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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
The Missing 8 Witness 8 Dy VICTOR RADCLIFFE (85, 1910. V.ilern Newpapr union.) A middon gust of wind nearly swept Victor Lloyd oft his feet. With a shiv er nnd n whang the tinihrcllii he car ried turned fnslde out and lie enst it away, a wreck. The first drops of rain struck ills face. Me started to run, making for the only home in view Juat beyond u bridge spanning a narrow strcnin. Midway across the structure a second vnjtnry of the rising browse rnlwed his hut from his bond, whirled it aloft and tfien to the surface of tin rlvor and In dlsnmy, unable to recover it, Lloyd saw ft submerged. Tito suit ho won wns a light o his shoes were low cut, a drenching boded wretchedness nnd disaster. He had wandered beyond the city limits. Tho nearest refuge was the limine liai lin.l trltnnt) llitf.ilimwlntt 111. .IiiuIwwIm null llulli-uil '.I . v;i 1 1 iiitmv u through Uh gateway, baited under a treo"for a moment or two, nnd then as the rnln enme down in real earnest, slantingly assailing htm on all sides, Lloyd made for a covered porch. Even thorb, however, the downpour pene trated. "Perhaps you had bettor come in side," spoke a silvery voice, nnd tho screen door wns pushed half open and a sunuy face Invited with a friendly smile. Lloyd's hnnd went mechanical ly to his bead to lift tho lint Unit was not there. Tho girl could not repress a light laugh. Lloyd Joined In It, en tered n hallway, followed his guide In to a neat little parlor and ruefully re marked: "I am bringing In some wet," and bo hesitated ns to taking a chair. "Do not mind that," replied tho young lady. "If you would help nto cfo&c the wlndoww. Tho rain Is beat ing In on nil sides," and with alacrity Lloyd sprang to the task Invited. IIo was not Borry now that he had lost his lint, for in n way lie bad lost bis heart to iho vision of loveliness before him. She was the most win some 'crenturo be bad ever met, and treated him us though amid her lone lincsa slip was glad to have a visitor to alleviate tho tedium. Their conversation wns only gen eral, but from tho sumo, Lloyd learned that her father was a merchant In tho wholesale quarter of the city, and ho Imparted tho information that he was a broker in the llnanclnl district. "I have Intruded too long nlreiuly," lie observed after a delightful half hour. The storm has passed and tho sun Is coming out." , "r 'Tou have been very welcome," spoke Inez Bolton. "Hut you cannot go back to the city hntless. I will see If I cannot find Honicthlng that will answer In tho wny of headgear until you rench home." The young lndy left the room and returned with a hat evidently belong lng to Iter father, but when Lloyd tried It on bo found it too large. Ills fair companion brushed It neatly went to a desk and selected what seemed to ho Fpveral circulars from a drawer, fold ed them nnd placed them In the. lining, nnd Lloyd declared that the lit was perfect. - "1 will have the bat returned with many thanks," he told Miss llolton "I hope we shall meet again," "I hope so, too," she replied readily, and Lloyd went home with pleasant thoughts and anticipations. lie got the bat ready- to return by a messen ger. Removing the folded papers and phtuing the hat lu a box, he cbnticed to notice that tboy were printed cir culars, all alike. "Why, this Is queer!'"' exclaimed Lloyd. What ho held In his band was evi dently a circular sent to lawyers In various cUles containing a description of one Mark Steele, and signed by Robert llolton. It stated thai Steele was a missing witness In n most Im portant law case and offowHl a reward for Ills recovery, "And I know the man saw hint only late year when I was camping out In Idlto. Name and description exactly tally. Why, here Is certainly an ex cuse to Hasten Intel; where l canto from and learn If my knowledge will be of any benollt to the father of that delightful llttlo Miss Bolton." It wns n gladsome return Journey that Victor Lloyd made, because lie hoped that Uh results would bring bint nearer to the fair young girl who had so nttrueted hint, Ho wore bis own hat this time, car rylpg that of Mr. Helton nontly dono 'up. Ills daughter was boated on tho porch this time. She loft tho side of a dignified inan, evidently her father, to greet Lloyd, noticing the parcel In his hand. "Oh! you should not have hurried to bring the bat back," she said. "Father, this was our visitor of tho afternoon 1 told you about." Mr. Bolton bowed courtpously, but with no effusion, and studied Lloyd rather critically as though alwayw on guard as to his daughter's acquaint' ancsu, but be moused into excited ac tivity as Lloyd said: "I made a discovery when 1 got home- (ho circulars in tho lilting. 1 was Mimowhnt surprised, for I know Murk Steele." "And V.Ihmp he Is?" cried Mr. Bolton eagerly. "Yes. I hope- my knowledge may bo of valuo to you." "Of value," repeated Mr. Bolton lu an Iptonco tone. "Why, upon his tes tlmony dopouda half of my real es tnte." Victor L'loyd never as.kcd for the reward offered for the dlsco.vory of ,tho missing witness ho wanted only ACCORDING TO FIXED DESIGN Variety of Reasons Advanced for tho Arrangement of Paint on tho Cheeks pf Clown. All pantomime, clowns paint their checks and mostly tboy do so accord ing to certain designs handed down from generation to generation.' But ns to the why and tho wherefore opin ions differ. According to one nutbority tho scar let trlnnglos, red flshtnll and half moon, originated from dabs of vor- mllllon plnccd here nnd there on tho cheoks at haphazard to represent n naughty boy who had been at the Jam pot. Another says that tho pantomime clown's reddened face Is intended as n burlesque of the rougo-tlntod cheeks of tho pantomlmo Columbine; while yet a third has It that the crimson pntchoH arc a survival from tho early mystery plays, when the clown was a demon, and red all over. The theory has nlso been bold that tho modern clown In pantomime is a direct descendant of Momus, tho god of mockery of the early mystery plnys nnd masques, who wns always repre sented with a huge gnplng mouth. The red flshtnll Is merely tho survival of that part of tho medieval makeup which aimed at producing an appar ent enlargement of tho mouth. Thcso curious scarlet symbols nre ohly found on the cheeks of panto- mlmo clowns. Tho ordlnnry circus clown docs not paint his cheeks. no mints only his nose, with a view to poking fun nt tho "boss," tho ring master, whoso nasnl organ, In regard to the old-time circuses at nil events, wns more often than not npt to bo highly colored. Pearson's. Weekly. PUT THEIR WITS TO WORK 8panlsh Post Office Clerks Did Really Creditable Job in Solving Rebus on Envelope. A curiously addressed letter pnsscd through the post odlce nt Maurw, which was deciphered and correctly delivered, notwithstanding all difficul ties, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. The nddrcss was a perfect rebus. At tho lctfhand side was the figure of a lady; It was clear, therefore, to which sex tho recipient should belong. Over tho lady's head the sun was rising; henco her nnrao was Inferred to be Aurora. For her sttrnnmc stood a hill, with a castle at Its foot, which gives us "Montcs y Cnstello." Next comes the town, for which the plnn of a city was drawn, on which tho Alhambra was legible. This Indicated Granuda; but In order to leave no doubt possible, a pomegranate was drawn besldo the plnn. To complcto tho address a number was indicated In otto of the streets of tho city plan. Tho nostnl authorities took three days to study this curiosity nnd then triumphantly delivered the letter to j "Senorlta Aurora Montcs y Castello, i Azacayas, No. 120. Granada," and so far front censuring the sender, they bad the envelope photographed nnd a copy printed In tho Madrid newspapers, as a proof of tho Intelligence of tho depart ment. Piano Requires Fine Tlmben. There is no other Industry for whch a greater variety of fine timber is re quired, nnd nono in which tho timber must bo seasoned more cnrcfully than plnno-bulldlng. The varieties Includo Cnnndlan spruce, American oak ana whltewood, Honduras mahogany and best English beech. Sounding boards are made ot Swiss plrte, tho "Abies Excolsa," which Is nothing but tho Christmas tree with which wo are nil so faptlllar. All this timber hns to be seasoned In a special heating chamber, where It Is subjected for days together to n powerful draft of dry air. It was not until more thnn half of the eighteenth century had rpnssed that the plnno beenmo popu lar. Wanted A waitress at tho Oasis. Apply to John Poulos, Mutual Building & Loan Association of Norlli Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. 1 , SAIIiTY FIRST. Investors in this association get Uio benefits of the following requirements of tho laws of Nebraska under which It is operating: First. The associati n is required to invest only in first mortgages on real on vto or tho stock of this associa tion. Second. Such inves. uents aro non-negotiable and non-assignublo, and can c :ily bo discharged by payment direct to tho association. This is a very Important pro tection not available to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. Tho association is subjedt to tho supervision of tho Stato Banking Board. How well tho interests of tho investors in Uiis as sociation havo been safeguarded is evidenced by the fact that in tho moro than thirty three years of its operation not ono dollar has been lost, T. C PATTERSON, I'roalilont. Youth and Age. Nobody, so far, has found n real substitute for youth, although somo surgical experiments arc asserted to havo been succossfu In restoring vitality and youthful spirits. Youth, after all, Is a state of mind as well an a spati of years. Men and women aro not old nt sixty; they aro not old at seventy, and when eighty Is reached many of tllom refuse to bo shelved. One's outlook upon llfo Is likely to determine whether ono Is to continue ! real living or go to seed. Years ago I men retired at forty or fifty nnd wore 1 not worth much to their .communities ! after that. Now a man stays In the i harness, alternating work nnd play. I So, in reality., he never grows old in I spirit, regardless of an accumulation of tunny years when birthdays come. Old age is something of a liablt. It la easy enough to acquire If out' seeks i It, but If youth Is desired o:ie may I have It, and forget about tho birth' 1 days. i.i Strayed Dark Iron gray mnro from tho farm on tho Dlrdwood sometime In May. 4-ycars old, weight about 1400 Guy Coleman, North Platte. ::o:: RARE RARGAIN IN HIGH GRADE PIANO Wo have In our possession stored In North Platte, a high grado piano, which it taken at once will soli at a largo discount. Terms to rcsponsiblo party. If Interested wrlto quick for full particulars to Tho Denver Music Company, Denver, Colorado. 81-4 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. TO THE PUBLIC. My name having boon filed with tho County Clerk of Lincoln County for tho office of County Commissioner In tho Third District: This being tho soc ond tlmo I have been drafted for this offlco I want my friends to know I fully appreciate all that has been dono. I will accept this nomination nnd am a live candldato from this time until the polls close. If I am olected, I will render to tho voters of Lincoln County my best efforts In filling tho office of County Commissioner. GEORGE M. CAREY, Hershoy, Nebr. 1 - POLITICAL ANNOUN CEMENT. Having beon asked by a number of voters of Lincoln County, to run for County Commissioner from tho Third District by petition, I havo consented to allow my nnmo to bo placed on tho ballot and will appreciate any sup port given mo. If olected I will de voto all tho time necessary to carry on tho business of Lincoln County nnd will do the best I can to glvo It good service JOHN W. FOWLER POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to announce that I am tho Reiiub,;can candldato for Commission er of Lincoln County from tho Third District. HENRY COKER, ' Sutherland, Nobr. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. For construction ot sldowalks, crosswnlks, arches, approaches and fillings: Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by tho City qt North Platte, Nebraska, for the con struction oC sldowalks, crosswalks, arches, approaches and filling, said work to bo dono according to plans, specifications and grades as on file and given by tho City Engineer. All bids must bo on filo with tho City Clerk on or boforo Novembor 2nd, 1920, nt G o'clock p. m. ot said day. Dntcd this 20th day ot October, 1920 O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. 1JESSIE F. SALISBURY, Sccrotary. DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgeon Office orcr Rexall Drug Stoic Office Phono 371. House 1008 DR. C. E. McREYNOLDS, Specialist. Eyc Ear, Noso and Throat. Offico over Rexall Drug Store. rhono 118. .4 .... ....,....... Dr. W. I. SHAFFER f i.t i.t it 8 Osteopathic Physician HAY FEVER AND CATARRH A uiiivriNJioa if if OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nebr. It r J . w. .. . .,...,..... ... ..,. it w WwwwwwwWwWwwww.wwwwwwwww w NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block Nortb ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the eientlfic treatment of medical, surgical mnd confinement cases Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. D. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. RedGeltl.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. 1 ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-OLITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Co. APPLES! We will begin selling our Winler Apples on October 1st. at. the Glenburnie Fruit Farm, four miles 'north ol Sutherland. No sales made on bunday. M. H. Woodman, Prop. 1 A GOOD PLACE TO EAT Is really hard to Hud thcso days, but wo can nssudo you wo aro that placo. Nothing fancy or olaborato about our rcstaurant just good plain food, tho freshest and best In thomarket, served m a cleanly and appetizing way for you, at no profiteering prplces Why not try us? HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UCAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot TAKEN UP On or about Sopt 22 on my promi ses in Gracoland AddlUon Ono Bay fSbotland pony, with threo whlto feet. Ownor can havo samo by Bot tling cost of food and advertising. J. D. HOLT. JOHN S. SDEMS, M. D. SDeclal Attention Given to Sunrcry McDonald Dank ItuJldJng Ofllco Phone 83 Residence 58 DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstotrictan Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Office (S12 Residence 070 DR. HAROLD FENNEJt Osteopath Over Hlrschfcld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 I)RS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors o, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building, Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Spoclal Attention Glron to Surgery nnd Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 116 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 , L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Plntte, Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. it i.t i.t if DR. J. S. TWINEM it it a Medicine ' Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital it i.t it it it i.t it it 5.: i.t it it Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Heal Estate. Inferences nnd Dates First Nntionnl Bank. Res. 400 Enst 3rd St. Phone 912 HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. Wo want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. No market for bones at present L. LIPSHITZ. 1Y. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Voterlnarlan and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 633 DERRYBERRT & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day phono 41 Night phone Black E88 LEGAL NOTICE unanes I'erry, Lrfzzio uantt neo Perry, tho heirs, dovlsees and legatees of David W. Perry, deceased all of Lot 5 Block 2 Miller's Addition to tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, and all persons claiming an Interest of nny kind in said cstato or any part thereof, will tako notlco that on tho 18th day of October,, 1920, Jof- ferson II. Thompson, tho nlalntlff herein, filed his Petition in tho Dis trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, against said defendants and each of them, tho object and prayer of which Is to quiet and conflm tho title of tho plaintiff in and to tho real estate above described and to ex- cludo and cnoln each and all of tho said defendants rrom a right, tltlo, claim or Interest in and to said property or any part thereof. You and each of you aro required to answer said Petition on or beforo tho 29th day of Novemebr, A. D., 1920. Itatod this 18th day of Octobor, 1920. JEFFTItSON H. THOMPSON, By Hoagland & Carr 019-4wks His Attorneys. Notlco to Non-Kcsltlent Defendant. Floronco Hayes, defendant will tako notlco that on tho 30th da .it Juno, 1 1920. Frank Hayes. Plaintiff, hied his petition In tho District Court of Lln- coin County, Nebraska, tho object and (prayer of which aro to obtain a di vorce from the saiu uorenuant on tuo grounds that tho dofendant willfully abandoned tho plaintiff without good causo for moro than two years Im mediately proceeding tho filing of his petition. You are required to answer ' said petition on or boforo Monday, tho 22d, day of November 1920. FRANK HAYES, 012-iwks Plaintiff. NOTICE TO PAYING CONTRACTORS Notlco Is heroby given that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebr., will rccolvo bids for paving and curbing whoro necos sarp In Paving Districts Numbers 3, 4, 5 and C in said city according to plnii8 and specifications adopted and now on filo in Uio office of tho CHy tic and Reinforced Concreto paro Clcrk, of said City. Said blda to cover paving of the following described materials to-wlt: Vertical Fibre Brick, Shoot Asphant, Asphaltic Concrete, "Waucnlto Blthull monts. Tho City Englnoor's ostimato on the cost of paving said four districts com prising approximately 09,900 sa. yds., Is as follows: Vortical Fibre Brick on Concrete baso $4.83 por sq. yd. Sheot Asphalt on Concrete base $3.77 por sa. yd. Asphaltic concrete on Concroto base $3.38 por 8(1. yd. Wuonito Bithultlc on Concroto baso $4.58 por sq. yd. Reinforced Conorote $3.80 per sq. yd. Bids must bo on filo with tho City Clerk on or before eight o'clock p. m., of October 29, 1920, at which tlmo they will bo opened. Thoy must bo mado on tho proposal in tho specifications furnished by tho City Clerk and accompanied by a cer tified check for an amount equal to two por cent of tho bid mado. Said, specification furnished upon application to tho City Clerk for a fee ot Five Dollars, said amount to bo roturned tfhen plans and specifica tions aro returned. Tho Mayor and Council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated Octojtcr 7, 1920. O. E. ELDER, 08-029 City Clerk. Legal Notice. Mary E. Wolf, Charles L. Wolf, her husband, Hcsslo Long and Frank Long, her husband, defendants, will tako notlco that on tho 21st day of September, 1920, Gcoi'go E. Slado, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In tho District Court. Lincoln County. Nebraska, against said defendants tho object and prayer of v hlch forccloso a certain mortgage executed by tho defendants Mary E. Wolf and Charlc3 L. Wolf to tho plaintiff upon tho following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho North-oast quarter (NEi) of Section Nineteen (1?) Township Eleven (11) North of Rangb Thitry-two (32) West of tho G P. M, to securo tho payment of a certain prom- lsory coupon noto dated Juno 1st, 1915, forthe sum of $700.00 duo and jpayablo on Juno 1st, 1920, and flro certain Interest coupon notes thereto attached for tho sum of $42.00 each, ono payablo Juno 1st, 191C, ono Ray ablo Juno 1st, 1917, ono payablo Juno 1st, 1918, ono payablo JUno 1st, 1919, and ono payablo Juno 1st, 1920, and also to securo the payment of taxes vvhlch tho plaintiff did pay after default and neglect of said defendants to pay tho 6amo; that there is now duo upon said notes and for taxes paid and on this mortgage the sum of ?826.38, for which jmm with interest from this date plaintlffprays for a decreo that defendants bo required to pay tho same or that said premlsos may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You and each of you aro rcqulrod to answer said petition on or boforo tho 15th day of November, i920. Dated this 4th day of October, 1920. GEORGE E. SLADE. Plaintiff By Hongland & Carr, Q5-4wks. His Attorneys. ELECTION PRO CL AMATION 1930. By virtue of the authority in mo vested and by direction of the laws of tho State of Nebraska in such case mado and provided, I, A. S. Allen, County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ne braska, do hereby proclaim that on Tuesday, the second day jjf. Novembor, 1920, during tho hours designated by law, there will bo hold a general elec tion at tho usual voting places In said county for the olection of tho follow ing officers, to-wlt: Ono (1) Prcsldont of the United States. On (1) Vice President of tho United States. Ono (1) Governor. Ono (1) Lieutenant Governor. Ono (1) Secretary of State. Ono (1) Auditor of Public Accounts. Ono (1) Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Ono (1) Stato Treasurer. Ond (1) Attorpoy Qeneral. Ono (1) Superintendent of Public Instruction. Two (2) Railway Commissioners. Two (2) Regents of the State Uni versity. Ono (1) Member of Congress, Sixth Congressional District. Ono (1) Stato Senator, Twenty-fifth Senatorial District Ono (1) Stato Representative, Sixty eighth District. Ono (1) Stato Representative, Seventy-seventh District. Ono (1) Judgo of tho Supremo Court Ono (1) Chief Justice. Ono (1) Judgo of District Court, Thirteenth Judicial District. Ono (1) County Judgo. Ono (1) Clork of tho District Court. Ono (1) County Commlslsoner, First District. Ono (1) County Commlslsoner, Third District. Ono (1) Police Mnglstrato for tho City of North Platte. Ono (1) Precinct Assessor for each Precinct. Ono (1) Ovorsoer ot Highways for each Road District. Two (2) Justices ot tho Poaco for each Precinct. At tho samo tlmo and placog, a ref erendum on tho Primary Law (House Roll No. 323, 1919) will bo takon. Said election will bo hold on tho second day of November, A. D. 1920, at tho soveral polling placos within tho county, botweon tho hours of olght o'clock In tho forenoon and eight o'e'lock In tho afternoon ot tho same day. Given under my hand and official soal this 4th day of Octobor, A. D. 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. O8-30da (SEAL) Inez, and won her.