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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
.1 l 4' ' i Name Description Section Amt Tovnlili 15 ltnnRc SO C Charlton All 1 39.30 Tfm. II. IUttmnn... NEU & 3 2 32.30 C. Charlton NWtf 2 8.90 C. Charlton All 3 39.30 Wcaiman A. Stearns NHNKU, W&, S4SEU 39.30 Bmma Pulver SViNEtf, NtfSEH -1 11.15 C. Charlton All 5 39.30 Jj. A. Wight 13 28.10 I. A. WlKht All 23 39.30 Louis C. Blacsl E4NEK, & WfcNWti & SVd 24 28.10 J. E. Evans .'. . . .WNEU, EtfNWU 24 "9-.C2 C. V. Turple r.,NSW 27 39.30 C. V. Turplo All 28 40.40 C. V. Turplo All 29 39.30 C. V. Turnip :W4 32 22.70 C. V. Turple v All 33 39.30 Townnhlp Jfl H nn pro 21) Herman I.uschon EE',4 & SW 2 47.94 Oharlotto I. Woodward. .All 3 165.95 Brncst E. Kclsar NWU 4 18.30 W, L.. Majorowiz N 11 S5.C0 Prank Blevlns E 12 34.40 Wlsloy Blevlns WttEVt 14 41.90 A. J. Salisbury All 19 57.0C McDonald Stato Bank...W 0 19.90 rallllam B. Marrs NWU 21 15.0S Thos. W. Bayno NEU & NKSHtt 2fi 21.10 noy I. Bayno NWU & WSWH M 17.35 Hyran Fletcher All 29 40.90 Byran Fletcher All 30 43.42 Byran Fletcher All 31 33 08 V. D. Greeley NV4 & SEU 32 25.75 McDonald Stato Bank. . . .SWU 32 S.57 O. Charlton All 33 3S.0 C. Charlton NEU 34 9.51 Townnlilp Ilnncc .10 , Hattto Sundorland WSW 2 9.11 Battle Sunderland EU 3 oc.01 Howard Slmmen Estate. .NEU & EVSNWU & . NEUSWU & NBUSEU C 34.71 Alma B. Slmms NWUSEU . C 4.50 HaUIo Sunderland WNBJi 10 9.11 Eliza Stovons WSWU 1 t-11 Jarnes C Stuart SEU. SEUSWU 12 22.14 James C. art. . . .SWU. & ?, James C. Stuart .. .NWUNEU ft Boyal S. Stuoky WW. RW " Carl Crumroy i, 2, "I? S. E. Johson ;&SH 7? lenlkT:: :. v.eSuTneuseu if i : n7ohnsoyn WpEU,NW 3 2.0 Llezlo Benkosky NWUSWU '" Towiin1i1 10 Iinnce 30 Frances Kanouf Ntt & EttSBU 8 28.80 Charles W. Dillon SWi 14-3 Charles W. Dillon ...... N & SEU " "-uu Townnhlp 11 nnnpfc an N. H. Kronqueat All N. II . Kronquest All Solla McQulro & 1Mb V. Anderson .NEU ft fl4 8 81.81 Austin U Fletcher MNMi rsr we' E4 i S. E. Mansfield NWU - lu O. A. Schrecongost SEU 34 12.0C ToiTimlilp 13 llntiRc 30 M. K. Collins All 5 C3.90 It. U. Ballard SEU 6 10.24 Joseph Blacltwoll NEU 12 4B.57 Joseph C. Johnson SWU 12 4C.47 Oust Brantliiff SWU 13 46.95 N. H. Buckley SEU n4 43.75 N. E. Buckley All 15 100.95 Wm. J. Collins NEU 22 39.10 Oust Brnntlnu All 23 127.00 O. Duckworth S14NEU & SEU 34 1S.S5 Townnlilp 1.1 Hiwkc 30 Christina Wlllson Pt. N4 SWUNWU 3 9.75 W. T. Banks Pt. Lot 5 ft S4 8 115.96 Eva Uoddy Pt. Lot 2 9 .90 Walter F. Carlson Lots 8 ft 11 12 14.77 Walter F. Carlson WV4E 13 57.C2 Camilla I. Bell E ft BU-WU 16 19S.1S Jennlo Byan WHWVi ' 16 74.26 Jcnnlo Byai EH 17 120.80 Thomas E. Doollttlo. . . .W4 IS 132.93 James McClymont WV4 23 81.65 II. T. Wooduate W 24 101.39 James McClymont W!4 26 26.59 .Tamos McClymont Et 27 26. 5S TmviiNlilp 1'l IIiiiikc 30 M. E. Bokesklo 13 4 14.96 James A. Shaw SWU 8 27.27 Balph II. Ford NWUNBU ft N ',4 NW U ft SWUNWU .. 12 13.81 John Bratt NV4NWU ft ST3UNWU ft NEUSWU -16 17.9.1 Marlon II. Evans SWU ft NWUSBU 24 27.47 Win. B. Plttinan Pt. Lot 1 2S 7.58 II. N. Hart Pt. N4 31 300.27 Win. Bailey W4B'.4SWU ft W'iSWU 31 309.60 Townnlitp 15 IUiiikp 30 Frank Mlcheal All 3 50.26 Chris Johnson All 4 50.51 Chas. Hartman NEU 5 S.42 C. J. Hamot NEU 6 12.05 Chas. Hartman NWU ft NV4SWU fi 14.11 Mary McDonald SV4SWU. W4SE 6 12.39 W. II. McDonald BSEU 6 5.04 P. O. Qualloy All 9 38.60 H. W. Bills All 15 49.S4 L. H. Hutchcns W14NWU. SEUNWU IS 11.18. N. Kolso NNEU 22 7.51 John Weldon NEU 22 14.30 Isaac L. Feascl SEU 26 21.72 Isaac L. Fcasol All 25 19.73 TnmiNlilp 10 ltnnn'p 30 Harry P. Stevens All 3 51.75 Fred Bodlo W4 ' 7 24.46 Fred B. Hartman All 9 37.26 Harry P. Stevens All 10 72.40 Harry P. Stovcns All 11 32.55 D. J. Greeley All 12 S2.18 D. J. Greeley All 13 72.40 Harry P. Stevens All . 15 32.55 D. T. Denmcad NEU 19 12.77 D. W. Moon E4 ft SWU 20 38.80 Harry P. Stovcns BVj ft SWU 21 27.77 M. L. Wellivcr NWU 21 8.05 . John Bratt All 20 37.26 Adam E. Donaldson All 29 52.06 Chas. Hartman N SEU 32 4 6.59 Carollno Belton SWU 32 18.4S Township 11 IlnuKC 3S George Andernon N4 & SEU 2 3S.45 Edwin G. Hudson NWU 8 13.90 Holrs of David TogBart. .NEU H 9.41 Bobert M. Dowell NEU 20 0.80 E. A. Brown NEU 22 23.91 II. E. Wilson NEU & S14 26 30.20 II A Latlrrer i 42 00 Jal o Wanner All ::0 51.25 W. T. Erwln SSWU & SEU 32 24.31 r i.t i.i it DR. J. S. TW1NEM Medicine Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilitie Platte Valley Hospital hr W I QHAPPPR I ll. VI . 1. uiir&K AJuai it FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Real Estate References and Pates First National Bank. Res. 100 Kast Ord St. Miono 912 HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. No market for bones at present. L. LIPSHITZ. DR. IIABOLD FENNEIt Osteopath Over nirsclifold's Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 DItS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 6, C, 7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 : Osteopathic it Physician HAY FEVER AND U H CATARRHA DEAFNESS 8 OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nebr. v v NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ol Posloftice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the fcientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement c&sei . Completsly equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas. M. D. J. B. RedfieId.M.D. J. S. SIMMS. M.D. ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-O-LITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Co. 1 APP1LE S DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Sargem Office orcr Roxnll Drag Stoie Offlco Phono 371. Houso 10G8 We will begin selling our Winter Apples on October 1st. at the Clcnburnie Fruit Farm, lour miles north ol Sutherland. No sales made on Sunday. M. II. Woodman, Prop. I)R. C. E. McREYNOLBS, Specialist. Eye. Ear, Noso and Throat. Offico over Hoxnll Drag Store. Phono 118. JOnN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Snrcrery McDonald Bnnk Building Office Phone 83 Residence 89 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Glren to Snrgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phonoa: Offlco 130, Residence 115 DR. REDFEELD Pliyslcinn, Obstctrictan Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Offlco C12 Bcsldence 676 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. DERBYBERIIT & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Director Dny phone 41 Night phono Black &88 TV. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Governmont Votorlnarlan and ox- assistant doputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vino Street. Hospital Phone Block C33 House Phone Black 633 A GOOD PLACE TO EAT Is really hard to find theso days, but wo can assudo you wo nro that place Nothing fancy or elaborato about our restaurant Just good plain food, tho freshest and best In tho market served in a cleanly and nppetlzlng way for you, at no profiteering prpico3 Why not try us? HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UGAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depo TAKEN UP On or about Sept. 22 on :ny proml ses in Gracoland Addition Ono Bay Shetland pony, with threo whito foot. Owner can havo same by set tling cost of feod and advertising. J. D. HOLT. In Cherry Time k By JESSIE E. SHERWIN GOOOOOOOCOCOOOCOSGOCCC (, 1920, Wcttern Newspaper Union.) "What does Cousin Aggie gny?" in quired Mrs. Buxton of her seventeen-year-old daughter, as tho latter read a letter she had Just received. "Just commonplace news, mamma," responded Nellie Buxton. "She writes me, however, to bo sure to tell you that they have tbo most wonderful cherry crop ever was, and that Uncle Silas will ship you three- bushels lu about two weeks." "ll'ml" remarked Mrs. Buxton, a trille discomposed. "I have heard that tho cherry crop Is phenomenal all over the country and no one to pick them except at three times tho usual rate. It is thoughtful of Silas to remember us, but I wonder If lie understands that the city Is rationed on sugar." "Can't we double up on buying and have enough on band to uso when tho fruit arrives?" suggested Nellie. "Hardly. Ono grocer allows us Just n pound a day, and then nt live times above normal price. I don't mind that so much, for sugar is a necessity." "I suppose it would take quite a lot to do up three bushels of cherries," ventured Oscar Hoed, who was sit ting by, but usually very uncommuni cative when in the prcsenco of the mother of tho family. Mrs. Buxton hod laid down some pretty stringent rules us to Nellie nnd her company. Oscar was allowed to call In tho eve ning once a week only, and then he passed the hour or two granted In tho same room with the fnmlly. If there was any entertainment going on Nellie did not get n chance to ac cept Oscar's Invitation as an escort unless her parents accompanied them. "Nellie Is too young to get a lot of love nonsense Into her bead," Mrs. Buxton had onco romnrked, and Oscar overheard her and considered her an ogress, but ho was politic enough ever to defend bis present sparse privileges and to try winning her good graces In every way possible. So when Mrs. Buxton computed the sugar needs of the cherry season ahead, Oscar made a mental note of the same and, recalling as well that It would bo her birthday about tho time I'ncle Silas would ship the cherries, he took credit to himself for devising a scheme that would certainly win tho finornble opinion of the mother of bis Imiinornla. "Said anything to your mother about the picnic we are Invited to. Nellie?" questioned Oscar breathless ly In the bare minute and a half al lowed them to linger on the veranda, j "Oh. yes, anil I can go, of course, , but the family are planning to attend too." and Oscar sighed at tho prospect he bad anticipated of having Nellie all flay to himself. "I won't get discouraged," ho rumi nated on his way homeward bound. "Sugar! It has always made me think of sweet dnrlln, Nellie! Now It's going to mnke me think of her mother. How am 1 going to work It? I declare! It's beginning to rain," and, without storm coat or .umbrella Oscar hostened his steps and sought shelter under nn awning In front of a store given oxer to second-hand goods of varied sorts, Including clothing. The array of suits, hats, overcoats and the like was heterogeneous enough to al low a wide choice of attire. Then as Oscar's gaze rested upon tho big de partment store opposite, bis eyes glowed brightly and ho smiled. "The very combination !" he chuckled. "I have the dinner Imur to put In motion my grand scheme for acquiring a small-sized refinery In the sugar line. Sure, I can work It. Let mo see If I can manage to enpturo the pounds per day for two weeks. Tlint would mean a bulk of sixty pounds, more than enough U put up those cherries furnished by Uncle Silas, nnd probably sweeten up the strict old lady 1 would be glad to cherish as a mother-ln-Iaw." Next day Oscar visited the storo of tho dealer In a second-hand goods. Without much trouble ho arranged to have tho temporary use of such ar ticles as he needed for his bold plan of becoming sugar miser. He did not waste any time jii noonday lunch eon, but entered the grocery depart ment of tho department storu where one piiund of tho saccharine novelty was sold to a customer. Appearing first In propria personae, then with another- hat and n grotesquely plaidcd overcoat, even with a silk tllo and wenring goggles, In the crowd he was not recognized as the audacious re peater thnt he was. Oscar kept track of the promised shipment from Uncle Silas. Ho chose tho evening of their arrival for his once-a-week call upon Nellie. Ilo found nil hands pitting tho fruit, but Mrs. Buxton lu a gloomy mood be cause she had not the sugar to put up more than half a bushel. "Nellie told me this Is your birth day, Mrs. Buxton," observed Oscar in nocently. "I have a little ottering that may be of uso to you. It's on the porch sixty pounds of sugar." "Say ! I'll pay you double prlco for It, Just to imilcu ma smiling nnd Jolly ngaln!" declared Mr. Buxton, but Os car insisted on tho free acceptance of his little gift, and Mrs. Buxton fairly beamed upon him. Her heartfelt ac knowledgment of his clever donation was expressed by keeping the rest of tho family at work in tho kitchen, whlio she shooed him nnd Nellio out Into the gnrden with tho remark: "Too many cooks spoil tho broth," and tho ilrst of many blissful hours alone with Nellio came into tho for tunate young man's life. For relinblo transfer sorvlco phono vour calls to C. H. Sptcor, Donelson's :gur Storo, Phono 172W. 7C-0t A complcto lino of ladies all silk hoso nt tho A. T. Johnson Dept. Store. Special at $2. CO, $3.00 and $3.50. 73-2 A reduction In green coiTeo enables us to reduce our price or our Homo Roast CoiTeo 10 cents per pound. We will retain tho same high grade as formerly and sell it at 'JO cents per pound which makes 10 cents per pound less to tho consumer over any other coffee sold in North Platte of equal grade- Rush Mercantile Co. Last tall on rotatoes. $1.50 per Bushel. We have a car of good potatoes on hand 5 for sale at $1.50 per bushel delivered. is All these potatoes are sorted. Lay in your supply now. Artificial Ice Co. PHONE 40. IS r BEWARE "The Vigilantes" Are at the SUN THEATRE TO -DAY! Seven stirrin reels that take' (you, back to the time that old was discovered in Cali forniaStirrink action and superb scenic effects "3 North Platte Equity Association Oil Dwy Street Phono 108 MEATS AND GROCERIES Quality and Satisfaction Our Motto; Try us with your' i:ct order and be satisfied. THE HOUSE OF GOOD EATS Highest Market Price Paid for Produce FREE DELIVERY t3 lillllllllllllilllilii.m.ii.ii,ih1iHp ood coal; 1 CONTFNTneNT V a ft. a A- .t