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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1920)
TTTO NOTCTTT PLATTR SEMT-WEPJKTjY THTmPTE. Armistice Day Observed in Chicago Armistice dny wu generally observed In nil American cltlon, with parades, patriotic meetings and other cere monies. The photograph shows part of the crowd nt State nnd Mudlson streets, Chlcngo, standing "with bared Lends while trumpeters of the marines sounded the requiem, ' . f Launching of Puffed Brick Ship at Oakland, Cal. Launching of tho puffed brick Rhlp I'crnltu ut Government Island, Onklnnd, Cal. She Is n7,500-ton boat; and was to hnvo.been launched n year ago, but wenk spota wero found where too- much water hud been mixed In the con crete, and it wns necessary to patch tho vessel. Judge Landis Dictator of Baseball IN LONDON FOR AUSTRIA Federal Judge K. M. Landls has accepted tho position of chairman of tho, board of control of organized bawbnll, but will remain on the bencjj. Ills pay for the new work will be $12,000 a year. Ho Is here shown signing tho agree ment with tho magnates. Pick Your Bonnet From a Tree ii!tV.U . W.Wi ' " 1,1 sg 1 n y 1 This Is Baron von Frankenstein, tho minister plenipotentiary of Austria to the court of St. James. The photo graph was taken as hewns going to Stonnr camp, England, where 500 children from Vienna arc being main tained by the children's famine fund. Tho high cost of millinery Is not going to bother tho girls In southern Cal ifornia next spring, because n hat tree which- literally grows hats Is In tho Lincoln pnrk conservatories In Lot Angeles. This line treo blossoms rarely, and tho milliner must bo on hand promptly to muke a selection, as tho mate rial Is not durob'le,' 'wilting overnight, Tho bonnet horo shown Is tho Arts lolochla GruiidltloruY It is colored lavender, cream and purple, and Is cool and light. 'W ' ' ' Famous Welsh Castle for Sale. The otd custle of Skcnfrlth, one of tho medievally famous chain of for tresses created to effect tho subjuga tion of Wales, wns placed on the mar ket early In the summer. Tho remnlna of the old stronghold are said to be "Interesting but simple." With It la connected a tradition of n great treas ure guarded by "a dovyll and bis tlame ; ono sets on n hogshead of gold, tho other upon n hogshead of Bllvor." A Welshman Imprisoned In tho Tower of London proposed, In answer to the -vovco of tho country" unit "wlHinnt any charge to the Queen or your lord- snips,;- io recover mis wealth from Hb custodians. Tho treasure remains as an added Inducement to a sale. It Is n pity tho valiant Welshman was not permitted to end then nnd' thero tho career of tho diabolic pair nnd oust tto "dovyll and his dnmo" for sub sequent housing projects. Crewless British Torpedo Boat Picked Up in Channel The French trawler Wagram recently arrived ut Hymouth, Knglnnd. w.lth the British torpedo boat Q-70 In tow..' The Wngrain had picked up the little war vessel while on her way to Boulogne. No trace could be found of the tor" pedo boat's crow. Ku Klux at Midnight Mountain Gathering in Georgia Once more the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan answer the call of their leaders, but now the gatherings are for en tirely different purposes, stntcs W. J. Simmons, Imperial wizard. The Ku Klux Klan hns.been granted a charter by the state of Georgia and has organizations In other states. Mr. Simmons says that the Klan Is a respectablo," lnw-abldlng frntemnl organization and has no connection with night riders and gin burners. CAPT. ARTHUR MILLS Old Castle of Ostia From the Air The Difference. "Tho art rug Is much better off than tho wnll paper." " "How so?" "Because tho first has tlfo floor while the other has to go to tho wall." ('apt. Arthur It. Mills, who has made 1,008 crossings of tho Atlantic for tho American lino In 41 years of service, steaming more than 8,000,000 miles, or a distance equal to 128 times around the world. Ills vessels hnve carried more than 500.000 passengers without the loss of a life. Ho has Just retired, and sailed for England for a holiday visit. He is English by birth, but Is an American citizen. He was decorated by Frnnce with the cross of the Legion df Honor for 'valiant serv ice In towlns tho disabled cruiser Jeanne d' Arc, 400 miles to tho Azores in 1017. Conquering Heroes. Amnne the members of the Inter filed commission which supervised tho plcblsclto In Marienwerticr were several young nnd charming Italian ofllcors nil tremendously popular with tho local population. And they knew It. One. a young bersngllere, came, In nil seriousness to tho comtessa, who served ns Interpreter ono day, after tho plebiscite had drugged for months. "Listen," ho said, "If we stay a little more, In 20 years If they mnko another plebiscite, they will vote for Italy I" Carelessness. "What mmlo you. have that heckler put out of tho meeting?" "Ho was no good," answered Sen ator Sorghum. "He failed to attend a rehearsal and got his questions nil mixed up." A castle built' in the mlddlo nges at Ostln, near Home, as seen from tho air. Of unusual design nnd architecture, the pile Is one of the sights of Ostia, the Brighton of the ancient Romans. White House tq Have Children Again Jean and Georgo DeWolfe, grntidchlldren of airs. Harding, who are to. take up their residence In the White House when President-elect Warren O Hurdlng goes there March 4.