The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1920, Image 6

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    OR. 0. II. CRESSLER.
Graduate Dentist
Oihct over the McDonald
Statu Bunk.
to Tin:
klmer Shields nnd fmnlly left yes
terday for Cheyenne,
Edward Rebhiiuson left the first of
tho Weak for Onmha where lie will
undergo nn operation.
A number of Union Pacific officials
woro In town the firt of tho wcok
examining employeos.
Down go tho prlcos on alt Lndioo'
Suits nt BLOCK'S. Evory new fall suit
at 26 off roKulur price.
r. and Mrs. John McDonald oxpect
to, loavo in tho near futuro for Omaha
where thoy will make tholr home.
You would enjoy a good Watch. Visit
Dixon's and sco tho bcatulful lino of
watches thoy display.
Jt. B. Doavor, of Omaha, Sales-manager
for tho Local Shoo Market, was
in town Wcdnosday on business.
Special Plaid Skirtings In beautiful
patterns C4 inches wido ?G.OO per
yard. 1 yards will make a plain
skirt. 2V1 yards will mako a pleated
one. Como and sco them at AVllcox
Department Store.
air. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson will
loavo Saturday for Hot Springs, Ark.
ailss Edith Tompkln will loavo Sat
urday for her homo In Chicago, after
vkil'tihg for some tlmo at tho homo of"
her aunt Mrs. T. C. Patterson.
Wo aro pleased to announce that wo
aro the exclusive dealers In tho
Schwartz Forney Hextor Coats. Wo
Uavo a completo and attractive lino
in all sizes and at very popular prices
ranging from $13,G0 to $85.00.
'Winona Campflre Girls mot at tho
lioirio of their Guardian, Mrs. Forstcdt
last Friday ovonlng. Jllancho Rogers
andBlancho Bellows wcro mndo mom
lers. A one-courso lunch was served
at tho close of tho mooting.
' A reebnt caller at tho local Dodgo
agency reports that his firm now owns
over fifty Dodgo cars, that thoy have
standardized on theso cars on account
of their most economical service. Ask
any Dodgo owner. J. V. ROMIGII--Dealer.
Owing to tho unusual mild weather
this fall woflndwohavo too nuny suits
on hand at this thnoof tho season.
Wo therefore aro offering a 25 dis
count to insuro a qulcl clearanco
of every suit in tho store. BLOCK'S
Ladles Outfitting Storo.
will m:
r Dr. Morrill. Dentist, office over
Wilcox Department Storo.
i-It was tho Klholoohco Campfiro
Glrl who hold tho candy sale
last week and cloared over $25.00 to
'help pny tho exponsos of tho Cadet
Baud to Lincoln. This camp met
Thursday at tho homo of Ruth Koons
and olectcd Mildred Skinner, Ruth
Doty, Bolda Ball and Florence Rohorts
to membership.
4 Miss Bosslo Holllngsworth and Clar-
enlco Kosler woro united In marrlago
Wodnosday afternoon by Judgo Wood
hurst Miss Holllngsworth resided
lh North Tlatto and has been employ
ed, In tho Union Pacific Cafe for over
two years. Mr. JCoslor is employed In
tho Union Pacific freight Iioubc. Thoy
. wlll.llvo In North Platte.
In presenting my naino to tho poo
pie of Lincoln Coutny for election to
iho offico of County Coinminionet it Is
my desire to present to the voters my
attitude on the important questions
i hot will be presented to the newly
ioctod board.
Among theso probably tho most Im
portant will be tho construction of the
new Court Houso. Tho County has
already voted to lovy llvo mills per
year for five yoars beginning in 1919,
and ending In 1924, for tho construc
tion of this building. This building
should be planned and constructed
with tho idea In mind that It should
servo tho pooplo for a long term of
yoars and that It should provide for
tho coming growth of our county. It
should provjdo not only for adequato
and sufficient office rooms but also
for rest rooms for farmers and out-of-town
tax payers and tholr families
whon nt tho County Seat It should
have an Auditorium for tho meetings
of Farmers, Business mon, tho Amer
ican Legion and similar organizations.
And this work should bo as economic
ally done as It is ,pos8iblo to do It and
seeuro all tho desired objects.
Another of tho principal questions
Is the proper construction and main
tenance of hard dirt roads. The Lin
coln Highway is now maintained by
tylio state and It Is my desiro that as
soon as posslblp wo should secure
North and South routes through tho
county under tho Bamc system. Tlfere
should he a comprehensive system of
highways to each town In the county,
built so ns to furlnsh the farmers
with tho best posslblo road conditions
to their nearest trading point It is
my belief that all culverts and Im
provements on roads should bo of a
permanont nature.
Districts Number Two and Threo
are each at this tlmo receiving only
onj third of the County Road Fund
and thoy contain over 90 of tho
roads. It Js my opinion that District
Number Ono should bo extended so
as to Include all tho roads which aro
directly tributary to North Platto, or
that tho funds of District Number Ono
should bo used to maintain these
roads as far as may be right and
Tho finances of this County should
lit) handled tho same as tho finances
of any pthor largo business organiza
tion and should bo fairly and honestly
handled. I stand for all of theso
prlclplcs and respectfully solicit your
voto at tho November election for
County Commlslsonr District Number
Two of the threo County Commis
sioners are to rotire the first of the
year and now men will tako their
places. Tho opinion of those mon Is
that they should leave the building of
! the now Court House to tholr succes
sors They base tholr belief on the
fd that building material and lifbor
will b choapor next year. Thon they
think It would be better to collect a
good part of the tax with which to pay
for the Court .Houso "before contracts
aro lot rather than havo tho contrac
tor set a prlco on tho building In the
oxpoclatlon of having to wait for his
money. Both of those aro good reasons
whloh will havo to balance tho Jncon
vonlenco of usIuk tho present building
an extra year.
A meeting of the local council of
tho Campfiro Girls was hold at the
homo of Miss Lucille Wilcox, Wednes
day. Tho organization of five more
groups of campfiro girls was approved
and Mrs. Stevens, Miss Colo, Miss
Middlostadt, Miss Nyberg and Miss
McConnell woro approved as Guard
ians of those groups. Each Guardian
was asked to fill up tho momborship
of hor group so that there would be at
least fifteon girls "In tho camp. A
big ceremonial meeting was planned
to tako place beforo long. This meet
ing will combine the cntlro campfiro
organizations of the city and ench
group has boon asked to mako an ex
hibit of things done by that group.
Each will also furnish one. number
for tho program. Camp honors earn
ed at tho Summer fiamp will be a
warded. Tho date will be announced
Wo grind our own lenses. Dixon &
i 101 '
A recent Chandler owner reports
an avorago of 1G miles to tho gallon
of gas, on his Colorado trip, mouiv
tains and nil. A good and also econ
omical car Is tho Chandler. J. V.
Romlgh Dealer.
Ilomor Rolen lof,t yotJtorday for
Maxwell to visit tho homo folks for
sovcral dnysr
: - ' " ' 1 1 1 ! -: 'J iiLiUii'' ''. 'i 1 1 i n i u 1 1 '. ; i : 1 1 1 1 1 1 u . ; i i i . w i : . ;
good coal; i
The season tickets sold by tho High
ttahool football peoplo did not include
a game with Lexington so there was
no loss to local purchasers when that
team withdrew; When tho local of
ficials took on tho Crclghtpn lllgh
team thoy did not change tho' status
of. tho season tickets. This gamo is
not on tho season ticket schedule and
so season ticket holders aro not 'ad
mitted without paying the regular
Iprlco. This is ono dollar to all out-
sldo of school. A commlttco of busi
ness men has been selling theso tick
ets and has mot with a good response. .
For construction of sidewalks,
crosswalks, arches, approaches and
Notlco Is hewby given that scaled
bids will bo received by tho City of
North Tlatto, Nebraska, for tho con
struction o sldowalks, crosswalks,
arches, approaches and filling, said
work to bo done according to plans,
specifications and grades as on file
and given by tho City Engineer.
All bids "must bo on filo with tho
City Clerk on or beforo November
2nd, 1920, nt 5 o'clock p. m. of snld
Dated this 20th day of October, 1920
O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
If you aro still to buy your Fall
Suit, don't fall to attend tho big suit
salo now on at BLOCK'S.
Don't Forget the Salvation Army Drive this week.
Of course, you want a Fordson
THE Fordson is an ideal
tractor for your farm. It is
built compactly, simply, yet
with abundant power. It pulls a
two bottom plow and will do a
proportionate amount of any other
farm power work.
The Fordson engine is unusual.
It is simple, easily cared for, and
bo designed that the farmer can
give any attention required in ser
vice. The entire head of the cylin
ders, which are cast enbloc, can be
removed for grinding valves.
The air is cleaned with an im
proved air washer. A special car
buretor allows the use of kerosene
without any of the trouble that
is commonly associated with this
The Oliver No. 7 Plow was built
for your Fordson
The Oliver No. 7 plow in addition to being specially
adapted to the Fordson tractor has all its well-known
Oliver features. It buries the weeds and trash; it is
operated from the driver's seat; the furrow is always
kept at the same depth by a special stop device; in fact,
it is an ideal tractor plow designed for that one purpose
See it here with the Fordson tractor.
'$854.00 F. 0. 6. North Platte.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Tho mothers of tho boys of the High
School football team, entertained the
boys, their coaches and tho high
school teachers at a banquet-Wednesday
evening. Tho spread was served
In tho Household Arts department of
tho Franklin Schqol and was a suc
cess from every point. Tho boys did
justice to tho food and roport a fine
time. r '
Entlro stock of fall suits at Vi OFF
regular prices at Block's.
Slnco tho two hundred reduction on
Chandler cars, you can buy this big
flno car for less than many smaller
and loss favorably known cars. Come
and look them over. J. V. ROMIGII
Bleached Muslins of good quality
aro important when you have
punctures and b lowouts and
you have to expert those on
any kind of a road. Our tiro
(patches will mend the break in a
few minutes and you can go merrily
on your way Rough roads or other
obstacles will have no terrors for
Roy V. Buskirk Garage
215 East Fifth St.
25c per
yard at Wilcox Department
The Salvation Army works everywhere nntl nil the time.
Poor Protection and
Poor Taste
Everyone admires the heauty of
the novel strap pumps for Fall and
Winter. But they are not intended
for wear in unpleasant weather.
Not only is one's health jeopard
ized by wearing them when it
storms, but not being made for
such wear, they'll be ruined quick
ly adding unnecccssary expense.
Here are good looking shoes
made to stand winter's hard wear,
which will save both health and money for you.
Military Heels Priced From
S6.00 to $12.50
1 WILLAM D. If jjfc M
At The Sun,
Matinee at 2:30 and 4:10 P. M.