The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 16, 1920, Image 2

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Its Cultivation and Sale the Main
Support of Hundreds of
$1,887,491 WORTH SENT HERE
George E. Young of Shanghai Says
the Chinese Will Soon Be Com.
petltoro In Textiles Take In.
terest In Their Lands.
New York. Following tlio Importa
tion of walnuts to China hy tho early
missionaries the Chinese developed
IIiIh Industry .so carefully that It lias
now reached tremendous proportions,
according to Ooorgo K. Young of
Shanghai, China, who has heen in tlie
Orient ten yelirs. Mr. Young uld
Hint the Chinese are crowing more and
more intereHted In their lands and con
sldernble development will he seen dur
ing the next few years.
"The cultivation and sale of tho
walnut, which was llrst brought to
China hy the. AmcrlnTii missionaries,
now supports hundreds of Chinese
villages," sr.ld Mr. Young. "Tho
methods of preparing the nuts for mar
ket nro most primitive, hut as labor
Is cheap they are aide to send them
to this country ami compete favor
ably with the domestic market. For
Hie American nnrket they use only
the highest grade nuts. They select
the bright colored and shiny nuts and
they are blenched, sorted and packed
Recording to grade. Those of specked
and Inferior shells nro crncked and
tlio meat Is packed for confectionery
4iurposes. Tills cracking Is now done
i.v hand because the only walnut
Federal Officials Base Their Esti
mates on Figures for Fiscal
Year Ended Last June.
Statistics Dlcclose a Notable Shifting
of the Sources Whence Come the
,, New Arrivals Mexico and Can
ada Furnish Labor.
Washington. An Immigration of
1.000,000 or more in lOiil Is the estl
mate of federal oillclnls, based on llg
ureB for the fiscal year ended Juno
111) biRt, which have Just heen Issued.
Although three months behind the tide
of,, aliens, which has been mounting
at n prodigious rate since late in the
spring, the statistics disclose ninny sig
nificant tendencies. There has been a
notable shifting of the sources whence
come the now arrivals.
So far as net Increase In population
and the replenishment of the labor
market arc concerned, the year ending
In June witnessed a greater movement
from America to Kurope than from
Europe to America, Just as careful
observers had estimated. Tlio total
Immigration, from all foreign lands
was 4210,001, and tho emigration was
liSS.niO. The bulk of this Increase
In population, however, came from
Mexico and Canada, labor which cross
ed tho border.
America Lost 10,000,
Aliens coming from Kurope num
bered 1M0.205; thoso going hack to.
Kurope 250;42W, or a loss of 10.000.
Hoforo the war about 85 per cent of
our Immigration enme from Kurope,
but in 1020 It was only 07 per cent.
Since Juno, however, tho rush had car
ried It buck, and olllclals estlmato It
Is again now riding at the 8K per cent
At present the Mediterranean zone
Is sending perhaps 75 to 80 per cent
of tbc arrivals at Ellis Island Italy
alone sending about one-half of all
newcomers. Russia and the old Austria-Hungary,
which before the war
wore sending annually more than a
quarter of a million Immigrants each,
Camp of the
View of u camp of the Itusslan
bufore ilio Poles.
After Baibviggan Was Sacked
Scene In Ilulbrlggaii, Ireland, after
lllary llritlsh forces in reprisal for the
tho Slim KcIiiors.
cracking machine Is owned and oper
ated with greatest secrecy by walnut
growers lit this country.
Chinese Waste Nothing.
"The economical bent of the Chinese
Is given full piny In the walnut grow.
Ing Industry. They utilize every par
ticle of the product. When Hie crop"
is gathered the husks are beaten olT
tlio nuts and are burled In wet earth
to rot for fertilizer. The nuts nro
delivered to tlio ports through vari
ous agencies, the original grower get
ting an Insignificant part of the price
realized for them.
"The Mnuchurhin walnut lias a hard
er shell than tlio product of this conn-
are Isolated from tjie migratory move
ment aim the sources huve swung
hack where they were years ago.
In 1020 Italy, Including Sicily and
Sardinia, sent over 05,1-15, the largest
contributor 80,000 went back. Eng
land comes next, sending 27,871. or
nhout 50 per cent of Its prewar aver
age. Record British Arrivals.
One table by races places the Kng
llsh Immigration In 1020 at 58,U00,
which is the largest recorded In the
Inst 22 yours, or since figures for races
were kept, but of this 210,000 came
from Canada.
Another surprising feature Is that
Spain ranked third, sending " 18,821,
which was three times as many as It
was sending before the wnr. Portugal
camo next with 15,472,, which was
more than It sent In 101,'t and 50 per
cent more than In 11)12. France In
1020, too, sent 8,015, which was about
ejual to prewar days, for In 10121 It
sent 0,075.
French Surgeon Reports Satisfactory
Results From Experiments With
Anti-gangrenous Serum.
Paris. Treatment of appendicitis
by anti-gangrenous serum Instead of
by operation, has been tested with
such satisfactory results that it Is
likely operations soon will be. aban
doned for the disease. Prof. Pierre
Delbet' said In n paper read before the
congress of surgery. According to
Prof. Delbet the tests have extended
over a period of thirteen years.
Where Was Uncle, Waiting for Train?
Miuicle, lnd. When Victor Temple
ton received word that his uncle, Cloyd
Urlch, had been found dead at Sweet
Grass, Mont., he went west for the
body. The uncle, very much nllve, met
him at tho station. A mistake had been
made In the Identification of a dead
Another Ohio Champion.
Duncanwood, O. This town offers
another Ohio champion. It claims the
"hot dog" honor for Jack Kdgar. Ills
best effort Is 24 at one meal.
Retreating Russian Soviet Troops
Itud uruiy where the troops were utile
I had lii'cii raided and sacked by mix
murder cf two police olllcers there by
try. The shells ol the Inferior ap
pearing walnuts, which are cracked be
fore shipment, are used for fuel, and
on account of the large proportion
of oil they contain they make an ex
cellent fuel. The Manchurlan wal
nut commands a special r.dvantnge In
the confectionery ranking trade be
cause of -superior flavor and texture
of the ment.
"This spring the price quoted to
American Importers for delivery at
San Francisco was as hlgi as 20 to
.'12 cents. Including cost, Insurance and :
e i, . .. ... . . ... . I
iii.-iiii, v.-iiii mo irauspr.ciue suippiuc
rate at 17.50 per ton. The limita
tions are now around 25 cents. TIk
whole nuts are shipped In 100-pound
bags of burlap which are made Ir
India. The walnut meat Is Very care
fully wrapped In pnper and packed Ir.
wooden fluxes to keep out moisture,
which Is likely to produce mold. In
the United States the walnuts arc
plnced In cold storage, which preserve
their freshness, preventing drying, and
the crop which' we ship the last ot
June docs not get on tho market here
until some months Inter." I
Handicapped by Superstition.
Mr. Young pointed out that accord
ing to the lust Issued bulletin of tlu
Department of Commerce for May
1020, 10,121,881 pounds of walnut
came to the United Stntes from Ch'lna
In the 11 months. ended with Mny. and
their value was 51,887,401. He says
that the Chinese are still greatly
handicapped by their old superstitions.
After the age-old-practice of having
all streets and passages Irregular bV
that the evil spirits cannot find their
way, they are laying out their farms
In patchwork order, making tlio roads
rather dllllciilt for anyone not famil
iar with the locality.
"There Is a large and growing nuir
kot In China for every kind of machinery,"-
said Mr. Young. 'This Is
particularly true of machinery used In
the textile Industry. The Chinese are
going to be competitors of the whole
world In textiles. When a Chlminian
figures out anything and decides to
adopt It In Ids business lie Is not con
tent to stop there. He Is buying ma
chinery now for every process In which
he bus learned Its advantages.
"The Chinese hnve no feeling against
the Americans, but, of course, their
hatred for the Japanese grows worse.
Americans In business In China are
disappointed wth the class of men
from this country who have rushed
Into Hie oriental Held In the belief
that great post-war profits lie there.
They are the cheapest sort of traders
and they are "not even Intelligent In
Sings While They Dine;
His Wife Wants Divorce.
San Francisco. Mrs. Mary
Bedlg has petitioned tho supe
rior court to grant her a di
vorce from Moses Bedlg.
She charges him with singing
when they dined In restaurants
and with smacking, Ids lips
when they dined at home.
The couple were married last it
to gel n little i I during ilie leiii-n
Uncle Sam's
WASHINGTON. A squadron of nine
wnr vessels has been formed to
patrol the waters of Central and South
America, operating as a distinct com
mand from either tho Atlantic or Pa
cific fleet. Rear Admiral Benjamin
C. Bryan hna hoisted his pennant on
tho Dolphin and formally token com
mand of the first Latin-American
His forco consists of five light and
speedy cruisers, tlio Denver, Gulves
ton, Des Moines, Cleveland and Ta
comn, and the gunboats Ashevllle, Ni
agara and Sacramento, with the Dol
phin, formerly the ofllclnl vessel of the
secretary of the navy as llngslilp.
The squadron will have Its buse at
the Canal Zone, which will enable It
to transfer In whole or In part from
the Atlantic to the I'r.citlc, jind makes
possible the speedy mobilization of an
adequate force to meet any emergency.
Can't Entirely Supplant the Lowing Kine
LACK of pasturage for dairy cattle
In the vicinity of Nltro, W. Vn
resulted In the establishment at that
wnr-bullt city of n "mechanical dairy,"
where milk and cream equivalent to
(he output of n-farm with 1,500 milk
'owb was produced, according to a
overnment report Just published. Bot
tles and cans of the fluid were labeled
"reconstructed" milk or cream and
Accommodations for 25,000 Inhabit
ants were provided at Nltro; schools,
churches, hospitals, department stores,
restaurants, and nil the other ele
ments of a modern well-equipped com
munity being part of the project.
As a constructive problem, It was
comparatively simple, but officials be
gnn to strike snags as soon ns they
approached the task of Insuring n sup
ply of staple foodstuffs, particularly of
fresh milk.
Nltro la situated In n mountainous
district, where little, If any, natjural
pasturage Is " available. Local milk
supplies were barely sufllclent to sat
isfy the normal demnnds of Chnrles
town, the- nearest metropolis.
Expansion of the nntural supply be
ing out of the question, the public
health service was asked for aid and
The Capital WiffLike Zoning System
THAT one of the best moves ever
made for Washington wns tho In
stallation of the zoning system of city
planning Is the opinion of Elbert J.
Frederick of St. Lnuls, a visitor. He
says the move hns attracted the atten
tion of dozens of large cities, which
are watching with eager interest the
effect of the zoning system at the na
tional capital,
"The system, although practically
new In St. Louis, has done wonders
for, tbat city," Mr. Frederick continued.
"Property values havo risen and havo
become stabilized by reason of the In
stallation of zoning, and men who were
bitterly opposed to the move at first
now give It their moat hearty commendation.
These Farmers Male No Large Profits
FIOURKS on farm profits covering
seven years In two areas and five
years In a third, made public by the
United States Department of Agri
culture show that comparatively few
of tho fnrmers In the groups studied
hnve been making Inrge profits during
tho recent years of comparatively
high prices.
The figures Indicate chiefly:
That the farmer's average return on
Investment Incrensed from 4 per cent
In 1018 to 7 per cent In 1018.
Thut most of them are making less
than $500 cash per year over and
above the things the farm furnishes
toward tho family living, which, how
ever, constitutes a very Important fuc
tor. The three groups of farms studied
aro located, respectively, In Washing
ton county, Ohio (25 farms, hill coun
try, seven years) ; Clinton County,
Indiana (100 farms, corn belt, seven
yeurs), and Dane county, Wisconsin,
(00 (arms, dairy region, five yeurs).
Representatives of the department vli-
Latin-American Squadron
Admiral Bryan will have several thou
sand men under his command, and
tho character of the licet will permit
of the close. patrol even of shallow
tidal wnters.
It was explained at tho navy do
partment that the object of creating
the I.ntln-Amerlcnn squadron was to
centralize command of all vessels on
duty In those wnters and ellmlnnta
complications as to assignment of ves
sels for special duty there.
Secretary Daniels said that the ar
rangement hnd been completed after
consultation with admiral Rodman,
commanding the Pacific fleet, and Ad
miral Wilson, In commnnd In Atlantic
waters, and thnt it was designed to
simplify the tremendously extensive
patrol along the Latin-American coasts.
It is known, however, thnt the State
department bus shown great Interest
In the report from naval and other
sources of the recent disorders In
Honolulu, and the various exhibitions
of Ill-feeling aroused by the three cor
nered dispute over boundary lines
which has Involved, Chile, Peru and
Argentina. '
Central America Is In a froth of
conflicting ambitions, national and
personnl, of Industrial unrest r.nd anti
foreign sentiment, nccordlng to reports
from Americans In thnt troubled sec
tion. the first "mechanical dairy" resulted.
The process used Is described as the
"cmulslflcntlon of butter fat obtained
from ununited butter In a solution of
skimmed milk powder, or diluted
evuporated milk."
A building 150 feet long by 51 feet
wide, was constructed and provided
with huge mixing vats, refrigerators
and bottling apparatus.
Chemically pure water was used In
the mixing and careful tests made of
the product, ivhleh proved to be a lit
tle superior, If anything, the report
snldr to natural milk.
This should effconrnge the Depart
ment of Agriculture to speed up Its
efforts at the forest service laboratory
at Madison, Mis., to produce Just-as-good
cattle food front sawdust 1
"Washington has a wonderful oppor
tunity to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the plan. The capital bus very few
manufacturing plants to stnrt with,
and Is so arranged as to present fewer
obstacles to a complete zoning system
than any other city in the country, If
not In the world. And you will find,
when the plnn is In full effect, that
the entire citizenship will agree thnt
It Is one of the best things thnt ever
happened for the city.
"The zoning system bnrs manufac
turing plants from Invading residential
sections, and thereby Insures the man
who buys a home against having a
boiler factory or some, other similar
plant established next door, or even
In the same neighborhood. On the
other bond, It secures to the mnnu
fncturlng element absolute domain
over certain sections, and leaves out
let for growth and development such
as any going concern Is bound to
"With Washington fairly under the
zoning system, I predict that It will
becomo a model city to which ex
perts from all pRrts of the country
will be sent to obtain Idcus for zoning
other cities."
Itod nil of these farms year after year.
The average farm Income of the 25
fanners visited In Washington county,
Ohio, for the seven years, 1012-1018,
was J010; the labor Income, $270; the
return on Investment, 4.0 per cent;
the food, house rent, fuel value sup
plied by farm, ?850 per year.
The Income of the 100 farmers In
Clinton county, Indiana, averaged
91,858 for tho seven years, 1010 and
1018.1018, and their labor lncomoir
?558. Return on capital was 0.7.
Food, house rent and fuel supplied by
J njucmiiftucrtoi i Cr
farm, (425 a year
Don't Go From Bad
to Worse!
Are you always weak, miserable and
half-nick! Then It's tlmo you found out
what is wrong. Kidney weakness causes
much Buffering from backache, lame
ness, stiffness and rheumatic pains,
and If neglected, brings danger of scri
ous troubles dropsy, gravel and
Bright's disease. Don't delay. Use
Doan'a Kidney Pills. They have
helped thousands and should help you.
Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Caso
Mrs. F. A. Little.
TJkt w
Crclghton. Nobr,,
l3ays: "1 had dizzy
snells and colored
specks floated bo
foro my eyes. My
kidneys nctod too
often and I had
pains In the small
of my back through
my kidneys. A
friend told mo to
try Doan's Kidney
Pills and I got
some. A few boxes
gave me a lasting
Gat Dosn't at Any Store, COc Box
"Here Is another letter that makes m-
happy," says Petersoh, of Buffalo. "One
mat i wouia ratner havo tnun a tnousana.
"Money Isn't everything In this world
There Is many a big hearted, rich man.
who would give all he has on earth to b
nble to produce a remedy with such
mighty healing power as Peterson's Oint
ment, to sell at all druggists for CO cents
a large box."
Dear Sirs:
"I wns an untold sufferer from old run
nlnc soro and ulcers. I had tried moat.
everything without any relief from pain.
A friend told me of .your wonderful oint
ment ana mo iirm dox iook away me
naln that had not left me beforo tn years-
and after using Just nine dollars' worthi
of the salve I am cured. The ulcer was
9 Inches by 6'4 Inches, Is all healed and I
can waiK. rvever, never win i do witnout
Peterson's again.
"You may use this to recommend your
ointment, If you wish. I cannot say enough
to praise it." Yours trniy, Mrs. Albert
Southcott, Medina, N. Y. Mall orders
filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Buf
falo, N. Y.
Acid Stomach
for 10 Years
Earnestly Praises Eatonio
"My wife was a grout sufferer from
acid stomach for 10 years," writes IT
D. Crlppen, "but .Is n different woman
since taking Entonlc."
Sufferers from ncld stomach let
Eatonlc help you also. It quickly takes
up and carries out the excess acidity
and gnses and makes the stomach cool
and comfortable. You digest easily,
get the full strength from your foed.
feel well and strong, freo from bloat
ing, belching, food repeating, etc. Big
box costs costs only n trIQe with your
druggist's guarantee.
Coal Going to Waste.
One-third of the coal in situ In In
dian coal mines Is at present being
lost by bad methods of mining while
three-quarters of a million hours me
lost uctually by wasteful power work
ing of indlnn collieries. Various sug
gestions towards mote efllclent work
ing of the Indian coal mines hnve beer
made by a well-known London mining
engineer, who has brought this enor
mous loss to light.
Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
suspect it.
Women's complaints oltcn prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or th
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suffer pain in the back, head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
one so.
Dut hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be jus I
the remedy needed to overcome such
Many send for a sample bottle to ses
what Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder medicine, .will do for
them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ringharaton, N. Y.. you
may receive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post, You can purchase medium and
large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv.
How Do You Know?
Yes, Herman, It Is a true saying
that If you put the two men In tho
same bed, ono with tho toothache anil
the other In love, the ninn with tho
toothacho will go to sleep first. Ham
ilton Herald.
A Lady of Distinction
Is recognized by the delicate fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath -vlth Cutlcurn Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cutlcura
Tnlcum powder usually means a clear
sweet, healthy skin. Adv.
Getting It StralghT
"So Tom Is not without a situation."
"No, without rf Job he's In an em
hnrrasslng situation.'
n ir Night
m M lV1s"ktn i n
Keep Your Eyes
Clwon - Cloar Healthy
WrtM ft Xr tt1 Curt iHk Mwtaa Co.Oiloia.UU