, If Want Ads 1 SCItAlTLE. Column of Nonsense 3 A Seltt-lSf rklu initlitte. WILSON TOUT, Editor and i'ubllshcr. suiiscnirTioN mucei 0o Year, In mlrnnco-j-. $2.00 Entered tit tho North Platto, Nebraska Poatofflcq oa Second Class Matter i ; TUJiSHAl', XOVKMJHIK 8fli, J02U - . EDITOWAL. It Is ag jmitli of a feat for a high wcliool Wck a goal In a lodt ball gairio Hb It la for a collogo man In a collcgo game. Tho distance is tlio same, tho ball weighs tho Btuno, tho goal ltosts arorranged.Jtho eamo- Wo count It a roniarkalyc" lroc((rl whon Warrel Hcaloyln Friday's game with GothonburMwas given, nine chancSs ' to kIoK;gqaT and accomplished all of them successf ully. Slnco election day, wo nro for Hard ing. Tho big majority of tho American voters havo said they oro for Harding and wogrospect tho opinion of tho maJorltjiSn- tnattors of govonmcnt- It may noi'mako any dlfforonca to Hard ing but wo nro going to stand by him in tho work of his administration as long as ho shows that ho is worthy of being trusted with tho chargo of af fairs. No President evor had a bettor chanco than Warren O. Harding wilt havo on tho fourth of noxt March when he lakes his office. Ho will havo a large majority lh both houses of Congress and will bo ablo to organlzo tho gov ernment tqAsult himsolf. Ho Is no longer, tho candidate of tho Republic can party but OUIt Prosldont-Elcet. . no:: A Democratic nowspapor Ik ono on which tho.pcm'ocratlc Party can roly to spread Its' beliefs and support Its candidates. .This is trilo of a Demo cratic nows-ar and tho Bamo Is truo of a Republican nowspaporor or ono of any oilier party- An Independent newspaper .45 ono which sizes up tho platfortnB;ahd. candidates of tho various parties aridTolects tho party which at t.hat'partloillar timo most neatly meets Its approval. Wo claim to bo an Indep endent nowspapor and as such aro hound to no parly. Wo roservo tho right to chooso, our, candidates unham pered by nartv lovaltv. Tho tlnm mnv1 c!omo when wo will aoofVth'at ono party or tho othor is always right and thon o'ur support will bo given td that patty. In tho. rccont campaign wo said wo would Snp'port, Cox and' wo gnVo'our reasons.. All advertising appearing la tlio'Tribunb was paid for rtt the. regular rates.. Wo aro suro our support of Cox was not given In an offensive mariner. It m timo for a larger nutribor of tlio American pcoplo to uho their heads in llin.mattor of politics and "give 6thors ? , it rolt Mr? Pavls, who In connected with tho North Platto Aircraft .Co,, "writes that ho has signed a contract with tho Forahm FJlm Company .Ho has dono S'ork with ibis company boforo and tho work wn 11 probably bo dono hero. Mrs. Mary Vandorhoot loft yostor duy for her homo In Cour d' Alono, Idaho, after visiting at tho homo of lmr son JilN J. Vandorhoot. Mrs. Vorn Browor loft Monday for lior. .homo in Horalioy. EA5T MET WEST. 60TH WANTED THE GIR.L BOTH WERE KEAL MEN. WHICH TRIUMPHED? THI5 ROMANCE OF TEXAS WILL ASTO MIS K YOU. CRYSTAL, Thursday and Friday. HiKtfiiiimareiar Tho jjthar day whon wo Were going over Fink's Harnoss Shop to buy shoo strings for our wife, vc mot a mnn who asked us. why they call tho Ooozoo Jhiilrilng (n which our print shop Is located, tho 13eo Hive. Wo told hlm"wo didn't know and so went'over to neo Ed Davis about it and ask him. Ed was measuring up some' corn flour for a lady who learned to uho It dur ing tho war and can't got along with out It now. Ed's East End friend wns Bitting In tho chair and being it friendly follow ho began talking to us. Wo told him what wo came ovor for and ho nBkcd us who olso had shops In tho Ooozco building and' wo said 'ftoo and Carl Simon havo their tin shop there and Smith & Sago have their Dowllng Alloy there and Mrs. .Lemon has a Cafo.. Hp said ho. didn't see nny reason for" calling it. the Bee Hive hrilc'ssjtthoro wnB so much work dono there lifto Is done in a bee hive of real bees. Wo thought that was pretty good and then ho said. that it might also bo because of tho noise. "A beehive has tho humming of tho booa" said ho, "and you havo the whirr of tho linotype and the presses, and tho pounding of Simon's tinners and tho rolling of Smith & Sago's Bowling Alloy nnd tho sipping of soup In Mrs. Lemon's Owl Cafe." Wo thot that was a good reason and we wore ready to go whon Ed bowed his lady customer out of the Btore and camo over to whore wo Woro. Ed's East End Friend told him what wo were talking about and wo told him how his East End Friend had answer ed our (luestion. Ed smiled a llttlo and then said ho thought wo wore wrong. Wo asked him to' tell ua what Ho thought Is tho reason people call our -building tho Bee Hive and he said ho wouldn't bo surprized it thojj referred to tho number of drones in jt. Ed's East Ijnd Friend looked up at us;real quick and then ho got up nnd stopped ovor bctwoon ub nnd whon wo got up wo couldn't get nenr to Ed for tho East End Friend was all tho tlmd In tho way so', wo enmo out and slnmmed'tho door. And now wo know. HtMA?I. IIA1lIIN-f Trmii Martha', Hardin, was .bom In Irma Martha'. Hardin . was North PJattok July 19, 1916 and died Sept. 4? 1920 at tho ago. of 14 years, 2 months, 14 days- Irma contracted tho flu about two years agk and slnco that tlmo-sho has been almost an in valid. About tho first of. January sho was taken to Bouldor, Colo., hoping to holp hor by giving her tho moun tain air and tho care, of specialists. Sho did not improve nndwhen Juno camo sho askod to. bo taken homo. She slowly snuk until on the night of Sept 24th hor spirit took Its lllght. . Irma was a- faithful member of tho Episcopal Sunday School and was loved by all who know hor. Sho leaves hor father and mother, a brother and slstor.vher grandparents and a special and favorite aunt to mourn hor un timely death' Sho wns burled In the North Platto Comotory, the funeral norvlcos being conducted by Rov. It. O. Mackintosh, Rector of tho Epis copal church here. ::o:: Mrs. Qeorgo Frater roturnod Sat urduy from a trip to Koystono. WILLIAM FOX presents TOM MIX ''Bhc Texaiv otwacD ey lhh f. REynoiDS For Sale 70 bushel grain body for truck. Phono 1081W. Wanted All kinds of sowing and dressmaking. Prices vory reasonable. 312 S. Walnut. Call for MrsvBro:wh. For Sale Ono No. 5 Radiant "Homo hard coal stove. 220 W. Sixth St.. A. 0. Kockon. ' Onions for Sale 1 mllo north and V. "mllo cast of Platto Valley School House. For Sale Two small sqft oal HtoveS. ' Mrs. a 'J. Sa'llsbur.Vi6i3 Sycamore. For Jv'cnl Furnished sleeping room ron(flblo for two hcat m w t 3r( p? 122W Wanted Use of Garage to kcop car In this winter, closo in on 5th, 6th. or 7th street. Apply A. H. Harper or 904 West Cth St. For Snlc Duroc-JorBey boars It is timo to havo your boars for fall ser vice A few choice ono at tho Export mcntnl Station. For Sale Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock Cockerels at $2.50 each- Ldne Star FaVm. Phono 788F11. For So,lo Three improved Keith Co. farms. Two stock ranches. Vory long timo and easy paymonts. O. P. Hoxlo, Owner, 908 W. Fifth St. North Platto or Ogalalla, Nebr. Wauled Stock to winter. . Qod windbreak, spring water and plenty of hay. Horsos $2.00 Cattle $2.50 por month. Ralph Sawl, Rt. B, North Platte, Nobr. ForSnle On account of leaving town Houso and 2 lots at 1003 13. Fotirt. Sovcn rooms and bath down stairs. All modern. Up-slalrs not finished. Cement walks, drlvo and curb. Double garage and two chicken houses. Call at premises or Phono 834J- ' . ' tiO.sl Suit case containing men's' clothing, between North Platto and O'Fallons. Finder plcnso lea,vo at Field-Blrge Co. or Tribune Office Rownrd. Harry Shepherd.- For llent Furnished room in all modern homo- Phono 1121 or call at 221 South Locust. magazines nro now offering good clubbing lists- Phono mo your sub scriptions, .Mrs, Fred G. Rector, 573. ::o:: i . JMIss'es Florence and Mario Stack wllj entertain" tho Catholic -Girls' Club tomorrow evening. Miss Dorothy Jefters hafl. resigned her position as stenographer at tho Chamber of Commerce office. NOTICE OF IlEFEItEE'S SALE- Notlco Is hereby given that by vlr- tuo of an order Issued by the District Court in. and for Lincoln County. Nobraska, on tho 2nd. day of Decem ber, 1919, and alias order on Novom- bor 5th, 1920, In an action wherein, W. H. McDonald. Nettlo V. Reynolds and James B. McDonald are pTtlntlffft; nnd Mary B. McDonald, William C. Roynoldt, Ruth McDonald Daub; AVI1- Jlnm J. Daub; Frank A. MOoney. r minor under the ago of 14 years. Frank L. Mooney, Guardian of Frank A. Moonoy, a minor, undor the ago of 14 years; W. H. McDonald, Not tlo V. Roynoldt; nnd Jamos B. Mc Donald Administrators of tho ostote of Charles McDonald, deceased, are defendants; I will on tho 15th day of December, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M of said day. at tho East front door o The idol of the West in a smashing picture of Texan love, lariats, thrills, tender leet and punchers. A rolling, rollick ing drama that keeps you laughing or thrill ing or choking back a .sob every split second. ... .With a good edy each night. CO Manhattan Shirts Now Ottered One-Third Off This is one of the Greatest Values Offered in Our Great Re-Construction Sale 4 m'oney -This Js a Edwards-Reynolds tho Court IIouso in tho City of North flatte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder "for cash, subject to all in cumbrances, against the same, tho following described real estate, sltu (ito. til J-dncolh County, State of Ne braska, to-wlt; Tho Nor,th. Eigthy four and Two-thirds Feet1(ot Lp't Ono Vl),' a.hd the East Twenty-two Feet of Lot Twto .(2), In Block One-hundred and Two (J02) of tho original town now. City of North Platte, the said North . Elgthy-four " and Two-Uilrds Feet of said Lot One (I) arid tho said East' Twentytwo (22) Feet of said Lot Two (2) of said 'Block One-hundred and tfwo (102) to bo offored for snlo separately, and thon to be. offered for sale as one tract, and the Ref '&fce will accept -such bid or bids as will in the aggregate amount to the ost money. Tho. terms of. said sale being casii hand, and sublect to all incum brances agalnBt tho same- Said1 sale will be held open for ono hour. Dated' this Sth day of Novomber, 1920. O. E. ELDER, Itofoj-eo. Beelor, Crosby & Basklns, N0-D1O, Attornoya. . NOTICE OF FINAL RKl'OItT. Estate No. 1715 of Joseph J. Bow- ker, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, NcbrasKa. Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all per sons Interested In said Estato take notlco that tho lAdmlulstrarlx has filed a final account and roport of her administration nnd a petition for final settlement and dlsjchargo as such, which havo beon sot for hearing be fore said Court on December 3, 1920 at 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may ap- KEITH THEATRE Monday and Tuesday J. Wnrron Kerrigan in "No. 90" X big special Kerrigan production anil a "Snul Pollard" Comedy A News Keel showing latest events. Wednesday and Thurday Bessie Barriscale in "Life's Twist." Special Production, Comedy, Torchy in High , Friday and Saturday MAURICE TOURNIER IN "THE BRORENjBDTTERFLY; Comedy "Duck In" and a big special for the lovers of llaso Ball "Kabo Kutli. A special added Atraction sliowiug just, how IJubo HutU swats the pill ,closo up showing how this wonderful player puts tho homo runs oyer. Come on you Sports nnd seo how ho docs it. Scientific and won derful.. Donmiss it. Coming November 22 and 23 Greatest Screen Production of the Age, T N. Westcotts "Down Home'' Brother of the author of David' Harum MARK SHIRTS KNOWN AS THE BEST - THE BEST KNOWN This reduction on Manhattan Shirt? offered lor a limited time by SPECIAL PERMISSION from the makers; Buy your supply now of the world's finest and most durable shirts at the saving prices. Sale You Can't Afford to Miss pear and contos tho same Dated ' Novomber Sth, 1920, Wm. H. O WOODHURST, N9-3wks,. County Judge, NOTICE OF PETITION, , Estate . No. 1786 of Richard- TL. Graves, deceased, Ip. the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.' Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said Estate take notice that a .petition has jjeen filed JULIUS PEER, Loans and Investments Office in Building & Loan Association Rear end of Roberts Bros. " Land Co. Phone 145. . North Platte, Nebraska. 'A. V . ? V f 1 ' ' for the appointment of .Carrlo L. R. Graves as Administratrix of said Es tato which haspeea -set, for hearing herein on December 3, 1920, at 9 o'clock a- m. .,, i Dated November 5, 1920. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, ' N9-3wks, . County. Judge v.'ijirtt. fit- DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Grajaate Deslist Office over tho McDonald , St&t Bank. when you provide your household with, labor-saving aDDliances. -Int'the house- -,hold of today they are positive necessities, 11 you wish to enjoy your home and family and have any time left for recreation. The SmplexJroner has solved the greatest problem of the household the weekly ironing. It saves your health, labor, time and money, It does in one hour what it takes four hours to do by hand, ybU can iron a tablecloth in three minutes and do it so beautifully that it looks like new? The Simplex irons everything but shirtwaists and skirts, at a cost of 3 centa,per hour. One hour's time in the morning does the ironing, leaving you as fresh as when you began, and giving the rest of the day to spend as you wish Let Us show you the many special features of the Simplex that make it the safest and most practical ironer to operate. North Platte Light & Power Co.