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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
NORTIT PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIRTTNE. LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER Says this Woman Until Re lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Carrollton, Ky. "I Buffered almost two years with female weakness. I IBB. I could not walk any distanco, ride or tako any oxcrciso at all witnout resting-. If I swent the floor lor did any kind of worK it would Dring my sickness on. 1 was weak and lang uid, had no energy. I ana mowas a misery I to mo. I was under tho caro of a good nhvsician for sov- oral months and tried other remedies. I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegu lablo Compound and decided to try it. .After taking twelve bottles I found myself much Improved and I took nix more. I have never had any more ftroublo In that respect since. I havo done all kinds of work and at present am an attendant at a otato Hospital sxnd am feeling fir.o. I have recom mended your Vegetable- Compound to -dozens of my friends and shall always recommend it."-Lillian Tharp, 824 "S 6th St., Carrollton, Ky. If you have any symptom about which vou would like to know write to tho Xydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advico given freo of charge. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that ths lidneys are out of order. Keep ftheae organs healthy by taking 'Tb world's standard remedy for kidney. Hirer, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and 'keep in good health. la three sizes, eU druggists, Guaranteed as represented. i&oolc to th nam Gold MxJtl om nf bas and acpt bo imlutioa PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ttcmoTrnDanarnlT-StoraU&U Filllarl Restores Color and I Deaulr to Gray and Faded Hair sue. ana iturchmi TTInenx Clifin. Wks. I'atclioguf.w.T. H1NDERCORNS Remorts Cnnit, Cat. loose, cut. stops all pain, ensures comfort to tue feet, makes wfttnine rav. Ho. by mall or at Drue vltU. UlscoxCbemlcal Works, f atcboctie, H. X. PATENTS Watson B. Ootemnn, Patent Lawjer.Wasnlnjiion. D. C. Advice and book free Sates reasonable Highest references llestserrleea UltOlV WITH THE WKST Subscribe lo the Jlogere-Durlie Service, Tucson, Ariz., 11.00 yearly; llulletlns mailed you weekly. An Anomaly. "They sny tliat ferret-faced man gets along well with all his fellow-employ-ee!." "Why shouldn't he?" "Bcenuse lie works In a 'rat' ofllee." "Pape's Dlapepsln" Corrects Stomach "Papo's Dlapepsln" Is tTie quickest, sur est relief (or Indigestion, Gases, Flatu .ience, Heartburn, Sourness, Fermentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost Immediate -.stomach relief and shortly the stomach Tla corrected so ypu can eat favorite foods without fear. Large case costs only CO centa at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. "Best stomach corrective known Adv. One kind word to the living la bet ter than a long drawn out eulogy over the deud. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of vjAbiuiuA, tnac iumous oiu rcmcuy tor Infants and children, and see that It Rpnrs tho Signature In Use for Over 30 Years. 'Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Frequently n man Is honest because he Is afrnld to be dishonest, Weak and Miserable? Docs the least exertion tire you out? Feel "blue" and worried nnd have daily backache, lameness, headache, dizziness, and kidney irregularities? Sick kidneys are often to blame for this unhappy state. You must act quickly to prevent more serious trouble. Uec boon's Kid ney Pflls, the remedy recommended everywhere by grateful users. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case Mrs.F.C.Schad, Albion. Neb.. says: "My back was weak and I . . n i. , ,n I Wild U II it U 1 u w rest. The pains 1 - hud In my sides nnd back felt as If I were being cut with a knlfo. My lcldnoys wore painful and dls ordored. A friend told mo of Doan's Kidney Pills and j gotauox. i was soon relieved." Get Doan's at Any Store, 69c a Dos DOAN'S "iSES FOSTER. MILOURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. A Bad Cough , If Deflected, often leads to serious trouble. , Hafeguard your health, relieve your dlstreae and soothe your Irritated throat by taking PISOS Ira GOLD MEDAL S2t n ' zav . p -mr tT-. - DIRECTIONS FOR FILLINGA SILO Everything Should Be in Readi ness for Continuous Run When Cutting Starts. DENTED EARS ARE FAVORED Short Lengths Mean Greater Space, Less Air and Decreased Llkell- hood of Spoiling Apply Enough Water to Moi6ten. Silo filling Is n hurry-up job In or der to get all the growth possible nnd to avoid frost. Consequently every thing should be made ready for a continuous run when cutting starts. The cutter should be put In firt class shape, special attention being given to the knives nnd knife heads. An ertra set of knives should be on band. The blower, fan nnd both knives should run at the rnted speed. Poor Joints nnd n leaky blowr moan more power and clogging. The cutter bnr should be In good condition nnd the knives and bar properly adjusted to each other. If any extras nre like ly to bo needed for the corn binder they should be on hand. To Mak,e Best Silage. Authorities agree that the nearer ripe the corn Is, If It contains enough water to make good sllnge, tho sweet er the sllnge will be and consequently the more pnlntable; also the greater the amount of digestible nutrient lt wlll contain. Roughly speaking, n majority of the ears should be dented. When largo quantities nre to be cut it Is necessary to begin before the corn 13 nt Its best, otherwise the last cut will be too ripe. Short-cut sllnge menns grenter silo capacity, less air spnee. nnd If the corn Is a little dry. less likelihood of spoiling. Short cutting, also, means reduced capacity of the mnchlne nnd more power. If the stalks nre coarse nnd woody tho waste Is greater In longeut sllnge. In line stalked corn that Is very green there Is less dif ference between the long and short ut. Water Is Essential. When corn Is very dry from being overripe or frozen. It Is often neces sary to apply wnter to the sllnge In order to mnko It keep. Enough water should be applied to moisten thor oughly the whole mass. There Is little danger of applying too much wnter. Roughly speaking it takes one and one-half to two horsepower gas for Silage cutter in Operation, Showing Connection With Engine. every ton per hour of green corn cut one-hnlf Inch In length nnd blown 30 feet high. From this It will be seen thnt to cut ten tons per hour one half Inch long and blow Into n silo 30 feet high will require approximately u 15 or 20-horsepower gas engine. If tho snme amount per hour is cut one quarter of an Inch long It will re quire considerably more power. USE LIME TO SWEETEN SOIL Beneficial Effects Following Its Use Have Not Been Appreciated by Many Farmers. Though lime Is not a fertilizer, It Is a soli amendment, n material added for Its Indirect effect upon Important plant foods In the soli, nnd If the soil Is In need of sweetening, Its ef fect upon the growing crops will be Immediate and very beneficial. Tho practice of applying llmo In some form has been followed for u long time, especially In Europe. The beneficial effects following Its use have been nppreclnted by fanners since nnclent times, but, strange to sny, In this country its need Is not generally realized to the extent It should be. nnd In some sections it Is practically Ignored. TO SUCCEED WITH PUREBREDS Most Satisfactory and Economical Manner Is for Farmer to Pur chase Best Females. The most economical nnd the most satlsfnctory wny for the average farmer to start Into purebreds Is to purchase good females to stnrt with. Caro should bo taken to see that they are good. They should be healthy, of tho proper type, and either proven producers or with proven ancestors. It Is better to hnvo only ono good cow than several medium quality animals. A comparatively small outlay Is nec essary wlieu starting la this manner. PRINCIPAL SOURCES OF LOSS IN MANURE Plan to Avoid Leaching, Fermen tation and Scatterings. Cost of Handling Is an Important Point In Storing Best to Leave Fertilizer Whero Produced Until Spread on Field. The principal sources of loss In plnnt food from manure arc through leaching, fermentation nnd scattering, nnd If mnnure Is to be stored, all practical pi coalitions should be taken to keep dowu loss from any of these agencies. An Important noli to con sider In storing manure Is the cost of ! handling. Handling manure Increases the expense nnd nt the satno time lowers the vnlue of the manure since the forking over of compneted manure oxnoscs It to the nlr and gives the Unloading Manure From Litter Car rier to Spreader. mnterlnl n better chance to ferment and decay. For those reasons It Is best to leave mnnure undisturbed whero produced, so far ns possible, until It can be limited to the field, says F. L. Duley of the University of Missouri, college of ngrlculture, Where animals are confined In stalls or covered feeding yards the manure mny be allowed to accumulate for several months nnd be hauled out only once or twice n year, with a com paratively smnll loss of plnnt food. If plenty of bedding is used It will ab sorb the liquid mnnure and tho tram pling of the nnlmnls will keep this com pact nnd moist so ns to preven' much of the aerobic fermentntlon nnd con sequent loss of nitrogen. If mnnure Is left In the stall or feed yard where It will be kept moist and thoroughly tramped, so ns to exclude the air, there Is no better method of storing. Since there Is no lenchlng under these conditions there will be practically no loss of phosphorus or potnsh. The covered feed yard Is extensively used In some pnrts of the country, nnd de serves more nttention In Missouri. This method of hnndllng mnnure Is advisable tnnlnly where well-bedded stnlls are provided for horses, and In cattle sheds or mule barns where the nnlmnls run loose nnd tho trampling Is more thorough. PREPARE HOGS FOR SHIPPING Animals Will Ride Easier on Empty Stomachs After Loading Soak Well With Water. The hogs should not be fed heavily before loading, since they ride better on nn empty stomnch. They should not be put Into the cars too long be fore the train leaves the loading sta tion, because they can stand the heat much better In the pen tbnn they con In the car. They should be soaked with cool water. If the owner accom panies the shipment he should see that they are sprinkled en route. lie should nlso see that the hogs do not crowd In tho cars. At points whero the train stops It Is advisable for him to use a pole and keep the hogs on their feet, to guard against others crowding nnd smothering them. FAT THANKSGIVING TURKEYS Fowls Will Begin to Hang Around Farm Buildings When Range Falls In Abundance. The Thnnksglvlng turkey will bo gin to hnng around the farm buildings when the range falls to feed them nbundnntly. Turkeys fatten better nnd thrive better on old grnln. Enough old corn should bo held over to feed them up to Thanksgiving. However, the fattening process should not begin un til enrly November. The Importnnt thing Is to feed enough ench night to keep them In tho habit of coming home, nnd to give them nn airy pTuco to roost In nnd clean wnter to drink, so thnt they mny build a vigorous con stitution nnd n generous framework to hold white and dark meat for tho Thanksgiving dinner. CULTIVATING ALFALFA FIELDS Weeds Are Destroyed, Moisture Is Conserved and Soli Put In Better Condition. It Is well to remember that the nl ffjlfa crop responds to cultivation as readily ns any other crop on the farm. Many alfulfa fields would give in creased yields If they received a thor ough cultivation. The chief benefits derived by cultivation aro destroying weeds, conserving moisture and put ting the 6oIl In better physical condl Uon. I Nasty Colds Get instant relief with "Pape's Cold Compound" Don't stay stuffed-up I Quit blowing nnd snuflllngl A doso of "Papo's Cold Compound" tnken ovcry two hours un til thrco doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends nil grippe misery. Tho very first doso opens your clogged-up nostrils and tho nlr pass ages of your head ; stops noso running; relieves the hendache, dullness, fever lshncss, sneezing, soreness, stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" la the quickest, surest relief known nnd costs only n few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tnstes nice. Con tains no quinine. Insist on Pape's I Ad. Her Break. Mrs. Kawler We generally dlno al fresco during the summer months. My husband enjoys It; docs yours? Mrs. Newrlch No; .lohn doesn't care much for putting on style In hot weather; he prefers to ent out on tho inwn. Boston Transcript. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Fisw Child's Best Laxative, Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the namo California on the package, then you aro sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for tho llttlo stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. ou must Ray "California." Adv. An Objection. "Are you In fuvor of n front porch campaign?" "Not me," replied Farmer Cirntos sel. "Miranda would never stand for having the grass all trumped nut In the front yard." DYE RIGHT Buy only "Diamond Dyes" Bach package of ''Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any womnn can dlamond-dyo worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves, stockings sweaters, draperies every thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new, rich fadeless col ors. Have druggist show you "Dia mond Dyes Color Card." Adv. 1 rouole. "What Is that?" "Tho troubut wagon." "Are they delivering It these dnys?" BOCHEE'S SYRUP A Harmless Soothing, Healing Remedy for Coughs and Colds. Hero is a remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, throat Irrltntlon. nnd espe cially for lung troubles, that has been sold all over the civilized world In many thousnnds of households for the last fifty-four years. Its merits huve stood this test of tlmo and use, nnd surely no test could be more potent or convincing. It gives the patient with weak and inllnmed lungs a good night's rest, freo from coughing, with easy expectoration In tho morning. Try one bottle, nccept no substitute. For sale by all druggists and dealers In medlclno everywhere. Adv. Many a sunstroke Is due to n man's efforts to make hay while the sun shines. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin Whcu red, rough und Itching with hot baths of Cutlcura Sonp nnd touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also mnke use now nnd then of thnt exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the Indlspeusublo Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. Occasionally a man who runs for oflico wins In a walk. Whnt's bred In tho bono is weighed ut to us by the butcher. IMPROVED HIGHWAYS I i INCREASE IN MOTOR TRAFFIC Statistics Shpw Increase of 1,418,829 Cars Over 1910 Roads Must Bo Maintained. Thnt tho present Interest In tho con struction of new highways should not divert attention from properly main taining highways already Improved Is n point wh-h the bureau of public roads, United States department of ng rlculture, has had occasion to empha size many times In recent months, par ticularly In view of the enormous In crease In motor vehicle trnlllc which Is taking place. The bureau recently completed n compilation of statistics from nil tho slates of the Union show ing thnt thero were a total of 7.000,4 JO registered motor cars (Including motor cycles and trucks) In the United Stntcs in 1010. This Is nn Increase of 2.H per cent, or 1,-118,820 motor cars over 1018. Such llgurcM Indicate thnt the country's highways are being used far moro than In the past, It Is pointed out. nnd In consequence added atten tion must he given to the repnlr prob lem. The Increase in the number of cars for 1010 over 1018 represents about 10 per cent more cars tbnn the total number registered In tho entire United States for lOI.'l. Additional use of roads and streets has. of course, been accompnnled by additional revenue paid to state and 'ocal governments In the form of li cense fees, which In nearly all states are devoted to highway needs. Tho registration and license fees for auto mobiles, trucks, and motor cycles In uso In 1010 totaled ?0 1.007.cr5.!58 an Increnso of 20 per cent over 1018. Tho totnl revenues for New York nnd Penn sylvania the past year wero about dou ble the revenues received for al) mo tor vehicle registrations nnd licenses In the entire United States In 11)1'-'. Ccrtnln of the states, notably Mary land, have experienced dllllculty In se curing road-building materials owing how the Nation's Highways Are Being Improved. to lobor shortage, bumpered transpor tation facilities, etc. Maryland lias had to mnke a special appeal to tho Interstate commerce commission for aid in getting enough material shipped In to properly care for road repairs. ALL RECEIVE SOME BENEFIT Good Roads Are Advantageous Alike to Producer and Consumer Storage Charges Leas. When the ronds of tho grent pro ducing zones of this country are Im proved, benefits will nccrue not only to producers, but to consumers. When marketing Is distributed throughout the year, storage charges must decline. This country Is pnylng at present largo storage prices on foodstuffs. Tho dis advantages of freight congestion In tho fall cannot be entirely eliminated In many places, but good roads will cer tainly havo a marked tendency to dis tribute hauling over longer periods. It Is reasonable to say, therefore, that good roads mean thnt diversified farming will bo encouraged, the area of profitable production Increased, the opportunity for fnvorablo marketing improved, nnd more uniform distribu tion of fnrm products secured. MUCH DEPENDS ON HIGHWAYS Prospective Purchaser of Farm la Concerned About Many Things, More Especlaly Roads. A prospective purchnscr of a farm Is concerned about tho adaptability of the soil to specific agricultural ac tivities such as general farming, stock raising, dnlrylng or market gar denlng, and must Inquire Into condi tions affecting such Industries. He Is also concerned about suitable homo life for his family, schools, churches and community social life, all of which aro very much dependeut upon roads. PROGENY OF PUREBRED BULL First Cross on Average Dairy Herd In creased Income $32 Per Cow Per Year In Ontario. Tho first cross of n purebred bull on tho average dairy herd Increased tho Income 532 per cow per year, accord ing to figures secured by the Ontario agricultural college In a comparison of. 140 herds using grade bulls und 81 using purcbrcds. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Dnndcrlne." Af ter nn application of "Dnndcrlne" you enn not find a fnllen hair or any dand ruff, besides every hair hIiows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. Adv. Iletng sntlsiled to be Just good enough Is wlnt keeps so many fellows from being up with the best. The manly nrt of self-defense Is apt to go wrong when It encounters a wo man's eyes. CASCARETS "Thoy Work while you Sleep" Do you feel all "unstrung?" bilious, constipated, headachy, full of cold? Cascarets tonight for your liver and bowels will hnvo you tuned up by tomorrow. You will wnke up with your head clenr, stomnch right, breath sweet, and skin rosy. No grip ing no Inconvenience. Children love Cnscnrets too. 10, 25, CO cents. Adv. A trick mny sometimes mnke money but It never makes a friend for you. Poverty Is no disgrace, but there Is precious little else enn he snld for It. reel $5.00 Cash and a New Pair of Shoes will be given to the wearer who find. PAPER in die heeh, counten, imolei or ouuolei of ny ihoei made by u, bearing thu trade-mark. i "'KlWlfHlftLMIOC "It Tahet Leather to Stand Wmathmr" 8ee your neighborhood dealer and lniiit on the Friedman Shelby "All-Lcadier" Trade Mark. More wear to each pair meant real ihoc economy, WOULD VOU INVICHT $1 26 Monthly In a. Uulldlnic OnranliatlonT Write Uurke Com mlaslon Co., Tucaon, Aria., (or full particulars. Nebraska Directory Stove Repairs For All Stoves, Furnaces, Heaters, Etc LINCOLN STOVE REPAIR COMPANY LINCOLN, NEB. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at tho present time (or young women orer nineteen years of age who have had at least two years In high school to tako Nurses' Training In general hospital. Our graduates aro In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln. Nebruka Broken platea $1.50 up. Mail teeth, we return aamo day. Bailey Dcilal Company 704 Qty Nit'l Risk BIJ(., Oosk, Neb. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42-1920.