"i -U 1 Crystal Tonight William Russell in "The Challenge ot the Law" Sunshine comedy - Chase Me. GOOD MUSIC. LOCAL AND PERSONAL .jElsio Hoaston loft Monday for Sutherland. Mrs. William Stuck spent last week in Lexington Wo grind our own lenses. Dixon & Son. Fred Elliott returned Monday from a visit in Denver. Go j. Gibbs transacted business in Denver this week. Miss Bolva Flynn camo the first of the week to visit friends. Dr. Howard lost, Dentist, Twlucin Building. I'hono 307. 77tf Supt. Llttel accompanied the foot ball team to Lincoln yesterday.) A baby boy was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hermansen. .James Flynn left yesterday for Lincoln to attend tho football games NOTICE Our salo ends Saturday night Oct. lGth. C. M. Austin, Jeweler Emil Loypoldt and CharleB Sluder Tfdro fined Sunday for auto speeding Emil Loypoldt has accepted a pos ition at tho Williard Servico Station. Mrs. Thomas Long, of Denver, is visiting at the homo of Mrs. Tatum. Dr. Morrill. Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store. Albert Badgett loft tho first of the wepk for a week's visit in Salt Lake. Mrs. R. H. Stock left tho llrst of Uio week for a short visit in Arnold. Charles Boguo loft tho llrst of the week for Laramio to transact busi ness. Mrs. J., A. Guynan, of this city, who has been visiting in Schulyer returned Sunday. jMrs... Noah Sherr. of .Columbus. Is visiting at' tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Block. : Beautiful diamonds at Dixon's at reasonable prices, in the newest stylo of mountings. Mrs. F. 0. Johilson and children left tho first of tho jveek for Stroms burg to visit relatives. A baby girl was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dorram, all con cerned aro doing nicely. jf EE Lm aaa How 'much and which ones for Friday and Saturday Only, Oct. 15 and 16. OCT. 15th AND 16th. Another large shipment of BROOMS. 1 Fancy Parlor Broom (only 2 to a customer) each .48 1 Can Light House Cleanser 05 1 Bar Lava Soap 07 3 Bars Cream Oil Soap 25 v20 Bars Laundry Soap .92 Six Bars P. & G. White Naptha Soap 4S Six Packages Star Naptha Washing Powder 28 2 Cans Lewis Lye ' .25 iy Lbs. Navy Beans -25 2 Lbs- Fancy Japan Rice .25 3 Pacakages Soda 24 2 Large Packages Corn Flakes 38 3 Package E C Corn Flakes 25 1 Large 45c Package Crackers 35 1-4 oz. Bottle Vanilla Flavoring 35 l-i, lb. Can G & S Cocoa .25 1-iJlb can G & S Black Pepper- 25 Six" Packages Matches ' 35 1 Bushel Potatoes 1.35 1 Largo Jar Apple Butter 45 1 Large quart Jar Trevejo Jam 58 1 Large 14 Oz. Jar Prepared Mustard 15 1 Large Package Quaker Oats 34 1-5 lb Can Calumet Baking Powdler 1.00 1-5 lb. Can K.C Baking Powder 75 1-48 lb. Sack Best Guaranteed flour 5.05 1 lb Can Coffee - 45 1-3 lb Can Coffee - 1.30 1 lb G & S quality Coffee 40 1 lb G & S Silver Nut Oleomargarien 35 l-15c Glass G & S Mustard : 12 3 Cans No 2 Tomatoes .42 3 Cans No 2 Peas - - .42" 3 Cans No. 2i2 Hominy .44 Get our prices on potatoes.apples cabbage and onions for winter. These prices are good at all four stores. I Gamble & Mr and Mrs. Chas. Boguo and family loft Inst ovonlng for Lincoln to nttond Uio football gamos. Miss Babo Cooney, of Overton, who has been visiting in this oity for some time loft last Monday for hor homcj Eyog tested by tho lntost motliods. Dixon & Son. H-iry Ellus was lined fourtoon dol lar ami oigthy cents last Saturday Jr. the County Court for speeding, Miss Adolo LoDloyt loft last-ovcning for Lincoln to visit Miss Elsio Wal temath and attend tho football gamos. Tolil-Du-Nord Gingham ?.G0 value special $.35 at tho A. T. Johnson Dept. Store. Rev. Ivos. of Sidney, who" hae bcon visiting at tho homo of Rov. and' Mrs. Mackintosh loft Monday for oastorn points. An Iygorsoll for tho boy. Dixon, tho Jcwolor. Charles Rinckor, Joo Plzor and Mor ris Williams roturned laBt Sunday evening from a short visit in Grand Island. I have a . vory new assortment of trimmed hats in all colors and suit able for all ages in my ?G.50 depart ment. VILLA WIIITTAKER Block's Second Floor. t Miss Doris Dunn left Monday for hor homo in Sutherland after spending somo time in this city on account of illness. Judgo Grimes and Attorney James Kcofo left tho first of tho week for Chappel whero the term of court is convened. Miss Mabcllo McFarland left yester day or Grand Island to visit Mr si Herman Schlouter and will accompany her homo Sunday Mrs. L. H. Kirk, of Denver, who has been visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knlff left tho first of the week for her homo. Mr. and Mrs. L. A Blanchard,. of Evanston, 111., who havo been visit ing at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Morris left Monday. To whom are your going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf The Ladies of tho Methodist Aid Society huvo chosen Dec. lGtli as tho date of ther Annual Bazaar.i, The place to bo announced latere Only two more days to tako advan tage of our unusual discount sale Do not miss it. Salo ends Saturday night. It means $ to you. C. M. Aus tin, Jeweler One of tho attractions at tho ban quet given to-Prcsldont Gray and the other Union Pacific officials, last Mon day night was a Night-Bloomlng Cer eus. Tho plant was secured.from tho North Platto Floral Co. and four or five elegant blossoms appeared during tho banquet. Tho plant waB later transferred to tho show window of the Derryberry & Forjjes store. Springer. SALARIES OF , OUR TEACHERS THKUK IS 3fO SHOKTAGK OF TKAOHOS WHEN GOOD SAl.AMKS AIM! PAID. North Platto schools arc paying bet ter sulnrlos this your than over be fore and yot tho Hoard of Education is not payig enough to Its toachors. In order that tho patrons of the schools may know what is being paid, wo havo aecurod a copy of tho salary roll and herewith present a sum mary Tho Superintendent rccoivcd$3.200; tho Senior High School Principal $2, 250;, tho Junior High School Princip al $1,800: two men teachers receive $2,000; ono toachor receives $1,700; two at $1,250; eighteen at $1,500; two at $1,450; nineteen nt $1,250; nine ut $1,100 and ono at $000. Tho last named is doing supply work for tho first somostor only. All salaries aro on tho basis of twolve monthly pay ments nnd represent tho remuneration for tho year. Tho salaries of regular teachers de pend on tho preparation and service. Special teachers aro secured at reas onable salaries, each being selected on account, of his or her special fit ness for tho place and each Is paid a salary adeqauto for the preparation and fitness. During the wnr the shortage was caused by tho demands of tho government for trained women in its servico but sinco tho war, tho troubles of the North Platto Board of Education in tho matter of teacher shortage wore caused by low salaries. Now that mor'o money is available, the Hoard has wisely decided to spend it in paying more to its teacher em ployees. UNION PACIFIC' PAY ItOLL. In his talk at the banquet Monday evening, Mr. Bare had expected to mention the monthly pay-roll of the Union Pacific but questioned tho pro priety of doing so at that time. How ever ho says ho learned from the local officials that the total disbursement at this terminal for the month of SeptfcinV waa a littlo in excess of three hundred thousand dollars. This is equivalent to distributing twenty nino dollars to each man, .woman and child in North Platto. September, was of course, a big month, larger than tho average month, but business in this old world must become very stag nant to reduce tho Union Pacific pay roll at North Platto to loss than $200. 000 por month. HONOllK!) (JUKSTS AT ItlJCKPTION Rev. and Mrs. It. O. Mackintosh and son John were tho honored guests t a reception given Wednesday In tho' Episcopal church basement. Tho pro gram consisted of music by Miss JjColla Dorram and Robert Dickey, a solo by Miss Helen Bonner, a reading by Miss Adelo LeDIoyt, and a solo by Mrs. Shriveiv J. Q. Wilcox gave tho farcwoll address and presented them with a beautiful servico of silver as a token of appreciation of what their pastor had done for them,. A lunch was served by tho Ladles Guild at tho close of tho program. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Water bills wore duo Oct. 1st and will, becomo delinquent after Ocd 20th when servico may bo discontin ued if not paid. All parties who know water bills aro not paid will pleaso sco they aro paid by Oct. 20th . No bills will bo mailed out. IIEIISIIEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner ;:ov: Staring him in tho face was a pearl handled twenty-two in tho trembling hands of a decidedly pretty girl. For getting that sho had tho drop on him, Jim Benton doubled up with laughtor and though ho did not know it at the time, ho was pierced through tho heart Not by a bullet from tho twenty-two Oh, No-but by ono of Cupid's fatal darts. If you want to know tho rest como to tho Crystal Saturday of Monday and sco Roy Stewart as Jim Benton. Owing to tho financial condition ot tho North Platto Country Club, tho Fromcr Modal Contest has boon post poned as it was Imposslblo to get suitablo prizes. Thero Is a Class Club contest to bo hold, which will start Sunday, October 17th. This Is to bo hold without ontranco fco. Pairs will bo 6olocted and posted in tho window of Nowton's store. Tho United States Civil Servico Commission announces an examina tion for rural carrlor at Brady and Ingham, to bo hold at North Platto, Nov. 13th. Full datalls can bo secur ed by addrosslng tho Postmagtor at North Platto. ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi an ffi mil ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi knowing something of made by Fireston ffi ffi ffi ffi in this vicinity since the first day of June, 1919? Number Tires sold from June 1st, !9I9, to June I, 1920, ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Number of adjustments twelve or less than 2 per cent. Does this mean anything TO YOU? ffi Wefare still offering this high class merch- j ffi andise at greatly reduced prices, as follows: In SIZE PLAIN NON-SKID TUBES. 30x3 $13.25 $2.75 30x31 15.95 $(7.95 2.90 31x4 23.00 25.25 4.00 32x3a 19.85 21.30 3.30 32x4 25.35 28.30 4.25 33x4 26.90 29.70 4.45 34x4 26.95 30.30 4.80 32x4a 33.65 37.60 5.65 34x41 35.95 41.95 5.95 ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi iffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi TIRE swould you be interested in Tires 80 ervice Telephone 820 ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi the record ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Station