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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
I Marguerite .Clark IN "Easy to Get" An altractivc comedy story of a young bride who teaches her husband a lesson in over confidence. Tonight's Comedy "The Wild, Wild West." Wednesday Comedy "Profiteering Blues." CRYSTAL THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday Clean your rugs thoroughly without removing them rom the floors. The HOOVER will do it by gently beating them a thousand thorough heats a minute to shake out every bit of destructive grit. Powerful suction withdraws the dirt. And the swiftly revolving brush takes up the lint and straightens tne nap. North Platte Light & Power. Co. QfeHOOVER mi OSft zaill warm your home,. roin rhe 5 basement 3 LOCAL ,VA'I) PERSONAL The Salvation Army works everywhere and all the time. Mrs. Harry Hnrkln 1b roportod to bo on tho slok list Mrs. Lofduht of Sutherland, loft for hor homo Saturday. Mrs. Shaw Is off duty for a few days on account of Illness. Dr. Howard lost, Dentist, Twluom Hulldlug. Phone 'Ml. 7tf Mary S. Whitohoad loft tho last of tho week for Kearnoy. Mrs. E. B. Qroon loft Saturday morning for San Francisco. Carolina Flint loft tho last of tho wco'k for hor homo In Ilorshoy. Mrs. Eshloman, of Ilorshoy, is visit ing hor daughtor Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. John McCabo of Chcyonno Is visiting nt tho Char log Ell home. Mrs. J. II. Fitch) of Ilorshoy, is visiting her daughtor Mrs. Shaw. C. P. Karthnus has accoptod a pos ition 1,1 11,0 Union I'nclllo storo room. Gift Parchments. Dixon tho Jowolor Mrs. D. 13. Loudon loft Saturday for Donver whero sho will visit for sov eral days. For rollablo transfer servlco phono your calls to C. II. Splcor, Donolsou's Cigar Store, Phono 172W. 7G-9t For stylo, quality and reasonable prices sco tho millinery at The Leader Morcantllo Co. Mr. Baker, Secretary of War, passed through this city Saturday morning, enrouto West. C. P. Karthaus returned tho last of tho week from a visit In Humphrey, with his parents. When in North Platte atop at the .Vow Hotel Palnco and Cafe. You will h treated well. 68tf J. Wt Hunt, of the Commercial Hotol loft tho last of tho week for Paxton on business. Mrs. II. Molino, of Gothenburg camo tho last of tho week to visit at tho William Smith home. Beaver hats for ladies and children aro among tho newest arrivals at The iLoador Mercantilo Co. N. B. Buckley returned tho last of tho week from Omaha whero ho trans acted business all tho week. Mrs. Samuel Grace, of Chicago, Is visiting at tho homo of her daughtor Mrs, William Richards. Mrs. Minor Hinman, of Kansas City formerly Sybil Cllno, is visiting at tho at the W. T. Green homo. It. G. Brock left Saturday for his homo In Falrbury after visiting his son H. C. Brock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Yost were call ed to Kansas City recently by tho illness of Mr. Yost's brother. H. E. Ewart arrived homo from Omaha Saturday whero ho has trans acted business for several days. Mrs. Nolllo Kennedy left Saturday for hor homo In Sutherland after visiting her brother Roy Wilson. Elmer Campbell returned thts morn lug from Grand Island whoro ho was called by tho death of his sister. Mrs. It. W. Ruby loft Thursday for Beavor City after visiting for some tlmo nt the homo of her son Ernest Ruby. To whom aro your gohig to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. G4tf Mrs. Paul Wilson left Saturday for hor home in Paxton after visiting at tho homo of her brother-in-law Earl ' Wilson. Josophlno Martin who has been visiting at tho Adam Christ homo left Saturday morning for her homo Jn Ogalalla. T. A. Burns was pleasantly sur prised last ovenlng at a six o'clock stag dinner. Tho occasion being his birthday. t MtlJKnSs OF PUJU2 UKEI) CATTLK FOJUt IIKKKFOItD ASSOCIATION Scene from the big Cartoon Musical Comedy "THE GUMPS". Coming to Keith Theatre, Friday Night, October 29. A number of broodors of blooded :ttle mot In tho directors room of the Platto Valloy Bank last Thursday and orgnnlzocl the Lincoln County Jiororord Brcodor's Association. Tho following is the nccount bf tho moot ing as It appoars In tho American Hereford Journal, publlshod In Kan sas City: North Platto is a beautiful city or 10.000 population, is locatod In "tho oonter of Lincoln Co. and is tho Coun ty sent. It has tho vory best rail road facilities, and is ono of tho live liest cltlos In tho wost. Altho North Platte Is a railroad contor, overy citizen is cloBoly connootod with tho Hvo stock Interests, and thoro nro n groat many old time cattlo mon re tired there. Tho Organization will b0 known as tho Lincoln County Horcford Brccd ors Ass'n and tho first nnnunl salo will uo hold some tlmo In tho latter part of March or' tho foro part of April. A movo is already on foot for tho erection of n Salos Pavilion which will bo completed in timo for tlin spring sale. Away out In tho "Cow Country" of Wostem Nebraska in Lincoln County, at North Platto, Buffalo Bill's Old Homo, was organized tho Lincoln County Hereford Breeder's Ass'n on Oct. 21st, 1920. , Lincoln County already boasts of fifty puro bred Horoford breeders and tho now organization contemplates Increasing this to 100 beforo spring. Llncoln County is a largo county, in fact It is thos second largest in tim .State. It is moro than fifty miles square and i3 covered with duxurlant growth of native grasses, and tim bluffs and canyons afford good winter protection for Hvo stock. Tho County Is traversed by tho ramous Platto River, tho valley aver ages about 10 miles wide, and hero is tho homo, of alfalfa nnd wild imv. Probably no other plnco In the world can boastlof ns much in such a small area. t Members olected to offlco wcra: T. S. McCrono', North Platte, presi dent; John Griffith, Muxwoll, treasur er and Arthur Gaudreault, manager and secretary. Board of directors: S. J. Koch, Hershey; Fred (MoClymont, North Platto; John Griffith, Maxwell, H. Kerr, Maxwell; Chas. Llston, Dickens. A board of thre0 has been olected for InspectWn of salo catUo: S. J. Koch, Ilorshoy; Nols Ingman, Brady and Jas. Shoup, Sutherland. Tho nrtlcle was signed by Arthur Gaudreault, Brady, Nob. xotici: to mm cow oitokhs. Last bunch testto bo held In cattlo barn3 at Fair Grounds noxt Thursday starting promptly nt 3 o'clock. Cows must remain there tied un till o'clock Friday. Kindly bunch In nnd savo single cow test expense DR. W. y. PRITCHARD. JtKTMtX FlMWt BAST Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dick arrived homo Saturday ovenlng from the east after an absonco of several weeks. Mrs. Dick spent tho tlmo with her sis ter in Toledo, nnd Mr. Dick attended all tho world-sorles bnll games which woro plnyed In Brooklyn and Cleve land, also spondlng somo timo In Toledo. PEDKpL (ioUHT .TUItOltS. N. E. Buckley and Snnford Hart man, of this city, have been drawn as Jurors for the term of fodoral court which convenes In Omaha Wodncsrtny of noxt weolc This willvgivo these men an opportunity to draw tho mun ificent sum of three dollars por day as Jurors' fees. Gono Portor, of Denver, was In tho city Saturday. Arthur McCabo, of Donvor, Is visit ing In tho city. James Kcofo loft Snturday for Art thur whoro ho will transact logal bus iness for a few days. Mrs Gcorgo Austin loft Sunday for a visit -with hor daughter Mrs. Hayes who Hvos In Omaha. Mrs Chas. Wolr, of Grand Island, Is In town visiting frlonds. James Qulnn of Now York City In visiting frloiids In this city. Otto Thoolooko loft yesterday for Omaha whoro ho will transact .busi ness for a fow days. Mrs. Julius Pizer loft Saturday to vllst at tho J. B. Pizer homo in Don vor for somo tlmo. The ,Fairview Dairy to be sold at Public Auction, Nov. 4th. Thin nlnec is an ideal Dairy Farm, nearly all K r I necessary improvements being located, next to city limits. Land all under irrigation. Produce a good crop of beets this year and vill be in good shape for alfalfa next spring. 'This place will no doubt be worth twice its present value in a short time on account of location. For terms see Owner or Mr. Pielsticker at Platte Valley State Bank. Come and look over the place before sale. THEO. MEYERS. Owner, SUOUKSTS SANITATION arEASUIlEf At tho luncheon of tho Rotnrlnns yesterday Dr. T. J. Korr spokp on tho subject of sanitation and public health In which ho rocommondod that tho city refuse dump bo moved to a (point on tho rlvor bank bolow tho Lincoln Highway brldgo and tho In auguration of nn Incineration 4plant; suggested that all proporty owners bo roiulrod to screon tho doors and win downs of their buildings to avoid tho "arrylng of dlseaso by flics, that all w places within tho city limits which ' acomo filled with stagnant water bo 'ed, and that greater attention bo Ul to cutting woods and thus lesson ' ' prrvalonco of hay fovor. Dr. Korr i sugfTostod that moro nttontlon bo '' itod during tho summer months to ' Ing back ynrda and nlloys clean. v.. , "8s Josophlno Martin who has been v 'rig for sovoral days In Ogalallg. ir ' o'd homo yoslerday. l'-n. Frank Cokor and daughtor of Sun arland woro business visitors In he rfty yesterday. C. Gallon, of tho Nobraska Division of tl:a Union Pactlo railroad, passed through hero yostorday. Xormit you coming . in$o get yqm copy -r I o Edison and Music"? I , Its Free ii I of exnuisite i vmoa c Parte a fter sabiiiiets On each page, the same fascinating story. j And this is it: Every Edison cabinet has been adapted direet from some Old World furniture masterpiece. Every Edison cabinet looks every inoh the .thing that it is- -a true furniture aristocrat. Tie NEW EDISON "The Phtnwgratth with a Soul" So- -stop in today. Get your copy of "Edison and Music." It tells you, in picture and story, all about the 17 Edison period cabinets their looks, I heir lineage, their, characteristics. The kind ofbook that makes useftd information a joy to obtain. A guide to the kind of furniture that has gi en modern times its most precious heirlooms. Ask us, at the same ytime, about our Budget Planthe thrift way of buying- a New Edison. HARRY DIXON, Dealer.