ir airls! Hnvo you ovor lived thrco -jgmb with a "I'orfcotly good husbnuuV Thotji you'll know why Constanco Tal madgo, an Georglana, stopped out "In Search of a Sinner" at tho Sun today and tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Killon loft Saturday for their homo ln Wallace. Mr. and MrB. lllgh Smith loft Sat urday for a trip to Omaha. Joo Wobor of this city upont Satur day ln Paxton on business. VERSATILE ALIAS JIMMY WENTINE DR. 0. H. CRES5LER, Graduate Dentist Ollloe oyer the McDonald Statu Hank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL i PAUL ARMSTRONG'S internat ionally cclchvstcd crcok drczia m Lock ouc Ect JIMMY.' licit Stick yctx tip and frisk you of more thrills than yo cy&v hclievcd' you had cot (coaled about you I 1 ! , Scenario Uj FINIS POX. KAX.WELL ICARGEH vecJov (?cncmJ At The Sun ' Thursday and Friday. Also 2-reel comedy Matinee 2:30 arid 4:10 p. m LOCAL AN J) PimSOiNAL Mrs. Neln Lofdahl, of Sutherland, was here yostcrduy on buslnoRs, Frank Hoxla loft yaslorday for Ogal alia. 3fjg Joo Wobor loft yesterday morning for eastern points on business. Nelllo Brodmoro loft yesterday for Orsnd Island. Arthur Yartor, of Brady, transacted businoss ln this city the last of tho week. i i Mr. and Mrs. 13ort Light, of Wnl laco, transacted business ln tho city Saturday. Wilfred Nolson will lcavo this wool: for his homo ln Balrd to visit for a fow days. Wm. Hawloy and fumlly arrived homo tho last of tho wcok from a visit In Denver. Mrs. Harold Langford has resigned her position with tho Block's Ready To Wear Store. Jack Rempo of Fort MadIson Iowa Is visiting at tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. Thco. Tottcnhoff. A plcturo to tickle wives and sweet hearts and cover Ills faco with a sheepish grin It's "Easy to Get'' at tho Crystal tonight and tomorrow. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Baker a soven pound baby girl, Saturday, October 23rd. All concerned aro doing nicely. A man may bo down but never out. Sco Goorgo Walsh prove It In "From Now On" at tho Crystal Thursday and Friday. Wm. WhUlock, now of Ft. Collins, Col., spent 'yesterday ln town' while onroutoto Grand Island whore ho will romaln for a fow days anil thon re turn hero for anothor short visit. Tho Chapter of American War Moth ers will meet Friday ovonlng, Oct. 29th with Mrs. John II. Day, G21 East Eth Stroot at eight o'clock. Arrangomonts will bo completed at this meeting for tho entertainment to bo given Novem ber 11th for tho American Legion. All members pleaso bo present. Ho was so cock-suro.of himself that ho boasted: "All womon aro easy to got If you uso tho right system." That llttlo slip cost him: A honey moon Hours and hours of sleep Miles of frnntlc chaso and $5000 ln cold cash. Come and sco If you think ho had tho right system. Marguorlto Clark at tho Crystal tonight and to morrow In "Easy to Get." It's a rapid lire romnco loaded with laughs. Also a good comedy and tho best of music each night. m mm H S jPolarine m X V u ' , , STANDARD OIL COMPANY (.......) OMtH f LML H..1 Properly Oiled Motors Purr Thqse lubricated with Polarine invariably run smoothly and quietly. When fine bearing surfaces aro "filmed", with tho finest oil, the squeaks, rattles und wear of friction are practically nil. Polarine is made by the most up-to-date refining methods the' result of ovor hulf a century of experience and re search. It is efficient every season of ti'ie year. Does not thicken in autumn und winter, or "wear" thin during a long trip. i To meet the requirements of all makes of cars and.trjicks, Polarincrfs nmdo in four grades, differing in bodytut''not in quality.1 Those grade are Polarine Polarine Medium Heavy Polarine Heavy Polarine Extra Heavy For winter use the Polarine and Polarine Medium Heavy grades are recomrnanded. For full mileage and power, use Red Crown gasolinethe standdrd motor fuel. It is just as dependable and uniform a's Polarine. At Red Crown service stations and author ized dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL (Nobruska) COMPANY. Omaha Helon Solbort, of Grand Inland, was In tho city tho latter part of last wook visiting frlonds. Mrs. L. A. Robar returned to her homo In Lincoln yostorday after visit ing frlonds ln tho city. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grofscn returned yesterday from an oxtonded visit with tho formcr,'8 parents In Kansas. Father Sullivan returned to his homo In Elm Crook after visiting Father McDald for several days. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, I)o"tlsI. Mc. Donald Hank Itulltll ntr. Rooms 2 & 3. rhono 97. 42tf Miss Edith Thompkln, who has been i visiting at tho T. C. Patterson homo 1 loft Saturday for her homo In Chicago ! Mrs. E. B. Show has resumed hor I duties with tho Loader after bolng off duty for several days on account of illness. I Dr. C. E. MaoReyuolds reports tonsllectomy operations on Mesdames Ed Kolrlg and Otto Wayinan tho last of tho week. Dowey McGrow left, this morning for Lincoln after spending tho week I ond with his parents. Ho is attondlng tho Stato University, i Mrs. N. W. Coloman of Hastings who has been visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gamblo and Mrs. O. W. Springer left Friday for hor homo. Tho Literary Department of tho Women's Club will meet this afternoon In tho Fireman's Hall at threo o'clock. All members aer requested to bo present. ' Mrs. W. A O'Donnelt loft yesterday for Omaha where sho was called by tho death of her mother-in-law Mrs. John O'Donnoll. Sho was accompanied by her mother Mrs. W. II. LcDIoyt. Mrs. Maude Furnish loft tho latter part of tho week for her homo in Horshey after visiting at the Jesso Chappel homo. Father Burke, of Lexington, was hero yesjerday assisting at tho con firmation which took plnco at Saint 'Patrick's church. Chas. Cockle, Jr., and family, of Sutherland returned tho laBt of tho week to their homo after doing some trading in this city. I. E. Johnson, who is connected with tho Cihcago, Milwaukeo and St. Paul Railroad, was here tho last of tho week on business. This Is about tho time of the year to consider a now closed car. I would liko to havo you examine tho new Dodgo Brothers Sedan and Coupo models. J. V. Romigh Dealer. ' Roy V. Busklrk reports tho salo of Essev Touring carj to W. G. Reckard, ' Horshey; Miner Ilinman, North Platte (and an Overland Touring car to P. Gronberg, Paxton. ( lRov. II. A. Wolfo, former minister (of tho Lutheran church, spent last oununy in town visiting frlonds and Inspecting tho new church. Ho now re sides in Forestonlll. Owing to tho unusual mild weather this fall wo find we have too many suits on hand at this thno of tho season. Wo therefore aro offorlng a 25 dis count to insuro a nuick clearance of every suit in tho store. BLOCK'S Ladies Outfitting Store. Misses Dclma Kilpatrick, Ireno Mc Vanoy, Ethel Bovlngton and Gcorglana MacKay left Saturday morning for Imperial, whoro thoy will bo tho guests of Miss Kilpatrick at tho Amer ican Legion Barbecue. ' Good News to Mothers! Mothers shopping at this store to buy coats and dresses for their llttlo girls can now buy ovorcoats for their boys from 2 to G years of ago, a now Boy's Depart ment wo havo just added on this season in our Children's Department BLOCK'S. Would you marry a fellow who did not havo tho norvo to kiss his host friends' wlfo? Of courso you wouldl But Constanco Talmadgo as Gcorglana didn't fool that way about itl Sho hated all good men and you couldn't blamo hor for going In Search of a SInnor at Tho Sun Today nnd To morrow. A numbor of frlonds and neighbors ontertalned Mr. and Mrs. Justlco Sodorman at a farewell party, at tho homo of Miss Carlson tho last of tho wook. Thoy prosohted them with a beautiful token of remembrance. At tho close of tho ovonlng a two courso luncheon was. served. Mr. and Mrs. Sodorman expect to Iuayo ln j days for Missouri whoro thoy will mako th'olr futuro home. . Sho tried ovory way in tho world to mako her hubby wicked, but all ho could think about was anthropology nnd Qrcok architecture. Her ox-hubby was too good to Hvo HERE. So tho angolB dragged him honco and his morry widow ,dollod up and am bled out "In Search of A SInnor." If you don't havo tho jazziest tlmo of your Hfo on Slnnor's Night you'd bet tor consult your doctor. At tho SUN Today and Tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. William Recso aro visiting at tho Jack McGraw home. Mr. and Mrs T. C. Patterson left Saturday for Hot Springs, Arkansas. Dr. Morrill. Dontlst, office over Wilcox Dopartmont Storo. Mrs. It. Krauso wont to Denver yesterday to visit hor parents for a week. Mr. and Mrs. ThomaB Feertoy, of Koarnoy aro visiting at tho F. Nolan home. Mrs. McCabo, of Cheyenne, Is visit ing at tho Geo. Austin homo. Charles Martini loft Saturday for Hastings to transact businoss. s THE PORTER ELECTRIC CO. ' Lighting fixtures at AVholo Salo prices 15 In. Ipc Storo Lighting fixtures $11 Any finish you want wo re-finish old fixtures. r.10 LOCUST ST. 3 doors If. Post Office Phono 210 North Platte Equity Association Oil Dwey Street Phono 108 MEATS AND GROCERIES Quality and Satisfaction Our Motto; Try us with your next order and be satisfied. THE HOUSE OF GOOD EATS Highest Market Price Paid for Produce FREE DELIVERY Inflamed Nerves Made Healthful dlcates Its nerve source. by misalignment of Joints of tho splno causing pressure upon tho nervo af fected at tho point of its exit between joints. Spinal adjusting removes the cause. There Is repeated evidence that sufferers havo found in chiro practic tho thing that has freed them of suffering. NO CHARGE Consultation Is without charge or Nervous Inflammation, or neuritis, is inflammation of a norvo. It is usually progressive In character, tho Process of Nature being to All tho hood vessels of tho inflamed area with serum. As tho heat ol tho in flammation continues thl3 scrum dries up and thoro Is dogonoratlon of norvo and cell tissues At this stago thoro is a kind of limp paralysis. Tho very naturo of tho dlseaso in It is caused obligation. Drs. States &v States. The P. S. C. Chiropractors. r v Building nnd Loan Building North Platte Nebraska. nrnm CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES ATHE FOLLOWING HEAD EVES EARS NOSE THROAT AnMS HEART r V I lmr.s LIVER 'STOMACH 'PANCREAS .5PLE.EM KIDNEYS Wj BOWEL3 APPENDIX . -LOWER Spinal JioUnn LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI55UE5 j.t i.t t.t :.t :.: j.t t.t it .t i.t :.: :.: i.t t.t J.t it it :.: i.t t it i.t i.t j.t :.: j.t $ it :.t :.: 5, J.t . J.t :.: i.t :.: i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t .: j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t i.t Jt ir. jt Ep j: Jt j.t j: Jt j.t j: j.t j: PUBLIC SAL i Tho undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on Thursday, November 4th commencing at 1 o'clock" p. m. sharp, tho following property: 120 ACRES OF LAND Situated ln Lincoln County, Neb., to-wit: Tho west half of tho South east quarter and cast half of tho Southwest quarter, Section 31, Twp 14, Rango 30, together with all water rights to said land, tho same1 being known as tho Falrvlew Dairy, located ono mile west of North Platto. This placo will absolutely bo sold to tho highest bidder regardless of price, as tho owner has cngagd in other buslncs and cannot stay on tho placo. Will glvo Immediate possession if desired. Terms on real estato will bo arranged to suit purchaser at G per cent lntorcst. Small amount of cash will handlo this deal. Personal Property. 25 Head of Cattle Consisting of twonty good milch cows, four holfers and ono Short Horn bull. All cows bred to bo fresh from November 1st to January 1st Horses and Mules Threo head of work horse3 weighing about 1C00 each. Team of mules weighing 1200 each and ono pony. Farm Machinery Threo wagons manuro spreader, Jawhawlc Stacker and Sweep, Deorlng binder, twenty ton ensilage cutter with 3G-foot carrier, bolt and gas ongino, corn jplantor, drill, walking and riding plows, best tools, car-1 rlago and lots of other farm implements. TERMS on PERSONAL PROPERTY Sums of ?20 and undor caBh; abovo that sum six months' tlmo will bo given nt ton per cent Interest. Vwo por cent discount for cash. FREE LURCH AT NOON THEODORE MEYERS, Owner. jt j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t $ j.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J IX J.t j.t if j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t Jt J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t Jt if t.t i.t it j.t j.t j.t j.t t.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t Jt COL. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer -P. C. riELSTJCKEIt, Clerk. 4 1