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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1920)
M o rth kite pmixinpeliln (Eribtni e. TIIIRTY-SIXTII YEAH. NORTH PLAITE, NEB., OCTOBER 26, 1920. No. 83 EXTRA GAME HERE FRIDAY CHANUK IX SCHKDULi: PLACtiS 'rii k oa.hi: hkhk ixsti:ai of AT KlUUXKV. The schudulu of the local high school football team called for a game ut Kearney next Friday. The Kearney High School plays on the Normal School field. This morning the man ager of tho North Platto team received word that tho Kearney Normal had changed its schedulo so that It would play a game on Its own field next Friday. This prevents tho High School from meeting our team thero but tho North Platto management was quick to suggest that tho Kearney team eonio hero for tho game. Kearney ac cepted with equal celerity and the ganio was scheduled. Tho bills will be out tomorrow and tho boys and girls will bo soiling tickets for the Kearney-North Platto game tho day following. The prices announced in tho papers at first and later on tho bills for tho Oroighton-North Platto gamo wore an error and tho later prices in tho pa pers and at tho gate were right. How ever, thoro will bo no error regard ing the 'prices announced for this game. They will stand. This is tho assuranco of Keith Neville, tho coach. They aro as follows: 7fc for adults, 25c for High School students and 10c for grado school children. For years tho Kearney-North Platto cranio has been one of the best games Hayed by the local team and this year F'lould not bo an exception. The game will be called at 3 o'clock Friday, Oct. 20th. hi:ci:i'tiox roit thk cm tkach- KKS IS GIVES LAST XIGIIT. Tho toachors of the city schools woro the guests of tho members of tho Methodist Church nt tho church parlors last night. Representatives of different departments of tho church were in the receiving lino which wel comed tho guests. For entertainment tho guests were divided into groups and each group asked to get up a stunt In competition with the stunt given by the other groups. These wero very amusing and were followed by short nddresscs by Rev. Hess, Supt Llttel, Mr. Vandcrhoof and some music. Sandwiches and coffee wore served after tho program. NEWSPAPER MEN ORGANIZE HIGH SCHOOL WINS VK03I THK rilKIGHTON HIGH BY BEING WELL TKAIXKI). Tho North Platto High School scor ed heavily against tho Croighton High School in a long-drawn out bat tic last Friday at tho Fair Grounds. Tho visitors arrived in tho early morning and spent tho forenoon row drying about the streets. As a result they woro worn out by afternoon and suffered a defeat on account of their poor physical condition. Tho score was 32 to G in favor of North Platto. HDD CItOSS ELECTION HELD AT THK POST OFFICE TOMOKHOW o::- OITV AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Hazel Hardin left yesterday for Big Springs. , Mrs. C. C. Meyers left yesterday for.a visit in St. Jjc. Try our 20c Coffee. McMlchaol Grocery. Wm "Lundgrim transacted busi ness in the city yesterday. Mrs. M. Hollingsworth left yester day for Iter homo in Hershey. Mr. Bogue, of Keystone, was a bus iness visitor in tho city yesterday. Roy Horn of Omaha is visiting at tho home of his brother Emmett Horn. Abo Hirschfold arrived yesterday to visit his brothers III and Joe Hirch fold. Mrs. L. C. McGraw left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Lexing ton. Judge True, of Chicago, passed thru this city yesterday afternoon enroute oast. AVo haye to move evorthing out of our storo by Saturday tho 30th. We have two pianos left which will go at a great sacrifice. Also several phono graphs . Tako advantago of this chanc)'J to buy at a prlco that will savo you big money. WALKER MUSIC CO. Tho annual election of directors of tho Lincoln County Chapter of tho American Red Cross is being held In a number of place in Lincoln County tomorrow. In North Platto is will bo held in tho Post Office Lobby. Every member of the local chapter is en titled to vote. LINCOLN COUNTY EDITOKS .MEET HERE YESTERDAY. At a called meeting of editors of Lincoln 'County the Lincoln County Press Association was orgainzed at the Palaco Hotel last evening;. The attendance was as follows: Editor Dunn of the Sutherland Courier, Edi tor Rasinussen of tho Hershey Times, Editor Eames of tho Wallace Winner, Editor Sage of tho Maxwell Telepost, Editor Kelly of tho North Platto Tele graph, Editor Wlntcrbottom of the Brady Vindicator and tho Tribuno editor. At the business session Wm. Winter bottom was elected President, Ira E. Sago was elected Secretary and E. J. Eames was made Treasurer. Tho next mooting was set for tho first week in December at North Platte. The object of this association is to enable the newspaper. men of Lincoln Count to get acquainted, to discus shop questions, to tako up problems common to the different parts of tho County, to discuss means of making tho newspapers sorvo tho people of this part of tho state In a more effic ient manner, it Is prohablo that the meetings will bo held in tho different towns of the County when tho men of the association will bo the guests of tho local men in tho plnce whero the meeting is held. LEAGUE OF WOJrEN VOTERS HELD UNIQUE 3IEETING FRIDAY. -: :o: :- LOCAL AND PERSONAL H . AV. Schultz left yesterday for Sidney where he will transact busi ness. Mrs. Murphy, of Cheyenne is visit ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe, Qulnn. - - r Star Clothing House closes on Fri day to revise Stock and" mark' down prices. Mrs. Mary Ellas left Sunday for Cheyenne where she will visit for sev eral days. Eva and Clyde Bayno, of Ogalalla, wero business visitors in tho city yesterday. Air. and Mrs. Ruby returned to Hebron yesterday after visiting their son Ernest. A. big shipment of dresses just ar rived and we h'avo a varied assort ment from which to make our selec tion. E. T. Tramp & Sons. John Nelson left Sunday for Sidney whero he will transact business for several days. Sidney Spillner and AVilliam Brod beck returned Sunday evening from a. hunting trip, B. O. Baldwin, Efficiency Export for the Union Pacific left last night for his home in Iowa. Have you seen our Jersey Blouses? Very reasonably priced and just tho thing for real service. E. T. Tramp & Sons. AVo can now glvo our customers prompt and careful attention and tho very best merchandise that money can buy. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Knights of Columbus will hold their annual Initiation Sunday after noon at the K. C. hall. AVo have to move evorthing out of our store by Saturday the 30th. AVo have two pianos left which will go at a great -sacrifice. Also several phono graphs. Tako advantago of this chance to buy at a prico that will save you big money. AVALKER MUSIC CO. George Walsh IN From Now On' A big story with whirlwind action Big Star Big Story. Different Come dy eacli day. Crystal Theatre Thursday and Friday. ffi m m yi m m m Hi Hi Hi peciai Fur Day! Thursday, October 28th. Albrechts' Fur Man will be with us on that elate. This is Hi Si their annual visit and will alford all of our customers an oppor- Hi tunity to see a great variety oi fine furs in kinds and qualities Sfi that we do not carry in our stock. If you want a nice Coat or Hi CapeW a fine Scarf of any kind, this is your best chance to Hi buy r6al furs. Hi Hi Hi ilcox Department Store Almost four hundred peoplo gathor cd at tho Franklin Auditorium, last Friday ovonlng to hear tho presenta tion of tho principles oi tho different polltlclal partios given by mon and women from oach party. Tho room was chilly and poorly lighted but practically tho wholo number stayed until the speaking was finished. Mrs. C. F. Sponccr presided and In hor masterly manner presented tho prob lem ' of tho womon voter nml Intro duced tho speakors, Mrs. Mary Axtell was tho first speaker. Sho spoko oloquontly of tho Socialist party and denied emphatic ally that it was what somo peoplo had been led to bcllovo It was, Sho said that It meant much to tho futuro of politics that women had mado pos slblo such a meeting whoro all polit ical creeds could ho explained. Rov Stophons told of tho National Prohibition Party and its alms. Ho lauded tho nominees and what thoy stand for nnd showed that tho Pro hibition party has mnny planks in its platform besides tho plank regard ing Bio liquor traffic. Thos. Orton was called upon to give tho salient points about tho Non partisan Loaguo. Ho road, from tho Hteraturo issued by tho League, tho aims and principles of tho loaguo which ho doclarod was not a party. Ho complimented tho ladles on doing what tho mon had been unable to do and thnt wag in getting tho use of tho Franklin Auditorium for political meetings. Ho thought tho Auditorium should be used for polltlclal meetings when It was not in use by tho schools and asked permission of tho chairman to tako an expression of opinion. Ho called for an aye and nay vote but was undecided and asked for a stand ing vote So many stood on each sldo that in announcing tho result ho said "Uundoubtcdy tho ayes have It but stllUon't know. It Ib a mattor that needs- further consideration." J. J.' Halligan presented tho Demo cratic cnuso taking as his theme a dofonso of tho Loaguo of Nations. Ho said In part "Wo welcome you women into tho political Hold. AVe aro hope ful that you will make politics bettor and wo aro certain that you cannot make it worse. I bollevo in voting just ono kind of a straight ballot and that Is ono on which all tho crooks have booh scratched off. O..Ej Elder was tho Republican representative Ho said "I never havo and never will ask anyono to vote for any man unless I should run for of fice sometime myself." Ho thought most people would do well to ally themsloves witlt somo political party and vote a straight ballot most of tho time. Miss Anna Kramph was called to present tho work of tho Nobraska Children's Codo Commission nnd this sho did in a brief, pleasing way. Sho spoko of many conditions which should bo righted, remarking in hor rnctorlstlo way that "thoro was a tlmo when Nobraska stood first In lit eracy but sho has slid down and wo aro not proud of It." Tho Tribune wishes to compliment tho Loaguo of AVomcn Voters upon their start In politics and to suggest that ovory woman In Lincoln County should tako a membership and got into tho political gamo as soon as pos sible. It is now a duty as well as a privilege. SCOUT WORK IS STILL GROWING HOY SCOIT COILNCIL JIK-ORUAX- l.LS NO.UK MiPAUTJlKNTS ov S ITS WORK. At. a' meeting of tho Boy Scout Coun cil yesterday It was decided to re organize somo of tho departments of tho work in North Platte. Ono of tho recommendations of tho National or ganizers of this district was that tho number of inombcrs of tho local coun cil be reduced to llftoon or loss. For merly thero woro about thirty-flvo on tho council. Rov. Hull, Rov. Mackin tosh. Sec. Moran and Mr. Mincer having romovod from tho city, their plncos woro doclarod vacant and will not be filled . Resignations of tho following former members 'woro ac cepted: Rov. Curry, Father McDald, Messrs. Shilling, AVllcox, Mnlonoy, Durbin, Brooks, Tramp, Temple, Slb- blts, Norall, O'Connor, Llerk ami Dr. Kerr. This loavos tho membership of the Council at fourtoon as follows:. Rev. Shonk, Rev. Stovons, Rov. Koch, Rev. Hons, Messrs, Carey, Stephens, Nolan, Xook, Crosby, Tout, Walker, Koch, Rasmusson, Cnrr and Hollman. , A reorganization of tho departments resulted In tho following appointments First Vlco-Prosidont Rov. C. F. Koch; Second A'Ico-ProsIdont Carl Hollman; Third Vice-President E. E. Carr. Floyd Daniels was approved as Scoutmaster of Troop Three. Tho Council will put' on n school o Instruction for Scoutmasters in tho near futuro which will last several dnys and bo open to all activo and hprospoctlvo Bcoutmasjitoxs. Men fait National lmportnnco will bo hero 03 Instructors. Tho tlmo has not boon definitely set but It will probably bo somotimo In Novombor. ::o:: AVo havo GOO Book sacks "which jvq will glvo away Saturday at 3 p. m. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Mrs. Jahorz'og loft Saturday for ,aibbon to visit friends for sover'al days. :o: DKAlt PATRONS: AVo havo somothlng important to j announco to you. As a special fcaturo of our program Thursday nnd Fri day, wp havo booked tho now Motro special production "Alias Jimmy Val entino." Starring Bert Lytoll. This photoplay Is tho plcturizatlon of Paul Vrmstong's famous play of a reformed ' ink thlof, that enjoyed such a groat -nccess on tho stage. Mr. Lytoll will r How tho exceptional work ho did "Tho Right of Way" by a portrayal f ' tho ox-convict who could opon t 'os by tho aid of IiIb sensltlvo flngor t! '. AVo fool that wo cannot rccom iiv ".d this plcturo too highly to you, ai wo urge you not to mls3 It. Cordially yours. SUN THEATRE. : :o: : A" tch for our Hand Bills Spoclal Sal. on Blankets. E. T. Tramp & Son A meeting under tho auspices of tho Dom "ratio Party will bo hold at Su therlund, tonight at which Hon. Kolth NovlHo will be tho principal speakor. "She's All Right But She's Careless" This add was written by a man who has over heard the remarks men majce when talking to each other. Many a women, who has been wondering why her popularity didn't increase can trace the rea son to this six word criticisim. Its not a question of spending a great deal of money, but of choosing everything you wear with exact care. Don't for one thing, let im proper choes mar the daintiness of your party dress. GHOE MARKET t 1 I41J 1 ONEY ON SHOES. Constance Talmadcrt " In Search of Fun at the Sun Today and Tomorrow. Constance Talmadge in Charlotte Thompas race romance. "In Search of A Sinner" Peppy, Lively, Naughty, nice silks and spice and everything nice That's what this is made of! ALSO MUTT & JEFF AND THE GUMPS. UNIVERSAL NEWS. Matinee 2:30 and 4:10 p. m. . r