NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Stop That Backache ! . .T1"? agoniziiifc twingei, that dull, throbbing backache, may be warning of cerioui kidney yreaknett aerloui if neg lected, for it might eaily lead to gravel, dropsy or fatal Bright' disease. If you are suffering with a bad back, look for other proof of kidney trouble. If there are dizzy spells, headaches, tired feeling and disordered kidney action, get after the cause. Use Doan't Kidney Pills, the remedy that has helped thousands. Satisfied users rec ommend Doan'i. Atk your neighbor! A Nebraska Case O. C. Drake, car penter & contract' or. "It" St.. Broken Dow, Nebr., says: "My kldnoya both ered mo and a Daln edt tn rleht acrosf tho center of my back. I couldn't straighten uponco I got down and It was only by sheer will power I was nhlA tn wnrW. Mv kidneys didn't act regularly. I took Doan's Kidney Pills and several boxes completely cured me." Gat Doan's at Any Stora, COc Dos DOAN'S "VfJiV FOSTER MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. V. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine HEALS RUNNING SORES "I feel it my duty to write you a letter of thanks for your wonderful Peterson's Ointment. I had a running sore on my left leg for ono year. I began to use Peterson's Ointment three weeks ago and now it Is healed." A. C. Gilbrath, 703 need St., Erie, Pa. For years I have been selling through druggists a large box of PETERSON'S OINTMENT for 60 cents. Tho healing power In this ointment Is marvelous. Eczema goes In a fow days. Old sores heal up llko magic; plies that other reme dies do not seem to even relievo are speedily conquered. Pimples and nasty blackheads disappear in a week and the distress of chafing goes In a few minutes. Mall orders filled. Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Girls! Girls!! Save Your Hair With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Taicnm 25c 411 ACRES HALF CLEARED sandy land, three house, runnliiK water, 4 miles town, telephone, rural route. 75 a., Ino, S mules. 15 cattle, 2C hogn. tools, feed, car. No trade. E. D. Clark, Ornpeland. Tex. TO KEEP EXPERIENCED HELP Colorado Beet Sugar Company Plans to Provide Houses for Mexi cans Next Season. At least ono big sugur compnny In Colorado Is already planning u nu cleus of Mexican beet workers for next spring. It has just ordered the construction of '25 small, frame build ings in the outskirts of Montrose for tho Mexicans to occupy this winter, so that they will not drift to other dis tricts and force the sugar company to bring In Inexperienced beet workers again next spring. This year tho company Imported several hundred Inexperienced work ers from Mexico. Many of these have become valuable beet workers and the company Intends to do all It can to keep them in 'this locality. Keeping Floors Warm. ' Mrs. Swankt We need some new rugs, dear. Her Uiisbnnd Don't we need blan kets more? Mrs. Swnnke Yes, but who sees blankets? Answers. Use Both Hands. A French surgeon has recommended the French Academy of Medicine to advocate teaching school children to make equal use of both hands. Poets nro born and sometimes they nre paid. Death enables us to dodge the tax assessor. Instead of doing things today, the wise man did them yesterday. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" la genu Ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "Buyer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache. Earache, Neuralgia. Ilhcumntlstn, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 (ablets cost few cent. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon oacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. No Cause for Kick. "Oh, my tooth aches dreadfully. 1 don't see why we can't he born, with out teeth." "I think, my dear, that if you look up some authority oi that point you will llnd that most of us are!" CASCARETS They Work while you Sleep" Make It your "hobby" to keep liver and bowels regular. If bilious, consti pated, headachy, unstrung, or If you have a cold, an upset stomach, or bad breath, take Cascarets tonight and wuke up feeling clear, rosy and fit. No griping no inconvenience. Children love Cascarets too. 10, 25, CO cents. Adv. Wrong Party. Harry Carey, the picture star Is about as affable a chap as one would care to meet, hut once In awhile he does get peeved and this Is most like ly to occur when the company Is on location and Is tn n hurry to get the work done and return to the studio. Not so long ago the Carey com pnny was on location In the north country, but Instead of finding sunny weather It was cold and cloudy. This was bad enough, but the ex plosion came In the tiny restaurant when the chatty waiter remarked: "The rain will be here In a minute or two sir." "Who'n'ell wants rain?" thundered Carey. "I didn't order any. I'm waiting for eggs sunny side up I" The Best Thing He Did. A melancholy looking mnn teter ed Into the- establishment of a pho tographer. "I should like to have a picture of myself weeping beside my wife's grave." he explained. "I fear I have not the necessary accessories here," said the pho tographer. Then he added, ' face tiously, "Couldn't we arrange to have the portrait made ut the grave it ''self?" "No," said the man; "that's In New York stnte. It would be too expen sive to go there. .Tust you fix up some kind of a grave here In tho shop. I could weep on thnt. It's no trouble for me to weep anywhere." Everybody's Magazine. Lovemnklng of the kind usually found In romantic novels makes the real thing look like SO cents. II ' VJ Ml liiliTIiiiTisi"BBi - lour table drink will never bother nerves or sleep ifyou Qjiit coffee and drink. INSTANT G POSTUM A D EVER AGE -"mm prvofl or nwff- PMtum Crl Com piny. unu Pn,ii.c.m. w tiiT itaur eunct Instant POSTUM If coffee troubles you, isrft it better to make the change now rather than later? Better health results and youll appreciate the econ omy and convenience. AT GROCERS EVERYWHERE There's a. Reason or Postum 44 Made VjrRjstum Cereal Co.Inc- Battle CreelcMick, ROAD UlLDMG MUCH DEPENDS ON HIGHWAYS Leading Manufacturers Have Abol ished Ton Rating and Are Fitting , Trucks to the Job. Every farmer knows that n horse's efficiency depends to n large extent upon the roads over which It hauls. For exnmplo: One horse on a concrete road will pull as much as two horses on n macadntn highway. The same load on a good earth road requires five horses and on loose gravel, ten. Obviously It Is to the haulers' ad vantage to have roads permitting tho hauling of maximum loads with u mini mum of power. If a horse drawing two-ton loads over city pavements Isold to a farm- Trucks Are Mighty Handy for Haul Ing Farm Products. or, tho seller does not tell the buyer the horse will haul two tons In the country. The farmer knows his conditions and what he can expect. In view of the fnct that farmers are using an ever Increasing number of motortrucks, It Is interesting to note what a leading transportation au thority recently said about doing this with trucks, that Is, calling them two, three, four, etc., ton trucks. "Obviously It Is as Illogical for n motortruck manufacturer to label his truck a two-ton hauler as It would he for a horse dealer to say how much n horse would haul. Clearly In cither case tho lond which may be transport ed depends almost entirely upon condi tions. For this reason leading manu facturers havo abolished the ton rat ing method and nre-fittlng the trucks to the Job. A transportation engineer goes over tho hauler's conditions thor oughly. All his difficulties and ad vantages are carefully considered, and the proper size unit prescribed. Thus, n truck formerly rated at two tons may be used for n four-ton load In the city, while In nn unusually bad sec-. Hon of the country a unit with a larger rated horse power capacity may be necessary, If the owner Is to prevent wasteful depredation." In other words, manufacturers are taking advantage of the experience gained In horse hauling. They real ize It takes "ten horses on loose grnvel and one on concrete." They nro sell ing their transportation accordingly. APPROVE HIGHWAY PROJECTS Preliminary Estimate of Cost of Im provements Is Approximately $384,900,000. Dp to .Tune 30, 1020. 2.0S5 projects Involving a total of 20,319 miles of road had been npproved by the sec retary of agriculture. The prelim inary estlmnte of the cost of these projects Is approximately $.'184,000,000. of which approximately S1C3.841.000 will be approved as federal aid. On the same date 2.110 projects repre senting approximately 15,914 miles had either been completed or were under construction. The estimated total cost of these projects In vnrlous stages of construction and completed, Is $200, 000.000. Tho tbtnl cost of federal-aid work approved by tho secretary n the 10 months subsequent to the signing of the armistice and prior to July 1, 1920, which Is approximately $330,000. 000. exceeded by $03,000,000 the cost of all road and bridge work done by states and counties In this country In 1015. The value of the work conv. pleted during that period amounted to $00,000,000, a rate of construction equaling that of the Pannmn canal. MAINTAINING DIRT HIGHWAY Where Patrol System Is Used, Light Blade Grader Is Best Tool to Stand Heavy Work. The best tool for use on earth road maintenance is a light-blade grader. Whero a patrol system of maintenance Is used, this system Is the very best. The Ideal grader Is one strong enough to stnnd tho required strain when pulled by four horses In clennlng out ditches and other necessary work that Is too heavy for two horses, yet light enough and so constructed that the drnft will he such that two horses can easily pull It when doing ordinary grader work, LACK INOCULATION AND LIME Cause of Failure of Many Alfalfa Seedlngs Reported to Iowa Experi ment Station This Year. Out of 1.073 alfalfa seedlngs report ed to the Iowa experiment station this year. 10.5 per cent failed. Of these fnllures, 38.7 per cent wore due to lack of inoculation, lack of lime, or both. Inoculation Is very Important. It Is estimated thnt Inoculation and l.lmu are beneficial for qlfalfa on about nlne-teuths of the Iowa soils. "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair I Make It Abundant I Immediately after a "Danderlno" massage, your hair tnkes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear ing twice as heavy and plentiful be cause each hnlr seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your- hair stay life less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, hcAjtt ul hair. A 35-cent hottlo of delightful "Danderlne" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff nnd foiling hnlr. This stimulating "benuty-tonle" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness nnd abundant thickness All druggists I Adv. Up Against It. "I havo to stav In the dining room now. Can't sit In my private office." "Why not?" "With this 1nzz orchestra cnlne 1 can't tell when a waiter drops a fay of dishes." Louisville Courier-Journal. Kill That Cold .With CASCARA. M QUININE rem Colds, Cough AND La Grippe Neglected Colds nro Dangerous Talc no chancM. Keep this standard remedy handy for th first an. Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relieves Orlppo in 3 days Excellent for Hoadacho Qulnin in this fohn does not affect th head Cascara is best Tonic Laxatlv. No OpiaU in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT "Papc's Dlapepsln" for indigestion 'Pane's DlnDonsIn" Is the Quickest. surest relief for Indigestion, Oases, Flntu lence. Heartburn. Sourness, Fermentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A lew tablets fnvo almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach Is corrected so you can cat favorite fooda without fenr. Iarge enso costs only CO cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Best stomach corrective known Adv. Poor Marksmanship. Cub Reporter Don't you tldnk my articles have a lot of fire? Proofreader Yes, considerable lire, but no aim. Some men try to expand their old debts by contracting new ones. Rheumatism Comes From Tiny Pain Germ. I First of all, get it firmly Axed in your mind that all tho liniments in tho world havo no effect what ever on Rheumatism. A very common form of Rheu matism is caused by millions of tiny discaso germs which infest tho blond. The one and only sensible treatment, therefore, is one which cleanses the blood of these genus, nnd routs them entirely put of tho circulation. This is why S.S.S., tho greatest known blood purifier is so buccoss? ful in tho treatment of Rhoumn tism. It is n powerful cleanser of tho blood, and will remove tho dis caso germs that cause your Rheu matism, affording relief that Li genuine. S.S.S. is sold by all druggists. Free literature and medical advico can be had by writing to Chief Medical Advisor. 154 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga. Tornadoed. Traveling Man Some tornado that was wo had around here hist night. Do any damnge to your new barn? Phlegmatic Kartner Dunno. Hain't found tho durn thing ye,t. American Legion Weekly. Catarrh Can Bo Cured Catarrh Is a local dtseuso Kreatly Influ. enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARTtH MEDICINE Is takon Internally and acts through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation ol tho disease, gives tho patient strength by Improving tho general health and asslsti nature In doing Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ever see tho motto, "Live nnd Let Live," on tho wnlls of a butcher shop? An ounce of action Is worth n pound of threats. Love Is blind. That's why n mnn In love Is unable to distinguish be tween an angel and n goose. USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right 1 Don't rials your material In n poor dye. Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple thnt any woman can dlnmoml-dyo n new, rich, fndclcss color Into old garments, draperies, cover ings, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect rosults arc guaranteed. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" 10 rich colors. Adv. A man never forgives his enemlee until he wishes them prosperity. ll If ! J! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniw The Housewifes Burden When a woman is almost distracted from overwork, her home is in disorder, crying children, and on top of all is suffering from backache, bearing down pains, or somq other form of feminine ills, then she should remember that hundreds of women in just her con dition have been restored to health and regained their youthful strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and not rest until she has given it a fair trial. Proof that it Restored the Health of These Two Women' Cairo. 111. 11 Somo time ago I got so bad with fomalo troublo that I thought I would have to bo operated on. I had a bad displacement. My right sido would pain mo and I was so nervous I could not hold a glass of water. Many times 1 would havo to stop my work and sit down or I would fall on the floor in a faint. I consulted several doctors and ovory ono told mo the same but I kept fighting to keep from having the operation. I had read so many times of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound and it helped my sister so 1 began taking it. I have never felt better than I havo since then and I keep houso and am able to do all my work. Tho Vegetable Compound ia certainly ono grand medicine." Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 3311 Sycamore Street. Cairo, I1L Chattanooga, Tenn. "I used Lydia. ' E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound boforo my baby camo when I could no longer keep up. It strengthened my back and relieved me of tho ill effect which so often develops at such times. That was my first experience with, tho Vegetable Compound. Years after wards I took it during tho Change of Life and, got along so wolll scarcely ever had to Ho down during tho day and seldom had dizzy, fainting spells. I am now well and strong, can do all my housework with perfect ease and it is a comfort to mo to be able to say to other suffering women 4 tako Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine and bo strong.' I will bo glad to havo you use my namo if it will bo tho means of helping any one." Mrs. R. A. Fahiuurn, 00a Orchard Knob AvoChattanoogo, Tcna. Ailing, Overworked Housewives Should Rely Upon IVnifl F DIMVUAM MrniriKir rr iaiu 3