The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 19, 1920, Image 2

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AT 108,
American Princess Fled Russia
Girls I Save Your Hair)?.
Make It Abundantl
Mrs. Sophia Orr of Syracuse
Looks Forward Eagerly
to Next Election Day.
Native of Vermont and Has Lived in
Wisconsin and Mississippi She
Recently Prosecuted Her
Grandson for Theft
Syracuse, N. Y. airs. Sophia Orr,
103 years old, Id eagerly looking for
wind to ousting liur first vole for
president In Novuiubor. Slio prohnlily
will bo the oldest wouinn In the coun
try to ciiHt liur ballot. Shu voted tor
lii first time In the umyorallty elec
tion last ye'ir.
"I voted (l-o Republican ticket." she
rtntod proudly, "und that's why they
'Kip aged woman was tlio daughter
of n lawyer, and wuh horn In St. Al
lii'Uis, Vt., 108 years ago, according to
tier o'ory. From there she morel 'o
Muscodu, Wis.. and later to Hlghgute,
Allss., where she w,r uuirrled to Hub
ert W. Orr. She reineinterc dually
tlio eventH of tho war. In which her
liUKliatid served, and has a vivid mem
ory of her entire life down to tho
' Husband In Civil War.
The little old lady likes to talk
nbout her dead husband, who fought
for his country hack In the Nlxtlos.
"He did his duty," Rhe snld re
signedly, "and now he'H up In Oak
wood cemetery. He gave two arms,
two logs, and his eyes for his coun
try." Although In her 'long lifetime Mrs.
Orr never before hint to resort to
the law for protection, she recently
niponrcd against her grnndson,
Ifnrvey D. Mulleit. wliom sh" charged
with stcnllng .$145 from under her
.Mrs. Orr Is the oldest woman to
figure In court proceedings In tho
Baptista Ends
Lisbon Gaming
Goddess of Chance Is Put
Rout by the New Premier
of Portugal.
Not a Street In the Capital Was With,
out Its Gambling House, Many
Being Conducted as "Clubs"
In Palaces.
Lisbon, Portugal. Gambling, which
flourished hero to an extraordinary tie-'
gree nfter tho nrmlstlco, has suffered
a severe check at the hands of the
now government bonded by Premier
Rnptlsta. Up to two months ago the
gambling bouses remained undis
turbed, hut since Baptlsta's govern
ment took ofllco tho law has been rig
orously enforced and today there aro
few visible signs of the prosperity thu
.gamblers have enjoyed for a year.
The gambling mania began to mani
fest Itself as soon as the war ended.
Magnificent clubs on which big for
tunes must have been spent suddenly
sprang up Ilka mushrooms; gilded,
glittering clubs, splendidly furnished,
such ns Lisbon never dreamed of pos
sessing. Palaces as Gambling Dens.
Palaces belonging to tho old aristoc
racy wcro rented at Incredible prices
and transformed Into "The Majestic,"
"Tho Palnco Club." "Maxim's." "Palais
lloyal" and dozens of others on tho
same scale, with restaurants, ball
rooms and gambling rooms; every
thing being perfectly plnnned and car
ried out on tho most modem and ex
pensive tines.
Hundreds of smaller Imitations fol
lowed, until tt may with truth be said
that not a street In Lisbon was with
out two or three gambling houses.
Deck view of the Spanish wuiM.ip .ltono XIII. the ll -t Spanish wuiMnp
ivhon Hit war with Spain began. The mm-I h lying la the North elver at
The Princess and Prince D. N. Gollizlne. who Have landed at P.oston from
n tour of Russia, .lapan and China. The princess was Miss Frances Simpson
Stevens of New York, a graduate of Wellesloy college. She married Prince
Golltzlne In Boston In 11111). The prince then went to Japan and China with
his bride and they were In Omsk when Kolcbak was In power. They then
went to Vladivostok, but were compelled to flee by the approaching bolshevlst
army. Thuy managed to reach a Russian vessel and escaped to Japan.
state, probably" In thu Unlteil States.
As sprightly as If only tin If her
age, tin? aged woman mounted the
stand and gave her evidence against
her grandson, when Mallei t. who bus
appeared In police court before and
Is Included In the rogues gallery, de
manded an examination.
"Grandma, you know I've always
been true to you," said the accused
"Harvey, you took my mowy, I saw
you." Insisted the little old lady, "and
what's more you took my copper wash
boiler a long time ago.
"I've never forgotten that about
Harvey," she stated gravely to tho
Thus a great change came over I bo
humdrum social life of Lisbon, where
nothing In the way of umusement ever
happens beyond theaters and moving
picture shows.
Tho club restaurants excellent cui
sine attracted fashionable crowds, con
stant relays of Americans and English
tourists spent their money lavishly
and smartly dressed women coming
nobody knows from where were a
doubtful source of attraction In the
streets tiy day and at tho clubs by
This condition existed for well over
a year. Then well-known linns were
robbed by trusted employees.
An olllcer, who wore the cross of
war, shot himself after losing large
Rums of money which were not his.
Young men belonging to tho best fami
lies fell Into disgrace.
, Press Starts Campaign.
A campnlgn was then begun by part
of the Portuguese press, headed by
tho Seculo and the Sltuacao. Columns
of letters from parents and well-known
Llsbonltes were printed dally, disclos
ing demoralizing facts and exhorting
the government to close the clubs.
The governments, however, rapidly
nuccecdlng each other, had other things
to attend to. And the gambling con
tinned; but when the Ilaptlsta govern
ment came Into olllco strenuous mens
ures were tnken.
The magnificent clubs, the glittering
restaurants, tho smart foreign women
all disappeared as suddenly as they
had hurst upon Jho scene a year ago.
For a week cartR and camions con
veying roulette tables and other gum
tiling paraphernalia to the police sta
tions formed the chief attraction of
the Lisbon streets.
'Frequent jittenipts have since been
made to reopen resorts. Itecently the
Palais Hoyal club was re-established,
ostensibly as a restaurant. Three days
later It was closed by tho police, after
a fald.
First Spanish Warship Here Since 1898
Judge. "He took that and $5, and n
ring which belonged to my dead hus
band. I know It was llnrvev." she
.Mrs. Orr owns the house In which
she occupies one apartment alone.
"I was standing on my back porch
telling my daughter-ln-lnw how to
bang up a blanket In gut It dry;" sue
declared to tho Judge.
"I heard a noise atid saw llarvov
coming out of my bedroom. When
1 went In the money was gone."
"He took my copper washboiler,
too." she reiterated, fhowlpg that ?'ip
loss or the utensil was a hnrd thing
to forgive. 1
The grandson was arraigned nfter
"grandma" bad already told her story
once, and demandt
;d that she be put
on tho stnnd.
"Grandma" had
been waiting. Slio
a clear voice and
hearing. Tht only
ns n witness was
told her story In
showed excellent
difficulty with her
her desire to plea
d with her grnnd-
son to return the
give It to me. Har
old lady pleaded
"Why don't you
vey?" the little
again and again.
Lost $100,000 Trying to
Get Job Which Paid $3,000
The Democratic nomination for
county attorney of Muskogee
county, Okla., Indirectly cost F.
10. Gumiu, a former soldier.
$100,000. nnd he Isn't In olllce
yet. In .the heat of tho cam
paign Mr. Guuitn forgot all
about renewing bis oil leases on
1,000 acres of promising land In
Oklahoma, near the Kansas line.
Tho dny after his leasu expired
a 400-barrel well was brought
In on an adjoining ucreage. Now
tlio leases which Mr. Gumm once
held are worth dollars Instead
of cents, and he estimates his
loss at $100,000. The county at
torney's olllce pays a salary of
SH.OOO a year.
Maltese Fishermen Discover Appara
tus Used by Germans Dur
ing the War. .
Malta. A complete wireless appara
tus which was anchored In UO fathoms
of water off Mclleha bay. with tho
mast and working parts below tho
surface to a depth of about eight
fathoms, has been discovered by a
party of Maltese tishermen.
The apparatus, which was subse
quently removed by the dock-ynrd au
thorities for an examination, Is of Ger
man construction and Is complete In
every detail.
Undoubtedly signaling went on regu
larly during the war with submarines
tying In wait forBrltlsh vessels.
i aime uo na-w miuu- aum
Now Yoik.
. .
Once More the Nicaragua Canal Project
WASHINGTON. Itecently the Unit
ed States government, by n pay
'iient of $.'1,000,000. has acquired the
excluslvo right to dig n canal across
Nicaragua a step prompted by n re
port thnt Great Britain and Japan con
templated the project ns a Joint en
terprise on their own account, anyway,
"o says report.
It was for a long time thought that
we would decide upon a Nicaragua
route In preference to that of Panama,
but the llnnl choice fell to tho Isthmus,
me Inly because of fear of the Nica
raugan volcanoes, which nro very tem
peramental and sometimes fiercely ex
plosive. Nevertheless tho proposed line of
the Nlcnrnguan canal passed .r0 miles
South of tho nearest active volcano
and the route bnd certain conspicuous
advantages. For one thing, the high
est elevation to ho crossed Is only irr
feet (this being the lowest gap In the
continent's backbone anywhere from
First Wireless Heard
THE first message from tho United
States nnval radio station, known
ns the Lafayette radio station, at Bor
deaux, France, which Is undergoing
ofllclnl acceptance tests, has been re
ceived here. Tho message follows:
"This Is the first wireless message to
he heard nround the world nnd marks
a milestone on tho road of scientific
Secretary Daniels sent the follow
ing message In reply: "My sincere
congratulations upon tho successful
completion of the gigantic radio sta
tion named for thnt distinguished
Frenchmen whom all Americans honor.
Designed to serve n military purpose,
It will now serve to bind closer the
cordial relations which have always
existed between Franco nnd the United
Slates. On behalf of the United States
navy, I desire to express my pleasure
upon tho achievement of the Lafnyette
radio station In transmitting the first
message to he heard nround the world.
We nro happy to recognize in tills pow
erful signal n symbol of that' force
nnd sympathetic understanding with
which the voice of France shall bo
heard by Its sister republic."
Tho Lafayette rndlo station was
built by the United State3 navy de
partment, under the direction of tlio
bureau of engineering nnd the bu
reau of yards and docks. Its construc
tion was begun during tho war to
Milk With a Delicious Sawdust Flavor
ISN'T there a hoary old yarn about
a mnn who equipped bis donkey
with gr.cen spectacles und tried to edu
cate it to ent shavings? Well, nny
wny, ho wasn't a circumstance to
Uncle Snm. He's going to fatten tip
our cows anil make 'em give more
milk on n diet of sawdust.
In 'short, when the dairy farmer of
the future needs feed for bis cows he
may get a fresh supply by going. out In
his wood lot and reducing n fow
stumps to sawdust.
Ily chemical treatment sawdust tuny
be converted Into a nourishing cnttlo
This fact was made public at a sec
tional meeting of Industrial and en
gineering chemists, American Choml
cal society, at tho University of Chi
cago. The process of preparing such nnl-
A Possible Election
POSSIBILITIES growing out of
the Tennessee suffrnge tangle aro
being officially considered, notwith
standing the fact that Connecticut has
since made n ratification of sorts. Tho
possibilities arise out of constitutional
provisions that a candidate must hnve
a majority In the electornl college to
secure his election. If courts should
declare, after the election hns oc
curred, that! the Tennessee ratification
of suffmgo was Illegal all women's
votes cast under authority of the nine
i eenth amendment also would bo Ille
gal, and there would bo nothing to do
'ut throw out. the whole vote of states
where such illegal voting bnd occurred.
Thus, no candidate would have n ina
bility of the electors and the house of
reproeontutlvos would elect tlio presi
dent. DISTRIBUTION of President Wil
son's flock of sheep, which have
roamed the White llouso lawns for
fuvorn! years, began when a scoro wore
ihlppod to "somewhere In Vlrglnlu."
Alaska to Cape Horn), whereas on
the Isthmus of Panama It was fiO-l
This Is interesting because the Nlca
raugua canal may yet be dug to sup
plement for commercial purposes the
facilities of the Pnunmn ditch. Tho
route would bo .1.14 miles shorter from
New York to San Francisco than by
way of the Isth'tnus; nnd tho canal
would not cost more than one-third
ns much ns thnt of Pnnnmn barring,
however, the rlncn price of labor and
Looking at tho mnp, one sees thnt
Nicaragua Is wide compared with
the Isthmus of Pnnnmn. But also
one observes thnt much of Its nar
rowest pnrt Is occupied by nn Immense
lake, 100 miles long nnd -15 miles
broad, out of which n large river,
called the Snn Juan, runs eastward all
tho way of the Caribbean sea. A strip
only 12 miles wide separates tho lake
from the Pacific ocean; three-fourths
of the river's length Is nnvlgnhle, nnd
thus, as It might bo said, most of tho
digging has already been done by na
ture. There would be, ns n matter of fact,
about -IS miles of ditch to be dug; but
nearly all of this Is through lowlands,
and the Job would bo correspondingly
The distance ncross the Tehuante
pec neck Is 125 miles ns the crow
Round the World
maintain wireless communication be
tween tills country nnd our forces In
France, since at that time there was
grave fear that German submarines
might bo able to cut the trans-oceanic
cables and leave Pershing Isolated so
far as Immediate communication with
the United States was concerned.
The station now completed. Is the
largest In tho world. It hns elgjit
S20-foot towers, and Its engineering
features, while In general modeled on
those of our nnval stations at Arling
ton nnd Annapolis, are unique both In
their ningnltude nnd In some features
of their design.
The success of this station In
transmission is exemplified by the
fact, that tho audibility of Its signals,
as measured at the naval radio labora
tory In the bureau of standards, Is five
times the audibility of the similar sig
nals from the Germnn radio station at
Nauen. '
mal food was described by E. C. Slier
rard and G. W. Blanco.
Whl to sawdust, finely ground, Is
treated with diluted sulphuric acid In
a large holler known as a digester, un
der steam pressure. This breaks up
tin' fiber nnd extracts the sugar. To
prevent Injurious effects, the acid Is
neutralized by adding lime to produce
chemical reaction.
The liquid thus obtained, when
boiled down, is rlcl In sugar, and when
mixed witli the fiber produces a moist
feed containing about 15 per cent of
water, In which form it is fed to dairy
At the forest products laboratory,
United States department of agricul
ture, Madison, Wis., experiments
proved thnt three cows thrived on thU
sawdust ration and not only give more
milk,. but Increased In weight. So says
Uncle Sam.
Tho result was so satisfactory that
the government hns decided to tnko
the matter up on a larger scale at the
experiment stations throughout tho
country and furnish a detailed report
on tluvnluo of hydrolyzed sawdust as
cattle food. So says Uncle Sam.
ty there you are. Probably milk,
cream and butter, with a delicious saw
dust flavor will soon bo added to tho
II. C. L.
Hitch Other Items
THIS recent demotion of Brig. Gen.
George Barrett from the rnnk of inn
jor general, commnndnnt of tho inn
lino corps, and tho fact that no ac
tion has been taken on his application
for appointment ns major general to
till a new existing vacancy, Is exciting
lively comment In navy ami marine
corns circles.
BUYKltS of stills, beware, or tho
government will get you. All buyors
must swenr .that they will use stills
only for water, and records of all
sales and resales will bo kept.
Immediately after a "Dnnderlne'
massage, your hair takes on new llfev
lustre and wondrous beauty, appear
ing twice ns heavy nnd plentiful be
cause each hnlr seems to (luff and'
thicken. Don't let your hnlr stay life
less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You,,
too, wnnt lots of long, strong, beauti
ful hair.
A 35-eent bottle of delightful'
"Dnndorlne" freshens your scalp,
checks dandruff and falling hnlr. Thlsi
stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to
thin. dull, fading hnlr that youthfult
brightness nnd abundant thickness
All druggists I Adv.
Playing Safe.
"Thnt fellow seems to have horsei
"He keeps away from the races.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it ls that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. Th'
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation (that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as liko
an endless chain system the remedy ie
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a.
preparation I have sold for many yearsn
and never hesitate to recommend, for it
almost every case it shows excellent re
cults, as many of my customers testify
No other kidney remedy has so large &
According to sworn statements and'
verified testimony of thousands who bav
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact,,
o many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of,-Swamp-Root
by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y;p.
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
tor sale at nil drug stores. Adv.
Instalment Stuff.
"Been visiting tho Newcoaibes, hV
Is their furniture antique?"
"No; on tick, I fancy."
Name "Bayer" on Genuine;
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
nnd prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbrokco
"Bayer pnekage" which contains proper
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Colds nnd Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tnblets cost few cents. Druggists also,
sell Inrger "Bayer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark Buyer Manufacture Mon
oacetlcacidester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
Its Nature.
"Just Imagine thnt steel mngiiate'0
talking of the brotherhood of roan."
"Thnt's his lino Irony."
"They Work while you Sleep
Knock on woodl You're feeling
flue, eh? That's great I Keep the entire
family feeling that way alwuys with
occasional Cascarets for tho liver nnd
bowels. When bilious, constipated,
headnchy, unstrung, or for a cold,
apset stomncb, or bad breath, nothing
acts like Cascarets. No griping, uo
Inconvenience. 10, tin, 60 cents. Adv.
At tho exnet moment the proposal
is iiiado :i young mnn actually believes
he Is not worthy of the girl.