1' BUCffr JONES In ti omnnco of speed and luck "Sunset Sprague" FIFTH OFF No one oould make lilifl My iu!t lie lind a Wg Job but bo was a notvy man. 1 )iW V! THURSDAY COMKDIVfLOYJS nnd GAS0LTNI1" v FRIDAY CtfMKDV lViUy Arlmcldo Jn n comedy never before filioivn licro -"HACK STAGE," Crystal Theatre, s Thursday and Friday. LOCAL AND I'EIISONAL Charles Rossltor loft yesterday morning for Omaha. Real reduction salo in ovcry depart ment. B. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs., Honsolt returned yesterday to her homo in Grand Island. Doc Ewart loft yestorday for Gibbon where bo will spend several days. Anna Hclnglar, who 1ms been ser ,iouBly ill, is roported to bo improving. " Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Marshal left yesterday for their homo in Horsboy. " Dr. Grcsslor left Sunday ovenlng for Omaha whoro ho accompanied a patient. Tho Kastorn Star Kensington will meet nt tho Masonic Hall tomorrow aftornoonut thrco o'cock. Miss Helen Swanson, who has been visiting tho homo folks for sevoral dayB left yestorday for Hcrshey. John Malonp, travoling passongor agent for tho North Western railroad passed through hero yestorday. Lon GrSvcs, who has boon 111 at his homo' on East Fifth street for somo time, is reported to bo much worso. Blankets have boon moving very rapidly but still li good assortment to choose from. K. T. Tramp &Sons. Mrs; Lester Ells, of Omaha, isiioro in Uio'city whoro sho has boon called "by Uio serious illness of Lon Gravoa. A big shipment of dress sklrta just nrrived which aro Includod In tho big Discount Salo. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs, Gus Chamberlain is expected lu a fow days from Donvor tovlslt at tho homo of her father I'. II. Sulli van. JVo havo a comploto lino of "good Alarm ClockB for theso dark morn Ings, nlBO mantlo clocks. Clinton, tho Jowolcr. ' , 2 Beginning last Saturday morning we offer a discount of One-Fifth, on every purchase made from any item in our stock. Prices have started down ward and we are going to give you the full benefit now. Many items have not been lowered at wholesale, but we include them all. Labor has not been lowered in many industries and a cut of 30 to 50 percent in raw materials does not mean a cut of that much in the finished product. Many of the items we are offering can not be. had at the new mill prices before January or February. You can get them from us now just when you need them most Wilcox Department Store Tho AIC Chapter P. E. 0. Sister hood will meet "Wednesday, Noy. 3d, at tho homo of Mrs. William Rey nolds, 220 W. Third Streot. Tho bans of 'marriago wore an nounced for tho first timo at St. Pat rick's church Sunday between MIbb Ethel Doncgan and 'William Hobs,, both of this city. , . Just tho beginning of the falliuuil .wltftor season when y(oU,')ioed;.oilrii clothing and you ma"y'got''thoni at a real discount Tako adVanttfgo of this opportunity. E. T Tramp & Sons". ' .Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Brodbeck ar rived Sunday from Chicago whore they were recently married .HTlfoy now occupy tho Noai Turplo house, which ;Hafry.purcha8od a fow weeks ago. 'hfcrovlll bo a special meoting of Uio "Woinan'a Ilollef Corps, "Thursday, NoV. -lib nt 2:30 at tho I, 0. Q P. hrtll for Inspection and other work. All officors and members aro urged to bo present, r To whom aro your going to soli your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prlc03. (Htf LOCAL POET BREAKS INTO YERSi: TO EXPRESS HIS UNBOUNDED JOY. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOB TIE ELECTION ItETUBNS IN NORTH PLATTE Fake Economy. If .you need n Dodge Brothers ctfr no it is . false economy to delay your purchase, and probably lose, busi , ncss or time, or both. Dodge Brothers car prices arc fixed for six months at least, and there is no intention of changing now, either in price or quality, except the constant effort to. better the quality of these good cars. ' A famous Chicago merchanUhas truthfully said that "Quality Remains Long After the Price is Forgotten" but ho who now waits orbuys what he does not want, will often remember the hot water he had to chase, or the rear wheel he jacked up cachmorning before he could start. ' " Dodge Brothers cars pay dividends in faithful, eco nomical servicethey are both a winter and summer car. You have all noticed the positive quiet starting of Dodgd cars even in the coldest weather. What I mean to say is (hat you cannot save money by waiting or buying something cheaper if you have real need for a good car if you have no need, then of course doiTt buy anything wait until you have need and then buy something good and dependable. 6th and -Locust. Phono U'14 J. V. Roimgh Dodge Brothers f -Qliaiuller Motpr Ccti:s Wo are printing tho following as a contribution to tho poetry inspired in Uio breast of a lonesome man by tho absQnco of his better half. COMING HOME NEXT WJEBK. My wlfo is taking her vacation A pound of flesh I cannot gain. , I am starving at tho restaurant No more visits 'till we're twain, Sho's been gone about six weeks I tryed to cook and make a bed, Something I liavo neve rdonb Since tho day that wo wore wed. Every ttmo I try that stunt I moot with somo disaster, So now I'll let the woirien Svork They can1 do It so much faster. Tho iloor is littered all ntiout With papers, books and magazines, "While I poor devil, sit anil think How will I over get it clean. Tho houso from lloor to garret. "With dust is covored tilled, Large flies got in tho parlor (Their bussing makes mo sick.) On tho colling, in tho corners sSpldors, havo their cobwobs spun,', And every morning when I look Can sco d fresh one just begun.' Tho kitchen's In nn awful moss "With dirty dishes ovorywhoro, Laundry's in a dreadful shape frothing clean that I can wear. If unyono should ask you Tho causo of all this squeak, Just tell them that my wifio IS COMING HOME NEXT WEEK. J. W. Lo. The local office of tho Western Union has mado arrangements to fur nish election returns by wire to four iplaccs in North Platte. Thoflorvico will start at eight o'clock and con tinue as long as anyone wants tho re ports. Tho Lutheran Church has mado arrangements for tho returns to bo given out in tho basement of tho church and invites all of its friends to bo there. Tho Methodist Church will get tho returns in the lecturo room of its building and urges its friends to come and stay as long as they wish. The members sot tho Elks Club will enjoy tho rpportg by wlro to theirclub rooms where they will discuss them In comfort. The Cham ber of Commerce will give out tho fig ures as fast as they aro recelvod at tho Offlco of the Secretary. The Sec retary is urging all who will to share tho first reports with him. Leave your piaiio tuning orders at 914 West 4th St. Phono 334. Satisfac tion guaranteed. WYLIE WALKER, City. ' S5-2 Your discount on all garments and alterations freo and absolutely reli able merchandise.1 E. T. Tramp & Sons. CARD OF THANKS. Wo deslro to. express our most heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted ua during tho illness and death of our dear mother and grandmother. Your acts of kindness and words of sym pathy will over bo remembered, also tho many and beautiful floral tributes. - Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Stearns and family. (Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Peters and family. Mr. and Mrs. George StearnB and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adamson and family. , PRICE REVISION ;:o:: NOTICE Tho ladles of tho Christian Church will glvo a chicken Buppor this oven lng. PlatCB will bo 50 cents. Evoryonc 1b invited. ::o:: LOCAL AJED PERSONAL Mrs . James Hart roturneOL from Omaha yesterday. Nellio Pollus loft yesterday for To bias whoro slip will work. W. A. O'Donnol is oxpectod today to visit at tho W. H. LoDloyt homo. N. E. Buckloy will leavo this oven lng for Omaha whoro ho will bo on tho grand jury. Tho Dclnvonuo Club will meet with Mrs. Frank Brotzor, 707 West Ninth Streot Friday afternoon at three. Cut glnss, wo havo our holiday lino in and aro selling very reasonably. Lot ub show you. Clinton tho Jeweler Dr. O. II, Crcsslor returned this morning from a business trip to Omaha. Tho Rebeccas will hold a Kensing ton at tho I. O. 0. F. Hall, Friday aftornoou. Lilnda Babo left yestorday .for Ohlowas, Nobr., whoro Bho oxpects to work in tho near futuro. Allen Robb 1b expected to nrrlvo homo fills week from Hamnton. Va.J 'whoro ho has been in tho hospital corps of tho Navy. Leavo your piano tuning ordors a' 914 Wost 4th St. Phono 334. Satisfac tion guaranteed. WYLIE WALKER, City. ' m 85-2 Glonn Boolcwnltor hasroslgncd his position as rural mall" carrier on Routo'B and baa boon succeeded by Oltns. a. AValton,. During the past week we have been going over our stock, revising prices in keeping with today's market prices. Our buyers being constantly on the New York market have kept us posted on the downward trend of some lines of merchandise. When they secure lower pricesjwe immediately "pass them on to our customers. OUR METHOD OF DOING BUSINESS continues as before. "No Special Sales." We do net come out with the glaring statement of 20 to 50 percent off, for our prices would not warrant it as they have been equal every day to most so called sale prices. - 1E?jWc have revised our prices all over the store, to be right in line with market quotations of today, so that you will find here as before that WE SELL FOR LESS We invite comparison, get your price come here and compare with ours, if you want your dollar to bring 100 cents worth of goods buy from J, C. PENNEY CO., who maintain lowest prices, first, last and always. . . ' Mens best grade 220 Denim values $2.10 Mens Rockford Sox 15c Men and Boys heavy winter caps 98c v Mens line dress shoez $4.98 Ladies fine dress shoes $3.98 and $498. Revised Prices on Outings, Muslins, Ginghams, Percales, Underwear, Blankets. SEEING IS BELIEVING WATCH OUIt WINDOWS COME INTO THE STOItE-GOODS ON DISPLAY AT NEW PEICES WHILE WE HAVE HAD THE LARGEST FALL BUSINESS IN OUB IlEADY-TO WEAR DErABT- JIENT SINCE STARTING OUR STORE HERE WE STILL HATE FINE LINE OF COATS SUITS AND DRESSES AT TRICES THAT ARE YERT LOW WHICH IS EVIDENCE FOR THE ABOTE STATE 3IENT x IP l'OU VALUE YOUR DOLLAR GET THE HABIT AS THOUSANDS OF OTHERS HAVE DONE BUY FROM THE COMPANY TIIAT SAVES YOU MONEY AT ALL TIMES AND STANDS BACK OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. NORTH PLATTE C. PENNEY OPERATING 297 BUSY STORES NEBRASKA i En