Wat emi-MWhj (Tribune. rillRTY-SIKTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 19, 1920. No. 90 AERO STATION , AT WORK OA.MPTIKE GIltLS HAVE SELECTED CAST FOR PLAY. NORTH I'LATTE XOW CONNECTED WITH THE HE ST OE THE WORLD EY WIRELESS. The United States Radio Servlco has installed n powerful radio station at the Fair Grounds and equipped It for actlvo work. Tho building has been completed and tho machinery Install ed. The aerial Is In placp and makes Quito an impression as one enters the grounds. Mi B. A. Hosmer, who is In charge tho station is one of tho government experts, having served for a number of years in the aero sorvlco and having been stationed on one of the battle ships of tho navy during tho war. lie Is a very pleasant gentleman to meet afid that while he knows more than somo pcoplo do about wireless there Is a lot that he nor anyone else docs ? t know. While tho Tribune man was at the s-tatlon yesterday, Mr. Hosmer took a message from Cheyenne and sent one to St. Louis. He said he picked up a call from Pearl Harbor, Pennsylvania, telling Panama of the presidential ejection . It is tho policy of the Post Office de partment to establish aero stations in the samo places witty aerial mall stat ions and that is the reason for locating one at North Platte. The station Is for-, bidden to send private business mes sages but in saceof distress or catns rophes the operator is urged to cooper-r ate with local authorities in letting tre out side world know of the need. Xorth Platte citizens appreciate hav sr the wireless station located hero d extend a welcome to Mr . Homer end liis-nssodatos. Tho cast for tho Wishing Ring has been Selected. Miss Farrlngton, tho coach has arrived and a meeting of tho principal characters in tho cast was held last night. At a meeting of tho Campllro Guardians hold yes torday afternoon committees were ap pointed and plans made for making tfie entertainment a. success. The dates nro Dec .2d and 3d. EliKS TO ENTERTAIN EOOT DALE TEAMS ON TIIANUKSGIVINU The Elks havo issued. Invitations to tho Grand Island foot ball team and SCHOOL BOARD MAKES BUDGET THE MIDGET OF EXPENSES FOH THE PRESENT YEAH WITH ITEMS OF EXPENSE. At this time, whon tho Worago citi zen is paying his taxes and wondering at the Increase this year it Is very fitting that attontion bo called .to tho expenditure of tho school funds and how they are apporloned. Tho Its coaches, the North Platte foot ball show team and its coaches, tho facultios following statement has been propar of tho locl High School and the stu- ed by tho Board of Education and dents home on their vacation from the shows the formation of their budget University, to be their guests at it j for this year. President Elder stated party and dance at tho Elks' Homo, to tho Washington Parent-Teacher on ThankBglving night. This func-1 Association, Wednesday evening, that tlou is boing put on by tho Elks in ap- anyone knowing of any way in which preclatlop of tho fino work done by tho local football fcollows and mem bers also wish to entertain tho other 'guests in connection,, w'lth tho Thanksgiving game. ANNUAL MEETING OF UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA ALUMNI CLUE. Carl Simons left Wednesday for Og-faHa Tho University of Nebraska Alum ni Club mot at the Experimental Substation and were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder and Mrs. and Mrs. L. I.Jiook. A lurgo number of Alumni were pres ent and a very fine meeting is report ed. At the business meeting the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Edward E. Carr, pres ident; Mrs. Walter V.i Hoagland, vice president; -Mrs. J. U. Redfleld, treas urer and Miss Lucille Wilcox, secre tary. : :o:: Edward Cornwell entertained about fifty of his friends at his home, W. Tenth, Wednesday evening. Games and music were tho amuse served. 'tlieso expenditures could, be cut" dorn, should seo some member of the Board as they have done all they can to keep them down. Hero is tho budget: ' 1 Superintendent 3200.00 60 Teachers 85000.00 G Janitors , 9000.00 3 Secretary, Truant Officer and Census 1500.00 Text Book and Supplies 5000.00 Telephone 150.00 Incidentals 1500.00 Fuel rl , 5000.00 Light and Gas 400100 Printing and Advertising.. '250.00 Water 250.00 Insurance '-500.00 Repairs and Emergency Buildings 11600.00 Furnituro and .Fixtures 2500.00 Registered 'Warrants . $123280.00 . 10000.00 THE NORTH PLATTE COURSING Cl.ril .MEET IS TO HE A DIG EVENT .The grounds aro all laid out, the foncos aro boing built and tho rabbits will be horo in a few days. Tho meet Is to be hold November 30 and Doceiu bor 1, 2, 3 and 4, at tho fair grounds A burlap fence will bo built around a Is'pace 300 yards by 120 yards directly in front of tho grand stand. N At ono end Will be the pen in which tjic rabbits arc kopt. At tho other end will be the Joilnds. Somo of these dogs arc worth asgnuch as $1,500 and they come from tho finest stock in the country Tho raflbtts aro taken from tho pen to tho end of tho course where tho hounds are waiting. When tho hare la. released it la glvon a good start and then tho dogs are loosed. Tho rabbit makes direct for the opening into tho pen and usually gets there ahead of tho hojmds. Ono jack rabbit which will bo! here Is so swift and lias been trained so well that a prize of $100 lSJmade In a standing offer to the hojind that can catch him. Ray Vir gin of Utlcu, Nobivls to bo tho judge. Ho has"" been following coursing for a score of years and Is thoroughly com petent. C. N.' Oschnor, of Sutton, Is the slipper and is thoroughly com petent. J. J, Crawford is manager nnd his fairness is so well estab lished that no ono will question his dcxlslons. WASHINGTON SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION EN TERTAINS .THE MEN. LOCAL MAIL BY AEROPLANE NORTH PLATTi: IS NOW AN AIR MAIL TEKMINAL. Tho following ralogram was re ceived yostordny by Harry Dixon: RADIOGRAM Salt Lake City, Utah. Nov. 18tb, 1920. . 3 P. M. Mr. Harry Dixon, Prosidont Chamber of Commerce North Plntto, Nobr. Mn'l rervico for North Platto starts Monday. North Platto will aslo bo Air Mail Terminal from that date Congratulations. DUNPHY Supt. of United States Air Mall Service. Postinastor Sturgls has received thp schedule as it applies to North Platte. Tho westbound plane leaves Omaha at 1:30 In the afternoon and nrrlvos horo at 3:30. North Platto buslnoss men will rccolvo letters by this piano which would olthrowlso como on No. 13 tho next morning. This piano stays over night hq.ro lud leaves nt S:30 tho next morning for Cheyenne, whoro It delivers tlio mall It took from No. 13. This advances tho mall about 24 hours. No mnll is sent east from North Platto at pres ent. $133280.00 Mrs. C J. PorkhiB and daughter ments. Delicious refreshments werefJune will spend Thanksgiving In Po- catcllo, Idaho. as Si m a m yR & Si Si Si Si Si !dR Si Si Si Si bfi m Hi It's time for Action! Nearly every pair of shoes in our store is included i n ihoe Market Liquidation is Hi Hi Hi Hi Sale The program for tho Washington Pnront-Tcncher Association was hold In the evoning on Wednesday so that the fathers could attend nnd It prov ed to bo a good plan for a number-of men were there. Miss Fritz demon strated a Fourth Grade Music Class and Maxlno Wilson read "Kolloy's Dream." Supt. Llttcl and O. E. Elder made brief addresses and a short bus Iness'meetlng was hold. Refreshments were ' served by tho ladles of the As sociation to the members and guests. Tho overloading of the wires by tho Illumination "ot tho whole building (caused a. fuse cartridgo to burn out and for u short time tho nudlenco sat In tho dark. Mrs. J. B. Redfleld pre sided nnd Miss Laurn Murray was hostess. You can't afford to hav0 "Drifting" and "Just Llko u Gypsy" omitted from your Columbia selections. Hear thorn nt Dixon's MubIc Shop. A telegram received hero UiIb morn ing from Mrs. Roy Causo stated thrit she lost her false teeth at this station while passing through on No. 2 yes terday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE ATTRACTS LARGE AUDIENCE. which starte'd Tuesday, Nov. 1G HKIU: A Kti THE FACTS! , There's no use beating about the bush, or giving evasive reasons for such ' it general clearance, right in the heart of the season. American Industry is slowed up! And only the retailer can remove the dam which is blocking progress. After merchants had bought their high-priced shoes for Fall 1920, made from hides that cost 50c a pound, the hide and leather markets broke. The influx of 'South American hides had much to do with this. Then came the re-action in the public's mind. The need of economy ' has taken the place of free and easy spending that held sway, for so long. People no longer want to pay the highest possible prices for what they buy. In plain words "American Common Sense" has come back to its rightful place. But before Industry can "get going" there must be a demand for mer- chandise. Before Retailers can place orders the merchandise in stocky MUST BR SOLD! True, it calls for courage, and a spirit of sacrifice, but every loyal Ameri can will be GLAD to "do his bit," oven as he helped throughout the war. This Liquidation Sale is our share in the good work of Speeding Up America. It's costing us our profits but it's giving you very low prices for very fine shoes. Every pair you buy now SAVES MONEY FOR YOU, and will work clear back to the manufacturer, and to the man who produces the raw mater ials. It's the greatest sale we've ever held andthe greatest sacriflc we have ever made. Come! Save for yourself! Help others! And above all "Speed Up America." SHOE MARKET AVES YOU B W ONEY ON SHOES' Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Tho lecture on Christian Science giv en Tuesday evening by Bliss Knapp, C. S. P., of noston, was well attended by the members of tho local church and others who were Interested Mr. Knapp is a member of tho Hoard of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist in lloston. Ho spoke in tho Masonic hall and the lecture was prefaced by Mrs. Elizabeth 11. Cramer, who introduced tho speaker with a few fitting re marks. Illiss Knapp is a speaker who holds his audience by tho logic of his remarks and thocs who heard him Tuesday ovenlng speak very high ly of his address, f ::o: EXPERIMENTAL SUHSTATION TO FURNISH II A RY CHICKS IN JANUARY. Poultryman Jandobeur has sent word to us that tho Poultry Depart ment nt tho State Farm will start hatching baby chicks in Jnnuary and from then on ho will furnish day-old baby chicks in each variety In lots of 100 or more. Ho will also havo hatching eggs for sale. This will bo good nows to people who wnnt to raise a few chickens next year. High prices for poultry nnd lower prices of feed makes poultry raising moro nttractlvo than It lias been for sover al years. " Q LINCOLN COUNTY PRESS ASSOC TATION TO MEET HERE DEC. 0. President Win. Wljitcrbottom has ftnt out notices of n meeting of tho ' ncoln County Press Association to hold at North Platto, Monday, Doc. Secretary O. O. I3uck, of tho Nc 1 aska Pross Asslciatlon will bo the F st of honor and will mako nn ad d is to tho members. It I,ERMAKEUS TO HOLD DANCE ON THANKSGIVING EVE ,' nouncemont Is mndo this wcok of tin 'anco to be given on Wednesday, Nov mber 24th at tho K. C. hall by Can Lodgo 118, Bollc;makorfl, Iron Shii 'luilders and Holpora. This pron 'kob to bo a big evont In tho lodge cvent for tho year., COUNCIL ENDORSES VETO OF THE PAVING RESOLUTION BY THI MAYOR At tho rogular mooting of tho city council Tuosdn evening, tho Mayors veto of tho paving resolution canio up and tho voto was unanimously ap proved by tho full membership of tho council. On Inst Friday tho mass meeting of property holdors voted to postpone the awarding of contracts for tho time being. Tho vote was 18 for postponing, 9 for immcdlnto paving and 2 for no paving at all. Tho samo evening tho council mot nn,d voted 3 to 1 to proe'eud with tlTo paving, This was not. in defiance of tho proporty holdoi'K,' mooting but on the theory that only 30 property holders had at tended tho mooting out of about 300 who nro lntorcstcd and that tho si lence of thoso not present meant their consent to tho original program. Tho mayor's veto and tho discussions which followed, showed all concerned that wlille tho mass meeting did not roprcsont tho proporty holders, tho decision arrived nt was sound nnd so It was uianlmously adopted. A num ber of Interested men and women at tended tho council session Tuesday night and when asked if they wished to say n'nythlng, C. .T. Pass In a foV words complimontod tho mnyor for his stand and endorsed tho resolution approving his veto, :;o:: STATE REGENT OF D. A. It. TO HE HERE SATURDAY. Mrs. Frank I. Ringer of Lincoln State Regent of tho D. A." R., will bo In North Platto Saturduy and will address tho local Chapter at n moot ing jo bo held at the home of Mrs. O. F. Spencer, 004 W. A Street. Miss MncKay will play a "piano sola for tho opening number of tlic program and Miss Wilmarth will sing. Other IJUijibors aro Now Englnnr Colonies D;rs. itaiph worth tutu lion uau l(ous of Colonial History. Did you ever get a bargain like this before Any Knox Hat in the Store for $15.00 SATURDAY. We won't carry them over. They are regular priced up to $35.00. THE STYLE SHOP. Buy Your Dodge Brothers Car on Monthly Payments We now have made arrangements so that you can get your car now, have the use of it from now until spring, by the payment of a fixed sum In cash, and tho balance may be paid in from six to ten equal monthly payments. Buy your car now and mako sure of delivery, as before spring opens up, it will be the matter of somo delay to get a delivery on a Dodge Brothers car. Prices on all Dodge cars are fixed and you can buy safely and at the samo time get tho use of tho car from today. We would be glad to have you call and we will fully explain, this finance plan, and you can choose your model then, if you would care to do so. . V. ROMIGH, Dodge Rrolhers Chandler Motor Cars , (5 th and LocuHt Phone 844.