes without hnvlng settled the question of Dolores' future? Hnd he proposed nnd been rejected, or hnd he proposed, been nccepted, nnd hau his plans for an Immediate marriage vetoed by Dolores? In either event, why had Billy failed to leave a note for him at the Hotel Mateo, or mailed him a letter to the Globo de Oro at San Miguel de Padua, advising him of the change in the plan of action outlined for htm by Webster? In the simplicity of his single-hearted devotion Webster was puzzled to understand bow any woman In her right mind could fall to fall In love with Billy Genry. A man he was, from heels to bnlr, and a man with pros pects far above the average. To Web ster's way of thinking, the girl who married Billy might well count her self fortunate. Dolores greeted him with unaffected pleasure. "Well, Caliph l" she said. Just that. It made Webster sensible of a feeling of having returned to her after an absence of several years, "I'm so glad to see you, Miss Ruey," he replied, and added boldly, "par ticularly since I didn't expect to." She knew whnt her reply would lead to; nevertheless, with that dlsslmula tlon which can only be practiced In perfection by a clever and beautiful womun, she nnswered with equal bold ness: "Indeed I Pray why?" "Well, for a pretty good reason, 1 think. A few weeks ngo, after exam ining Bill's concession very thorough ly, I told him he was a potential mil lionaire. Now, while I disclaim any appearance of braggadocio, when John Stuurt Wobster, E. M., makes any mine owner a report like that, he Is apt to bo taken very seriously. And hnvlng made Hill a potential million aire and arranged to give him three or four months' vacation back home, I had a notion he'd present to you a very valid reason why you should ac company him." "You are very frank, Caliph." 'That's because I'm curious. He had a certain dream, and told me about It, and I did my little best to mnke It come true." "I think I understand. Caliph. It would be very difficult, I think, for anybody to meet Billy without being attracted toward him. He's one of the dearest, most lovable boys In the world and he did do mo the signal honor of asklng-me to marry him. So there I" "Well, and why didn't your' She smiled at his blunt Insistence when a girl marries she must mnk some preparation for the event, and If sho has any close relatives, such a a brother, for Instance, sho like? to have that relative present nt tho cere mony. You will recall, Caliph, that I have a brother and thnt you hava promised to Introduce mo to him very shortly." "By Judns, I nover thought of that. Miss Ruey," the repentnnt Webster nnswered. "In fact, I wnsn't think ing of nnybody's Interest In this mnt ter but mil's." "Not even of mine, Cnllph?" ro pronchfully. "Thnt goes without saying. Could I hnve done anything nicer for you than fix It for Bill so ho would be In posi tion to marry you? Here you nre, prnctlcnlly "nlono In the world nt least you were when BUI met you and fell in love with you nnd I know thnt boy so well I wns convinced, aft er meeting you, Umt his future happi ness and yours would best be con served If you married him. I realize this Is a most unusual conversa tion " "Quite to be expected of an unusual mnn. Caliph. And I do not think you were one bit presumptuous. It was wonderfully dear of you, nnd I am profoundly grateful that Hilly and I have such n true, unselfish friend, whose first thought Is for our happi ness. Of. course, you realize how bnd I felt to think I couldn't nccedc to Billy's plan. Billy's such n denr, it quite broke my henrt to disappoint him, but a little temporary unhnppl-" ness will not ruin Billy, will It? It mnkes me feel blue to tnlk nbout It, Cnllph." "Not nt all, not at nil, Miss Ruey. Hill Is one of the Impulsive, whirl wind kind. 'up In the clouds today nnd down In the slough df Ipond tomorrow. He'll survive the shock, nowever. I'm glnd to know everything will come out all right. Seeing you hero gave me a momentary chill; thought n cog hnd slipped somewhere, so I helped myself to Cupid's license nnd nsked. A mnn ennnot lenrn very much from a woman unless he nsks questions, can he? I menn on the sub ject of love." She smiled a little, wistful, knowing smile. "No, Cnllph," she nnswered se riously, "somehow the Mnster of Things ordnlned that 'on the subject of love man must do all the talking." "Yes, but on the other hnnd, wom an hns the Inst word ns usual. How ever, the only thing In your case and Billy's that worries me is the thought that slnco Bill "left his mngnet behind he will ho drawn back here before ho Is In the kind of shape, physically, that I want him to be In before he relieves me on the Job so I can go away." "Do not worry on that point, Ca liph. I nm your nlly thero; between us both I think we can manage him." "Fine business 1 And with thoso few kind words we'll dismiss Wllllnm until you enre to talk about him again, although If you're as deep In love aa Bill you'll not stay off, the subject very long. Hope you haven't been Into mischief." "I haven't been Idle. I've mado ser- eral dresses for Mother Jenks and done n lot of fancy' work nnd begun the study of my mother tongue. If my brother should become president of this country. It would III become his sister not to be nble to spenk Spanish. By the wuy. Hilly told me you were going to remain up In thehllls quite a while yet. What brought you back to town so soon?" "Expected I'd hnve some freight ar riving shortly." "How long will' you remain In Bue naventura?" Considering the fact thnt he wns no longer subject to temptntlon, since the object of his temptntlon wns now definitely promised to his friend, Bil ly, Wobster suddenly decided to re mnln until tho political atmosphere . should be clenred, although prior to his conversation with Dolores he had cherished a definite plnn to go back to the hills within 48 hours. "I'm going back," he replied sober ly, "after I have kept my promlso nnd Introduced you to your brother In the government pnlnce. If I can not Introduce him to you there, the ti tle to our mining concession will ho clouded, In which event It will not he necessnry for Billy or myself to fuss with It further." He related to her tho Informntlon glenned from her brother two dnya previously. "It's no use for an Individual to fight a government despot In courts controlled by the latter," ho conclud ed. "Your brother must win nnd de pose the Snrros; then with the title to the property certified by the gov ernment ns without n flaw, I mny dnro to spend $T0,000 developing It." "And If my brother doesn't win?" "I mny never have nn opportunity to present you to him. We mustn't bo squeamish about this matter, Miss Ruey. If Rlcardo doesn't turn the trick, he may go tho wny of his fa ther, unless ho can manage to got out of the country." (To be continued) and rode oft through the timber, leav- j on forclntr Hie Issue. "For a number lng John Stuart Webster to pursue of excellent reasons, Cnllph. In the the even tenor of his wny, until at first pluce, he wanted mo to marry length he arrived once more In Bue- , him Immediately and I wasn't ready naventurn and sought accommodations to leave Sobranto, while ' Billy wns. at the Hotel Mateo. And there, ns he , indeed, It was highly necessary that entered the lobby and gazed through a : he should leave Immediately, for the glass door across the patio and Into ' sake of his health, and I had BUly'B Electric Fishes. Several varieties of fish ure really living electric batteries. The electric ray has tho power of generating elec tricity to such nn extent Hint In a healthy specimen the shock mny bo strong enough to temporarily disable a man. The electric stnr-gnzer, the electric cntflsh nnd tho electric eel nlso have this power to a remarkable ex tent, A better-known electric fish is tho skate, although In this case th electric current generated Is very might iniieca. l'isii possessing this power uso It for the purpose of self- the veranda, he saw that which dls- Interest at heart sufficiently to Insist protection nnd nlso to kill the victims turbed him greatly. In a big wicker upon it. You seem to forget tiiat on which they feed,