The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 23, 1920, Image 4

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lx)ti Fulehur, of Broadwater, was a
visitor lu tills city.
Mary S. Whltohoad loft Saturday
for hor homu In Kearnoy.
.1. I. Kaoo, of Tryon, was In this
ally the first of tho weak.
Fred Green will leave hi Uio near
futuro for a short visit In Iowa City.
Jainos Hart returned tho middle of
Kva Slilnklo, of Horshoyi was in this ;....''.......
city last week.
Mnii'S (indkford Sticks 16c ft nalr at
Wilcox Department Store I ?.........
IC. II. White, of Horahoy, transact
ed business In this city Monday.
The Dixon, Optical Co. grind their.
the" Wook from a hunting trip at Key
stono. Mjt&
.Mrs. J 09 Sohott and daughter, of
Maxwell, were visitors In this city
fcrs..E. Drnnuy and son Thomas
loft Saturday for a short visit In
G&honburg. .
Mr. ami Mrs. William Hodden loft
Saturday 'for JUlosburg to visit for
uqtfcral days.
jV H .Nolan, of Grand Island, is
visiting atf tho honio of Mr. and Mrs.
P. P. Nolan.
Clarence Newman, of Tryon, was a
lnislnoss visitor in this city tho first
of tho wook.
.A. W. "Woodruff, general superin
tendent, passed through this city Sat
urday morning.
Miss Pearl Hunter arrived from a
Hhort visit in Grand Island wh'cro she
visited relatives.
Doqtor George B. Dent arrived
homo from a short business trip to
Rochester. Minn.
Mrs. L. C. McGraw has accepted
n position as assistant in tho War
rington nrt store.
Mrs. C. J. Perkins nml daughter
June left Saturday morning for a
(short visit in Granu Island.
' Mrs. E. Drancy, Mrs. Leigh Car
roll and son Thomas left Saturday
for a short visit in Gothenburg.
.', Gift parchments In beautiful gold
framing. Thoro's a suggestion for !
that 'friend; ?2 to $10, at Dixon's.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert MathowBon,
of Kearney, transacted business in
John Kdlor, a laborer on Section
50i4. In tho west yards- had his lift
tl nnMtr Imrlltr cm n m all nil )t t Wilt
own lansos. i . , 1 ' . '
Miss Elizabeth Poucn left Monday fi"B 1 V
. f w I., Pflvmn - ! Gen. Supt. Woodruff was an east
A beautiful lino of Ivory for the
HuIdays. Clinton, the JcWerel.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright,
bound passanger on No. G on Sat
urday morning.
Tho shop forces nro now working
Sutherland, wore visitors in this city i el1Jt ll0"r oaoh tta from 8 u-
io o p. III.
Two curloads of laborors for trc
tion work wore takon out on No. 3,
The Greatest Shoe Sale
Ever Held in North Platte.
Market Liquidation Sale!
Visit our gift room for "Gifts that
Last. Clinton, tho Jowolor. 1
linen llntil;nlf. nf Klstli. t mndnntml ,
business in this city the first of the y moin ml distributed at
wooj j different points on tho Third and
" November records are out. Como,Kourt ll8trlcta ,,ctwoon North l
In early and make your solectlons at:""u ""J""""
nivnn'a.M.iMfc Shon.
Susie Preslon was n business vis- tak! (lown " walcf lnnk
iter in this city tho latter part of the ' M i finished its w
A now shipment of Satin and Taf
fota UIousos and all go at salo prices
15. T. Tramp & Sons.
3G inch printed Challios suitable for
comforts 22 l-2c a yard at Wilcox
Dopartmont Store.
Misses Naomi and Boulnh Hall wore
vlsltorg In this city tho latter part of
tho week.
Charles Boggs. of Horshey, trans
acted business in this city the first of
tho week.
UC inch percales, both light and darl;
colors, 19c a yard at "Wilcox Depart
ment Store. . j
J. K. Browning, of WcllfleetywaS a
business visitor in this city tho first
of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pulton Murphy, of
Brady, transacted business In this city
the first of tho week.
Mrs. John Crclghton, of Bowling
Green, Mo., is visiting hor sister, Mrs.
Julia CnRey for a week or more.
Phonographs are going to bo very
scarco this NJmas. Get yours now at
Jl.ln nil.. 41.. Inline ..r. t f M,n .i.nMr
Hiin i.iu .anu. ,a.fc vjl U.u Wnllrni. ATnptr. PnmnnnV
mi . uiiu mis, i v. ijuuvm iuik out- t,..i itftnn.i iu
urday for their homo In Chicago af
ter visiting at the homo of Ocorgo
Plaid and check skirts in a big
rangd'of color combinations and a big
range of sizes all going at real salo
prices. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
,., Mrs. Clarence Day, of Shrcveport,
La., came Saturday to visit at tho
homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
G. Bcolor
'.' Wd want to Bhow you our beautiful
lincfof floor lamps; bo sure io visit
our, gift room when down town, Clln
ton,tho Jeweler.
Mrs; It. B Carpenter loft Saturday
morning for her homo in Suthorlnnd
after' visiting at the homo of her
daughter Mrs. D. fc. Nowmoyof.
Sidney Splllner, who hns been re
ported to bo on tho sick list for somo
time, Is Improved and is taking a va
cation In the country for a short timo.
Charles Ottonhclmor, a brother of
Mrs. Julius Plzor, of Salt Lake City,
is visiting in this city enrouto to his
homo aftor spending Bomo timo In
Now Yorlc.
driver gang which was
in the
work and
movod to Cheyonno Saturday night.
An extra gang doing signal work
is stationed here and Is changing
somo of tho signals and adding new
ones, Just west of the yard limits
"ALL ABOAlll) "i'Olt CUBA"
Ask any well posted person about
things theatrical, which are the real
musical successes of this season, and
amongst tho first three or four he
will mention Jimmio Hodges now
1920 version of "ALL ABOARD FOB
CUBA" which will he seen at tho
Keith Theatre, Nov. 27th, with all Us
dazzling splendor of tho up-to-the-minuto
Now York Success, its cele
brated principals of singers, dancers,
comedians, ami of course, a brlgado
of blonde and brunettto beauties, each
a dainty daughter of the southland,
Imagino n whole ovening of comedy,
perfect Bcenic environment, elec
trical novelties and entrancing music
from tho pen of the best known writ
er in songland it Is Just one whlstly
catchy air aftor another It is the
old opera in many now ways, which
is tho secret of its success. The most
cetobrated artists, directors, costumer
and property men known on the stage
today had a hand In tho ultimate suc
Tho production Is a marvel of spec
tacular scenery and gorgeous '.cos
tumes; tho color schemes bo Import
ant In latter day production have been
studied up to a completeness abso
lutely marvelous, Tho show, from
beginning to end is a delight to tho
eye as well as to tho ear that 1b what
counts for success.. ' "ALL ABOARD
FOR CUBA' Is one of tho indlvjflual
successes. V
:o:: V.
What a Response!
Wo told you plain facts in our Opening ads. How. leather went down after retailers
had bought their shoes for Fall, how necessity compelled economy on the public's part; '
how soiling merchandise is the only thing which will enable merchants tp place orders;-
how all of usm ust help to "speed up America." .
The response was remarkable! You folks are gladlo get these woderful savings'; glad
to buy snoes at these low prices, to help get industry back to real action!
. "
If you haven't shared these great values; if you haven't supplied your winter shoe
needs NOW is the tim for action; for you can get the newest styles, in the finest
shoes way below their true worth
We are giving our profits
to "speed up America" help.
Watch our show windows for suggestions.!
morning for her home in Omaha after
visiting for some timo at the homo of
Mrs. Glen Taylor and chidren, of
Lyons, Kansas, arrived tho latter part
of tho week tovlslt her stfter, Mrs. J.
D- Rodflold:'
Just received, a completq lino of
tho latest Brunswick records. Come
In and hear tljom. At the. Walker
Music Company.
Joo McCrack'en, Who lifis boon visit-"i
ing his grand parents In Portland. Or
egon, during the past four weeks, re
turned to North Platte this week.
Mrs. A. G. Harris and Miss Helen j The members of tho ,'J3pificopal
Harris arrived tho latter part of tho church will hold a reception in; tho
week to -.vIsIt at tho homo of . her J basement ot( .the, church this evening
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Rodflold. Thelru honor of their rie'w pastor -and
homo Is In Saltan, Kansas. ids wlfo. "
Misses Florenco and Mary.McCrack-! 1lxon Optical Co., Sight Specialists,
en entertained about, thlrty-fivo of j Mrs. Geo. Zentmoy'er left yester-
their friends last Saturday ovenlnc at ! day for Los Vegas, Novada, where she whore ho will undergo another opera-
I their homo, C13 south Dewey, Gamosjwlll moot her husband and from there tion. His homo Is in Glenko, Minn.
and music fur-nlshod tho entertain- ! taoy win go io ios Angoics wnere uonam xviowton win como liomo to
mont and refreshments wcro served. 'thoy will spend the winter. j morrow from Lincoln to spend tho
Tho guests report a flno tjmo. I Dixon Optical Co., Sight Specialists. Thanksgiving holiday with his parents
Austin, The Jeweler.
Since moving into the Keith Theatre building I notice tlie.Xmas. spirit is greater than
ever before in history, so early in the season, and we are making a number of sales
every day to be reserved fgr the occasion. 1 v .
We are in better shape with a bigger stock and better facilities to handle our store
and give you service than ever before. Would be pleased to have ybu step;in and in-
snont mir etnnlr Wn'll tin nil wa rnri-rr noelof wmi in vniir niiivMincAcs
Henry Danek, an ex-soldlor, is -taking
treatment in this city, through the
efforts of the Red Cross. Prom here
ho will be sent to Rochester, Minn.,
latest up-to-date
(your own selection)
for a limited time
with the purchase of a
except small table models) .
a 3
1920 "All Aboard for Cuba" is a real
musical comedy, providing plenty
of opportunities for tho demonstration
of tho talents of somo of the best en
tertainers on tho American stage.
Tho chorus is tho very latest expres
sion of tho world of fashion; the
scenes are admirably designed to en
hance tho brillancy of tho host of
shapely femininity all in all, It is
sajd to bo tho best ever.
Tho Boy Scout Council at the regu
lar meeting held yesterday decided to
send Scout Commissioner Carl Holl
man to Omaha on Dec. Gth to attend
tho District meeting of tho Boy Scout
executives. National officials will bo
in attendance and a helpful session
Is promised.
We aro offering extra-ordinary
prices in dresses, both in tho wash
and silk, at rock-bottom prices, with
all alterations free. E. T. Tramp
& Sons.
Charming as ever
"April Folly"
AprU winds arid youth. April show
ers and the tears of folly, April sun
and the glow of young love. All in
a madcap joyous romance.
Comedy special "KICK" with Mil
dred Morantl.
Crystal Theatre,
Tonight & Wednesday.
?p i Warn ,
At The Sun, Tuesday and Wednesday
"The Riddle Woman"
Also Mutt & Jeff and Gumps Universal News.