The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 19, 1920, Image 5

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W. V. lloagland returned yestordny
from Omalia and Lincoln.
, Keith Novlllo returned yestordny
from ii buflnegs trip to Omaha,
Gifts thfct last, Dixon, tli0 Jewlr.
iMrs. Robert Uonlty loft Wednesday
for Ilrady to visit her pother,
Mr. and Mrs. Dald IUidnt left
Thursday for a visit in Paxton.
Mrs. ,T. E. Gtioste left Thursday
morning for a visit if Lexington.
Dixon Optlcul Co, sight spccInHsls.
Mrs. C. E. Konnon was a business
visitor in tho city tho first of the
You wijl enjoy hearing "I told You
So" only when you hear It on the Col
umbia at Dixon's Music Shop.
Miss Mabel McVicker is spondlng
tho week end in this city transacting
PIckard hand-palntcd china always
makes a pleasing Xmas gift. Dixon,
the Jeweler.
Mrs. Frank Wood, of Wallace, was
a business visitor in tho city the first
of the week. -
Geno Soapcr, of Omaha, Is a busi
ness visitor in tho city the latter part
of tho week. '
Francis Olcson left yesterday for
Lincoln after visiting at the D. A.
Russell home.
Christine Polinski, of Wallace, was
a business visitor in the city tho
first of tho week.
Mrs. Ida Thannel left Thursday for
her home in Gandy after visiting with
friends in this city.
A number of Ilebokaks left Wed
nesday evening for Ilershey where
they had installation.
Mrs. Bradley and daughter Erma
returned tho latter part of tho week
from- a visit In Grand Island.
Mrs. James Hart expects to leave
In tho near future for Houston, Texas
whero sho will visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wood, of
Wallace, were business visitors in the
city the latter part of the week.
H. W. Bick and family left Thurs
day morning for Turlock, California,
where they will spend tho winter.
Mrs. Cora Cheeny of Denver, came
Thursday morning to visit , at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. McMtaholl.
Helen Purdy left Thursday for her
homo in Sutherland after visiting her
brother F. E. Purdy for some time.
Frank Beng left Thursday for his
homo in Wallace after spending some
time in this city transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith left tho
latter part of the wok for their home
-In G"andy after visiting at the home
of friends,
John Q. Adams, and family left
Thursday morning for Turlock, Cali
fornia, where they will spend the win
ter. Visit Dixon Optical Co. and see
their examination room and you will
bo convinced of their proper equip
ment. Harold Peterson left yesterday for
. Lincoln, after spending a week at the
homo of his brother Holmer Peterson
and wife.
Mr .and Mrs. C. S. Calhoun ar
rived homo Thursday evening from
Grand Island whero they hayo boon
visiting for somo Umo
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stackhouso
transacted business in this city tho
latter part of tho week and left Thurs
day for her home in Wallace.
Geo. Carey loft hist ntght for Lin
coln whero he is looking after Cham
ber Of Commerco business.
Harry Dixon and F. L. Mooney Jen
for Omaha last night to attend the
meeting of the Shrine there today.
Mr. McN'amar, of Paxton, wits h
visitor In tills city the latter part of
th week and also attended the
Christian Science lecture.
Richards, Prosldent of the
'North Platte Alroraft Co., returned
yesterday from a trip to New York
whero ho was looking after business
Our cut glass ousos arc filled with
new glass for tho Xmas shopper, ol
(ho best qualltios, LIbby & Halks, Dix
on, the Jeweler.
Roy Bradley returned tho latter
part of tho week from Rochostor,
Minn., whore he accompanied his wife
from tho Mayo Brothers hospital,
where sho underwent an operation
time It Is always tho early bird that
catches tin. best assortment of
Christmas gius Clinton, Tho Jewel
er, 'olgn of the ri:r. Ring.
W. B. Thompson, of Lead, South
Dukotn, who has been stationed In
tho army, came tho latter part of the
week to mako North Platto his future
A wrist watch displayed In our casi
has caused much Interest It Is 18K
solid whlto gold, deeply engraved
with the wide silk straps, at $75.00.
Dixon, thy Jeweler.
Mrs. M. Henry Gilfoyl spout the
llrst of thlfi week in Omnha. Mrs.
Gilfoyl Is studying voice with Mary
Munchoff and has planned to make
this trip bl-wcekly.)
Wo have n now case in our store In
which we have assembled a large as
sortment of gift suggestions which
will mako It easy for one to select a
gift for tho well-supplied friend. Dix
on, tho jeweler.
William Friend, who was a former
citizen of North Platte, has been pro
moted to night round houso foreman
at Grand Island Wo know that ev
eryone in North Platto will be pleased
to learn of Mr. Friend's good luck. He
Is very well known in this city.
When you are watching "Bewaro the
Brido" you don't get one laugh out of
I are pried up. Don't miss this one if
, you want to ace a farce comedy where
you can't keep up witli the mirth.
Crystal, last time tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. G. ii. Crlppen loft
I Thursday morning for Paxton where
tney win attend mo lunorai oi Vin
cent Lo Roy Crippen whoso body has
just been received and will be burled
today In Paxton. A number of army
men expect to attend tho funeral.
AVhy not a beautiful emblem of his
order for this Xmas.. Now Is tho tinio
to select it. Allow us to show you
our stock of well selected emblem
rings, coat buttons, watch charms,
etc., of any order. Dixon, the Jewel
er. AVednesday afternoon wo made tho
rounds of a number of business
houses and loked in or went in to see
if wo could got an idea of tho business
activity. In one store which has a
double aislo we counted nineteen peo
ple on ono side and six on the other.
All tho merchants Interviewed said
that business is good for this time of
tho year.
Fill Up the Ranks
IMt(WaUtfW,U,U,M,t . , . .
f V 1
The Church needs you;
Yon need the Church;
Both will ho benefited by
your presence.
Ifev. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor.
Hours of Worship 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Sunday Sohool 9:45 A. M,
aturday Night
m as
Jfi , Hi
Following is u cony of the essay
written by Wllma Coghill which won
the first prizo in the contest which
tho local W C. T. U. closed last week:
We aro nroud In tills advanced age
of Christianity of tho stop taken to
control tho sale of liquor. But little
effort Is being put forth In regard to
the injurious cigarette:
Many of our small boys, too young
to havo one sorlous thought, are today
forming the habit by picking up tho
half-smoked cigarette from the street.
Next to strong drink, clgarotte
smoking is the most harmful form of
Intemperance. Although Its. effects
are slower, men who train for races
and ball games will not use thorn
because they can not enduro fatigue.
It is also a known fact that the
use of the clgarctto hinders the
growth of tho body. Those who smoke
do not grow so fast nor so largo as
those who do not.
It weakens tho brain an it does all
other parts of the body, causing the
user to have a poor chanco of being
advanced in the business world.
Boys and young men smoke, think
ing it makes them "grown up." This
tends to careless and wasteful habits
and In time they lose all self-respect
A man is seldom so poor but that ho
will have a smoke, altho his family
may be compelled to llvo on charity.
They often cause groat nervousness
and sleeplessness, tho smoker being
compelled to rise during the night for
a smoke to quiet his poisoned brains
and nerves.
Cigarettes arc made of a mild tobac
co and contain less nicotine, yet tho
danger- from using them Is still great
er; for the smoko is easily drawn
deeply into tho mouth and often into
tho lungs, causing sore throat, husky
voice and a hacking cough, the lungs
and heart gradually becomo weaken
Because his heart beats irregular
ly, sometimes slow and then very rap
id but drives tho blood with little
forco. ho becomes veiy short of breath
because tho blood does not circulate
in tho lungs as It should, causing a
person to bo moro liable to disease.
Are you going back to the old home '
for Thanksgiving dinner?
What are conditions buck there?
Won't It bo an appreciated thought, a
gracious act for you to takQ with you
gift la tho way of sllverwaro for the
Thanksgiving table?
How about a carving set' for tho big
turkey, or a now piece of china in tho
form of a tray or platter big enough
to hold tho twonty-pouuder.?
Keep Your 'Eyes Open
When you aro at tho big family din
ner, you will have a good chanco to
notice what is needed and wanted in
the way of silverware and tnblo china
or cut glass.
So you can tako noto of what will
bo tho most welcome thing in tho way
of a Christmas gift from you.
Further than that, when tho family
is all together, you can If you will
pick tip ideas hero and thoro for de
sirable gifts for all tho relatives you
usually romombor, but never- .know
what (to sond them.
So. celebrate Thanksgiving with ono
eye on Christmas
canton, Tin: ,ti:wj:li:k
'Gifts "that Last,"
A number of Rotarians and their
ladies will attend th0 Rotary colebra
Hon nt Lincoln tomorrow when thoy
will bo tho guests of tho Lincoln
Club for tho, day with a banquet In
tho evening.
Gifts that last, Dixon, th0 joweler.
v-ar f.-.f 5
At The Sun, Tuesday and Wednesday.
"The Riddle Woman"
Also Mutt & Jeff and Gumps Universal News.
At their annual farm bureau ban
quet attended by more than 1D0 men
and women, Phelps county farmers
voted to build a Hvo-stock sales pa
vilion at a cost of $15,000. Shares aro
sold for $50 each and tho construction
is to start when $10,000 has boon rais
ed. Thirty-flvo hundred dollars wore
raised tho night of tho banquet. Chas
McConnoughoy acted as toastmastcr
at tho banquet and tho following
mado briof talks: Mayor Davidson, of
Holdrcgo; E. R. Good, presldont of
tho Pholps County Llvo Stock Brceu-
ors' Association; E. E. Youngs, prosl
dent of tho Nebraska farm bureau fed
eration: A. R. Ilecht agrlculturo a-
gent of Dawson county, who reported
on tho success of the sales pavilion In
that county; and John L. GUmoro, ag
ricultural agent of Pholps county.
Wo want to thank our many dear
friends and neighbors for their kind
ness and sympathy nftor tho death ot
our dear son and brother. Also for
tho many beautiful floral offorlngs
And tho singers for tho boautiful
songs. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. McFarland and family.
Eli is a Jack Rabbit; Texas is tbeState
. . of his Birth; his Age is Unknown . .
He was captured the last, of August in a round-up, with sev
eral hundred other Jacks, for a Coursing Meet at Tulsa,
Oklahoma, and has shown so much speed and science in the
Coursing Game that he has followed the game ever since.
No pair of the best hounds have been able to even give him
a good chase, or entertain him, Mr. W. B. Flack, of Grand
Island, his owner, oilers $100 for any dog or pair ol dogs
that will capture him.
Eli Will Be Here Nov. 30 to Dec. 4th
Dont Fail to See ELI Give the Dogs a Few
Moments of Entertainment.
North Platte Coursing Club.