NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WI3EKLY TRIBUNE Land Live S tool: AUCTION SALE As I litnv decided to quit funning mill go Into other business, I will sell all of in y land and fcittlo, located 11 miles south of Mnxwcll, Jtcbr., 17 miles north of Curtis, Ncbr., ai miles souUicnst of North Platte, N'obr., better known us I lie Old Thomas l'etcrson Fnrm, on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1920 Tho Following Described Property 1040 Acres of Land as Follows: G40 acre farm, all of section 3-10-28, located 14 miles south of Maxwell, 17 miles north of Curtis. 34 miles southeast of North Platte. Good 5 room frame house with good cement cellar un der, size 12x14 feet; good frame barn 20xG0 feet; 2 hog houses, 1 granary 8x16 feet; garage 9xlG feet; hen house; good water supply; 1 good well and wind mill, 2 cisterns, and 2 large tanks; al so water in the house; 9 miles of 3-wire fence; place is all fenced and cross fenced; 4 acres are fenced hog tight; GO acres of good farm land: about GO acres of good hay land; balance is pas ture. There is about 50 acres that would raise good alfalfa. This place cuts about 75 tons of hay besides running about 1G0 head of cattle. More can be broke. There is also some timber on this farm. On telephone line; 1 mile from school, 1 mile from mail route. TERMS $2000 cash on date of sale; $4000 on date of possession March 1st, 1921; balance can be carried back from 3 to 5 years with G per cent interest payable annually. Clear ab stract and title will be furnished on date of pos session D. C. CANTRALLi, Owner. 240 acre farm, southeast quarter, and south half of northeast quarter of section 28-11-28. Located 12 miles south of Maxwell, 19 miles north of Curtis, and 32 miles southeast of North Platte. Good 4-room frame house; good frame stable, holds 8 head of horses, good shed, holds 40 head of cattle; corn crib 10x10 ft.; hen house 10x12; garage 10x10 ft; granary holds 500 bu.; 2 other small sheds; good cement cave; 1 good well; 2 cisterns and 2 tanks. Tins farm is all fenced and cross fenced with 3-wire. There is al so quite a lot of timber. About GO acres of farm land, balance is pasture. On telephone line, 2 miles to school; half mile from mail route. TERMS 15 per cent on date of sale, 35 per cent on date of possession March 1st, 1921. Bal ance can run for 5 years with interest at 6 pei cent payable annually. Clear abstract and title will b"e furnished on date of possession. CHAS. REUTZEL, Owner. 1G0 acre, farm, southwest quarter of section 98-11-28 Located 12 miles south of Maxwell. 19 miles north of Curtis, and 32 miles southeast of North Platte. 1 good well. This farm is all fenced and cross fenced. About 60 acres broke. Balance is pasture and hay land. Located on main road' and mail route; about one mile from school. TERMS 15 per cent cash on date of sale; 35 per cent cash on date of possession March 1st 19'1- balance can be carried back on land for 4 years with 6 per cent interest payable annually. Clear abstract and title will be furnished on date of possssion. JOHN REUTZEL, Owner. f nil irood hard THIS lUiU iioiua v.uo"" - a land, NO SAND. Transportation will bo paid to rucliascrs of this land. For further mforma- lion adrcss Box 412 cm,. v.T) TCIEIUG, North Platte,- Neb. 45 HEAD OF CATTLE These cattle are all good high grade White Faces some are eligible to register. They are 2g; doubt the best bunch of cattle that you w Have the s opportunity of buying this fall. W ml ooSS. 21 ad good stock co year old bull. S SHOATS, WEIGHT ABOUT 110 l'OUXDS EACH FAItSI IMPLEMENTS 2 cultivators, 1 three-section harrow, 1 hay rake 1 McCoSk mower, 1 hay sweep 1- wUk ins Vow. 1 three-horse power gasoline engine, 1 pump Jack, set of pump tools. . TERMS ON LIVE STOCK ' aii iiins of $20 and under cash; all sums est from aaio oi t 1ft O'clock snurp PMHH gSjjmdl.oolc tho land over lefoJ ' nig FHEE LUNCH jUlldoclw D, C. CANTRALL, Owner 01u ED KIE1H0, Auctioneer. LOCAL AND PERSONAL "Wylto Walker, piano tuner. Lcavo orders nt Walker Muslo Co, Mrs. Fred Tomplo, of Lexington, Is visiting hor sister, Mrs. L. C. Mc Grnw ot this city. Electric Lamps Tor tho table and desk- Clinton, tho Jowolor. C. O. Johnson, of Gothenburg, transacted buslnoss In this city the flrst of tho week. John McDorniott, who Is 111 In the i Gonoral Hospital, Is reported to bo getting along nicoly. Mrs. Morovlsh' who has boon In tho Gonoral Hospital for somo time Is able to leavo that Institution. Loavo your order for piano tuning at Walker Music Co. All work guar anteed Wyllo Walker, tuner. Lillian TItch6m, who has boon 111 for somo tlmo In ono of tho local hos pitals, is reported to bo getting along nicely. Tho house at 215 S. Maple, owned by Ross D. Shanor, was sold this week by tho II. & S. Agency to Geo. W Rechard Tho new Dodgo Brothers cars ride easily steer and handlo nicely andnro very quick to pick up and got away. You can got all these qualities be sides certain dependability J. V. Romlgh, dealer. V l.hTTl-K OF THANKS Tu Iho Tribune' Tho Lincoln County Advisory Hoard wishes to t.iU this occasion to thank tho resldonts of North Platte and Lin coin County for the gonoroiis to- . . i it. ..I.. . t spouse imu was matio 10 uiun ap peal for funds, and to thank the mon and women who havo given up their tlmo to the work of tho canvass. Wo caii all fwl proud that wo have nil helped in this worthy cause LINCOLN COUNTY ADVISORY UOAIin. Uy J. Q. WlliCOX, Chairman. Elwood Rogers- formerly of this city, and now omployod with the Bur roughs Adding Machino Co.t who has been relieving Mr. Weber, whllo ho was on his vacation, loft Saturday for Omaha. You will llnd all staplo Items oil which thero havo boon price changes In tho wholosale markets that wo havo been ablo to got present deliver ies on repriced on tho now basis at Wilcox Department Store. i Keith Theatre Salurday Nov-27 3 ffi IVCllll IHCaUC MATINEE AND NIGHT JIMMY IIODOKS nnWs ilu All New 1020 Edition oi' the Spark ling Musical Fane yfij Ifl . . . . n MA JM H B IG 'All Aboard for Cuba i A Tropical Revue with a Tropical Peach Chorus, Tho Combined Charin of its Joyous Melodies and Refreshing Gaiety makes it Simply Ineompariblc. -::o: XOTIOti. I will not pay any bills contracted by mywifo. Marguorlto Stearns, from this date on. ALBERT STEARNS. AT THE SUN THEATRE. TODAY Suds STAIUUNU Mary Pickford ALSO Harold Lloyd Comedy. SATURDAY' Her Five Foot Highness STARRING Edith Roberts ALSO GAS STARRING . Gale Henry ::or. NOTICE OF TAKING Ul' KSTRAY. Tnkcn up by tho undorsigncd on his premises on tho southern .limits of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln Co., Nebraska, on Nov. 1, 1020, ono chunky black horse, four years old. Dated this 18th day of Nov. 1920. Signed: P. B. PAYNE, r . Evening 75e, $1,31.50, $2, plus war tax rriPPS; Qn..,r,1,.v 9.30. Prices 75c and SI. Scat Sale at Box Office Now. ic AUTO KKIMIKS THAT HOLD Some ropalrsors aro unscrupulous enough to mako their work purposoly weak and Inefficient, so that. tho vic tim will como back for more. Not hero! Our business builds on th. principle of "the customer bo. pleos- v cd.'' Roy V. Buskirk Garage 215 East Filth St. MONDAY Masque of Life with All Star Caste ALSO Radium Mystery 1)0 YOU LIKE A BROILKI) PORTERHOUSE J You will If wo serve it to you. First of all, it is a flno juicy steak; then our chef knows how to cook It to ro tain all tho goodnoss. Of course, wo servo moro than steaks. In fact, our menu contains all tho dolicacies of tho season. And at popular prices, "too . HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UGAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot 8 I ft lit Jjt a kt I:: P.t J.t jt 5. Home Butchering Time Is Here. If you have not had good results in curing your Meat try our Specially Prepared Meat Curing Salt. Write us for Receipts for Sugar Curing, Plain Salt Pork Curing and Dry Cured Pork. We will gladly mail them to you upon request. Complete line of Salt and feeds. j;t j.t it i.t it it it .: j.t j.t :.t j: J.t :.: :.: j.t m J.t l J.t J.t it J.t J.t J.t J.t it j.t j.t J.t t it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t it it j.t Have You Tried No Other Like It it g Jt j.t j.t it li .t 1 it it j.t J.t it it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t 'J.t J.t J.t Jt J.t J.t it it u:t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j. j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t Gamble Springer FOUR STORES j.t 1 ?.t i ti 8 North Platte Feed Co. Phone 206. 702 No- Locust' it j.t Jt it J.t J.t j.t j.t it HOY RICE, Clerk. Mutual Bmldmg&Loan Association of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAFETY FIRST. Ai.J nnnnnlnt1nn rrnf thn benefits OI tnO folloXgrraXemTntr Nrna under WhlCirstS TTetsTociation is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or the stock of this associa- UOn'second Such investments aro non-negotiable and non-assSnable and can onlfbo discharged by payment "lm ? association. This is a verj pgrtontproj tectlon not available to any financial institution except BUildinlfrd& tTls subject to tlie supervision f WSJTfnSSSt of tlie investors in this as sociation nave been safeguarded is evidenced by the .fact that in the more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. BESSIE r. SALISBUJIY, Secretary. T. C PATTERSON, Vresldont Uoull J fmd uoiLve toon, CO war r J-fuou ton yjyj.uiYi.:ts (lOKcoT it 1 j.t j: