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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
SemtAecklu Subline. WILSOIV TOUT, Editor and I'nbHslier. SUBSCKITTIOtf PJtlCE: Ono Year, In ndrnnc $2.00 Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Clans Matter, TUESDAY, OCTOUFJt 2Clh, 1920. ' SCIIAITLE. A Column o! Nonsense EMTOltlAL. Tho othor day whon we woro going ovor to Patterson's Drug Storo to Uuy u present for our wife, a man stopped us nnd asked us what wo woro going to do whllo Ed Davis Is In tho Loglslnturo this winter. Wo hadn't thought of that and so wo stopped across tho street to get any suggestions Ed might havo. Ed wasn't In but his Indiana friend was sitting In tho chair and tho man who lives on Want Ads For Sale Shoats. Flvo miles cast of North Platto. J. A. Jackson. For Sale Call ducks.. '- Phono 880W. For Kent Ono furnished room with heat. Phono 1134. Lost A parrot. Finder please phono South Locust Street was loaning a- 28GW or notify Rush Dean. gainst a pllo of flour. Wo talked of For Sale A six months old mule. Wo certainly congratulate tho man sovcrai things and thon askod thorn Phono CC8J, Wanted A waitress at tho Oasis, wno organizou uio Lincoln t-ouniyi .,,. . wmii,, ,if, w . wm Hereford .Breeders Association on 80 oomrorung to have n frlond who tholr good work. Thoro Is no reason wn9 HW(iyg roa,iy t0 flnd an answer why tholr goal of 100 mombers by to any estIonB one lias and we will spring will not bo reached If thoy will ( auroly lnIglI ,,m whnc ll0 ,s Ul LncQn put tho onorgy into tho Association (hls w,nter HorvJnff tho people of Ltn whloh tho cause deserves. We would coln Counly ng thoIr r0prfwonlatIvo. suggest that othor associatioiiB could TJl0 South LocU8t strcct mfm askc(, bp formed for othor breeds of live ( f W(J woro HUro Ed woul(1 bo oloctC(1 stock which would not need to bo . ,,,.,1 ,nrtn,i r. nit i.A ,.nrnin Apply to John Poulos. For Sale Ton foot Eclipso wind mill complete for $35. Phono 705F13. For Sale 70 bushel grain body for truck. Phono 10S1W. Wanted A mnld. Apply at 'Johnson Dopt. Storo. TO tfOanUTTEESj AXI FRIENDS OF THE SALVATION AltMX DltlVE: At a mooting on Sunday afternoon of tho Local Advisory Board of tho Salvation Army for tho purposo of checking of tho different workers in tho drive it was found that Lincoln County wag yet short of its quota eleven hundred dollars. After a caroful canvass of the situation it was found that in the city a great many sections and individuals havo not yet been canvassed. Tho Advisory Board is very anxious that the County go over the top in this most important work. Some captains reported that tho work of their ward was not yet dono and these were requested to send their coinmltteos bnck if posslblo and thoroughly clean tho work up and whero committees could not sorve. to new ones and ho complete the work. In a message received Saturday mooting to coiTtltiiio tho drivo'ltinl this week and It Is urging committees who have not finished tho work to finish up ag quickly ns possible If the committee has visited your home nnd yoti wor not thoro ploaso hand your offering to some momber of tho Advisory Board or tho Canvassing Commlttoo for your Section and save thorn nn oxtra trip. They aro all busy men. So altogothor now for a final wind-up and . for at least a thousand dollar's Over the Top by Saturday night. 6h aVM'h"avefinl8hc(Vto tho Loait Chairman, Mr. J.. Q. Wilcox, for his dully reports that go In each dayfjto Stato headquarters. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE.. ::o::- Tho ladios of tho Prosbyterirtn church will hold their nnnual Fair and Supper, December 2nd. Mrs. W. C. Sholvcr, Mrs. Chas. Boguo nnd Mrs. M. E. Scott loavo this cvoning as dclogatcs to tho State convention of the Federation of Wo men's Clubs. Tho convention this Committees turn In your reports as year Is bolng hold at Fremont 55 ffi SICK ROOM NEEDS antagonistic in nny sense to tho Hereford people, and which would moan a now Impetus to tho raising of flnp stock. ::o:: Itoprosontative Kinknld should bo roturncd to Congress rathor than his Democratic opponont. T. C. Grlmos hna been County Superintendent of Custer County for a number of years. Ho has nover boon sorlously men tioned by tho educators of this stato for any educational position. His am bition to bo Congressman doo not 0flm;to bo based on any porformanco in tho past. Ho has made a good Coun ty Superintendent, let him stny thoro. j tint:- i Wo aro for Cox for President, for j the following rensniiH! Ml rViv hna i ' made a good Tccord as Governor of Ohio, which has required oxocullvo sblllty; Hording has beon in th0 leg islative branch of tho government with no oxporlenco as an executive. (27 Cox Is for tho League of Nations with nocossnry reservations; Harding n?ordlng to his DosMolncs speech Is against It In any form. (.1) Cox is not njmombcr of tho Senatorial oligarchy wi'ch is trying to foist itfl control on thljfcounrty; Harding. Is Its spokes man ut present. On tho wot and dry question wo fnll to discover any dlf 'forohe'e. Each Is supported by about ng many wots as the other. Unless thero aro dovolopmonts unknown' to ub at this time wo expect to voto for Cox. wo woro whon tho man from Indiana broke in with tho remark that Ed would bo olectcd by tho biggest ma jority ever cast for Stato Representa tive. Tho Locust street man said ho didn't soo how that could be and Indiana asked him if ho didn't know that Ed had already served two termg In tho Stato Legislature and that hq would bo moro valuablo to Lincoln County than nny ono olso on that ac count If for no other reason. At that Ed's Locust Street frlond snld ho was visiting Ed in Lincoln two years ago. whllo ho was In tho legislature nnd ho romcmborcd how tho other repre sentatives used to como to him about Important mnttors bocnuso ho was ox porloncod. Ho said Ed was rathor quiet but that his influonco was big with tho othor mombors nnd that when Ed was ngalnst a moasuro It carried a For Kent Furnished sleeping room(fr0m Stato Headquarters by Chairman Caro M M of Tribune. r n. Wilcox, it was stated that two For Sale Ono No. G Radiant Home countios had gono over the top. Oma- hard coal stove. 220 W. Sixth St.. A. O. Kockcn. Lost Pair of child's glasses in caso in 800 block east 'Fifth St. Call 182J. Rownrd. For Sale-Heavy cur chean or will to t,,c Salvutl" Army trmle fnr Ifiri.t r-nr r ,.!(,. if, hi llln uonrn ui-ciucu at us summy ... - - o ' " v JJ 'UbO( i ilVJWU 3GGW. m BR m EE Wc have, a campletc line of sick room sup plies always in stock. Douche-pans, surgical handages, gauze, ruhber sheeting and everything that is needed in the sick room and all at reason able prices. ha, which haB a quota of $00,000.00 begins its drive UiIb week. Local committees that have been at , warn report a vory successuu cuortjjf as nearly every one is very friendly' Gummere-Dent Drug Co. as a? LPs !fi Bi m LC buck kids. Phono 1132W. Call at 408 E. 11th. FjosI A maroon olored swoator in 31 or near Washington School. Finder "ft ploaso call 519W. LC Lost: Small gold pin sot with pearls 5Jl and adlamond center. Reward. Phono Ufa Mrs. Wnltomath at C83.T. LC Onions for Sale 1 milo north anri UE lot of wolght. Wo were glnd to hear mii0 cn8t of PIatto Valloy Schoo, that as Ed Is a friondg of ours but wo House 33 31 31 & Ul mm m -t!o:; LOCAL AND PKHSONAL wnntod moro to know what wo wore to do whllo ho Is gono than what ho Is going to do whllo ho is thero so wo brought up tho question again. Indiana suggostod that w0 could write him If wo had any difficulties but wo thought ho would probably be too busy to writo lotlors. Tho South Locust Strcct man said we could llko- For Sale Ono milk goat, doo and IUlsiaiBiUraUisiUTO 31 31 m 31 31 m Ui 31 31 & 31 31 31 31 House. or hale CO ft. corner lot in 1000 block on E. Cth SL Phono 537 or call at 1100 East 4th. Wanted All kinds of sewing' and LC iiuBBinuKing. i-ncos very reasonable, ir 31 dressmaking. Prico3 very reasonable. 314 S. Walnut. Call for Mrs. Tirnwn It'.... Uilln Ttn1l TT i . . . .1 i omu uuiiun nuro itaouits anu a Rhodo Islnnd Rod Chickens. Call 330J ?0 ly save up our questions until ho pamo' after fi:30 P. M. 31 back and w0 said wo could do that Fnr HllIn .. rIVjll1(.,,lir, . , ffi rAr"""8- in Stand-10 EtecWo ffi llll. 111. IIIUUIIUIIUU DUIUI III JUUIIIO IIUU ..,.. l.l. I. AT t , A . nt,. tii m.. t... , motorboth in AI shapo. Hondy-Ogier 31 " " , Auto Co. Perry Carson and Ernest Trnmn. all fast friends of our, who would holp nnnicu A plumbers' helper. Must us' out whllo Ed was away and wo bo familiar with plumbing nnd heat woro Hust going to give our opinion of ,U8, WaSCs no object to good man. "' 'Ru&soll Dorrvborrv rnliirnpil vnn ' tordny from Denver whero ho has been' onch w,icn Wo Baw 13(1 coming down wltl references to B. B. Caro , spending sovornl weeks. Thursday and Friday tho SUN will run, "A. Wild Nito" with tho famous Joo Martln'Monkoy Comedy. ' Wo will put on tho Blanket Salo ' of the Season beginning Frldny, Oct. 29th. E. T. Tramn & Sons. The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- nfl 13,1 ,lltln,t say mytl'Ing about It not too far out, a levol south-west cor bytorlah chureh will moot In the par-' "l l"uu "l uuu AIUI nor, almost 200 feet front, plotted in lors of the church Thursday afternoon no KHOW and bo ontortalnod by Mesdamos PrfVf( tho street and Indfnnla said maybe Tribune, wo had bettor not montion anything For Sale: Six hundred acros of farm auout it to ku as it mignt make him grazing land. North of Flats. Good foI had to talk about nnyono olne tak- improvements, windmill and tank. fug his plnco in our friendship so wo Cuts about fifty tons of hay. Address .lust said How-do-you-do whon Ed enmo Minnio Zehr. Flats. Nebraska. I.t inll.. 1 - t i 1, . .1 "'""'ll o"l UIO weailior and For Sll l-Tn nnn wnntln vnnm l.,,f 31 31 31 31 31 bfi w Keith Theatre, Friday Night, October 29th. Everybody's Favorite Cartoon Musical Comedy With James R. Fraser and Original Company of 40. t 20 Song Gems. Novel Specialties. Nimble Dancers. A Musical Comedy With A Kick Lavishly Costumed and Staged. A Carload of Special Scenery. PRICES 50c to $1.50. Box Seats $2.00. Plus Tax. Seats sale opens Wednesday At Box Office. siaiKsiaiBisi! 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 m 31 Bl 31 31 31 31 ithrco small and ono lnrgo corner lot. ers, Brown nnd Will Raskins. Tho lioard of Directors of the Lin coln County Fair will hold a business mooting In tho orrico of tho Socretnry of tho Chamber of Commcrco this evening at eight o'clock. Blankets on Salo In all grades and ut prices that must Boll them so If you aro Intoretscd do not dolny as they go on sale Friday, Oct. 29th. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Phono 1212W. lor fcajo Threo Improved Keith Co. farms. Two stock ranches. Very long time and easy pnymonts. G. F. Hoxle, Owner, 908 W. Fifth St. North very beautiful, also reasonably nrlced, blouses aro now on display nt E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Longuo of Women Voters will hold a meeting nt Brady, Wcdnosday ovonlng at which questions portnlnlng Platto or Ogalalln, Nebr, to tho coming olectlon will bo discuss ed from nil political points of vlow Tho Christian Ladles Aid will hold .i bazaar in tho show window of tho Dorryborry and Forbes storo on No vemUer tho 11th and 12th. GET EGGS i Thero is only one reliable way to secure eggs from your hpns in winter and in summer, and that is to Feed for them. A ten cannot lay a single egg more than the nourishment she qceives will permit. Therefore. tO PP.t nrrira nmi nritrn im.,. Wanted: Horses to winter and pas-! turoj Two sections for horses to run on and two wolls for watering. Ono section has nover been feed off of. Inqulro C. SODACOTT. North Platte, Gonl Del. For Sale Whlto Leghorn cockerels, good Vigorous birds. Hatched from Univorslty of Nobr., trap nested, ped igreed stock. P"rlcct ?3.00 each until! Nov. 1st. Frosh eggs retailed nt plant. Poultry Department, Uni. of Nobr. Ex porlmont Substation. North Platte. hen receives will permit. Therefore, to eet ms JlftUV frivA vmir hens Blatchford's Egg Mash, which is composed to the last ounce of wholesome, egg-making materials. :o: : Blatchford's "Fill-the Basket" Egg Mash Contains a greater VARIETY of ingred ionts than any other mash on tho market TRADE MARK When honB aro fed Blatchford's Egg Mash thoy rocoivo in proper form all tho matorlals thoy roqulro from which to manufacture eggs. It includes moat scrap, fish scrap, milk nlbumon, blood alfalfa, and ovor twenty othor ingred ients. It docs mnko hons lay. You will rocoivo moro eggs from It than from any othor lnylng mash on tho market. It is thoroforo tho host and least ex pensive for you to buy. Uso It nnd get cgg3 now I Handled, recommended and guaranteed by North Platte Feed Store, 714 North Locust St. Phone 206 Mrs. Eliza Mlllor, aged 07 years, 10 months nnd S days, died at tho homo of hor daughtor, Mrs. Kolso on East Fourth Stroot Saturday evening. Burial will tako placo at Wnkoflold, Nobr. Mrs. Mlllor was born In Ill inois, Jan. 15, 1S53 and loaves a num ber of children and grandchildren to mourn hor death. St, Patricks School will hold an on- tortnlnmont In tho basement of their school on Tuosdny ovonlng. All kinds of amusemonts aro to bo furnished. This ontortnlnmont will, bo hold for tho boneflt of tho -Athletic Club of tho School. JTho admission will ho twenty-flvo conts. Tho Lltoraturo, Music and Art Do- partmont of tho Twentloth Century Club will moot this aftornoon at tho Flromnn Hall. An intorostlnt: nro- gram has been proparcd nnd nil mom bors nro urged to bo prosont. Tho Roynl Neighbors Social Club will moot with Mrs. E. W. Cross, l'irst and Mnplo Stroets Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Cross will bo ns- elstod by Mesdamea Honckel, Weeks and JIcKeown. y Try our 20o Coffee. McMtchaol s V t-, "Pi "ft MOV fl N G r.. Have You Ordered the Telephone Moved? Notify us as far in advance as possible when you want telephone service at your new location. - The first of every month more people move than at other times, and at such periods a longer notice than usual is necessary, We want our subscribers to havo telephone service at the hour and minute they need it, but it is often difficult to make changes when desired unless we aro given an advance notice of a telephone to be moved or installed. 4 NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY t ) Grocery. 'srm