MEETING Every w Consumer Should Read this Announcement0 t.t :.: :.: :t j.t ,l if- Resisosi i.t it V 11 8 ' To quickly effect adjustment to present day conditions, meaning lower prices on all merchfandiee.' it :.: :.: if :t ' - j if w A3 0 ?5y Consumer 'fw - - Prices j: if if l if In a sale of this magnitude is im-1 i . it possible to give detailed prices and des- cription. vTFN? I r. wVv. 8 We want' you to realize that this great J sale is your t opportunity to buy your j:! 'needs at prices that mean Dollars m your Vf 1 . I pocket. if m .t if j'j W4,yVVVV.V4VV.4MV j;t " ' -v if " - , . it . if St ' I All what wonderful savings we are I Come Here THE GREATEST COMBINATION OF 8 o'fterina yDu-Buy your requirements for We have not only adjusted prices to STORES IN THE WORLD. . " ' latest manufacturing cost; 'but in many 1! OF LIVING BY MANUFACTURING g . , . '. ... . . . 6 ' THEIR OWN GOODS. THUS SAVING ,TO lots l merchancliso at prices much below T"0 S -.uuuug THE CONSUMER AIL THE PROFITS f thY market and&uch fiood8lhath&aj: - WHICH HERTOFORE HAVE BEEN RH- ;J . . .. . ' price, without regard to cost when the goods were bought. . TAIN ED BY MANUFACTURERS AKD be no. change in price. u WHOLESALERS. ALL. GOODS WITH THE ABOVE I .'ft' Jt Remember -f - - - - - - - - " . - - .r .' Jt j Wewere first to; start; on lower, prices, n LABEL ARE SOLD AT THE SAME LOW '8 j.t J.t VrV'VVVlVlVMW4VvVVVf4VVVi . RATE BY EVERY mUST NATGOriL 8 OU UI . USv STORE THROUGHQOX THE COUNTRY. ' " ' "r- :-; J THE LOW PRICES ARE PRINTED kN I At the loyest ,new(pribe level.' PLAIN FIGURES ON EVERY TAG. TI3I: , ; v RECOGNIZED FIRST NATJONaL n STORE IN THIS COMMUNITY IS - caEvery Item in the Store Reduced from Pins and Needles to Fur Coats. 44t4iMM4U44f44VV4VVr4VfV'VVVV44 W'f-V'lVMlVv'44VX V ' TltUTJIFULLY 'NO in Business tliere Is presumed to bo such a tiling ns ' "Wille JJe"' Iiut, rcgnrdless. of Its color, woro. of llio strong opinion tlmt It leaves a lllnck, jrnrk. , TIIE SrANAGEH.) DRY GOODS WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON, MANAGER IL THE TJtUTIf In uiuulultorateil - form cannot servo as n nics Kciiger for tthls. store's utterance to tlio puUIc Wo nro going to slmt up both our months nnd our Inislucss- . CT1IK pirANAGEII.) LOCAL AJQ) PEBSONAL Doris Dunn left Tliursday for Sutherland-Mrs. Gus Chamberlain arrived "Wednesday from Denver to visit rel atives and friends. Mrs. G. B. Dent will leava Satur day for a visit in Omaha and other eastern points John Koqntz left yesterday morn ing for Douglas, Wyo., to visit his daughter for tho next two weeks SATURDAY SPECIAL! Swifts Premium Hams 38c per pound. McGpverh & Stack, Phone 80 FREE DELIVERY Mrs. D. Besack left yesterday for a visit in Gothenburg. Mrs. AV." Vanarsdall left Thursday for ii6r home in Hershoy. Jack Crook, of Paxton, spent a few days in tho city this week. Mrs. Marlon Carrier loft yesterday for a visit In Gothenburg. Sharpl'oy Thompson, of Hersb,oy, spent Wednesday in this city i Misses Cora, Helen and Ethel Sous er will leavo Sunday for Omaha. Mrs. Cool returned Tuesday from an extended visit In eastern points. r Mrs. Alfred Mallan,,of Hershoy, was a business viflitor in tho city yester day. Charles. Dixon loft Wednesday for Omaha whero ho expects to trans act business. Mrs. Casoy resumed her duties at tho Depot News, Stand after a fow days vacation. Mrs. Sam Richards, of Omaha, ti former resident is visiting in town tills week. Rev. Fred Wortx, Assistant Pastor of Kountzo Memorial Lutheran Church, Omaha, will supply, tho pul, pit at tljo Luthoran Church this com-, Ing" Sunday morning , aij ovonlng. Fay Brower, of Hershoy, transacted business In this city Thursday. Mrs. Owen Jones will leavo 4soon far Denver whoro sho expects to spond tho wlntor. Mr. and Mrs- Bryon Sollers, of Wellfleot, were business visitors in tho city Wednesday. Mrs. C. F, Jennings, of Dotrolt, Mich., is visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A- F. Stroitz. Miss Ollvo Miller loft Thursday for Southorn California whero sho ex pects to spond tho winter. Mr. Stamp . left tho latter part of tho week for Omaha whoro ho ox ,pects to transact business. Mr, and . Mrs. II. A- Farrar, of Wellfleot, transacted business In tho city tho later part of tho week. ' A baby boy was born Monday even ing to Mr. and Mrs. James VanNoy. All concerned aro doing nicely. Harry Dixon arrived homo Tuesday ovenlng from Omaha whoro ho trans acted business and vlsiticd his daugh ter Mrs. Conlln. , Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs- J. Hohnls, of Iloscoo, Nobr., was opora tod on ' Thursday, morning, at tho .Platto Valley Hospital. Graco Allan and Agnes Mikloson, of Broadwator, who havo beon visit ing at tho homo of Mrs. B. Plorco loft yesterday for , their homo. Rov. C. F. Koch went to Omaha yesterday to attend tho Exccutivo Mooting of tho Nebraska Synod- Ho will return Monday morning. Allan Robb nrrived homo Friday morning from Hampton Roads, Vir ginia, whero ho has boon stationed for somotimo - in tho sorvico of tho nnd Mrs. Homer Peterson ar rived homo Wednesday after spend ing tho past two weeks in California They will rosido in this city In tho future Newt week Tuesday und Wednes day, Georgo Barr McCuftcheon's Crystal screen with Robert Warwick anu i,oi8 Wilson in tlio loading roles Tho story is n very well known ono and carries tho idoa of lost idontity in tho hurrying throngs of a great city. Ono never knows tholr neigh bors and in lowly position, may bo found persons of noblo birth and vico versa- Tho story is full of romantic adventure. With it each night wlllftb'q shown a good comedy. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Millet left ves- torday for a visit in Sedgwick, Col.. Leavo your piano tuning 6rdcrsvat 014 West 4th St. Phono 334. Satisfac tion guaranteed. WYLIE- WALKER; City. 85-2 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "The Matrimanic" A typical Fairbanks picture Saturday Comedy Fatty Arbuoklo in "Back Stago," A now comedy that hits tho laugh speed llmIt . . Monday Comedy ALICE HOWELL In "His Wooden Legacy." , i Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. 'CrTTM