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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
V '.. . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .l J ...w... ... .. .. A Gigantic Unloadin ;,m.4.1m.,...1j...m,'mM 21 ft it i.t Extra Special Extra Special Best $1.75 and $1.50 WORK SHIRTS in town at Men's fast black SOCKS Former price 35c Sole Price ft -- AT THt :.t :.: it :.: ft ous 11 o j.: ft if H if 2X ................, ::: J.L ,.,:: In fact a Sweeping Reduction will be made through our entiie stock. Nothing reserved. We mean business and just what we advertise. We lead in this campaign for lower prices while others follow. Our efforts should be appreciated and remembered. The Date Saturday, October 30th, and will Continue until Stock is Sold. ....................... .................. ........... MMMMMMWMWWVM!'fflMK'MWK'MMVMMMyM Men's and Young Men's Suits. ALL $15.00 SUITS 00 AT ALL $50.00 SUITS GO AT ALL $55.00 SUITS GO AT ALL $C0.00 SUITS GO AT ALL $C5.00 SUITS , GO AT, ALL $70.00 SUITS GO AT ALL $75.00 SUITS GO AT ALL $S0.00 SUITS GO AT . ALL $85.00 SUITS r. HA QK tiUJ 0Q QK diUJ AA QK yiQ qp - tUiUil K7 QE 0,0 AT U! iUJ Men's and Young Men's Overcoats. 3 010 ik GO AT $ Iif d ALL $25.00 COATS ALL $30.00 COATS ALL $35.00 COATS ALL $10.00 COATS ALL $J5.00 COATS 1K QK GO AT ItliUd in if: GO AT . lUrtd 10 QK GO AT , UiU J oo jf: GO AT i ALL $50.00 COATS " GO AT ALL $55.00 COATS " ." go at J JL ALL $00.00 COATS v . GO AT - L-I-J. ALL $05.00 COATS ' ' ,-; GO. AT t ALL $70.00 COATS ' GO AT u-,.. ALL $75.00 COATS ' ,' : ' 1 GO AT L ji.,2i ALL $S0.00 COATS f Boys' Knee Pants Suits. ALL $7.50 XOVKLTY SUITS GO AT ALL $12.00 NOVELTY SUITS GO AT ALL $13.00 NOVELTY SUITS , GO AT ALL $15.00 NOVELTY SUITS GO AT 01 QK tptiUd 71R - I ltd Q At - Oitd mQR lUiUd 07 JR L ifd 90 QR UiUd 97 IR df ltd 90 QR dUiUd lO AC titd AA QR tfilld AQ QR ItEAUTIFUL WOOL JILUE SEEGE SUITS THAT soli) for $13.50 Q S R GO AT J ltd sold roit $15.00 10 QR GO AT T lUiUd Boys! Odd Knee Pants. ALL $2.00 PANTS (J-J Q GO AT P 1 1 I SOLI) FOE $3.00 j- ff GO AT ...J $ ,UU PANTS SOLI) AT $3.50 , 00 OR GO AT ),d Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaws. ALL $7.50 COATS 01 I R GO AT ptitd ALL $12.00 COATS 7 Mr GO AT . I ,td ALL $15.00 COATS O QR GO AT v. OiUd. LACK OF SPACE rilOIIIBITS FURTHER QUOTATIONS BUT VERY LIBERAL DISCOUNTS AND CUT PRICES TOLL RE MADIJ IN OUR ENTIRE BOYS DEPARTMENTS SHOES One-Fourth 01 The most complete line of shoes in North Platte, comprising Crossetts, Herman, Famous Munson Last, the McElwain and other standard makes. The entire stock goes at 25 PerCent Discount. Men's Mackinaws. Sheep Lined and Work Coats of which we have a large stock, go at One-third and One-fourth Off. ALL $85.00 COATS ALL $90.00 COATS Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps. The most complete, stylish and highest grade stock .in North Platte. Jno. R Stetson, Dobb's 5th Ave., Knapp Felt, Bcrg"s Union Made lines and all standard makes, the product of the best hat and cap makers in this country, all Go at 25 Per Cent Discount Except Stetson, which will go at 20 per cent discount. One lot of MEN'S GOOD OVERALLS at $1.65 Per Pair. Trunks and Bags at; a Discount of f 20 Per Cent. f..W....V.-..V.W..W. ,v.vv...vv.v.v,..v.w.v...... "'""""""'' GO AT i, tQiUU ' CO AC 00 AT JZiH-il C7 AC -GO AT J Sleeping Wear of all hinds at a discount of 20 Per Cent Men's and Women's Hosiery Twenty to Thirty-three and one-third per cent off. Men's, Odd Trousers Consisting of Kahke, Mole Skin, Corduroy, Serges, Novelty. Worsted and Cassimeres, a complete stock and a beautiful line go at 25 Per Cent Discount. SHIRTS Here is your opportunity to 'grab a plum. All Silk Shirts go at a discount of 50 per cent. All Silk Fibre Shirts go at a discount of 25 per cent. All other Shirts go at a discount of 20 per cent. Underwear and Sweaters. Biggest stock you ever saw. Everything in union suits, shirts and drawers. Sweaters of all kinds. 25 Per Cent Discount. Gloves and Mittens. 20 to 25 Per Cent Discount. Except cotton and flannel. The loss of thousands of dollars to us. and a big gain to the buying public. We must take our medicine--the Farmer takes his. The same dose applies to all lines and vocations. We cannot avoid the crash. Believing the first loss to be the best loss, on Saturday, October 30th, we will offer to the public 1 $60,000 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE the best selected and cleanest stock of Mens and Boys Wearables ever offered in Western Nebraska. This will be the greatest thing ever pulled off in North Platte. A shock to our competitors and an opportunity seldom offered to the buying public. ' Nothing to bo reserved, everything must go. COST OR NO COST. It is a matter of turning our immense stock into'cash as quickly and with as little expense as possible, for it is all going at some price gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag it it if if . it if it if it it if if if it tf it it if it it it if if Extra Special vuuuuuc uuui uui a i cdciu jiutn lb juiu. UNION SUITS No Goods Charged at sale price and No Cash Refunded DuringThis Sale Men's extra heavy Fleeced $3 and $3.SO at THE STAR GL OTHII t.?..J"'''.," The Place to Buy Right- The Place to Trade. 8 - 8 it if tf if if if if if H if n it tf if if if if if tf if Extra Special Women's $3.60 SILK HOSE at 2.19 if , ft :.: j.t .t if if it tf if if if if if if if J.t :. t.t tf it if if